Saturday, July 27, 2024

Retired head teachers causing riots in Copperbelt schools?


Some retired head teachers who were still managing high schools in Mufulira have been blamed for the recent riots by pupils that rocked the district.

The district administration has since resolved to relieve the concerned head
teachers of their duties with immediate effect.

District Commissioner, Dyford Muulwa, revealed this to the Minister of Sport, Youth
and Child Development, Gabriel Namulambe during a briefing on the situation
obtaining in the district.

Mr. Muulwa said the resolution was made at a meeting held with all high school
management, the district education staff and the office of town clerk.

The meeting was called to establish the root cause of riots by pupils in high schools.

The DC said the riotous behaviour was engineered by some teachers who are not happy
with the conduct of retired head teachers who have continued managing the
institutions against government regulations.

The other reasons established are that pupils do not know why schools have not
bought buses and also poor condition of sanitary facilities despite paying fees
towards the projects.

Mr. Namulambe wondered why some teachers resorted to using pupils to air out their
grievances yet the issues at hand can be sorted out by the district

He told the DC to identify the teachers involved and charge them with damaging
public property.

He further recommended that some teachers should not be recommended for promotion
but be transferred else where.

Kantanshi, Butondo and Chankwa High schools pupil last week rioted, causing damage
to their school buildings.

Meanwhile police in the district have confirmed that the 38 pupils who were arrested
on Thursday for riotous behaviour have been released on bond.

District police second in command Chinyama Kalobwani said the pupils were released
yesterday on bond because the alleged ring leader was not among the arrested.

A comment from police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso on the matter failed by press time.


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