Saturday, July 27, 2024

Defence Minister, George Mpombo has resigned.


Defence minister George Mpombo
Defence minister George Mpombo
Defence minister George Mpombo announced his

resignation at Chabanga Lodge this morning in the Itawa area of Ndola.

He said he had resigned as defence minster and MMD National Executive Committee member responsible for energy development.

Mr Mpombo said he was not in the position to talk too much because he has not yet heard from the president but he would date the press at a later stage at an appropriate time.[quote]

He said he would remain a member of parliament for Kafulafuta Constituency until 2011 beyond which he was not too willing to continue in order to give young people a chance to take up leadership.

Mr Mpombo said he would concentrate his energies on constituency projects and issues to do with the environment because there was too much deforestation in his constituency.

He said he had written to the president to accept his resignation on personal grounds.

Mr Mpombo said he was grateful that he had served as Southern Province Deputy Minister as his first ministerial appointment by the late president Levy Mwanawasa and later as minister of Energy before coming to the Copperbelt as deputy Minister when later he was appointed Defence Minister.

Mr Mpombo described himself as “a hard coiled spring” of MMD and would remain a loyal member of the ruling party.

He said he would relocate to Katonte farm which was situated next to Chief Nkambo’s area where he would stay for a few weeks.

He stated that resigning was a painful decision which he took after consultations with his family and other stakeholders adding that he wanted to do it in a smart way and allow the dust to settle.

Mr Mpombo, however, appealed to the party leadership to hold the national convention where NEC members could seek a fresh mandate from the party and uphold the good tenets of democratic practice by not imposing candidates but allow democracy to flourish.

Mr Mpombo said the MMD was founded on the bedrock of democracy and should promote unity of vision purpose, direction and strategy.

He said holding a national convention was a constitutional requirement of the party and should not be overlooked like other parties that were not democratic were doing.

Mr Mpombo said it was a matter which should handled properly and cautiously because it had the potential to divide the party.

He noted that the MMD was a beacon of democracy in the country and should remain focused and resolute on constitutional matters.

Mr Mpombo said he had no intentions of standing as party president at the convention and he was also not available for the Kafulafuta parliamentary seat in 2011 because he wanted to have more time with his family and his studies in MBA and Doctorate.



  1. Ba George, Tell us why, you were Minister of Energy during the ABSA scam which Zambia should now pay or is paying $74m.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Mpombo, this wonderful. These are the leaders we need in Zambia. I just wish it would have been Shikapwasha and Mulongoti to announce resignations before Mr. Mpombo. Actually he could remain MP forever, we enjoy his contravention bombastic words in Parliament.

  3. “Mr Mpombo said he would remain a member of parliament for Kafulafuta Constituency until 2011 beyond which he was not too willing to continue in order to give young people a chance to take up leadership.” …….This is waht 99.9 % of leaders in Zambia including RB, Sata and Sondashi need to do. A very honourable thing by Mpombo though it had to take him resigning before saying something sensible. Good luck in your endeavors future Mpombo.

  4. I would like to congratulate Mr Mpombo on condition that his resignation is on “principle” and is distancing himself from the MMD rot.
    It will be interesting to get the reaction of Bwezani or is it that he is already aware.
    Nomba bamwisho ba Mpombo, we need to know the reasons for your resignation as we, the Zambian people, voted for you as an MP and hence are your employers.
    What you have just done is “itensha calo” and is an example for others who have a bit of decency and integrity.

  5. Great stuff (former Minister) MP Mpombo for following in the footstep of your late cousin former President LP Mwanawasa who also resigned from the Vice Presidency of Zambia and remained a normal MMD member.

    However, your “He said he had resigned as defence minster and MMD National Executive Committee member responsible for energy development” is very suspicious in light of the ABSA High Court case which has to do with TST and oil/Energy to Zambia involving about USD 74 million that GRZ has been sued for. I hope the non clear “Mr Mpombo said he was not in the position to talk too much because he has not yet heard from the president but he would date the press at a later stage at an appropriate time” doesn’t indicate possible firing.
    Matt 6:33 + KJV…

  6. There is more here this is realy a suprise. Very unlikely pa zed. These are signs that there are cracks in MMD. Good

  7. The last stroke of “Kabalwe’s”back has finally been broken! People know that animalistic type of behaviour can not stand for very long when one has a conscious mind! Only vipers of doom will seat & think that they can intimidate others! PF/UPND pack stated that there are some in MMD who are not happy & would like to support the pact as they look at what the future holds for their grandchildren!

