Friday, January 17, 2025

Abortion on the rise in Zambia


fetusThe Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) says it is disturbed with the levels of abortions that are being reported among youths in the country.

PPAZ Director of Programmes and Operations, Edford Mutuma, told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that the number of abortions in the country is on the increase and called for urgent solutions.

Mr Mutuma said statistics obtained by his association from the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) indicate that the hospital records more than 400 post abortions care cases in a month.

He said the majority of these cases are among the youths and attributed this to lack of information on reproductive health and other vital information.

He also said the latest Zambia Health Demographic Survey has shown that the country is grappling with issues of abortions, hence the need to educate people on its dangers.

Mr Mutuma has emphasized on the need for proper education on reproductive health and related matters among the public.

He said there is need to start educating the public on reproductive health and increase access to relevant services by young women.

Mr Mutuma said people should be educated on family planning and the use of contraceptives to reduce this high number of abortions in the country.

He, however, said people need to properly plan for their future and be responsible before they could engage themselves in sex so as to avoid abortions.

Mr Mutuma noted that under the Zambian laws, abortion is illegal unless it is done under the certification of doctors only in dire circumstances.

He, however, said the recently launched Standard and Guidelines on legal abortion is a step ahead in reducing the high number of illegal abortion in the country.

He has further called for the reinforcement of existing policies against illegal abortion to be strengthened.



  1. PPAZ acting like they are not part of the problem. We need morally upright people like Miyanda to begin feeling up ministerial posts like Ministry of health or that youth one. My prayers for my country, osa copela bazungu nibofunta. Just read up their Greek history and you shall see the light, nama homo fulu. Let us turn back to our Lord Jesus Christ. Hi my brothers and sisters on LT let us blog wisely for the sake of our siblings under 24 years of age. For the were handed an unfair deal. Au Revoir.

  2. Just wait for nice and sweet sex with you spouse……why steal sex and then start killing innocent children. Turn to the Lord God and he is able to give you help so you stop fornicating any how. Repent before its too late.

  3. How long will the excuse of lack of education on reproductive health be used for? Most of the people save for the ones in rural area’s know about reproductive health precautionary measures already. The problem here is not lack of information it’s lack of morals and control. It’s like those indulging in raw intra aqua exchange don’t know the dangers , they do but they are willing to risk it for the uncut raw footage enjoyment. I think PPAZ need to pull up and use another tactic rather than harping on the obvious.

  4. Heres a suggestion to prevent abortions. Use condoms that make it feel as if it’s live rather than the dodgy maximum/ruff rider condoms that feel like a rambo plastic bag.

  5. We were all born equal, and non of us has a right to appoint himself or herself as a superior force. Only God who created man has the right to determine life. The one that can not give life should not end life.PPAZ has a hiden agenda as they are Eugenics, Links to Planned Parenthood

  6. #1 … dont be blinded by ignorance,. Ma homo pa zed yaliko namu komboni baba, it’s just that people there are more discreet because of fear of discrimination and finger pointing, I have seen with my own two eyes how men operate in clubs and hotels looking for other males, women have always been called names for visiting hotels or clubs unaccompanied by men. Fact is bu homo has nothing to do with race or religon! Here in the UK i have met zambian lesbians and gaymen who live happily in homosexual relationship whereas in zed they would do it behind closed doors and pretend to be good dads, husbands wives , mothers…………………………………

  7. my comment on ma homo is awaiting moderation, looks like people in some parts of africa should be kept away from the real truth of what is happening in the world including their own countries

  8. sorry i meant to say ……….. people in some parts of africa are STILL BEING KEPT AWAY FROM THE REAL TRUTH OF WHAT IS HAPPENING in the world………………..

  9. This is sad news. Abortion is a great crime against humanity and those that support it bring a curse upon the whole nation.

  10. i support abortion if there is an unavoidable fatality if the birth is to go on..

  11. Abaiche bambi tabomfwafye… mwandu wa kupula amafumo… end result kuponya amafumo.. very sad indeed , they do not even consider the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Its not only lack of information these youths can give as an excuse.. ucitomfwa maningi steleki.

  12. what’s the point of being born when you are only goin to suffer? No love, no food, no clean water, no education, no medicines, no help from above, no hope!!!! just empty promises??? If you asked me it’s a waste of space, and just tormenting poor souls.

  13. I believe, there is power in numbers. Moving around Zambia ( which I do a lot ), one see vast lands unoccupied and today people are talking about an increase in abortions.Very sad indeed. Those who commit this crime run away from responsibility. If the Zambian population was to double today, I believe we all would be challenged to look after the extra mouths. We have vast natural resources and all we need is responsible leadership to steer the nation towards proper utilisation of whatever means of productions is available to us ( remember Human resource=people=population is a factor of production!) Abortion must only be tolerated when loss of life for the mother is likely.Otherwise, a strong law must be passed to deter this practice.

  14. 1984 welcome back. I knew you believed in God. Oh! yes times will be tough but we can bear them, if we avoid their material traps, things that are not of us, thanks for your painful but honest truth.

  15. No# 7,8,9 seing is believing start educating yours about the greek evil that the western world tries to spring on the world. The one way the know they can destroy a nation is attacking its core structure, yes my friends! the family. Ma skiyo bamuna, very soon its tight pants like crazy. Its called the effeminization of the black male, look at how they did it in America, not to all but to some and they post these images on Television to reduce our brothers. Educate yours.

