Sunday, June 2, 2024

Govt asked to act as hunger ravages some rural areas


A Kitwe based politician has called on government to quickly take measures to reduce prices of commodities, such as mealie meal.

Kalumbwa Kaputo says the prices of fuel, mealie meal and other foodstuffs have continued to rise.

He says there is need for quick response from government to address the situation.

Mr Kaputo was speaking to ZNBC news in an interview.

He said President, Rupiah Banda, and his cabinet should act decisively to ensure most commodities are affordable.

Meanwhile a civic leader in Choma, whose remote ward has been hit by severe hunger, has claimed that people have resorted to surviving on wild roots and raw Masuku fruit as the only alternative.

Kauba ward councillor, Harry Hamuntanga, said the hunger situation in the hilly area of chief Moyo has reached alarming proportion, and warned of imminent starvation is there is no prompt government intervention.

Mr Hamuntanga told ZANIS in Choma that children have been the worst victims of hunger with most of them exhibiting signs of malnutrition.

Officials from the World Food Programme (WFP), who paid a courtesy call on the district administration in Choma, announced that relief food would be distributed only to 9 wards out of the 27 wards in the district.

But Mr Hamuntanga, whose ward is located in Pemba constituency, wondered what would happen to the rest of the wards that have left out of the distribution programme.

He said the sky-rocketing price of mealie meal and maize makes it impossible for villagers to buy food.

Mr Hamuntanga called upon government to move in quickly and address the hunger situation.

District Commissioner, Laiven Apuleni, last week told ZANIS that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit was making frantic efforts to deliver 300 metric ton of relief maize to the district.

Pupils at most schools in Mungwi have abandoned classes in preference to collecting caterpillars in the forests.

And education authorities in the district have recorded a high number of pupil absenteeism during the just-ended grade 7 final examinations.

A check at various schools in the township by ZANIS found very few pupils attending lessons while many of them were out harvesting caterpillars.

And some teachers talked to said the practice has been going on for the past two weeks now.

The pupils are said to have been enticed into collecting caterpillars because of the bread and other essential commodities that traders were offering in exchange with the insects.

The harvesting of the wild, season caterpillars has also affected other social aspects as men and women have abandoned their homes in order to catch caterpillars for economic reasons.

Currently, traders from other parts of the country, especially from the Copperbelt, have invaded Mungwi and have set-up camps in various villages where they are exchanging goods with caterpillars from the locals.



  1. Its so unfortunate pa Z. Why is it that the strengthening of the kwacha does not reflect and impact the livelihood of the masses.Ba politician dont just amass welth to yourselves, the villagers voted you into office the least you can do is help them with esentials such as food. RB where are you villagers need you!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. you should have voted for HH… now continue to suffer and beg the MMd for help….the hour has come to sodomise the electorate

  3. Hi Guys have you looked at the ECZ pull-out in todays Paper? check the electrol Map and tell me the difference between PF and UPND. They are both regional parties. if UPND is the only regional and tribal party can someone tell me why PF is not.HH got southern by landslide just as Sata got Luapula and Northern. HH got small pockets in northwestern and central just as Sata got some pockets in copperbelt and central.although its worth mentioning Satas pockets where usualy in high density Areas but we are looking at regions here. MMD then swept the rest of the entire Map.MMD is the only party that is not region lets not be shy about the facts

  4. Very sad indeed, raw Masuku…I don’t even know who to blame…You for Voting for a losing party or the losing Party for letting us down!!!

  5. most of your mps are busy in Lusaka applying shakafuswa’s method while you are chasing caterpillars, amasuku and inswa.
    This is just the begining, state house has got your votes and neglected you.

    ifwe ni zeee

  6. I was thinking but aloud, suppose each one of us puts his comments number and left would this blog really be worthy reading e.g the first blogger. anyway, maybe we need humour as well but not just yet, later in the comments. Iyi njala mwati izakata mu Zambia, we should look at long term solutions which are sustainable. I still remeber the days of NAMBOARD and those ZCCF and Contract Haulage trucks, we really had food security by building our store houses with food.

