Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kunda urges Zambian farmers to diversify


Vice President George Kunda has called on farmers in the country to embark on crops diversification with a view to addressing the challenges of the rising food prices and other essential commodities.

Mr. Kunda says as the country recovers from its economic doldrums, there was need for farmers in the country to embark on crop diversification in order to enhance food security in the country.

The Vice President said this when he addressed farmers in Mkushi district.

Mr. Kunda said government’s move to engage farmers to diverse to other crops was also aimed at addressing the global challenges associated with the soaring prices of food and the falling of copper prices.

The Vice President has since challenged farmers in the country to take a leading role of growing more food with a view to enhancing food security in the country.

Meanwhile Mr. Kunda has called on the opposition political parties that are inciting people to demonstrate over the rising prices of mealie-meal and other essential commodities to desist from inciting people to demonstrate and instead encourage them to grow more food.

Mr. Kunda said there was no need for the opposition to start accusing the ruling government of being irresponsible over the escalating prices of food and other essential commodities as the problem was a global challenge.

He has since appealed to the opposition to support government’s effort of addressing the effects of the global economic and financial crisis.

And Mr. Kunda who is also Muchinga has disclosed that government was considering turning Muchinga and Serenje districts into a tourism destinations.

He said the move taken by government through the Ministry of Tourism to turn Muchinga and Serenje district into a tourism destination was aimed at promoting tourism potential in the area.


  1. Nibuhali na muchaha amunikoni…anyway why diversify when african agriculture is stagnanted by useless EU policies like the CAP. Zed should adopt a feudal system amongst all farmers so that instead of worrying about feeding outsiders , the people of the nation should be fed first.

  2. Useless Chap Kunda first & foremost u politician ve very gud example on farming by having farms alas no.Cheat those villagers about world finances.Escalating millie meal prices has no connection on world economic meltdown but poor planning or no reserve at FRA.

  3. Cheap talk again! Please put your money where your mouth is!! You should be setting up programmees and systems instead of issuing vague statements! Diversify to what crops? Who will buy them and at what price. Is there land available to people who want to try farming? Are there any government loans and is there technical support for new crops? These are all the points you need to be clear about Mr. VP!!

  4. mr kunda stop addressing farmers and address the whole nation on what you are doing about the crisis that has hit this nation.ala! you spend time opening your mouths instead of sorting out real issues. we need a quick answer to the problems we are facing.zed is in deep problems so dont sugar coat the problems by talking too much about other things…

  5. The government through the ministry of agriculture should idedify specific crops in each province that do well and are marketable outside and invest in them. Civilization is not always copying capitalism. It does not work for Zambia. We need to put things in proper pespectives and suitable context. The government should support or own with a good percentage to national partners, fertilizer producing companies, energy, mining, mealing etc. We are too small a country to afford complete privatization of the essential producing corporations. America is a huge country. They can afford to do that here without many consequencies.

  6. The farmers should challenge the govt to provide fertiliser; otherwise crop diversification will be nothing but a pipe dream. Action not words Bwana VP.

  7. 12
    I agree with you. Just becuase he has “diversified” into Vice President by some bolt of luck he thinks thats how easy it is for all to go into other things. I have US$12’000 in my dollar account, over K100 million in my kwacha account and to tell you what my business activities have been wiped out by the closure and rationalisation of operations in the mines. So can George Kunda, the “Red Lipped Snake” tell me what to do or diversify into now.
    These chaps are fond of talking trash when they get full stomaches on govt money.

  8. How can Zambian farmers diversify when they can not even specialise in the main staple? They need to be given a level playing field by the govt in loans and farming implements in the same way that the farmers from neighboring countries who have come to zambia have been given.

  9. 13. KWINDI,

    You have $120k plus K100mn (at K5k/USD, that is $20 right now). I would first diversify your own money into gold, and a year’s supply of food.

    If you want to go into agriculture, buy as big a piece of land as you can with as little money as you can, buy a second hand earth mover and combine harvester, create low tech rainfall catchment systems of swales and ponds, and grow as much staple as you can. Maize, cassava, raise cattle. Food is going to be the next gold.

    Go to Youtube and type in: permaculture water

    and check out the Geoff Lawton Permaculture Water Harvesting videos. They’re really brilliant in their conception. Also check out:

    Keyline Design

  10. 13. KWINDI,

    If you want to multiply your money in the long term (I’m talking 20 years), check out teak and other hardwoods. Check out:

    tropicalteaktreefarms /com /teak_projections.htm

  11. 14. Zig Zag Chimfwembe,

    ” They need to be given a level playing field by the govt in loans and farming implements in the same way that the farmers from neighboring countries who have come to zambia have been given. ”

    It is galling that the MMD will bend over backwards for rhodesians because of some mistaken notion of white superiority, but will not support it’s own indigenous farmers for a far greater return on investment.

    The government needs to start promoting agriculture, way beyond handing out fertilizer. Farmers need stable prices and markets, they need education like everyone one else in business, support for marketing and purchasing of inputs and startup loans.

  12. ever since kunda got to be vee pee he seems to have acquired the habit of building the zambian public catsles in the air.this man is blubbering about everything practically everyday!deeds ba kunda not words! :-l:-l:-l:-l

  13. “And Mr. Kunda who is also Muchinga has disclosed that government was considering turning Muchinga and Serenje districts into a tourism destinations.”

    How is Mr Kunda also Muchinga? I feel there are more details missing in this above quoted sentence, LT.

  14. Oye, stop talking a lot as you have to encourage the farmer to go into food diversification. Create better conditions for farming and stop giving agriculture inputs to government works.


  16. 6. Zambian-American,

    ” What r u doing to help them farmers achieve your suggetions? ”

    7. Action Man

    ” You should be setting up programmees and systems instead of issuing vague statements! ”

    Enough of ‘calling on’, let’s see some policies instead. Isn’t that what government does – implement policies, not ‘call on’, as if farmers simply didn’t think of the idea of diversifying their crops?

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