  16. awe but ine fyawu homo it scares me.. i dont like drinking with them even.. not that i have anything against them.. but you can just wake up with pains kumatako.. then know ati its wild!!!!

  17. #18 i presume u are still blind, but then if you are lucky.. with time you will find out the real truth nothing but the truth! Hopefully it wont take too long, for time is ticking away and for those who live in darkness the conseqence would be devastating!!!!!

  18. You cant buy good morals .Our society is increasingly losing the most preserved and cherished values inherited from our ancestors . If our society and other supporting institutions can rise to condemn the act of abortion , there will be a decline in the number of cases as this will be treated as deviant behavior .

    It is better to be uneducated than being Uncivilized

  19. People lets not wonder off topic the topic at hand is abortion not same sex crap,but If God doesn’t destroy all the people and countries who think its normal to have Gays and Lesbians as married couples, he surely owes
    Sodom and Gomorrah an apology…Bact to the topic,the only solution to high levels of abortion is the fear of God..i dont mean to preach..wisdom to distinguish right from wrong by our youths will only come if they can turn to God..other than that..i dont see any solution…sorry!!!!

  20. Just legalise abortion so that people can be coming openly for advise. Otherwise you people in Zambia will continue to pretend to be more Christians than other people while Abortion cases are contineud to be done in privacy.

  21. legalising it wont make it right…the persons who ll do that including the pipo who abort ll have blood of innocent babies on their hands…..whether pipo do it openly or in privacy still constitutes a wrong act……..and for ur own infor such issues cant be dealt with by humans alone…we need a higher being,en thats where God comes in…

  22. As a Catholic who is pro life,I find this very appalling.However,when it comes to sex education,I and will always be a staunch supporter for the youths will know the consequences of having Chops.Our conservative approach has proved to be disastrous.What is shocking is,when a Parent talks about sex to his/her children,peole will be saying “Ni Maloza” but when the same children get pregnant they remain mute.The fact is children are having chops and let them be informed of the dangers.

  23. Sharp shooter i agree with u…let them know abt the dangers and also ground them in Godly principles…init?

  24. there two issues here. The employment sector is doing very bad, and i ve noticed a lot men who are above 30, who cant afford marrying but have the blood flowing through them. They end up damaging and resolting to abortion. Let those who abort remember that they will be JUDGED by our creator who creates even the unborn. Young ladies nabo nabatemwa saana uku ulungana. They easily and freely talk about it with there guyz

  25. Uku ulugana ngatamwaupa, ni chimo. Sex has destroyed a lot of potentially productive individuals. Women ninshi bwafyanshi mu kwete.

  26. This goes to show just how high the levels of poverty are in Zambia. These abortions are a result of little girls trying to get some cash for what she can’t have because parents cant afford. The root cause of it all is, the mismanagement of our economy. Mere pronouncements that the economy is growing when the poor fella down there still wallows in abject poverty is mockery. We need to be serious as a people, but then it starts with a leadership that is ready to scrifice. committed, genuine and morally up right to develop the country. A reduction of expenditure on programmes that dont have any bearing on development issues should not even be entertained. Let’s not wasteful as if there wont tomorrow. Look at just how well the Swanas are doing. A long journey to sucess starts with one step.

  27. Abortion is murder,in the first place why having sex if you know that you cant keep your child its time we stopped this behaviour

  28. Let us say minimum of 400 abortions per month. This translates to 4800 abortions per year for Lusaka only. This means 48000 abortions within 10 years for Lusaka alone, if the rate remains constant. NOW PPAZ: WHY ARE PEOPLE OPTING FOR ABORTIONS?

  29. I believe that there are certain things that should be left to conscience and not legislated by government. Abortion is one of those. I cannot fathom why abortion still illegal in Zambia because regardless of what the government position is on the matter the woman in the situation when she is not prepared to bring a child into the world will do what she has to. All the laws of the land won’t stop her. Instead you get back door abortions done in unsanitary environments and young girls hospitalised as a result. I’m Zambian, living in Zambia and I’m pro-choice. One day this archaic legislature will be repealed.

  30. God is the source of life. He is aware of the embroy in the womb. And life beggins at conception.Therefore abortion is murder and God forbids it.We should never take this lightly. You would not be here if your mother had aborted you. Think of it before you say anything concerning abortion. God will judge the sin of abortion: you shall not kill !

  31. The issue of unsafe abortions is quite a vast one. Vast to the extent that even the government of the day fails to put up measures targeted at inspecting the private clinics and traditional practitioners because they are the west culprits in this field. This is evident on the number of post abortion care cases the U.T.H. receives in a month. 400 post abortion care cases per month is just a tip of the total number of abortions being carried out illegally by the private sector. Therefore, government through its mandated departments must quicken up a system that is aimed at closely inspecting private practitioners on the topic of abortions. PPAZ does not, whatsoever, share in disciplining the feelings of persons leading to unprotected sex for anyone to stand up and put a blame on it. Learn!

  32. The issue of unsafe abortions is quite a vast one. Vast to the extent that even the government of the day fails to put up measures targeted at inspecting the private clinics and traditional practitioners because they are the waste culprits in this field. This is evident on the number of post abortion care cases the U.T.H. receives in a month. 400 post abortion care cases per month is just a tip of the total number of abortions being carried out illegally by the private sector. Therefore, government through its mandated departments must quicken up a system that is aimed at closely inspecting private practitioners on the topic of abortions. PPAZ does not, whatsoever, share in disciplining the feelings of persons leading to unprotected sex for anyone to stand up and put a blame on it. Learn!

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