  7. number 8, u r very shallow don`t compare pf to upnd. sata is a true national leader and not the thieves mmd who stole our votes. anyway time will tell. that map does not reflect the peoples wish. don`t worry, am on my way to sort out kalale

  8. Iwe #8 utamangila ku komenta without reading the story ayi? The space will always be there for you to comment, you are well off the tangent in regards to the story. We are talking about hunger here and not your regional or tribal thing. Or maybe you have something in your head and your hands are typing something else, in that case then your hands are rebellious to the brain for they are suppose to receive instructions from the head. What do you say about Njala iwe?


  10. Why would guys in the rurral area want to buy mealie meal?
    I thought the most common method of survival in the rural areas was farming. That is the impression I get whenever I visit my grandmother’s village. People live on home grown cassava, katapa and fish. If they need something they can’t grow eg clothes, they catch enough fish smoke it and head to the copperbelt to sell it. I can only justify the hunger situation if there was a drought. If not, while the people get the hand outs, they should be encouraged to go back to the land. Help them with farming incentives. Back to the land and we will be better off.

  11. “Us in Mungwi hav solution to our problems by collecting caterpillars for butta exchange”.
    Mmmmm my people for how long are you going to collect caterpillars? Go to school and remind Mr BB Rupiah to reduce fuel price as he had promissed during his final campaign.Wake up ambuye BB Rupiah start working,time is now!

  12. This man is just too much of quiet diplomacy this is what cost Mbeki his job. A president needs all time to comment on anything alarming in the nation. We only hear the Tetamashimbas and Ka Mulongoti speaking all the time where is he? This time around he has to learn to speak and asure the nation of all the happenings. He is not saying anying about what he is going to do after being elected. What a shame!!!!

  13. I think the only solution is to increase production of food. Increase the acreage under cultivation, broaden land ownership, create irrigation systems so that multiple harvests per year are possible.

    With only 20% of arable land in Zambia under cultivation, 3% under permanent irrigation and 70% of the population officially unemployed, it is not difficult to see what the problem is, maybe now there willl be the political will to do it.

  14. #8 I have seen the election results map. My first reaction was to doubt whether the map is accurate after all. If we have to go by the map, its true PF is a regional party. Actually, UPND even appears better.

  15. #22 I like your line of thought, uyenera unakulira kumunzi. What you have said is actually true in our days back home(Village) we used to lima enough maize and build bans for storage, my grandfather would then assess if we had enough to see us to the next farming season and then he could only allow us to sell the surplus. This was to enable us buy things that we could not lima like clothes, sugar and all those things. But to talk about hunger was unheard of unless as my brother said if there was drought which is beyond each ones control.

  16. village concept? I doubt wheteher the rural voters voted for can people who have no access to roads, schools & now
    food vote for bwezani? indeed its bwezani for everything. bwezani
    njala. No strategy, no vision and no mission. Nchito ni nyama soya.
    we told you||

  17. How are we going to survive, this hunger will continue killing us. When you want to express yourself that, the salary is not enough you are fired. Does Minister Transport & comm. have a heart for the people? or does she know that there people who can not afford a meal for the day or where the next meal will come from? on top of that the bread winner is fired. Where are we driving this country to? God help this country.

  18. I only pray that these people die of hunger coz they don’t listen. Their chiefs who support RB are swiming in food when their subjects are dying. Thats very good thing. Just be prepared for the worse for the next 2 years 11 months 16 days. No one will sympathise with u. Go to state house and get food. Mwalemona ati fwebamukalale twaka RB imwe ati eo tulefwaya. Go to state house and see if u will put your noses on the gate.

  19. #22 walasa! Some of these pipo r jst lazy. Kudala villagers didnt even use fertiliza but they had enough food to sustain themselves. These must have sold all their harvest xpecting to rely on food aid. By the way kcm is shutting down its smelter in kitwe meaning about 2000 employees might be laid off

  20. Let me add also that in oldden days it was a shameful thing to talk about hunger in the villages and so our parents used to work hard to avoid being embarrased. Hunger was associated with laziness and those of us who married from the villages, we were being assessed on this basis. Well maybe the farming inputs are expensive but all the same it calls for planing.

