Saturday, June 1, 2024
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  1. Take care, mwana …. How can you proceed down this route before matters before the courts are disposed of? Or are you just excited about the reins of power and can’t wait to exercise the same?

    • even those powers he is excited about. powers in a party that is going down and no hope of ever resuscitating it. lungu sometimes shocks me to say the least. any way, continue kulawayawayafye till you grow too old like someone I wont mention the name.

    • The issue is a non-starter. Nyangu applied to have the case stopped because of irregularities. That is a non-issue now. Kaingu, Chituwo, Dora and Mulusa are going. I pity them

    • Matipa please,let it sink into your thick head that MMD won’t die.The death of MMD is wishful thinking.Kaingu and Co,can be delt with even now.What is in Court is different from discipling the ailing MMD Members.Don’t confuse matters.The Party has to continue functiong despite the so-called injuction which has got many flaws,even a non-legal person can notice that.

    • Kano nga ebo,don’t confuse matters.Disciplining ailing MMD Members like Kaingu and Team is different from the Court Injuction.The Party functions have to continue.Besides if any Party wants these characters they ‘re free to approach told PF and UPnD needs some of them.

  2. Clean the MMD of bad names. Dora must go first then Kaingu and the rest! Every club has some level of discipline. In an election, not everyone likes the winner but all must respect those who have been elected – that is wisdom!

  3. Let sanity return to the MMD Secretariat.Surely how can Kafumukache hold a press- briefing at the Secretariat denouncing the Party President.?Wonders shall never end.Thank God,with this measure in place,no more wonders at the MMD Secretariat.Well done bwana SG,The Secretariat has started functioning.All the NEC Members(especially Chairpersons,should also start functioning in their respective potofolios.

    • Ba’ tulu bulu’,which Convention are you talking about?Where were you when the Convention took place where Dr Mumba emerged winner with 50+1,convincingly beating all the other candidates-the likes of Mutati,Musokotwane,Kavindele,simbao,Muteteka.Now who’re those leaders you’re dreaming about,going to come from who never showed up when they were mostly needed?For now it’s Dr Mumba,if you don’t like him,too bad,try next time if you will still exist.

  4. Chineke!! An illegal party secretary, illegally asking elected NEC Members, some senior in position to him, to illegally exculpate themselves? Awe ubupuba tabasumika. The 5 are legally elected iNEC members and at constituency level as MPs whose contributions sustain the operations that the masquarade is pretending to perform.
    Nshakaleke ukupapa.

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