Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Adams wont be dettered by racial remarks against him


Football Association of Zambia (FAZ)’s Presidential aspiring candidate, Hanif Adams says he is not bothered by racial remarks being done against him by his opponents.

ZANIS Sports reports Adams, who is also Lusaka Dynamos proprietor, saying that no amount of racism shall derail him from achieving his goal of leading the next FAZ Executive committee.

Adams said the racist remarks don’t bother him or affect his campaign in any way because he knows who he is as he was born and bred in Zambia.

Adams said an interview, Thursday, that for this reason he has advanced his campaign trials with the latest being one in Mazabuka, today.

He said that he has so far received positive response from the various affiliate clubs in the provinces he has visited in his campaigns.

He said sympathizers have given him encouragement and assurance that he was the right man for the FAZ top seat.

The Lusaka Dynamos proprietor said he is so far keeping a positive attitude towards the election adding that he was hoping for the best results in the elections he said would be tough.

To round off his campaigns, he will tour Kabwe and Chipata districts on Monday and Tuesday,respectively.

Adams said that he will, on Friday which is the day before the election, hold a press conference in Lusaka at Club Infinity to present his manifesto.


  1. All the best Mr. Adams. You record at Lusaka Dynamos is clear for all to see. I believe you can take FAZ forward. Ignore the distractors of race. When Zambian Football excels, we will all be calling you a hero!

  2. It should bother you bcoz its not your opponents who are making those racial remarks against you its councillors who are the voters.

  3. Hanif is the best man for the job.He has been in administration for a long time and has handled it well.All the best Hanif.

  4. Look at the developed nations and see why they are so successful. America, Canada, the UK thrives on the expertise of immigrants. They embrace people from all walks of life and races in their development. You are going to write off someone with a proven administrative record just because he is of Indian race?

  5. May the best person win.Its a pity that we have to sacrifice the expertise of either Adams or Bwalya as its winner takes all.

  6. #7 Kal-El you are the man,keep the spirit. I like your contribution ,you just hit the nail on the head.Lets embrace each other for the sake of development and Zambia being a young nation we just have take an example from countries that have made it.Looking at where Adams has come from in the game the man deserves to be in Faz admnistration.

  7. If you do not want Hanif cause he is Indian then why not chase the Chinese mine owners and let zambians run the mines. Chase the white farmers and let zambians run the farms thick heads, 43 years after independence u still talking about colour, zambia no wonder u are rich. bafi…kala

  8. If he was born in Zambia let him go for it if not then he must not stand. We need Zambians only….actually proud Zambians

  9. Zambia is not ready for a mwenye to run issues. Have u seen Kamwala, the shops bearly changed for years and the other side is worse. It’s truly a bombay, dirty….

  10. #12 Koshet your thinking is very strange and too outdated for the 21 centuary.Now i understand why zambia will always lag behind.what makes you think you are more zambian than others?The fact that you are black or brown or whatever colour doesnt not warrat you to issue such descriminatory statements.Lusaka city council sets standards and shop owners or bus operators oblige.Its your councillors to blame if you dont like the way Lusaka looks.Lusaka Dynamos does not only employ indians nor does it only provide entertainment to Indians.Take time to study the laws of zambia

  11. Folks, don’t waste your precious time responding to #2,4,12 and to some extent 11. There comments are not fit for human consumption. They deserve to be thrown in a deep pit latrine. No one should make a mistake to throw them in recycled bin coz they can resurface.

  12. I would rather a mwenye ran the affairs of FAZ than a stinkingly patronising fool like Mr. Bwalya Kalusha who while he was National Team coach spent nearly 90% of his time in South Africa on stupid Talk Shows. Kalusha Bwasha clearly has a complex problem of “Umusungu antemwe”, no wonder he is divorced from a dutch cow only to marry an Africaner Boar as though there were no pretty Zambian women. If he becomes FAZ president, that will be the end of football in Zambia because Bwalya is like Sata, these characters need someone to control them, left to their own devices, it is chaos.

  13. kalu has every right to marry anyone he feels like marrying!! its nobody’s business unless it affects his work ethics!
    hanif? NOOOOO….if hez a proud zedian, then why does his fellow mwenyes look down upon blak zedians!!! that bothers me! so councillors make sure this mwenye tastes his own medicine of racism! vote for kalu or big ted!!!

