Monday, January 20, 2025

Regina Chiluba found guilty and sentenced


POLICE officers ushering Regina Chiluba to a van before being ferried to Lusaka Central prison or Chimbokaila after a conviction by a Lusaka magistrate Court
POLICE officers ushering Regina Chiluba to a van before being ferried to Lusaka Central prison or Chimbokaila after a conviction by a Lusaka magistrate Court

The wife of second republican president, Frederick Chiluba, Regina has been jailed for three and half years for illegally receiving government funds and property.

Regina Chiluba was found guilty of receiving stolen government funds to buy three houses on the Copperbelt and and over three hundred thousand United States dollars while former President Chiluba was in office.

Principal Resident Magistrate, Charles Kafunda, on Tuesday convicted and sentenced Mrs. Chiluba on four counts.

Magistrate Kafunda told a courtroom packed with Chiluba supporters that she had failed to explain how she had received the questionable properties and goods.

“These were serious allegations and were casually explained by the accused, and I now convict you accordingly and sentence you to three-and-a-half years simple imprisonment,” Kafunda said.

A shocked silence filled the court when the conviction was read out. Her husband Dr Chiluba shook his head.

Some relatives began to silently weep and had to be helped out and one fainted inside the court. Others began to sing gospel songs.

Soon after judgment was passed, a court clerk took Mrs Chiluba’s fingerprints while the Dr. Chiluba joined her in the dock.

She was then led to a waiting car and driven to the Lusaka Central Prison to begin her sentence.

As he left the court, Dr. Chiluba said his wife’s sentence would just be a “passing phase.”

A prison guard blocking photographers from shooting pictures of Regina Chiluba at Chimbokaila
A prison guard blocking photographers from shooting pictures of Regina Chiluba at Chimbokaila


    • Rubish ! Why is our justice system beating about the bush, shifting the spotlight from Chiluba (plunderer of the national resources) to the almost inocent wife, Regina. Shame, Regina is being used as a scapegoat. We demand immediate conclusion to the FTJ Chiluba case and not going around in circles.

    • One day it might be very funny for you as well. While we don’t condone wrong doings we must show sympathy to those being jailed. Scripture says i was in prison and you visited me.Never rejoice on the wrongs of others instead provide a guide.

    • I agree with Fide we shouldn’t be so cold. You know politics, while justice yes must be seen to be done, the whole thing might even be staged and accademic. While one criminal might be better than another I like to think most Zambians are criminals or ve a crimal instinct. If you fall prey to the politicians they like to make you an example.

    • Those of you rejoicing over this matter you should be ashamed of yourselves…yes you may say she deserves it but we should respect her and remember that she has children and how do you think they are feeling.We say we are a christian nation but we rejoice in the downfall of others when we should be helping to pull them out of the ditch.

  1. She’ll probably be out by wednesday when her bail & appeal is heard,what a waste of time,they should start by jailing Chiluba coz Regina as girlfriend to the then Head of state at the time could not refuse any gift the President gave her,who in their right mind would refuse a gift from the President,i think these people think Zambians are so dull.
    It’s high time these chaps stopped diverting attention from issues at hand.
    I also hear Shaka’s & Chibomba have now been expelled from MMD,what a bunch of morons those leaders we have in Zed & MMD.

    • U are right my Bro., u are damn right. Chiluba’s case we await. What did he mean this is a passing phase? I suspect RB will never pardon these, KK is pulling the strings. He will be happy to see the one that thumped him & destroyed his legacy put behind bars to save his legacy. FTJ naeve, why did he involve self in this? See the end result. Shamefully shocking.

  2. Yakosa mu Zambia .but nway it happens, will always remember u Regina and will not4get u in our prayers.

  3. even if iam anti chiluba i think now can feel sorry for this.

    let wait and see if is not going to be out by wednsday

  4. A monkey in charge of a maize field, we have seen the results now. Late LPM knew what he was doing and he would have been proud of the fruits of his investment. Chiluba regime was very corrupt

    • One wouldn’t be surprised if they now accuse the late pres of stealing as well.With Zambian politics one can never be sure.

    • This is no longer an accusation, but a conviction. Theft of public funds and corruption must be dealt with sternly, and with all the necessary meanness to deter would-be offenders. Corrupt people must bear in mind that once convicted, they would have betrayed the entire nation including their own families who will be languishing whilst the offenders save their sentence. Be wise, be warned and stay away and clean.No mercy for thieves whether in a suit, with a bible, with a gun, with a family. They too still from poor people with families.