  21. #8 If we just consider the paint on the pull out map and determine which languages are widely spoken in the marked areas, we see the following.

    PF won in Bemba speaking areas and some metropolitans. PF must be a party for Bembas.

    UPND won in Tonga speaking areas and Luvale and Lunda speaking areas. UPND must be a party for Tongas.

    Neither Sata nor HH has any claim to being a national leader.

    I agree with you, lets face the truth and be objective.

  22. Ref.26.
    “UMUBEMBA TATEKWA”Sata has destroyer Zambia,by declaring that a BEMBA can not be ruled.

    One Zambia one Zambia will slowly die out.bemba are regional,check on the map from ECZ voting pattern.

  23. It is quite shocking that all of you are asking where RB is. He is probably sleeping somewhere. Besides, don’t you all remember Mike Mulongoti advising him to rest and find things sorted out? This is what is happening. Things are being sorted out in the MMD way (Mwalya Mweka Daddy). As for me i will only send some money to my Grandmother because she did not vote for MMD. I advise all my other relatives in the village who voted for RB to lick the sugar donated to them by Namugala and RB. Villagers are the most stubborn species i ever came across. What animal resists change?

  24. Friends PF areas holds different tribes and UPND is strictly just tonga so dont even compare. PF strongholds are mostly urban which are working areas which means are tribes are present. Honestly i have not even a single friend who is Tonga and supports any other apart from ‘Hakaivotela Humwine’

  25. RB is quite maybe he is thinking of replacing Tetamashimba on his position. It seems he has now regreted being President wa pa ZED.

  26. Let them die. I won`t even care. After all they voted for sugar.

    Nakuba bufi balebepa.

    They are a load of useless people who forget easily. Viva MMD Viva Sugar D Viva Zambia. Long may it continue.

    Ine pe!

  27. #41. Its pointless to go for a convention when other people who wants to challenge the incumbent are not allowed to attend the convention like what happend with MMD convention. Its just a formality that there was a convention. So its pointless to have it anyway.

  28. Kano kalelya 3 course meal nakabwalwa pa side ninshi imwe mulechula. Viva 1kg suga and 1 x 25kg meali meal for 3 years.

  29. #37 Spot on. Let them die. I used to give to Oxfam. I have stopped. People in Africa do not seem to bother. Why bother about them. May be Bush was right. Let Africa solve its own problems.

    Ine pe!

  30. Was that a bitter way of saying that villagers did well for voting RB into office? Its not even a month. Lets talk at this forum a few more months from now. Say three. Typical of P.F cadres always lokking for a mistake or gap. Its like blaming Obama for the economic crisis In America, the guy hasnt even been in office for a month. Think P.F politician. Dont exhibit your ignorance here.

  31. # 27, You have said it all. We should talk of hunger when there is a drought or floods.
    Unfortunately, medocre minds are talking of tribalism when the issue is hunger. Lack of analysis.

  32. Gentlemen and ladies, how do we ensure that the comments we are making reach the same rural people? Otherwise, we are just wasting our time. Its beeter they read or somehow these comments reach them so that next time they don’t make the same mistake of voting for 1kg sugar and a 25kg bag for 3 years.

  33. Iwe chi #8 you engined is knocked don’t be carried away with that map. How many people voted in the last election? You must be dan’s brother.

  34. #47 MAN ON THE GROUND are you sure you r on the groung? Doubtful. The MMD during campaign never mentioned hunger all they did is promise heaven on earth. For Obama, he is not in govt so you cannot blame him MMD? 17 years wasted and you have added another 3. Suffer you will under the plunderers

  35. #51 Who would be bothered? The Government machinery will always want to keep it this way. It works for them so why bother. Got to be honest with you, MMD will be very difficult to remove from power because they know what works for them. Unless, PF and HH swallow their pride and unite. But, then again, this will leave some egos bruised as is the case with Africans. They all want to be presidents. They all want to be Finance ministers.