  14. #7 is spot on. I live in Australia. Austaralia at the moment is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Its economy has now overtaken that of the US. All this is due to immigrants working to help develop their economy.

  15. Kalu needs to spend more time with our Zambian women. I tell you, get on top of one of them and you’ll tell me, eeeeh!!!! These people…they can move, ka?!!! Anyway, on to Hanif, I think he’s been a key figure in Zambian football for a long time. Are you telling me we should stop any Zambian of Asian or European origin from participating in society? Dipak Patel, Guy Scott, Ellen Hight, Muna Singh, Guy Robinson, Marco Comana, Jackie Wellman, Mark O’Donnell…let’s be more inclusive where we can’t perform.

    As for me, ninyengako chabe their kids.

  16. Kalu was in Europe for a longtime, just how many Zambian players did he help to get into Europe, apart from his brother, non. So what tells you fools that he this time around is going to help Zambian soccer? Let him go and coach Mufulira Wanderes or Blackpool and help them come back to the top of Zambian soccer. He has completely forgotten where he came from. What an ego this boy is. He will not do anything for Zambian soccer

  17. Great Kalu has a heart for Zambian Football…..I wish it was a natinal wide voting….i could have convinced my brothers, uncles,cousins, grandpas, friends ..etc TO VOTE FOR HIM. I remember very well (Maybe some of you fools who have comented negatively about “GREAT KALU” have forgotten)when Batata, The Hero Maker..(THE MENTOR)…DENNIS LIWEWE wept uncontrollably….AM TALKING ABOUT THE GARBON DISASTER PERIOD HERE (May The Lads Rest In Peace)…he asked GREAT KALU……Kalu,Kalu,Kalu…(with tears pouring from his eyes… equivalent to the water coming from a tap with finished valve/stopper)..WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?..GREAT KAL without hesitating..also crying like my 2months old little Lulu

  18. Kalusha is a lost soul. He is a foreigner in his own land. He cant manage a simple marriage. He failed to handle the simple Maureen Nkandu issue. He failed to bring CAN Cup to Zambia when he was captaining the team. He lives in South Africa. HE CANT MANGE HIS OWN LIFE STRAIGHT, TO HELL WITH HIS SO CALLED GOOD HISTORY. HIS OLD RECORD WILL NOT BRING THE CUP TO ZAMBIA. HE FAILED TO SUBSTITUTE MBESUMA IN EGYPT. THE CHAP PLAYS NAMES. HE WAS A GOOD PLAYER THAT IS ALL.

  19. ….continued from 21…he said …WE MUST CONTINUE FROM WHERE THEY HAVE ENDED…HONESTLY…. can you deny a vote to someone with a heart for football like that??????….NO,NO,NO,NOOOO…GREAT KALU with the same spirit….Go On…Slodier on my Bro…..NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER
    Some of you Mendicants who just condemn for no apparent reason….ask around from pipo with effective medula oblangatas they will tell….Zambia was second in Africa after losing to Nigeria…ala kwena chilya chi RASHID YEKINI..!!!!!….GREAT KALU you are the man for FAZ…..Simataa Simataa you are another pillar….I hope you have all reached a resolve for whatever happened…..KB & SS I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST

  20. Number 22 which Dean of students are you…..who cannot differentiate a bee from a bulls foot…very sad that you even carry that title….Just to some up all your comment about BA KULU is not only RUBBISH but UNTHOUGHTFUL….You bloody RACIST…zo ona you are dean of ruined police….what do you expect from bakapokola????……if eye is causin you to sin..pluck it out….think about it this seriously….Ba Kalusha has freedom of thought and conscience…not ba trigger happy cop…bachabechabe

  21. #22. Dean of Students great stuff let me pick it up from you.This kalu has problems with the media especially the post,the man is arrogant,He made us lose the Cosafa presidential elections ,he got 1 vote plus his.Bwalya threatens to sort out Faz Coucillors for example simata simata ,he has serious admnistration problems as he could not respect his boss Mulonga.The man will personalise issues remember how he turned a hotel into his own house,Thanks to President Levy for saving the tax payers money.who will be paying for extra international calls,flights and mails?Let Kalu take some time and do some learning.

