Monday, June 3, 2024

Sata parades and shames underperfoming PF councillors at a rally in Kasama


Patriotic Front leader, Michael Sata, yesterday took to task his councillors in Kasama and warned them of being expelled from the party if they do not perform to the expectation of the electorates.

Mr Sata who paraded his councillors before the multitude at a public rally held in Kasama yesterday at President’s Park, said he will not condon indiscipline among the councillors who become champions of corruption at the expense of developing their wards.

He explained that councillors were supposed to be mobile and monitor how developmental activities were being implemented in the district rather than going round soliciting personal financial support.

He said he had received numerous reports that some PF councillors were soliciting some help from other well-wishers for their personal gain in the name of developing their wards.

The PF leader further said he would be sad to hear that PF councillors are taken to court over corruption and abuse of office and public funds, saying the duties of councillors were to speak for the people and take development to the grass root.

Mr Sata noted that some councillors were busy empowering themselves by taking advantage of the global financial down turn that the country has been faced with living the electorates suffering.

He commanded PF councillors in the province to be social to the people regardless of their political affiliation rather than being champions of plundering ideas.

The PF leader added that his party can only win the forthcoming tripartite elections if only the relationship between the people in the community is sound with their councillors.

And Mr Sata has insisted that he will contest the Presidency on PF ticket in the forthcoming general elections.



  1. this sounds like a man of vision but he lacks diplomacy.wish he could be given chance to rule so that we can see what he is made of.


  3. But why is this stuntman only touring bemba speaking areas.and then when he loses the elections he cries foul. Prove your popularity tata go to northwestern province today with kambwili they’ll lick your asses.

  4. Is this what he calls Action,please!! Parading your councillors to the public so as to create a picture that you are working, when in actual fact, you are destroying your councillors’ reputation.Be diplomatic,you ahve been in govt.

  5. Councillors are corrupt.IN MOST CASES THEY END UP AS LANDS OFFICERS AND STAY THERE UNTIL THEY ARE UPROOTED.They need a fierry repremand in order to be corrected other no one gets to pernetrate their thick skins with home made lecture.If SATA can manage to have a desciplined local authority then he has representation at grassroot.

  6. On “Patriotic Front leader, Michael Sata, yesterday took to task his councillors in Kasama and warned them of [sic: risking] being expelled from the party if they do not perform to the expectation of the electorates“, this is a serious sign of dictatorship by the PF Undereducate. Remember how the Undereducate forced some people out of work when he was Health and/or Local Government Minister and his strategy has changed. What can be happening if he assumes the Zambian Presidency?
    Also, He commanded PF councillors in the province to be social to the people regardless of their political affiliation rather tha being champions of plundering ideas” is another indicator of the dictatorship in PF.
    Taking LT blogging a step further.

  7. Hahaha this is why i love this guy, his a no nonesense kinda guy. Hope he will be tough with his ministers, WHEN (note the when) he forms government. Enough of thieves in government.

  8. 12 continued.

    On “And Mr Sata has insisted that he will contest the Presidency on PF ticket in the forthcoming general elections“, this is another serious sign of dictatorship by the PF Undereducate. I am wondering whether PF needs a CONVENTION or not. In fact, I feel for all PF leading men for they are up for escorting the Undereducate in his personal endeavours with a coat of PF as an ensemble.

    Anyway, I am supporting the Undereducate’s move to attempt the Zambian Presidency again so that we as Zambians can continue enjoying the comedy of his politicking. Some of us who are far from DIFIKOTI and BIKILONI on Movie TV in Lusaka and its surrounding areas need some entertainment also.
    Taking LT blogging a step further.

  9. 13 shocked greetings. Your “WHEN (note the when) he forms government“would read better as IF (note the if) he forms government.. ‘WHEN’ has a connotation of certainty whereas ‘IF’ is conditional indicating a possibility.

    Let the fun continue.
    Taking LT blogging a step further.

  10. Fya kale ifyo! Bamudala go home and rest. You must accept that your hour has come to go home and start watching others on TV like most of us do! Why don’t you want to grow old gracefully. Get off the policitical stage. we want a younger leader whom we can interact and discuss modern issues. You are now over-living your share, mudala!