  8. I think it is a SMART decision. I hope Mpombo will stick to his words to quit politics and allow young people to stand. I salute your move, Mr Mpombo

  9. “Mr Mpombo said he would remain a member of parliament for Kafulafuta Constituency until 2011 beyond which he was not too willing to continue in order to give young people a chance to take up leadership.” This shows how certain people in the MMD party are saying. In other words, Mpombo is against RB standing in 2011! MMD chaps should be locked up & I will keep the keys, ladies & gentlemen!

  10. Now Mpombo is hinting on personal reasons for throwing in a wet towel, this could be anything but greener pastures as well.(but greener pastures are always brown once there.)

  11. Wise move. I dont know who your advisers are but i can say that they are doing a great job. For the first time, you’ve done something sensible. Anyway, there is always the first and hope it wont be the last. way to go ………

  12. Seriously “Mr Mpombo said he was not in the position to talk too much because he has not yet heard from the president but he would date the press at a later stage at an appropriate time” doesn’t bode good signs for MP Mpombe who was almost killed by a Pombo (Monkey) in Livingstone a few days ago by being drowned.

    As for “He said he would remain a member of parliament for Kafulafuta Constituency until 2011 beyond which he was not too willing to continue in order to give young people a chance to take up leadership“, I salute you MP Mpombo. Nicali boobu, nicali cibotu (If it were like this, it would have been good).

    Also, it appears the UPND-PF PACT has come at a good time and I hope Sata (G. 2/6) will emulate u.
    Matt 6:33 + KJV…

  13. Mpombo,uchinje for the better!!!! Not ati iyo iyo !!! Congrats!!!!! But te kolwe walengenga te? Iyo kanitudila, nangu ndedaiva mumenshi pantu I CAN SWIM, AWE PHONE YALIBOOMBA, NANGU ATI AMA DOCUMA YALIBOOMBA, takuli te???

  14. I hope the “He stated that resigning was a painful decision which he took after consultations with his family and other stakeholders adding that he wanted to do it in a smart way and allow the dust to settle” indicates Central Province has informed him to side with another relation to late President Mwanawasa LP, MP Shakafuswa.

    Mr Mpombo said he had no intentions of standing as party president at the convention and he was also not available for the Kafulafuta parliamentary seat in 2011 because he wanted to have more time with his family and his studies in MBA and Doctorate” is really good and must be another good thing that the PF self-appointed leader MC Sata must really consider doing — for being a Sub B and Standard 4 aint good.
    Matt 6:33 + KJV…

  15. Thats good man…..however you must tell the nation why you are resigning. There is a reason mpombo. Is it coz of that monkey ??? Hmmmmm , pa zed naizanda !!!!!!!

  16. Maestro Hakucincha! Concentrate on the topic at hand & not start attacking Michael Chilufya Sata!

  17. 22 Kambongolo! Monkeys have protested & Mpombo has been advised that he’s risking his life! A monkey charged at him a week ago, & he has never seen such a thing happening!

  18. At least you have got something out of your political escapade.for instance you now have artificial teeth because i remember in the old UNIP days you were least now you can put on designer suits and you know the laundry you long discarded DAMBO soap and EBU and am sure the ka farm in mpongwe has been developed not forgeting a ka fat account somewhere in the bank.
    Any good luck to you lucky least you are now different from your old folks you used to endure hard chores with in Ndola rural.

  19. He wants to spend more time with his family and allow young leaders take up the responsibilities. Lets hope is not planning on coming back when is invited by ba SATA and HH like Levy did after resigning.