  22. Well I agree that Kalu is not the right man for the FAZ post. He is just a brat who the Zambian public has spoiled and somebody who has abused the goodwill of the Zambians and I know for a fact that he will be elected and he is going to fail miserably. He is just too Proud. Peaple will be voting for a name. HANIF would do a better job.

    BUT PLEASE, lets all stay away from Kalu’s marital issues. Those are his personal matters and everybody has the right to chose who they want to spend their lives with and please respect that. That is the only decision a man can make for himself and let him enjoy his life given right.

  23. # 16 and 22 you guys are one hell of haters I think you gat your brains under your pants period,why talk of who he should marry and ones choices in life etc etc shame on you two bastards.

  24. Let us not judge the man strictly on the basis of his skin colour.It is daft,uncivilised and unacceptable in todays world. Personally, im not into football that much but I would urge whoever is concerned to assess whether he has the relevant skills and competencies to run FAZ.From my experience in the diaspora, I have come to conclude that most people who are racist are those who are failures in life and are generally bitter and they blame anyone and anything for their misfortunes.STOP THE HATE!!

  25. Lets not consider colour or race as a problem.The problem is on how to run an association.If positive results are made, let us support whoever is going to win.

  26. Am shocked that all you Zambians who are immigrants in other countries are supporting this chi mwenye!! This is bcoz you want the countries in which you reside to support you as well. No they wont you will remain immigrants!!! Their is no Zambian who is an immigrant living in Zambia we are not immigrants and we don’t want aliens to run our affairs. We have bowed too much to whites now even mwenyes NO not at all. If you guys as immigrants are working well in your economic refuge countries leave us alone here in Zambia. Kalu should rule he goes then comes back. At least he is doing something not you who wants to live there forever and allow Indians to rule us NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

  27. #33.The constitution is very clear on who a Zambian is and an immigrant.Sad that you want to expose your ignorance to us all, sorry we are innocent for your lack of exposure.Zambia is for Zambians and Zambians will be guided by the constitution.We all know that in Zambia only lived bush men and we all came in to displace them and sorry I don’t know your height but am no closer to a bushman.Don’t even be surprised if you GNA test traces to you to some other country.In Zambia we need to support people who will do us proud example we have dominated the motor sport industry,thanks to Satwant,Muna,Sihoka and the rest.These guys have really raised the Zambian flag high n above all African countrie

  28. #34 you are exposing your stupidity here. If you like Indians go and work for them so that they can insult you bastard. Your Satwants are doing good for their human race not for zambia if you don’t know *****. have you ever seen Indians at Soweto market? or in minibuses? we want someone of our own. those guys threaten a lot of ordinary Zambians in their dirty shops. what has got immigration got to do with immigrants in USA and Europe? Dont you know that bushmen are Black people?? Came to reality to be like Plato in the world of Forms. An indaian will always be from India, a white person from the west you and a bushman always from Africa where? we dont know but Africa. So let an African rule

  29. #35 you are a hurt and very sad person, I feel for you.You need spiritual healing.Its a pity i Cant help u but please try to consult men of God.How do you define stupidity?I stand for the constitution of the republic of Zambia and the betterment of zambia in this case.Lusaka central has a white MP and it had a zamian of Asian origin.4your own information Lusakacentral is 1of the most civilised sites in Africa hope that will click on your soul as you do not have your body(brains)in the right place

  30. You raised a number of threats but I believe you know that Zambia is governed by laws and not men.If Zambians are being mistreated then you are free to go to the Human rights commission or other rightful arms of the government and if your case will be genuine,I will rally behind you.Employers and employess might not always have a good relationship,you know why-its common sense but this has nothing to do with race.My mother is an employer so is my brother so I know what I am talking about.Employees get fired often because of loses and unproductivity and not race.All our employess are black or grey so is my my mother.I am black too tho most girls describe me as light anyway I dont know why.