    • Yeah, and no one gave him the benefit of the doubt. I really regret that. To those bemoaning the other ‘important matters’ the country should be focusing on – does that mean these convictions should be dropped and forgotten, or simply ignored by the media? Of course they’ll attract attention when reported – these are high-profile people who always thought they were above the law. Let’s give credit where credit is due, especially considering the obstacles faced by the anti-corruption campaign at its inception, and thereafter. The country is reaping the results of Levy’s initiative, even after his demise. That’s the problem with Zambians – damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  5. Gordon and Obama are meeting today concerning the economy crisis while the Zambian govt is playing ‘touch’ lol


  6. She will soon be out definately,they are trying the blind us so as to get Nchito in as well,diaper tricks.


    • Haaaa Ghost dog.How are you?its good that you are contributing well.Keep on with the same spirit.The truth about Regina will come out soon,if she is out on bail???there are a lot of questions to be answered

    • Am alwayz on track,its just because some people try to deflect me,but still I remain on the grind cause am like a beam that people try to bend on a stiffer axis.

  7. Spot on!

    Cutey, Nine Chale, Lisa

    What are the odds that #16 has “monkey” in their vocabu? Such words or animal lines dont just spill out just like that. Looks we have found the rumor monger. what are the odds??

    • I was also thinking about that. Gladys nyirongo, now regina. Musengule, and funjika and another army officer whose name i cannot recall….and probably dora siliya soon after.

  8. This is really a shame!! Not only to the Chiluba family but also to the image of our beloved country Zambia. These are people who were put in office to lead the people. It just shows that the people in office can not simply dedicate themselves to the serve the country, but get busy in stealing what belongs to the people.
    If Regina went this far what about Chiluba? If the wife of the President can abuse her position, then what about her husband the president?

    What cab we do to avoid giving power to corrupt and selfish individuals? Surely Corruption has forced Zambia to its knees..

  9. She had all the time in the world to enjoy,now its pay back time.She will be giving bl*w J@bs to prison warders now!!

  10. this was definately comming. Even if its for three nights that she will spend in jail, its ok! the way Chiluba delayed us at Unza, claiming that there was no money to run a University! kanshi he was busy giving the girlfriend money…..sad! what goes up, surely comes down! Those of you that benefited from corruption, watch your backs!

  11. it may be true that she may come out in 3 days coz why is she smiling when going to jail unlike Rev Nyirongo? she is strolling out of Chikwa court like she is walking in her sitting room.

  12. The bottom line is : Don’t play with poeple’s money. These poeple are not called “public servants” for nothing.

  13. I buy some cocktails -please bar tender give me one “Beatrice Mwala stirred not shaken”,” one Rev Nyirongo shaken with an olive” and “one Regina Mwanza Chiluba double shot with lime”

  14. How about vera??You mean FTJ was buying things for the girlfriend and living the wife with nothing?This whole thing is selective.Let vera be investigated also.All the properties she has,can she account for them.Just because she seemed to support the late LPM she has been let scot free.

    • She is.There is something seriously wrong with our malawian brothers!!Achimwene nichani chilu chitika kansi??Malabishi wati!!

    • Generally girlfriends tend to get more gifts than wives because the manifesto is still being presented. Wives have already been won!

    • Ibrahim leave Vera out of this. She suffered enough humiliation when Regina swiped her husband. Regina travelled many a time to New York for shopping with Zambia’s money.

  15. It appears there’s an epidemic of jailings in Zambia. On one hand you’re happy at people being held accountable for their actions. On the other you despair when you see the double standards and injustices being perpetrated by the present regime. Dora Siliya being a case in point.


  16. To those bemoaning the other ‘important matters’ the country should be focusing on – does that mean these convictions should be dropped and forgotten, or simply ignored by the media? Of course they’ll attract attention when reported – these are high-profile people who always thought they were above the law. Let’s give credit where credit is due, especially considering the obstacles faced by the anti-corruption campaign at its inception, and thereafter. The country is reaping the results of Levy’s initiative, even after his demise. You’d all be complaining had these cases been dropped, or resulted in acquittal. That’s the problem with Zambians – damned if you do, damned if you…

    • Citizen i agree with you but why did Levy take so long to convict Chiluba?
      Before this year is fiished Maureen will be testifying in connection with Zambian Airways and so on.When you catch a thief you should make him pay but in Zambia everyone is caught but they never pay back not even a penny.