  20. 23 Geologist, Canada what a terrible way to seek an audience with me. I advise you to concentrate on your posting that than behaving like a policeman on this thread as well as blog follwing your “Maestro Hakucincha! Concentrate on the topic at hand & not start attacking Michael Chilufya Sata!

    Who do yout think you are? Whom do you think you can intimidate? I advise you to behave yourself before I cut you to your size as I have most likely done before.

    Have a nice day.
    Matt 6:33 + KJV Bible


  22. Maestro Hakucincha!
    Point of advice, never show your anger & concentrate on the topic! At times people wonder what you normally do in church! So, never hang your dirty Laundry in public!

    I just told you not to start attacking other people & you take it so offensively!

  23. 28 Alvinhno greetings and I hope so too on your “He wants to spend more time with his family and allow young leaders take up the responsibilities. Lets hope is not planning on coming back when is invited by ba SATA and HH like Levy did after resigning” for there are other examples of say my distant uncle VJ Mwaanga who resigned from active politics but came back when his old friend President RB Banda had a chance at being Zambian President.

    Have a nice day.
    Matt eus 6:33 + KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

  24. #29 Maestro Hakuicita, # 23 is right. You stupid useless studies you have done has nothing to do with leadership. Yes Sata has no useless MBA, but he is a good leader, with his own weakness like any other like “educated” HH. So keep you beak between your legs

  25. 31 Geologist, Canada. Following your “At times people wonder what you normally do in church! So, never hang your dirty Laundry in public!“, how many people are you represeting?

    I advise you to stick to your business only for you can never police me on the Internet.

    As for your “I just told you not to start attacking other people & you take it so offensively!, do you know what the word attack means? Please, check it in the dictionary for I do not want to show that world about your deficiencies.

    30 greetings though you insult, I don’t take kindly characters who misbehave.

    Have a nice day.
    Matt eus 6:33 + KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie…

  26. Maestro Hakucincha: A lot of people on this blog are educated, but do not try to show their education as they understand what wisdom is all about when it comes to leadership! So, cut the crap issue of education for the first time!

  27. 33 Wibilima greetings. Your insults “So keep you beak between your legs” and failure to understand English in your “Yes Sata has no useless MBA, but he is a good leader, with his own weakness like any other like “educated” HH” is not my problem and so mind your business for I did not write that honourable Sata has an MBA but asked him to consider following MP Mpombo by going to school in turn improving his Sub B (Grade 2) or Standard 4 (Grade 6) Educational qualifications.

    Look out for MP Mpombo’s qualifications in my next posting.

    Have a nice day.
    Matt eus 6:33 + KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

  28. 35 Geologist, Canada , following your “Maestro Hakucincha: A lot of people on this blog are educated, but do not try to show their education as they understand what wisdom is all about when it comes to leadership!“, who wrote that alot of people are not educated. Your failure to understand English is very appalling. I didnt read any one showing their education on here except you who invited my comment that your English is terrible.

    Just re-read the news above, MP Mpombo did not show his education qualifications but indicated an intent to do them or finish the programmes.

    You errored by yourself.
    Matt eus 6:33 + KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

  29. Kafulafuta Constitutency … Area Member of Parliament … MPOMBO, George W MP, Kafulafuta (MMD)
    Constituency Number: 29
    Date of birth: 1st January 1954
    Marital Status: Married
    Educational Qualifications: Grade 12, Diploma in Purchasing and Supply
    Year First Elected: 1988
    Sessional Committee membership:
    Profession: Buyer
    Hobbies: Football,
    Contact Details: Ministry of Defence,

    Fax Number: (260) (211) 254670

    Source: National Assembly website.
    Matt eus 6:33 + KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

  30. It is manners to stop a fool and bad to let him go on. The best way to know who has mental illness is watch them talk. In this case blog. I have learned to look carefully at those I associate with, as that could be the direction I might be headed. Hence, the withdrawal from some insanity perpetuated by those who think they cut people to size. Actually by not associating with some of you means cutting you to size. Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. So, know who you are and not what you are. Bwana, saying it so, doesn’t make it so. We withdraw from your nauseating silly arguments not because of fear, but self respect. I have learned how difficult it is to change myself and understand what little chance I have to change you. More so, with your attitude and hate.

