Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Electoral Commission of Zambia distances itself from Kabimba’s revelations

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  1. Kabimba is not only a Joke himself but a Mad Chap. Anyone that listens to what this dwaft, squint eyed, red lipped Fellow says does so at there own risk.

    Thanks ECZ, one of the few remaining senile Government Institutions remaining.

  2. ECZ is right. Only Kabimba, Mwanza and the rest of the PF PVT team know what happened. The statement was not made from without. The disappointing thing is that the law enforcement agencies are all quiet on the matter. Had it been a member of the opposition by now s/he would have been arrested. Anyway, since it is on record we shall deal with the matter when PF are no longer in power.

  3. Essentially what ECZ is saying is that Mr. Kabimba was lying, rather stretching the truth, maboza, ubufi. Kabimba was trying to impress the easterners for nothing.

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