    The fact that African presidents can higher and fire at any time makes it even worse. The question is homany Vice Presidents have we seen since MMD came into power? How many ministers have come and gone?



  38. Why is it that RB and his bootlickers has remained mute over the ever increasing food prices? my conclusion is,they are in total support of this. You know fellow bloggers, they simply want to recover the money spent on cheap fertiliser so you may as well forget about the reduction of mealie meal prices.

  39. Iwe #45 wilalanda efyo ulemona kwati ifwe natutemwa ifilechitika pa ZED. Ma setting ayo ulechita. Ine pano with my family we only have one meal per day @ 16:00 till the following day. I work very hard but the cost of living is too high.

  40. #47 I like your determination to show your ignorance publicly. You are on the Computer, google the papers in the run up to elections and you will see that by the promises MMD made, no one should be talking about poverty any more.

    What is worrying in Africa is, because ou are doing fine then Zambia is alright. Wait another two months and you will see salaries going up. Not those for teachers and miners but for the MPs and ministers.

    As for villagers, let them die. Just what they deserve. All the money Sugar D wasted on buying cars, sugar and ifitenge for chiefs would have bought atleast something for UTH.

    Kano kali ce.

  41. #59. Bonse tatutemenwe what is going on pa Zed. My wife and children are pa Zed but i make sure every 2 weeks i send them $1000 for food.

  42. People have you forgotten already? Why do you have to still continue asking for RB. The man is TAKING A NAP. that is why you can’t hear of him. At first he woke up late to catch his flight for the SADC summit. Then ha again overslept and couldn’t make it in time for his trip to W/Province.

    We have to wait for akulu mpuno to wake up in order for him to come and address the looming crisis pa zed. Yaba twachula mwe bantu!!!!

  43. Yangu ubulanda. RB and your people do something the people need you. is this the presidency you wanted, just to be sitting in your office. They need you go there.

  44. 47. Man on the ground!!

    Different flag today ka?! I like the way you always come up with some thing Fetid to say on PF, even when the issue in not PF related and hey as usual your ignorance is always amusing…anyway spare the public the trauma of your ignorance…because it is black and white printed that MMD under RB is a failure and the signs are evident we don’t need to wait for a month or a year to see a failure and failing system…you also note that, Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.

  45. 65. Ubuntungwa mu Zambia

    We don’t LPM to sort out our problems he has done his part, Rest His Soul Lord!neither do we need to raise him up from the dead!!!we have enough man power and leadership to solve the problems we are facing what we lack is SELFLESSNESS!!!

  46. The rural backed MMD should go and feed their supporters without deeping their dirty hands in the tax payers money. Let them get donor aid from EU and other agencies to feed their MMD chitenge recepients. Let these pipo know u can’t eat chitenge after the fraudulent elections are over. We are heavily taxed in the urban areas at the expense of hand out to the rural voters. We are not pro-Sata but he speaks on our behalf because of the perpetual exploitaion by over taxation on our poor pay.

  47. # 67. True. The problem is that if all of us outside Zambia went back hom and run our country, things will tremendously improve. The problem is how to remove MMD?

  48. Visiyeni vife na njala. why did they vote for Nyama soya? The educated and the rich will never touch State house,only the uneducated and poor plus wise will.

  49. number 8 you so dull and im sure your are tonga.i voted for mazoka in 20o1 because he was intelligent and had vision for zambia.HH came as result of trabilism and no wonder he can never be the president of zambia as long sata is alive.

  50. It’s unfortunate tht Pipo in rural areas are starving,well its out of there Poor Judgement,They saw a Bag of Mealie Meal,Cooking Oil when the Sugar Daddy Gave out Sugar and all The Goodies,Christmas Trully came earlier 4 them this year,This is not the tym 4 them 2 cry out so Loud,They only have 2 choices either,2 move in wit RB instate house since they badly nid his Goodies and Giveaways or they Die tryin’ 2 dig 4 mo roots,until 2011,Here in Urban areas we Hustlin’,RB will neva be as prepared compared 2 MC or HH 2 heard such a crisis,coz he retired frm Politics earlier,only 2 be kod bak wen his was in his Farm Field,preparing 4 the nxt Plantin season,insted of preparin 2 head this country,

  51. 8# Engine, Yes i have seen the map, you are right PF & UPND are reginal parties. So those calling UPND tribal should stop because even PF is tribal. Kwasila no more arguments.

