Saturday, July 27, 2024

Slow pace on Santa Maria project irks Irish Aid


Irish Aid Northern Province Development Programme has expressed dissatisfaction with the pace at which Santa Maria Health project in Chilubi District was moving.

Development Programme Advisor Fackson Nyanga said although a lot has been done, the organisation was not impressed with the pace at which the project which started in
2004 was progressing.

Mr. Nyanga said delays to complete the project in Chilubi which involved among
others construction of a theater and rehabilitation of a maternity block was
delaying the start of a similar project in Kaputa district.

He disclosed that the Irish Aid had so far committed over K2 billion towards the two
projects and was anxious to see them completed so that they could contribute to the
improvement of reproductive health in the province.

Mr. Nyanga observed that Chilubi and Kaputa districts were identified to have the
worst reproductive health statistics in the province due to lack of adequate health

So far, one of the components in the project, the theater block has been completed
and fitted with modern equipment sourced under the Oret programme, a joint programme
between the Zambian and Netherlands Governments.

Construction of two staff houses and the rehabilitation of the maternity block was
almost completed.

Mr. Nyanga who attributed the delay to complete the Santa Maria project partly to
tendering procedures also disclosed that they were currently holding talks with the
office of the Provincial Health Director on possibilities of constructing another
staff house suitable for the doctor.

He said the organisation’s initial plan was that one of the two houses which has
been built would accommodate a medical doctor but it was small.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nyanga has said there was need for Government experts in construction to look into possibilities of using local materials to put up structures in a bid to reduce on the high cost of construction on the Island.

Mr. Nyanga observed that it was more expensive to put up buildings on the Island
because building materials such as sand were not available and required to be
transported by water.


  1. Tender procedures, site is on island, sand not available – well, who doesn’t know Chilubi is an isle?
    You are advising contractors to use local materials – hey, wait a minute, wasn’t that supposed to be part of the remit in the tender??? We can now see why this project has stalled, we have a muppet in office who has no idea of what is going on, who obviously has a PhD in enumerating problems but clueless of how to rectify them, mainly its all down to his incompetence & unsuitability to this office!!

  2. I would like to find out from anyone out there if they have information and facts to prove that Mr. Bill Gates is richer than Africa.

    Please consider all the expects of the continent it’s Human resource, Minieral resource, and other factors that need to be taken into consideration in concluding that Mr. B Gates is richer than Africa as a continent.

    If anyone would also direct me to a reosurce that I can use as a reference to the subject I would be very grateful.

    I am not interested in knowing about the personal effects of Mr. B. Gates all I want to know is what he has publicly declared himself.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    God Bless you

  3. Abraham, i personally dont have a ready answer for you but here are some figures. The Forbes lists Gates as being worth $56 billion assets minus liabilities. Sub-Saharan Africa produces a total income of $550 billion dollars a year, and owes about $300 billion in debt. But if infact you need to value all African asset stocks at market prices minus liabilities.

  4. Hi Francis Thank you for the information. I just got an email from another gentleman that says the same as you do. He has also mentioned that at present Mr. B. Gates might be second or at par to a Mexican gentleman by the name of Mr. Carlos Slim. I don’t know more about that. I want to present a responce to one doctor who said that Mr. B. Gates was richer than Africa.

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