    • That’s the problem – my concern is that these convictions will just deter people from not stealing as much, as opposed to not stealing at all. However, I personally find it encouraging that Regina was convicted. Did you ever think you would see the day? Chiluba was at one time the country’s most powerful person. He was untouchable. Now he’s sitting in court like everyone else, having to answer for his past deeds. My hope is that the judiciary will continue with their admirable work, and he’ll be joining Regina soon. And with all this ‘what about Vera, what about Dora’ – their cases haven’t even begun yet. Appreciate the strides the courts have made so far. They’re time will come.

  17. Even our very first lady mama Kaunda has been implicated in certain caes but I can’t imagine a sane judge sending her to jail.

  18. Why are people bringing in Vera Chiluba into this? Didnt Chiluba make sure that she had nothing? Didnt she at one point have to sell her katundu to make ends meet? As for the economy, people need to realise that Zambia is a very poor country. In reality there is not much our govt can do as this economic melt down has come about because of the profligacy of Western countries. Zambia and other countries are at the mercy of the global economic system that is one of the reasons why we should be thinking about a United States of Africa as it would give us more clout onthe global scene.

    • Exactly! It seems people want Rupiah to arrange meetings with Obama and Brown to see what role Zambia can do in getting the world out of this recession. Tough chance – we never created it, but are unfortunately at the mercy of it. Everyone is. However, life goes on, and corruption cases have to still be dealt with.

  19. LT are you sending my comments to chimbokaila or what?Even my greetings to pipo on this board can’t be published! What have I done?

  20. Things really fall apart. it appears though that Akulu mpuno is learning the tricks…Use the corruption weapon2 and gain support…international support

  21. Is it like if in my comments there’s a mention of baby c then it wont be published????Baby c asked me some questions in one of her postings so I’m just trying to answer her.

  22. We will see how many people will go to jail when Kaunda, Mwanawasa and RB immunities are removed. Maureen will be in front answering about the oil deals they made

  23. Regina is just a defenceless woman. Please deal with fellow men. Let it also be clear, this is going to be a long and protracted fight, no one knows what the conclusions will be.

  24. Government has commenced civil and criminal proceedings against Mines Air Services Limited trading as Zambian Airways and its Chief Executive Officer Mutembo Nchito.
    The civil proceedings are aimed at recovering over USD12million (over K60 BILLION) owed to statutory and public bodies such as Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ), National Airports Corporation (NAC), Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

  25. Mutembo is accused of using Zambian Airways as a vehicle to defraud and steal public funds from banks and state institutions.
    He is being accused of orchestrating purported commercial transactions that allowed him to obtain a string of loans running into millions of dollars without the intention of paying back. Every time the monies were released to Zambian Airways, Mutembo allegedly reneged on servicing the loans and would always attempt to persuade these institutions to turn the debt into shareholding without showing how and what the loans were used for or invested.
    Investigating wings are particularly interested in what happened to the USD29million provided to Zambian Airways

  26. The theft and fraud was perpetrated by directors of Zambian Airways using political influence, to siphone money from public bodies on the pretext that it was a ‘national airline’ and required funding, loans or couldn’t pay statutory obligations.
    Its CEO, Mutembo Nchito has consistently targeted public bodies to ‘finance the operations of Zambian Airways’ even when the history of the airline shows that government privatised the airline to avoid the tax payer running such an enterprise.
    It is ironical that Mutembo even targeted ZCCM-Investment Holdings, technically the former owner of the airline, urging them to buy shares in the troubled airline.

  27. Former Finance Minister Peter Ngandu Magande and current BOZ chief Caleb Fundanga are said to be targeted in a wider probe, for their role in allowing Zambian Airways accumulate a total debt of over USD29million.
    Magande is said to have used his office to dissuade and stop statutory bodies such as ZRA, NAPSA and National Airport Corporation (NAC) from collecting fees, tax liabilities and other obligations due, from Zambian Airways. For example, Magande penned a letter to Transport and Communications Minister Dora Siliya directing her to waive’ for a period of 3 years’, debts and payments Zambian Airways owed and were due to National Airport Corporation.

