Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambians must look at 2009 as a year of unity – Pande


Government has called upon the church to offer a concentration of prayers so that the country continues to receive favour from God.

Foreign Affairs Minister Kabinga Pande says 2009 will be a very difficulty year not only for Zambia but the entire world due to the global financial recession and rising food prices.

Mr. Pande, who is also Kasempa Member of Parliament, says it is for this reason that Zambians must declare 2009 as a year for unity and cooperation so that the country offset the global crisis.

He says it is also for this reason that the country expects the spiritual leadership and the church to effectively communicate to God for the country to be delivered from the global crisis.

Mr. Pande was speaking in Kasempa last evening at the 2008 end of year party held at Kasempa Boys High.

He pointed out that the President and all political leaders are looking up to the church leaders for guidance but was quick to point out that the church should however not offer its guidance through the press,.

“We need spiritual guidance in 2009 from the church. State House and all government institutions are open to the church to walk in and advice us so that our country can be able to face the global challenge effectively,” he said.

Mr. Pande pointed out that Zambia is yet to feel the pinch of the global financial recession and rising food prices, but that government will not take it as a mere difficulty situation but as a challenge.

He observed that the love of God however can be seen in Zambia through the vast land which can be utilized for crop production so that the country can shield herself against the global crisis.

“The only way to fight the high food prices is to work hard and utilize the land which God has given us. Every one of us has a role to play during the global financial recession and the rising food prices,” he said.

Mr. Pande advised Zambians to be weary of some politicians bent on disturbing the peace in the country saying while Zambia is a Christian nation, the devil is working hard trying to cause confusion through some people.

He advised civil servants to work hard and implement government policies in whatever capacity and department they are in.

Mr. Pande further called upon Zambians to watch political leaders and civil servants and ensure that they earn their money through hard work.

And Evangelical Church in Zambia Reverend Lazalous Kayamba thanked God for the peace the country has continued to enjoy even after the death of President Levy Mwanawasa and the subsequent presidential election in October.

Rev. Kayamba observed that Zambians cried out to God during that difficulty period and God heard their prayers saying even now during this time of the global financial recession and rising food crisis the country should look to God.

Mr. Pande is in Kasempa District to conduct an end of year inspection of developmental projects in the area.



  1. God has blessed all human kind. He says when you pray put that pray into prctice.Dont sit idly thinking manna will fall from heaven, no. As govt you have to work hard so that results are seen. Good policies onagriculture, mining etc thats what is needed. Not prayer without action.

    And stop blaiming the fincialcrisis…concentrate on reversing it. :-w:-w:-w

  2. Happy New Year bloggers.
    As for Pande – it’s good to see an MP that visit his constituency other than at election time.
    RB should tell us the plan for the miners out of employemnt. Is he still in Mfuwe?

  3. ‘Mr. Pande advised Zambians to be weary of some politicians bent on disturbing the peace in the country saying while Zambia is a Christian nation, the devil is working hard trying to cause confusion through some people.’

    While this statement sounds true, there is much more to it as the devil is trying to use everyone. That is why the Holy Srciputers indicate that “(KJV Bible Matthew 7:21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

    Therefore, let us be serious in making references to our God and show that we are really committed.

  4. Yes, unity and I hope you are not suggesting that the pressure you are getting from opposition parties is disunity. We need to check you out. If you cannot lead you have to leave. Ba RB it seems Tentamashimba is leading on your behalf.

  5. Unity not just back home … even learn to do simple things as distributing the Zambian Flags to those of us who are proud of our country; these chaps sell it with too high a price!:((

  6. One Land and One Nation is our cry…..

    Eight words is all it takes. Our national anthem says it all, as does our moto – One Zambia, One Nation!

  7. Different opinions and point view is unity, I call upon all the Zambian preachers to make these politicians accountable.95% of the Zambians preachers are focused on money that is why they are preaching the garbage which is coming from America getting from their poor flocks and living the high life.The Bible is balanced so is Christianity it is not focused on money but life as a whole.

  8. What a load of rubbish! I am as christian as the next guy, but lets be practical. God helps those who help themselves. We have been blessed with mineral resources, fertile land a peaceful nature which facilitates Compromise and prevents wars.

    The political leadership need to worry about our economic wellbeing and and not our spirituality. Thats why we pay them so much.

    Perhaps we should replace pande with the clergy!?

  9. #13 I couldn’t agree with you any more. I have now become very sceptical of these Zambian politician and their “marriage” to the so called church. I can smell something. One using the other to feed on the blood of poor people. When politicians are challenged they are quick to mention the name of God as they know it numbs everyone in the supposedly christian nation. As for the church leadership backing politicians is a sure way that they will get in the politician pay roll and ascent to fame. Let us be very very careful and critical.

  10. If the word peaceful to you means not keeping you on your toes better save your breath. U must work and stop wasting your time in churches where you appear to be ‘holier than thou’. Work and produce results to safeguard the peace you seem to have political illusions covered on.

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