  31. Let us not support only names but consider the capabilities of individuals.Let’s not take chances this time.

  32. You talk of the Satwants doing good for their race ,go and find out who David Sihoka OR MUTUBI ,which continent and country THEY represent , his team mates, THEIR colour and nationality

  33. Choma 1, walasa. Don’t argue with that imbecile. He’s like a jealous neighbour who can’t swallow his pride and accept that others are doing well where he has failed.

    One Zambia, One Nation! Whether you’re black, red or blue – if you’re Zambian, you’re Zambian.

  34. You think you know the constitution and you think it is put in practice here in Zambia. You are very ignorant you dont even know if you are black or light no wander girls call you zayellow. Myself i was saying that we need blcak empowerment in Zambia. For how long have the indian been in Zambia. And has Zambia changed because of them? not at all…You talk of Lusaka central who are the majority there? its you stupid guys who worship whites and indian. And there are a lot of foreign workers living there. Some we even gave them citizenships with them declaring in the court. Have you ever been to the out skirt of lusaka central together with your brother.. maybe you are those wanna be’s who

  35. to manda hill and think every in Zambia is like you. Zambia has 12milion people of which 80% live under a doller. dont be limited *****. Ask a patriotic Zambian how indians treat them at Kamwala and hear what they are going to tell you unlike you claiming that zambia works on law. Open your eyes. Why do you want to be a coconut??? This is will never be Europe, USA if you or your family memeber work hard in USA or whatever work their we need Zambians. actually black we dont want another South Africa. Thats the national flag as got black son of the gun. Kaunda was not stupid like you zayellow

  36. #39,40,and 42 am in a harry going to soweto to buy malasha because we dont have power i would have told you more about life in Zambia not Lusaka central for coconuts (black outside white inside). Hope you have noticed that my typing is fast am in a hurry. i also meant that foreigners don’t declare in courts they buy citizenships.

  37. #37 You call Lusaka central civilized? you ***** what has civilization got to do with Lusaka central a white man an Indian?? this is the mentality we do not condone in Zambia. Because there is a white person then we are civilized. Which tribe are you from maybe you are not even Zambian go where you came from. Thats why you want a mwenye in FAZ so that you cheat people that Zambia is now civilized??? something is wrong with your low self esteem zayellow. You dont even know which Africa you are talking about. Because you have not even gone beyond lusaka central say in Zambia fool. Petersburg a small city in South Africa is far much better than you civilized Lusaka central where the 1 plot is.

  38. Ba zed from Misisi I rest my case. As a matter of fact I am a typical black lozi Zambian guy living in Zambia and have been to almost all the parts of Zambia apart from eastern province. You talked of Kaunda but I can tell you that Dr Kaunda had a white man in 1991 as his last secretary to the cabinet Mr. Adamson, so I beg don’t drag the old man in your racial problems. You can’t cheat me I have seen black employers insult their black employees regardless of color black and black, black employees defiling their black employer’s s daughters the list goes on. Which country doesn’t have immigrants? How do you define the word immigrant? I respect the courts of law and I will always uphold the Za

  39. Lads, regardless of whether one is black, white, Zambian, foreigner, etc, insults will not do us any good. Let us respect each other’s opinion(s)based on issues.


  41. I totally agree with 22 and other fans opposed to the regretably opportunistic Kalusha Bwalya candidature for FAZ presidence. the reason is simple, the young man has no qualities for the job and lacks administrative skills. You like it or not, you agree or disagree, he got a shameful Division three(3)O-level Certificate from Mufurila Secondary School.

    Yes he was agood player, but greater ones like Abedi Ayew Pele, Amokachi,Tony Yeboah are not demanding for endless honours like this kalu of ours. Out of inferiority complex, or to make up for his educational handicapsy, kalu married an old Dutch lady. They are now devorced and he is dating another old lady in S.A.

