Saturday, July 27, 2024

Don’t use mosquito nets to catch fish


Government says the distribution of 50,000 insecticide treated nets (ITNs) in Namwala district of Southern province has significantly reduced the rate of malarial cases.

And Namwala District Commissioner, Eunice Nawa, has warned people against using mosquito nets to catch fish instead of using them to protect themselves from mosquitoes.

Officiating at the World Malaria Day, whose theme is “Malaria, a disease without borders”, Ms. Nawa, told the gathering to use the distributed mosquito nets for the intended purposes.

Ms. Nawa said it was therefore important for the community in the district to fully support government’s efforts to eradicate malaria countrywide.

“Malaria is a disease which affects us all in our society. This means that we need to work together in order to eliminate the suffering brought about by malaria in our community,” she said.

She said some members of the public were using the ITNs as fishing nets, which she said was total misuse of the mosquito nets.

“Of late I have received many reports of people using the ITNs to catch fish which is a very sad development indeed,” she said.

Ms. Nawa since ordered the fisheries department to bring to book all those using mosquito nets for catching fish.

She said government attached great importance to the elimination of malaria in the country and thus has put malaria programmes among its top priorities.

“The onus is on us to fully support these programmes put in pace by government,” she added.


  1. ya, the bemba chaps are the ones that use mosquito nets for fishing lol jus kiddin. however, the govt must take responsibility as far as distribution of free or subsidised fishing nets is concerned

  2. For those following the thread on the first lady’s campaign on malaria prevention and awareness, this is a typical example that a good % of citizens take malaria for granted. We need not laugh at these mosquifishermen but rather recognize the urgent need for them to be educated on these matters of life and death.But then again there is an even bigger dearth of such education at many levels of fundermental social issues.

  3. Iwe mwaice Nawa catching fish in those nets is ok, because it is productive – feeding the nation. What you need to investigate and stop is these young stranded women using the some donated net to tailor wedding dresses which they use for one day, damp them and the next day they are also divorced, stupid *****s.

  4. I have seen pipo using the ITNs for fishing, they sweep even the baby fish which has no steak but only bones, they first finish big ones in these ponds with normal nets then uses the ITNs to completely wipeout the small ones they are forgeting abt 2moro.
    we eat like pigs.

  5. if they have seen people using mosiquito nets to catch fsh,its a clear indication of a need,why not provide them with fish nets also which is a more economical venture,than politiking with mosiquito nets

  6. its sad coz these people they use all their nets for fishing and later goes to the clinic with severe malaria or malaria in pregnancy leading to miscourages sometimes even death. It wiser to weigh two ends than thinking abt the present only.

  7. for zambia to achieve the MDGs it will take decades coz we cant help ourselves to prevent our own tropical conditions, those ITs are donated from countries in europe where malaria is not on their national flag, but we use them for fishing and wedding dresses, they give you trash drams you still and make mbaula and prefer littering around and get all kinds of diarrhoea diseases, the give you treated seeds for you to plant for you to have enough food next year you wash the chemical out and boil to make food(ZIWAYA). WHAT TYPE OF PIPO ARE YOU? SHAME!

  8. The question is, what criteria was used in dishing out these mosquito net in the first place? What User education was done before their distribution to ensure that the would be users were to be compliant to the proper usage of these nets? It is clear to me that those responsible for their distribution were driven more by publicity than the effective utilization of these things. Shame that the criteria used appears to have been shallow and poorly thought out. People will discard things they do not understand and go for other more understood uses. The closure of Kafue Textiles should be an opener that we have stupid people in GRZ. Moskito nets and fishing nets could have been produced by

  9. Kafue Textiles. Instead we had the MMD GRZ mourning about getting rid Kafue Textiles while brained leaders would have gone to the core of its operations and ensure that it was on course to satisfy national clothing needs.

    I also blame the GRZ for being empty of leadership. The only time they want to show that they are leaders is when there are conferences with the IMF/WB, or SADC! Yet when it comes to addressing the needs of the vast majority, there is only farting!!

  10. Ndipo a Bemba banisiliza nzelu, now they have stopped cutting trees in the pretex of chitemene but actually thats how they hunt monkeys to deprive them of cover, and whats this thing of catching fish with mosquito nets? Mwana apya na malaiti, ati mupelekeni ku ZESCO, aba a Bemba nibathu ba bwanji? Osabapasa ma nets!

  11. aye #16 ndiye mutundu bwanje? clearly there is a need there that has not been addressed. these people need to eat and they should have been given proper fishing nets too.

    dont try to be smart, you would have done the same if it was you. dont blame these people trying to make a living even though they are catching the small fish as well.

    insala nipa Zed mwana.

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