  28. Three years in a zambian prison is like ten years i guess. I almost said three years is not enough. I used to buy clothes from her boutique in Ndola. She was a very nice lady. I guess her ex-hubby is celebrating. Regina treated her hubby like trash…just left him for the president..who woudn’t anyway? let me not criticize her..

  29. Gen. Musengule – jailed
    Gen Kayumba – jailed
    Gen Nyirongo – jailed
    Amon Sibande -jailedRegina Chifunda Mwanza Chiluba – jailed
    Shaka – expelled from MMD
    Chibombamilimo – expelled from MMD

  30. they should allow Chiluba conjugal visits otherwise he is gonna explode like a frog! may be he will bring kutemba back in the system coz that little man has a weakness for women with big booty!!!!

  31. they should allow Chiluba conjugal visits otherwise he is gonna explode like a frog! may be he will bring kutemba back in the system coz that little man has a weakness for women with big boo.ty!!!!

  32. they should allow Chiluba conjugal visits otherwise he is gonna explode like a frog! may be he will bring kutemba back in the system coz that man has a weakness for women with big b.oo.ty!!!!

  33. they should allow Chiluba conjugal visits otherwise he is gonna explode like a frog! may be he will bring kutemba back in the system coz that man has a weakness for women with ample rear endowments

  34. how sad, Reggie babes will come out of the slammer with grey skin and pimples all over! I guess that makes Kafupi, the most eligle ‘bachelor’ in Lsk? I wonder whose wifey he’ll grab next!

  35. how sad, Reggie babes will come out of the slammer with grey skin and pimples all over! I guess that makes Kafupi, the most eligle ‘bachelor’ in Lsk? I wonder whose wifey he’ll grab next…

    • Ba Banda imwe.
      Regina is the one who grabbed someones husband leaving her own in misery and tatters for the sound of money and fame. I dont believe any sane woman can do this. How can a woman leave her own husband and go grab someones husband?? ninshi mubongo muli bwanji?
      She deserves all the punishment.

  36. So typical of Africans lazy, greedy, timewasters and above all corrupt!!. Nobody cares for its people….. where is the pride in Africans. WHY WHY WHY??? Zambia and Africa at large will always remain a JOKE!

  37. Rubish ! Why is our justice system beating about the bush, shifting the spotlight from Chiluba (plunderer of the national resources) to the almost inocent wife, Regina. Shame, Regina is being used as a scapegoat. We demand immediate conclusion to the FTJ Chiluba case and not going around in circles.

  38. Justice has prevailed and let it be so. ,It is hoped that the purpose of custodial sentence will bear fruits, that is transformation of character. We pray for you dear convicts for we know that we are not any better than you only we were not privileged to be in your positions , anyhow a lesson to all.

  39. This news is really shocking. Even those that were merely on the receiving end are now being jailed. Poor lady, why didn’t they just confiscate her property and slap a suspended sentence on her?

  40. There’s nothing wrong with getting bail while you await your appeal hearing. The question is if the appelant court (High Court) will dispose of these cases in a timely manner. Note that if the appeal is dismissed by the High court it is very rare that they give the convict bail, you have to prove that your case will likely succeed in the Supreme Court (tough luck!) unlike the magistrate’s court where it’s a mere ‘exercise.
    And the Supreme court rarely overturns High court rulings.

  41. There’s nothing wrong with getting bail while you await your appeal hearing. The question is if the appelant court (High Court) will dispose of these cases in a timely manner. Note that if the appeal is dismissed by the High court it is very rare that they give the convict bail, you have to prove that your case will likely succeed in the Supreme Court (tough luck!) unlike the magistrate’s court where it’s a mere ‘exercise.
    And the Supreme court rarely overturns High court rulings.

  42. Finaly justice is preveling in our land! This shows that Chiluba is guilty and I can’t wait for his sentence.All his inchmen are guilty including his new wife! Bravo Hon Charles Kafunda, atleast you are removing this dark cloud on our judiciary and justice system,that former Chief justice Ngulube ,Chiluba &others had brought . Pipo lost confindence in our legal system ,but now our hopes are been revived or Resuscitated. We hope they won’t remove you frm yo position and silence you brother.Keep up the good work and never be cheated or trust Politician! they may ruine your career. Yes those protest at Unza & unlawful arrest should never be forgotten,stdnts ,were killed,while them busy…

  43. I strongly feel that Regina Chiluba doesn’t deserve to be punished for the crimes of her husband. I take it that Regina thought Chiluba was rich – being the President – & could therefore afford to give her the properties & money. I wonder how on earth we should judge that Regina should have known that Chiluba was giving her stolen money & properties. Honestly if we were to trace all the goods & monies that we receive from our friends & relatives we would find that some of the goods & monies are stolen items. So imagine how it feels to be arrested over such goods & monies. If this law was seriously applied, there are very few people who would not be sent to jail.

