Friday, June 7, 2024

Resolve differences amicably; Shikapwasha tells ZNBC management, union


Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha has called on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) management and its unionized workers to come up with a positive agreement concerning salary increments.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha said ZNBC should recommend to his ministry on how best the issue of salary increment can be resolved.

He told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that coming up with positive agreement was the best way to solve the salary increment problem at the corporation.

He said it was important that workers and their management at the corporation resolved their differences amicably to foster smooth operations of the national broadcasting station.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha however refused to comment on whether the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has launched investigations in the alleged mismanagement of ZNBC.

Two days ago, ZNBC unionized workers staged a sit-in protest demanding salary increment of K700,000 across the board and the removal of the Director General and the management for alleged mismanagement of the institution.



  1. I think the best is to remove Salasini and the dinosaurs that have overstated at ZNBC including the board that has been there for seven years.

  2. Shikapwasha you have to be serious! How do you expert pipo to resolve issues amicably when you are somehow sitting on the source of the solution.

  3. Zoe Bwalya…Strange that a Bwalya would come from Chief Zumwanda, Kwandagala long time……What would you guys have done different if you were Ronnie?

  4. These Fat Cats onlyu care for themselves, please give these pipo what you owe them. and stop theat Childs play. The minister also sounds like they have muchekeleko, what is he try ing to say.

  5. This issue is tricky. As a political dribbler I would advise Shikapwasha to quickly dissolve the board and let the new board clean up the mess. If he gets involved directly and no money is paid to the workers then govt is in trouble. If on the other hand he removes the MD then he opens up himself to removing MDs everyday workers shout. Let us see what Shikapwasha is made of, after all, he a christian like me.

  6. No wonder Sata brands Shikapwasha as a fake general! How in the world does he call on ZNBC to resolve its problems with the union “amicably” when he is the Minister of the same Ministry under which ZNBC falls? It’s like his president Rupiah Banda calling on the government to resolve its problems with the MMD “amicably. It’s that ridiculous! These jokers need to be kicked out now, not in 2011. We’re fed up!

  7. He cannot can afford 3 x 3 course meals daily. Infact food fights for him eg if he didnt beef yesterday, beef will complain ati ba Gen. you only eating chicken, what wrong have I done?

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