Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bids for Fourth Modile Operator Open


The Communications Authority of Zambia (CAZ) has issued invitations for eligible persons, to bid for the fourth National Mobile Cellular Licence.

To this effect, adverts have started running in both the electronic and print media.

CAZ International and Public Relations Officer Ngabo Nankonde, in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today, said interested persons and firms can submit written applications and a non-refundable payment of K300 million at Bank of Zambia.

Ms. Nankonde said the closing date for bidders is 14:00 hours on February 27, 2008.

He advised members of the general public to look out for adverts in both electronic and print media.


  1. K 300 m non-refundable fee looks to be on the higher side in my opinion, unless one bidder is present and sure that the licence will be awarded. Hope the process will be transparent anyway as #1 put it across.

  2. In telecommunications, late entrants are usually small players. Expect bids from Malaysia, China, India and Somalia (al queda launderers). Not Vodacom and the like. I will stick to my Celtel. They gave us the phone when it was the preserve of the Elite.

  3. This is good. Hope the Licence is issued as soon as possible with the winner to start building the network within Six months of winning.. more employment to our youths and those who are bottled down at CelZ, MTN,& Celtel.

  4. This is good and will help the consumers from being exploited by the few who are already there.
    Please can goverment also liberalise power industry,so as to avoid the blackouts we are experiencing.

  5. “Modile” Operator, how interesting (lol). One more mobile operator will just lead to fragmentation for a very small market like ours. It’s no doubt good for the consumer, but sooner or later the weaker ones will have to merge or be bought.

  6. Zambian has potential to have over 5 million Mobile users. All those who can vote are potential and our voters roll is almost 6 million. Add those who are between 10-17 years and subtract the remote areas.. The figure still averages 5million. Right now, only 2million people has access to Mobile use..which means there is still 3 million+++ users out there and a good investor would target these people and those who are poorly served raising the competition benchmarks..good for economy and individuals.

  7. The CAZ should ask themselves why cellZ and MTN are not competing effectively with Celtel. How well resourced is the 4th operator going to be? To have an operation as big as Celtel Zambia, the new investor should at least have a minimum of $500 million in capital. Otherwise it will just be another Kantemba like CellZ and MTN.

  8. That sounds good.
    Maybe a new company can introduce IP cards, a country without IP card ah yaba yaba.
    Communication pa zed is too expensive.More BDz ba CAZ kabili,bafule and perfection shall be manifested.K5pin three minutes yapwa oops

  9. This is a very good development in the Zambian Telecommunications sector. The entry of another service provider will make competition more fierce. This fierce competition is likely to lead these firms to becoming inter alia, efficient, innovative and more effective thereby providing there services at a low cost and high quality. This ultimately would benefit the consumer in terms of low prices,high choice and quality of the service. Infact, this is the premise on which competition is based. I only believe that CAZ will be transparent in the bidding process. The competitive bidder should be successful. I have great faith in CAZ because in my view it is one of the few most efficient Statutory

  10. Continued: Body Corporates and they shall handle this delicate issue in this delicate sector of the economy proffessionally.

  11. Zambian leadership lacks common sense very few Zambians can afford the application fees.Starting a business in Zambia is a nightmare from hell,The incorporating process is long and expensive, Why not learn from the Americans One can incorporate a business with $25 get his tax id free and open a commercial Bank account within 24 hrs

  12. What happened to Vodacom, a few years ago?I think Vodacom will do well in Zambia. What we need is a Mobile operator that can bring the latest cellular technology(3G,HSDPA etc). We seem to lag behind in terms of the wireless technology. I thought Zamtel with all the infrastructure were supposed to have lead,but it looks like they have failed us. I see a lot of Zambians buying expensive phones from abroad with a lot of features that cannot be supported by most of the Zambian networks.

  13. Give please. Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
    I am from Cambodia and also now’m speaking English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: “Services include airline tickets, air and hotel discounted packages,last minute important links.”

    With best wishes :), Monika.

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