Saturday, July 27, 2024

KCM advised to find lasting solution to bursting slurry pipes


Copperbelt Permanent Secretary, Jennipher Musonda, has called on Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) to find a permanent solution to the problem of slurry pipes that keep bursting and posing a danger to the lives of the people and the environment.

Speaking after inspecting T 3 road, an international route to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the North Western Province where a slury pipe burst and caused damage to part of the road, Mrs. Musonda observed that it is the second time the burst has occurred at the same spot.

The first burst, which happened in 2006, also polluted water after spilling some poisonous chemicals into the Chingola stream and Kafue River.

And KCM spokesperson, Sam Equammo said the pipe failed due to pressure, but that the company will work hand in hand with Chingola Municipal Council and the Road Development Agency (RDA) to replace the pipe .

By yesterday afternoon, police had already taken control of guiding motorists to use one way while the company had already strated its works.


  1. This is the reason the people of Zambia want their mines back. KCM is making a lot of profit but they are not investing those profits back into the mines. It clearly shows that they are only after making profits, polluting our environment i.e. air, land and water and keeping our people poor.

  2. I absolutely agree with witness. In fact, I think we as a nation are too lenient on these guys. In other countries, such investors are afraid of litigations relating to such because of hefty penalties and fines imposed on them. I therefore believe that its either we are to dosile that we can not punish these guys or our law is achaic or obsolent. If the latter is the case, I think it is time we repealed some of these laws. Of course this should be accompanied by strong political will.

  3. I absolutely agree with witness. In fact, I think we as a nation are too lenient on these guys. In other countries, such investors are afraid of litigations relating to such because of hefty penalties and fines imposed on them. I therefore believe that its either we are to dosile that we can not punish these guys or our law is achaic or obsolent. If the latter is the case, I think it is time we repealed some of these laws. Of course this should be accompanied by strong political will.

  4. I absolutely agree with witness. In fact, I think we as a nation are too lenient on these guys. In other countries, such investors are afraid of litigations relating to such because of hefty penalties and fines imposed on them. I therefore believe that its either we are to dosile that we can not punish these guys or our law is achaic or obsolent. If the latter is the case, I think it is time we repealed some of these laws. Of course this should be accompanied by strong political will.

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