Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia still harbours Angolan refugees


Zambia continues to face challenges of a residual caseload of Angolan refugees, Zambia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Lazarous Kapambwe has observed.

Mr. Kapambwe notes that some of the refugees are vulnerable and not self-reliant but positive strides were implemented such as the repatriation as a durable solution including local integration for such caseloads.

He says the Zambian government had audience with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to consider long term solutions to the influx of Angolan refugees.

This is according to the press statement released by the Zambian Embassy’s First Secretary to the United Nations, in charge of Press in New York, Moses Walubita, and made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today.

Mr. Kapambwe said this when he addressed the Third Committee of the 63rd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Report of the UNHCR; question and answer session on returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian.

The Zambian Envoy said the success of the Zambian Initiative Programme should serve as a useful model for similar areas hosting refugees in the country (Zambia) but reiterated Zambia’s commitment to meeting the obligations governing the Refugee Conventions.

And Mr. Kapambwe has disclosed that Zambia welcomes the UNHCR’s Global Needs Assessment Initiative to which Zambia will be piloted along side with other eight countries.

The initiative is based on the actual needs of refugees in th field as it has helped identify critical needs of refugees such as feeding them amid looming global food crisis.



  1. Angola today is a much better place than Zambia but we must try to understand that the so called “Angolans” who’re refusing to go back to Angola are those who entered Zambia at a very young age and/or those who where born in our Zambia. God will only bless our country if we naturalise these people because they know not other home apart from Zambia.

  2. We are all foreign on this earth, no one belongs anywhere. Those people from angola are our brothers and sisters, they say love thy naighbour. so many Zambians are out of the country, they work and so are the Angolans, they are hard workers. Please let them stay. Bonse tuli bantu.

  3. Govt Food Farms:

    You stake your name on 5 acres.
    If you farm it for 2 years contiuous the title is your’s.
    You must sell 75% of your crop to the goverment each year at market rate.
    After 2 years the 5 acres are yours.
    You are free to stake another 5 acres as long as you farm both titles continuous.

    This idea will create jobs/food/agri tool sales etc etc.
    I’m running for Zambia President in 2011.
    Who wants to work??

  4. I think they have stayed here long enough to be citizens. Some of them have married Zambians. Why should you tell them to go now. Some of these people have here since 1970s?? surely

  5. Amubaleke bakale a kulya mucisi ca-Zed. Aabo banyina ima Zambian Citizenship muku Zyalwa amuba langanye imyaka njoba****** mucisi case akubapa permanant residence naabalayanda.

    There is no need to waste more time – just let them become Zambians if that is what they want to be.

  6. “When asked about people attributing apathy to lack of delivery of promises by politicians, Hakainde said that was why Zambia needed change…He also said governments of national unity were destructive to Africa and Zambia did not need that.”

    Source: maravi . blogspot . com / 2008/ 10 / hh -condemns -army -commanders -threats . h t m l

  7. Most of you don’t know what you are talking about. There are two types of refugees. We have people that came in 1970s and others that came in the late 90 and early 2000. Are you people that are suggesting that they stay also include those who came in the late 90s and early 2000? I don’t agree with that view. The majority of the refugees came into Zambia from Angola at the height of the Angolan war in early 2000, I don’t think such groups should be given citizenship. That is where people are misleading the refugees because some are trying to apply the same rules to old and new refugess. The recent refugees should go back while the old ones should be dealt with on a case by case basis!!

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