  42. So how do you discriminate Great Hanif-with all the credentials-proven administrative skils, good inter personal relationship(Kalu lacks this, he has a know -it all altitude and is quarelsome. Hanif has a great heart for Zambian football-Look at how he has single-handedly run Lusaka Dynamos.But Kalu was in and is still in soccer only for personal glory and fortune. If you disagree with me, why do you think he was not in very good books with Charles Musonda and Johnson Bwalya? he was he differing with Big Ted? He did he not assist other Zambian players to enter european leagues those days?He will cause worse problems in FAZ if voted as president.?
    Abashi kalu.VIVA HANIF

  43. Please do not be mistaken to think Kalusha is an adimnistrative genius. he has a talent to play soccer on the pitch, but that does not automatically make him a good coach for instance..remember he failed as national team Coach. We were eliminated in the first round and was quite sturbon and unapologetic to the nation.It took the post newspaers’ intervention and threats of exposure for him to resign as coach.Please also vote fo Simata Simata-he also as aproven truck recordi.e Makumbi Stars. Why can’t Kalu first get the exposure at club level before shamelessly rushing for National and continental positions?Amokachi Coaches enyimba in Nigeria. Whay can’t kalu first help mighty Muf. Wanderers?

  44. Ladies and Gentlement, let us differentiate roles because even in government there is what they call separation of powers. Football adminstration is quite different from playing football.And so is coaching which Kalusah also failed.At first he thought it was a walkover asignment for him.If he can fail like that in coaching which is slightly closer to playing, what about administration which is miles away and especially that he has humble education. You may think I have gone “off side”, but that is the reality on the ground. Big Ted, Like hanif is a seasoned administrator uncomparable to the likes of kalu.VIVA HANIF..ABASH POMPOUS KALU…..!

  45. Ladies and Gentlement, let us differentiate roles because even in government there is what they call separation of powers. Football adminstration is quite different from playing football.And so is coaching which Kalusah also failed.At first he thought it was a walkover asignment for him.If he can fail like that in coaching which is slightly closer to playing, what about administration which is miles away and especially that he has humble education. You may think I have gone “off side”, but that is the reality on the ground. Big Ted, Like hanif is a seasoned administrator uncomparable to the likes of kalu.VIVA HANIF..ABASH POMPOUS KALU…..!

  46. Readers beware!Most of the bloggers here are all from one family masquerading as numerous anti-Kalu quacks. Just ignore them

  47. 58 has sunk so low as to call us principled exposed and development minded as “bloggers from one family masquerading as numerous anti-kalu quacks’. It is a pity that today we still have such low minded people in Zed who are just hell-bent on Hero-worshiping.

    Personally, I have nothing against kalu as a person. But I hate his opportunistic tendencies and big-headedness which other soccer greats elsewhere do not exhibit. Ignoring us as 58 is advocating is mere arrongance and a typical Kalu-way of running things. So I would not be suprised to hear 58 is brother, bootlicker or some close associate.ABASH ARROGANCE LET US NOT IGNORE ANYBODY…! As for you respeKALU, ZWA….! KALU..KUYABEBELE..!

  48. #58 I conquer with you. I too have nothing against Kalu as a person. I gave him enough support when he was footballer but in administration I think the man has to prove himself first at club level and develop the required skills to run an association. I am desperate to see Zambian soccer back to the top hence I am not for the idea of job on training or experiments especially when we already have the qualified and experienced people. The other problem is Kalu is telling us he can run FAZ from SA as its presidency is not a full time job, for me this is unacceptable. Is he aware that being a Minister is not a full time job either? Who will pay for the extra costs? Let him not take us Zambians

  49. #59 I conquer with you. I too have nothing against Kalu as a person. I gave him enough support when he was footballer but in administration I think the man has to prove himself first at club level and develop the required skills to run an association. I am desperate to see Zambian soccer back to the top hence I am not for the idea of job on training or experiments especially when we already have the qualified and experienced people. The other problem is Kalu is telling us he can run FAZ from SA as its presidency is not a full time job, for me this is unacceptable. Is he aware that being a Minister is not a full time job either? Who will pay for the extra costs? Let him not take us Zambians

  50. Choma 1 whoever you are you should stop confusing Zambians with superficial knowledge. If you are desperate to see Zambian soccer back to the top level what makes you think the FAZ Presidency is what counts? Why should someone prove himself at club level? That sounds like Cabbage’s parochial sidelining of Prof Chirwa. There are various ways of reaching the top and noone takes the same way. Also, a minister’s job is always fulltime where did you get the idea that ministers are part-time? This shows the kind of people who have hijacked the blog. Armchair critics who think Kalusha will lose the election on the internet! Kalusha has a following from practical experienced soccer followers!

