Saturday, July 27, 2024

Council and police in Solwezi combine forces to curb smuggling of Mealie meal


Solwezi Municipal Council and Zambia Police in Solwezi have intensified security control measures aimed at curbing smuggling of mealie meal into neighboring countries.

Solwezi district Commissioner Albert Chifita confirmed to ZANIS that Zambia Police would tighten the security at all check points.

Mr. Chifita said, if Police Service impounds vehicles carrying Mealie meal to neighboring countries, that mealie meal would be sold at a cheap price to discourage the sale of the commodity to other countries.

He said the District resolved with the millers that mealie meal would be sold at Mushindamo boarder post at agreed dates and designated places.

He also said Millers were told to regulate the number of bags supplied to their agents adding that a maximum of 50 bags should be released at a price not exceeding K57,000.00 per 25 kg bag.

Mr. Chifita warned that agents who would be found selling a 25 kg bag of mealie meal at more than K57, 000.00 would be cut off from receiving the commodity.

The District Commissioner added that the frequency at which Millers were supplying mealie meal to their depots should be improved due to the increasing population of the district.

Police in Solwezi have of late intercepted trucks carrying mealie meal with the intention of trading it in a neighboring country where the commodity is alleged to be selling at K120, 000.00 per 25 kg bag or even more depending on the availability of the commodity at that time.

However, the mealie meal situation in Solwezi has remained critical causing almost stampede when it arrives at any of the selling shops. These include Antelope milling, national Milling, Superior milling, Solwezi milling and Olympic milling shops that are always swept out immediately.



    • Why even sell if at a cheaper price,it should just be given for free if you are to completely discourage them.

    • BA LT I told you that you will lose all your customers with your Moderations,and the issue of Banning the nambala something,Now this is what you get,No more bloggers am the only one left.So you need to plead for me other wise I will also leave.

    • That guy RB is still unip nowarder thoz unip days are back look at leadership in MMD its that type of dectatorial just like Kaunda I wish we voted for Miyanda and the Village concerpt anyway God help us..

  1. Protecting mealie meal is not the only solution all we need is working govt but the way things are we have a sleeping govt busy fighting individuals like F.Mmember, Fr Bwalya sure those are petty issues ba MMD pliz tell RB to wake up or resign if he can put good policies in place …

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