  52. #78 you are so lazy you cant use proper spellings. What’s with you? If you were in the village am sure you would be starving owing to your lazyness. Ninsala??

  53. An appropriate symbol for the process of celebrating life, enduring limits, and resisting injustice … is the beloved community…. The beloved community names the matrix within which life is celebrated, love is worshipped, and partial victories over injustice lay the groundwork for further acts of criticism and courageous defiance. From within the matrix of beloved community, there is a solid basis for social critique and self criticism: the life-giving love constitutive of solidarity with the oppressed and love of oneself…Villagers Eat those words, tumone nga mwalaikuta!!!

  54. Mwe bantu pliz, it’s not the poor peoples’ fault that they’re facing hunger. So #45, 46 stop bashing.
    Otherwise, Hunger has always been around but nobody cared to address it seriously before. In some parts of Africa there has been no food for decades and people have been forced ti immigrate to other counries. If RB does not do anything about this situation, there will soon be an exodus from the village to the cities with drastic effects.

  55. guys don’t you think RB and his followers needs our help,its like they can’t see the catastrophic results of this poverty.

  56. The only way they can get out of this hunger is to roll over and die and hope for heaven. While they starve am using my money on beer and spending the rest sending my cousin to college so that he doesnt end up like the fateful villagers who voted for RB. Very soon these villagers will hear that the people in urbane areas are angry with them for voting unwisely and come 2011, they will listen to us and vote for another useless leader who probably won’t do anything anayway. Viva Masuku!! Viva Onion Gaula!!

  57. Only a few cadres who are too busy campaigning for their candidates are dying of hunger. Real villagers have no business with hunger because they work hard. Welu, welu, mwalobe lyauma

  58. #84 You have made my day. Fileke filye tumone ngafyalaikuta. Where did you learn to speak like a philosopher? Limbi nimwebo bafilosofa

  59. This development brings two questions to mind. the first is that that goes on to ask, is this the price they are paying for having let themselves be tricked into voting for the current president by accepting the so called donations he was handing out and second doesnt it seem surprising that the these people who are suffering so much voted for the the ruling party and not for change? Ask yourselves these questions my fellow Zambians and help me with the answers. And MMD backers, please let us know why your leader seems to have gone into hiding instead of being out in the fore front leading th nation

  60. One Zambia One Nation. its a pitty the way we comment. the people suffering are our brothers and sisters. there is nothing funny about it. its a parthetic situation. but what can be done. hold the goverment responsible. two things stand. either they deliever or vacate. villagers need the voice of urban as elder brother. Govt must be accountable. i suggest demostrations and boldness to speak for the weak and show govt that politics must stay away from reality. its people power. eqaulity and justice must prevail. we need bold citizens ready to show politicians that they are not the govt. we are the govt. wait am coming. Govt and parties need separation and whoever rules is not the business.

  61. Some people are full of elelevants. We are talking about Hunger here,not ECZ map. Your government is failing and you talk about useles staff.Some of you i doubt if you even reached grade 9.Dont behave like people frm the village also,you should listen when we tell you how bad this government is.So now you wil come to us wanting money for seeds and food.Awe mwe!

  62. GRZ shd suspend some other programe 2 concentrate on food crisis in da country. The best thing a leader can do is 2 feed his pipo when they hve no food . They need m meal 2 eat with those fikubala and busala. So anyama soya aligone

  63. Very sad situation indeed. This calls for all zambians out there who can spare something to come together and join hands with government to fight this hunger. The spirit that prevailed during the floods should be encouraged.