  11. Where is diplomacy from this man some of you would rather have as your president? he does not have to embarrass these councilors in public. How does he expect the public to respect them if he can trash- talk them like that.

    Mr Sata, you need to grow up, think rationally and hold closed door meeting where you can talk to your people with respect while being firm at the same time…i wish some people could stone him… i am angry.

  12. Sata lose it!! ha ha ha ha-This money is old enough to be my great grand father but he decides to play a f o o l at his age. Bad example for the you. he should start respecting himself.

  13. # 18 I meant ” this man and not this money” !! I may have been caught up in the article where it says that he keeps money n his residence.

  14. Mr. Sata, I think you must learn to be diplomatic. This has caused more harm than good. I do however look forward to your loss in 2011.

    I surely hope you are in Kasama to plan your retirement home and where your farm will be located, how many acres of land you’ll need, how much labor will be required, sources of water and what will be grown.

    Please, if you are planning to contest the 2011 elections, you must be prepared to accept defeat after all, HH is going to split the votes once again leading to your loss but again it is no guarantee that if the UPND was not in the picture, the people of SP would vote for PF. Due to the fact that the UPND is a regional party, we cannot tell as of right now.

  15. Zambia needs a dictator to wipe out laziness & economic refugees.Too much corruption at country level.Good night atamanya.

  16. “You cannot solve a problem using the same thought process that created it.”
    Albert Einstein. Similarly, we should not allow Mr Sata to solve problems which he was party to in creating.

  17. Those calling for Mr. Sata’s retirement: why not extend the same appeal to RB who (according to my knowledge) is much older than Sata?

  18. In the name of diplomacy we lag behind, sometimes its better to call a spade a spade. even the Bible does not condone indiscipline and treating a wound lightly, not at all. if you are in pain and are need of a doctor, say so rather than going about the bush describing your problem circumlocatory, it wont work.

  19. Ba number 2 na ba number 13 bwanji so comedy. Anyway where can Zambia go with people such as yoy. Chi Sata, once a dictator, always a dictator.

  20. Iwe Maestro Cant you see the rotteness in the operations of this country? You have just the story of 10b and some howthe guy behind the scam is being shielded. You need Sata to protect us we underlings. At times you must givev credit even to those you hate.

  21. Sometimes Ba Sata can look promising especially when it comes to seeing things done, but how can one surly dream of winning if you just concentrate your campaigns in the bemba speaking people meanwhile he well knows that his party MPs are all bemba speaking except for 1 or 2 who he store from Sakwiba and 1 white man who has no village in Zambia. Ba Sata let him just co opt influencial people into senior positions of the party to be assisting him in campaigns in other regions who are not bemba speaking otherwise Ba Shikulu will not live to see the presidency

  22. #29 Country Boy. He has no councillors in NW W E and S Provinces so who is going to parade there. Besides Teta has declare NW a no go area for Sata. Anyway these people we elect need to be told that we did not send them to make money for themselves.

  23. Lets read the article guys and not look at the heading.. From my understanding this was a meeting were the counselors were paraded its normal when you take up the office so that the people in the area see who their counselor is… now the fact that he has warned them of be fired if they don’t perform you call the man a dictator that rubbish just as much as i don’t like the guy but his policies are far most the best in Zambia.. Why should I keep a under performing worker at my company when I want it to succeed? Read the article before you comment,,, pa last its you LT who is confusing us

  24. Sometimes, some problems demand drastic measures. Sata may be right to parade the failing councillors because they were elected not for their pockets but for public service

    My dear learned colleagues, if calling a spade, a spade and a failing Councillor, a failure is criminal, then I should apologise. My understanding is that, if we as a nation, treated our elected representatives as our servants who should work for us to our satisfaction and be chastised when they fail, we would be getting somewhere towards true working democracy and development.

    So if people have failed us, it is only appropriate that they are shamed. Then they will improve. In the same way, If the K10bn thieves were paraded, they would curse he day they were born and save the poor country billions.

  25. What diplomacy are you talking about? I look forward to the day when ministers will be paraded for plundering our resources. Diplomacy has failed pa Zeti, maybe Sata formula could be the solution to uproot corruption. You can’t fight corruption with diplomacy

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