  44. A coup is in the horizon, too many powerful people have been screwed. From Shakufwa, to Maureen, to the Military commanders…. please have the military on standby to make sure peace prevails. These are now dangerous times

  45. A coup is in the horizon, too many powerful people have been screwed. From Shakufwa, to Maureen, to the Military commanders…. please have the military on standby to make sure peace prevails. These are now dangerous times

  46. its really sad for mama Regina,i have always admired her strength,woman may the lord help you through,its just a matter of time.things will be okey.

  47. Great things happen to those who wait. Am happy that finally we can have some sanity in the country. Nest is RB and his administration in the next 6 years. You will all pay for robbing the poor, for making us look like foreigners in our own country. Thanks to the courts. Let all criminals be locked up coz thats where they belong. One love to Zed. ABASH DoRa

  48. too bad she wont be ale to enjoy chiluba’s money, sorry regina may be you are paying up for leaving your husband (Mr. Mwanza)

  49. Why Simple imprisonments every time ? . These sentences are not good enough for these greedy criminals.

  50. This is pure injustice!How can they convict her when the chief plunderer is still at large?Dose it mean then that she got her hands on the money by her self?The zed judiciary needs to go back to law school!

  51. Just to quote Chiluba,”No one is above the rule of law”.Thumbs up to the task force for catching the biggest most slippery fish.Prepare the frying pan!!!!!

  52. Why simple imprisonment for Regina when the former defence chiefs are getting hard labor. why????

  53. Oh I see, but how do you sent the poor woman to prison for ‘unlawfully receiving GRZ property’ what about the one who gave that property ‘unlawfully away’ ain’t they even more guilty?

  54. I’m now learning law: If i steal Govt., property & Give it to my girlfriend, the girlfriend goes into jail whilst I enjoy my freedom, no problem. This is realy great. zed sucks!!!

  55. Iam not married,and I don’t know if I will marry,but Iam one person who really love to learn more about marriages.I took time to analyse the a situation of someone (a wife/Husband) leaving his first spouse and come up with this after the end of my analysis.Those who leave their husbands/wives never enjoy their there second marriage as they used to do in the first one,their end point is always a catastropic one.Look at what has happened to Regina,Iam sure if she didn’t leave Mwanza all these could not have happened.Nomba moneni umubili ubusuma uwaya mu prison,Iam sure my relative Chiluba will not make it without a helper so ba Regina mama mwalusa pabili.
    Enjoy yourself Mama Reg in prison.

  56. ……a round of applause to justice!
    My observation of why Africa is so poor. The majority of people are uneducated and they are the majority that vote. We all have rights but I think something serous should be done about this trend. South Africa is currently going through the same thing and obviously going the same way every (once prosperous) African country has gone. Think about this please!

  57. share waste of time & resources,belive me not, regina ll be out, come next week,zed laws do not allow pipo with money to be behind bars.its indeed a passing phase.

  58. One Pholosopher said that the choices and decisions we make to day are what we are going to reap tomorrow. Reginah ditched Mr Mwanza for Plot 1. To my knowledge all she has had are only problems since she made that move. By the way has the person who gave her these items been identified. Actually the whole episode can make tears even for the driest eyes.

  59. Viva Mutembo & group. Isnt it Regina who was bragging that she grew up in Lubuto & the Police officers nimbwa a few months ago with there fake christianity togather with her shortie

  60. ….for some strange reason, I strongly think all these people and politicians that are being sentenced wont serve their whole full sentences. Somebody or some politician will come up with same parole excuse for then just as its happening with Schabir in South Africa. God help Africa and good luck fellow Africans!

  61. Good job Mutembo & group.Regina was over the place insulting officers that went to arrest her,she was bragging that she grew up in Lubuto,so let Lubuto come to her rescue.
    Her fake christianity has been exposed togather with her “husband”
    By the way that aint a smile on her face,bloggers are failing to identify a smile when they see one

  62. Hola mi amigos. Naumfwa ba Banda ku CB ba ex bakwa Reg is throwing a party to celebrate the news. Kuleba ukunwa ichi nwe nwe nwe. All are invited.