  64. #75 Gunners.

    you can choose to barry your head in the sand but the voting patern has spoken. By the way iam not even Tonga although there is nothing wrong with being one. we can differ in opinions but facts dont change. if you say UPND is tribal or regional,all i ask is look at the voting patern on the Map and tell me why you think PF is not Tribal or regional.Let us learn to imbrace different cultures in this country. Let PF go to convetion and choose Lubinda at the helm i can bate he will loose both the northern and luapula vote including CB

  65. #98 Aha! I have said that I used ti give to Oxfam. I don`t anymore. What these villagers need is education more than nshima at the moment. You will give and give until nothing will change. They need to be told that they do not need sugar anymore. Tu chifi nato!

    Let them die.

  66. #98 If we have to come in and help then what is the government for? This is reason why African leaders get richer and richer.

    Britain has people on benefits.

  67. Some PF MPs you are an embarassment,why walk out from parliament?Please understand what the law says,Bravo LAW ASSOCIATION OF ZAMBIA

  68. 92. Sum-thing-4-the-pipo

    Hey how are my friend?! yeah we have to submit them to what they think is a way to go…Insala muchalo!!

  69. #95 Chewe
    its Sata who never reached grade and some people are suggeting that had he won the elections two weeks ago this hunger was not going to be there, the world financial meltdown was going to spare Zambia, fuel was going to Cheap, More money in peoples Pockets, No load shadding since 700MW was going to be found on inauguration day. he had promised more money in people pockets and Heven on earth in 90 days. apperently from the electrol Map only Bemba speaking regions believed him while the rest of the country thought a grade 4 dropout can only talk from without.So now he is asking 4 a pack with HH hoping to add the Tonga vote to the Bemba(oil and water)

  70. #95 Chewe
    its Sata who never reached grade 9 and some people are suggeting that had he won the elections two weeks ago this hunger was not going to be there, the world financial meltdown was going to spare Zambia, fuel was going to Cheap, More money in peoples Pockets, No load shadding since 700MW was going to be found on inauguration day. he had promised more money in people pockets and Heven on earth in 90 days. apperently from the electrol Map only Bemba speaking regions believed him while the rest of the country thought a grade 4 dropout can only talk from without.So now he is asking 4 a pack with HH hoping to add the Tonga vote to the Bemba(oil and water)

  71. 106. The Charlatan Spectator,

    The comment is supposed to be on the other issue not this one! infact it is the second headline with about 49 – 53 comments now…

  72. Maestro,you are quite.But if Sata was on the topic, it could have been Scramble for Africa.An important issue here,talk mr.

  73. How can you sleep at night as leader reading the papers about hunger in your country and not do anything,africans are lazy never want to help themselves or each other.

  74. My Philosopher friend #110 it is not the problem of Africans it is the the problem of leadership and understanding of politics as for me I am willing to devote myself to Genuine politics — even politics worthy of the name — the only politics I am willing to devote myself to — is simply a matter of serving those around us: serving the community and serving those who will come after us. Its deepest roots are moral because it is a responsibility expressed through action, to and for the whole…current government under MMD is not any where close to what i can devote to…

  75. That map shows the over 10 million zambians. tell me how many pipo voted just 1, 7.. can ECZ please reflect that on the map and not just painting our beautiful country like a preschool child. You are just wasting tax payers money. instead of painting the country with those colours just indicate the population of pipo who voted. i see now why all those observators are confused.

  76. #122 jnr. eto

    whatever the total number of votes. The fact is all the provinces voted and we are talking about regionalism as seen by the voting paterns and proportions.Whatever by how much the low turnout was, the fact is Mr Sata got a larger share of the same small turnout in Bemba speaking areas and HH did the same in tonga speaking areas while MMD swept the whole country. Based on this we are saying bothh PF and UPND are both regional parties so lets stop pointing fingers at the other unless we are MMD which has shown its a national party. personally i will never vote for PF again

  77. Whatever. map or no map MMD will will continue to rule us. Bakamushi have the power to appoint. I just throw awy my voters card as it is of no use to me.