  51. #59 I know most of you are from one single family in Lusaka. Hero worshipping: Why does Zambia have no heroes? Because some people like you have no sense of reality and are too envious and jealous. You think heroes are dead. Heroes are not recognised when they are dead. Kalusha has so far demonstrated acumen of football leadership and ambition to take Zambia to great heights. Coaching a team to the finals is not only about field skills but adminstration and people skills. Thats why in Europe the coach is called manager because he manages many aspects.I feel sorry for you because at the end of the day Kalusha will carry the day!

  52. #63 It is like to you my earlier plea fail on deaf ears.I tell you I have nothing personal aginst or for any of the three contestants for FAZ presidency. I am speaking from somewhere outside Zambia purely on personal conviction and on principle. My dear friends Zambia has heros in various things eg.Kaunda-Political,Matete-Athetics, Kalusha, the late Chitalu, Charles Musonda-Soccer etc.What we are denying is misplacemnet of talent. KK is hero in politics, but not ion splaying soccer.Maurinho is a hero in Coaching but not playing soccer-mind you he has never been a soccer player in his life, but see the success in coaching.Even our own Colonel Brightwell banda fit here.

  53. #63 be reminded that market place pettiness won’t pay here.Let us look at real issues-no one is jealousy of any body,for what?-there is nothing persoanl here and if you knew what you are talking about, you can withdraw that sentence with apologies to all the readers.No sane person can envy someone in deeper waters and deperately struggling for survival by aby means.Yes in europe a coach is called a manager, but mus have with proven track record, not the way Kalu did here.As for Kalu winning the coming elections…God knows..but remember he was also favorite to win the Cosafa ones. You know what happened.

  54. #62Soccer fan No 2.I agree with you there are so many ways one can contribute to the development of Zambian soccer other than being Faz Presidency for example Kalu did his own as a player,Hanif as an admnistrator and club proprietor,me as a fan and tax payer.Kalu and Mulonga have to give others chance with new ideas with proven records.Our national team and clubs have not performed on the continental level despite having Govt funding and abundant talent.Hanif has a record of searching,harnesing talent,cordination and sourcing funds.His club has moved from the amateur to premiership without govt funding,he being Faz president wont be like bringing in a new man but a mere transfer or promotion

  55. #62Soccer fan2 “Zambia’s Kalusha Bwalya missed a crucial spot kick as Angola won a record third Cosafa Cup with a 5-4 win on penalties in Lusaka on Saturday.The game was then marred as the Zambian fans reacted angrily to the loss throwing objects on the field which lead to the police firing tear gas into the crowd.The fans also insulted Bwalya,who was surrounded by security forces to keep the angry supporters away from him. The problems meant both sides were kept in the stadium for over two hours following the match”.U wrote”Kalusha has a following from practical experienced soccer followers!”is this the following you are talking about?He should thank the security forces and not his history

  56. Hanif has managed lusaka dynamoes fofr a long time and if he was not not succesful,the team would have collapsed,though its still there.Kalu has not been in a position to do that,we could give him a chance to see if he can manage a team….but on the other hand this aint any regular team,but the national team.I would not trust him to do that util he shows me he can manage his life.
    So mr hanif adams i guess you are my man for the job and you are a hard man takin all the racist remarks coming your way,i feel for you and know what you are going through

  57. There are people that can succeed in both playing and administration. Kalu succeeded as a player. The short period he has been in administration have shown that he is better as an outsider (supporter).

    The mian problem with him is thinking he knows it all in the game. He is far from being a good administrator. If we give the office, I guarantee failure. Mark my words.

    Give Hanif a change. My opinion.

  58. There are people that can succeed in both playing and administration. Kalu succeeded as a player. The short period he has been in administration has shown that he is better as an outsider (supporter).

    The main problem with him is thinking he knows it all in the game. He is far from being a good administrator. If we give him the office, I guarantee failure. Mark my words.

    Give Hanif a change. My opinion.

  59. It doesnt matter who wins or rules FAZ the fact we should look at is leadership qualities and able to deliver.

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