  63. i don’t support RB or any of the politicians in the MMD government but insulting the head of state is way out of line; mwachita over mwendofu!!!

  64. Mayo eeeehh. good riddance thats all i can say, good riddance, but how long will she stay in the slammer. fraud shld have a minimum sentence of 10 years, with good behaviour she will be out in a few weeks….

  65. We should learn to appreciate the democratic process, internal and external politics that Zambia has comparing to other sounding countries. At least appreciate, respect and give them honors. Insulting the government is not a way out. You hatters a white man is laughing at you.

  66. 1.2Chando says: I do agree with you to some extent. It is possible that they want to shift attention in order to show that the government of the day is working. While on the other hand it could be just coincidental that her case came up first. This kind of brings about an uncertainty as to the result of the chiluba case it all depend own which people are involved are they in government if they are what position or role do they play. Taking for instance if VJ is involved dont expect the case to go any further.But if people who are involved are just mere government official the result would be an arrest for FTJ. The thing is since there is RB now and RB is likely not to have any link with FTJ.

  67. regina was a girl friend to FTJ at the time so she had the every right to receive gifts from him.the thing is there is no system to control public funds hence the temptation.until that is sorted out the same will happen even 100 years from now.the chiluba guys are smart this might be an agreement to serve time in prison rather than give the cash back.

  68. There is no sacred cow now friends the whole bunch will go in. There was too much plunder going around and I believe the cases must be accelerated

  69. Impressive stuff. It appears like court cases are now moving and yielging fruits.
    On “As he left the court, Dr. Chiluba said his wife’s sentence would just be a “passing phase.””, this is very true althought the sentence appears to be small compared to others who have been punished severely.
    Let the judges give sentences appropriately and on equal-based terms with regards to all crimes. The money lost and probable corruption that was used to do the crimes seems to be very great for little punishment of this nature. Whatever the case, I wish Mrs Regina Chiluba all the best inclduing Mr FTJ Chiluba (Hon. Doc., Malawi) in this trying time.
    All this will end soon as Mr Chiluba…

  70. #1.2, Chiluba’s prison sentence is waiting for election time. RB will yurn on FTJ and imprison him during or near campaign time. He wants to use that in order to win 2011 elections. Just wait and see.

  71. Ba Mayo imwe mukasanga ba tata ba chiluba baliupa umbi. Awe chabipa bane, lelo muletina ifya mwibala lyabene

  72. Regina is a husband snatcher.
    She deserves all forms of punishment. You reap what you sow indeed.

    It is written: vengeance is mine I will repay Romans 12 v:19

  73. Regina is a husband snatcher.
    She deserves all forms of punishment. You indeed reap what you sow.

    It is written: vengeance is mine I will repay. Roamns 12 v: 19

  74. I think Regina can NEVER be Innocent because,she knew very well that ;1.She had a Mr.Mwanza as Husband when Chiluba was making advances.2.She knew Chiluba had Vera as wife and they have Children together.3.She knew that Chiluba was using state resources to intice her into this relationship.She deserves Jail or she might end up in hell.DO NO Commit Aldutery,& do not covert thy neighbours wife/husband.
    The sentence is TOO linient,it should have been 15yrs in prison.

    • Spot on.
      Husband snatchers and grabbers deserve more stiffer punishment than this.
      No wonder Regina came out of court smiling (from ear to ear) after the sentencing.

  75. Iwe 177, why are you using the Word of God wrongly? Aren’t you even ashamed of yourself that you cannot even Spell the name of the Book in the Bible. Please do not use the Word of God in vain.

  76. Look sending people to jail is fine, they come out after some time but the real question here is the money… SHOW ME THE MONEY

  77. regina u jst a prostitute n u a disgrees 2 womanwood.God is figting 4yo husband n children. u shud be jailed such dat useless chiluba wil be aione in bed like yo husband does(mr eddy mwanza) how go 4 him since u let him n how use him rather than u are used by chiluba

  78. You Zambians, you dont understand.Plunders are never jailed. They send them to jail for maximum of 2 days and comes out on bail which in my opnion they dont even pay

  79. why a smile? mu jaile mwaba amafi mwana.tatulefwaya ama bail! u wil find another kafupi to satisfy yo needs there…..ha.ha.ha mwaona kukonda ndalama.

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