  78. I give my regards to abakumushi there wisdom is well deserved. I dint see this regionalism before going to the polls.i read the Post on a daily basis and only new UPND as a regional party. But now i have seen with my own eyees that PF is even worse. Sata popularity is only amoung his tribesmate who admittedly are in significant numbers though the fact that are his tribesmate still remains.From now own iam MMD and iam looking for the provincial chairman for registration. it is the only party with a National charecter as seen by the polls.

  79. Engine,what ever your name is.Dont mislead people that Sata got the votes on Regional basis or tribal.What tribes do you find in Lusaka and on the C/pperbelt? And 1 thing that you should ponder on some of you is,why do the most educated vote For Sata.The man whom you say is a grade 4 drop out,Knows how to work.And he is sharp and inteligent.He knows how to run government.MMD has had the most educated cabinet. Talk of Doctors, proffessors you name them.But what has the education of some of these characters done to Zambia nothing.People have continued suffering and they wil not eat the degrees.Come on,thats why us the educated and young we want Sata.period!

  80. #124 Chewe

    lets speak with facts, Sata dint win the whole copperbelt, he only won in Bemba speaking areas. He also dint win lusaka province, he won lusaka district which after the fall of the mines in the 90s has had a good population of Bemba speaking people especially in bus stations.In northern he lost the Namwanga and Mambwe vote but carried the Bemba by landslide. this is the similar case with HH. Chewe look at the electrol map and get back to me. This is not good for our country but we must confront it head on if we are to solve it otherwise people will always vote for MMD as a better evil

  81. Its not true that these people voted for RB they were just used for rigging. If they did then let them continue eating the sugar and mealie meal from the campaigns. On a serious note, its embarrasing to hear of people starving in a country which is boasting of doing well according to RB. RB where are you this why u need a new cabinet but you are hiding like a soaked rat!!!Shame!!!

  82. 98. Disgruntled Zedian

    ” Very sad situation indeed. This calls for all zambians out there who can spare something to come together and join hands with government to fight this hunger. ”

    How about setting up commercial farm blocks that can grow more than enough food, and suppress the price of food that way, by massively increasing supply?

    I’m telling you, with the financial crisis, donor aid is going to dry up, and the government will come to regret the day they chose not to tax the mines and build up massive cash reserves. Unfortunately, it are the people who are going to suffer and die because of their neoliberal mismanagement and belief that foreigners will do it all.

  83. Here is the solution, while there is still time:

    1) Start commercial scale organic farming
    2) Start rainwater harvesting for all farms, so every farm can produce crops year-around.
    3) Give families title deeds to more land to work.
    4) Start works projects, to expand infrastructure and agriculture, and give people money to spend to stimulate the economy.

  84. twafwa insala pachalo cha zambia.dont worry nka ba next black prime minister of canada and ill share the economy…twachula sana…..

  85. Even if mealie-meal was reduced to ZMK5,000, there will still be families out there who wouldn’t afford! True, I have been to some rural areas in Zambia. In the long term we need to look at revamping the rural economy.

  86. You people, when will you understand? During Political campaigns all you want to hear is what they will give you and NOT actual POLICIES! Now that someone received your vote they are gone, muyakubabona alimwi mu 2011. Alimwi baya kumucenga andinwe muyakuzumina nkambo ka tu Sugar! Mawe!!! Job creation, accountability and developmental initiatives are key to going forward. Few ago you received free mealie meal just to sanitise your thoughts and you gave your votes, now where are they? The likes of Kabwe and his friends, whom we shall know later on, are enjoying the millions of Dollars while the rest of the country continues to suffer…Oh my people perish because of NO knowlegde!!!

  87. 131. Octavia

    ” In the long term we need to look at revamping the rural economy. ”

    Not just in the long run. I think it is imperative that Zambia starts to expand it’s agriculture by facilitating and training existing Zambian subsistence farmers to grow more crops.

    That can be done right now. People can be given more land (move from 2-3 hectares to 100 hectares), machinery and training.

    Why is the government not doing that right now?

  88. RB you are snoring in office today because of village votes. Wake up the foods you gave to villagers before elections bribing them to vote for you has now finished. Villagers cannot eat you, seasoned or not.

    Do something or God will mess your face up!

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