Saturday, July 27, 2024

Levy orders investigation into a Construction company


President Mwanawasa has ordered an investigation on how Tomorrow Investments, a local constructing company, has continued to be given government contracts when it has not been performing according to the required standards.

Dr Mwanawasa who also announced the blacklisting of the company from carrying out any more government contracts, has since tasked the Office of the Auditor-General to carry out the investigation in the matter.

Addressing a public rally at Chiutika Basic school in Mambwe district in Eastern province yesteday, Dr Mwanawasa said action should be taken if it is discovered that there was malpractice in granting contracts to Tomorrow Investmants when the company had failed to perform to expected standards.

Dr Mwanwasa said an investigation was necessary to ascertain if tender procedures were followed when granting contracts to the company with a record of shoddy construction works in different parts of country.

“The company has not performed well in Chisamba in Central province where it was expected to construct a school and in Shang’ombo in Western province where it was supposed to construct a hospital,” he said.

He added that the company had done sub-standard works in Western and Northern provinces in road construction.

Dr Mwanawasa warned that government would continue to give contracts to foreign contractors if local ones do not meet the required standards.


  1. How can a father ask his brother to come and investigate his wife and children, i do not think this can work.
    LPM is the father of goven`t and the ministries are his wife and the anti-corruption com. and police are his brother, does this mean that he does not know what goes on in his house, he would have done better just to call the minister or ps in charge of issueing contacts to tell him to stop the rot.

  2. Jb
    The President is being Prudent and Transparent by asking the neccesarily investigative wings to do their work. He has cited several examples where this company has done shoddy works but it still continues getting awarded contracts. There is no need to summon the Minister or PS what if they are involved and benefitting from the rot.
    The is no need to cast aspertions on the President for doing his Job and ensuring that our money(tax payers) is properly utilised.Give credit where it is due

  3. Correct me if i wrong, I thought proactive meant acting before it happens or being preventative in approach unlike being reactive when crime in this case has already happened. Many a time i have heard our Law enforcement agencies claimimng to be proactive but agagin it has to take the Republican President to remind them to investagte malpractices. ACC, ZNTB and others, where are you when these contracts are being awarded to ensure that the bidders meet the necesary qualification. Wake up!

  4. Just to terminate a contract without proper invest. LPM will be accused of being misinformed like we have heard of late in other issues. So a well laid down procedure should be followed to come up with good public convincing reasons to terminate the contract and documentation endorsed in case the other party sues later for wrong termination.

  5. I write as a member of the construction industry who has travelled the country and seen some abandoned works by this contractor. Though not privy to the details of the contracts awarded.Consistent none performance on contract should say some thing about the appointing authority, LPM should clean up his house as well. As for not awarding works to Zambians, LPM should ask himself sincerely, have all foreign contractors performed?

  6. In total agreement with #5, not awarding contracts to Zambians becoz of one rotten egg is not the solution. Levy must just discipline his Directors at ZNTB, NCC, MWS and all those who have been sitting to award contracts to a non performer. In the newspapers we raed advertisement saying a tracable track record of a company to get a contract, so it means there was corruption – ACC wake up! U don’t need Levy to tell u wen to arrest.

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