  31. On “Mr Mpombo, however, appealed to the party leadership to hold the national convention where NEC members could seek a fresh mandate from the party and uphold the good tenets of democratic practice by not imposing candidates but allow democracy to flourish. Mr Mpombo said the MMD was founded on the bedrock of democracy and should promote unity of vision purpose, direction and strategy.” I jjust hope President RB Banda and other MMD NEC members will take heed to this message.

    There is no need for President RB Banda to fear losing to someone else. In fact, President Banda can always defect with characters like Minister Teta. to UNIP before the elections and get them to sponsor him as presidential candidate if he loses at the MMD Convention.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV…

  32. I agree with all that are advising Maestro! Why does he take every opportunity to twist any issue so that he can start attacking Sata? What has Sata done to him! Leave Sata alone- he has achieved what you may never achieve in your life time considering his humble background! Give the man a break!!!!!!!! If the people of Zambia dont want to be lead by Sata, leave that decision to them. You can not think for them!!!

  33. Tukomfwa. I am sure nawiba or there is some scandal trailing your bum.
    We will talk nga fyatulika Meneer minister.

  34. Imwe # 44 bushe maestro or whateva he calls himself alikwata amano? I find the chap boring,deranged and weired to say the least
    .Waist no breath of yours on him

  35. #44 I raise my cup brother. Keep up the good work. Indeed let us leave everything to the Zambian people. Sata has achieved something in the history of Zambian politics and no one will take that away from him

  36. It is uncharacteristic for Zambian polititians to resign especially people of Mpombo’s standing on the Zambian social scene. Levy resigned but Levy had more financial clout compared to Mpombo and so he ( Levy ) did not need politics to look after his family. It is a very different scenario for George and the only likely explanation is that he has done something and was about to be fired by Bwezani or he wants to change camp. I met him two months ago at the same Chabanga Lodge and he was so full of himself “politically’ that he never seemed someone who would resign on ‘personal’ grounds. Tiza mvela the real reasons.

  37. 44 KAPOKO MULUNDACHALO greetings. You are a bit lucky I was explaining a few things to my Germany friend who disturbed my flow. I even failed to listen properly on what MMD National Secretary Katele Kalumba was reported as having said over MP Mpombo’s resignation on the 20 hrs news.

    Following your “Why does he take every opportunity to twist any issue so that he can start attacking Sata?“, I have noticed that it is not only 35 Geologist, Canada who is challenged over the simple word attack. I will thus teach you by giving you its definition on here.

    Type “define: attack” in a google search engine and you will get:
    1. (military) an offensive against an enemy
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  38. Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mpombo for his bold decision in stepping down “in order to give young people a chance to take up leadership” according to his own words.
    I hope that more “old school” leaders in MMD follow Mr. Mpombo’s decision and encourage the young, potential leaders out to begin to prepare themselves for the challenges ahead.

  39. #49, may the monkeys’ actions have to do with this? You may be shocked that RB may also throw in the towel. Monkeys are not usually violent and they don’t usually hang around multitudes of people. There might be something fishy these polticians did in conjunction with Mugabe. I am not superstitious but I thnk Mpombo’s move is very positive. He does not want his name to go down with some of the worst MMD leaders such as Chiluba, RB, Sata, nabashala. Well, we shall see. hehehehehdeeee!!!

  40. 44 KAPOKO MULUNDACHALO, continuing on:

    Type “define: attack” in a google search engine and you will get:
    1. (military) an offensive against an enemy
    2. an offensive move in a sport or game
    3. fire: intense adverse criticism
    4. launch an attack or assault on
    5. approach: ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
    6. take the initiative and go on the offensive
    7. assail: attack someone physically or emotionally
    8. a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition
    9. set to work upon
    10. begin to injure
    11. strong criticism

    Now, going by my “Also, it appears the UPND-PF PACT has come at a good time and I hope Sata (G. 2/6) will emulate u“, what attack have I doen on honourable Sata MC (Grade 2/6)?

    Matteus 6:33…

  41. Ladies & gentlemen, thanks for the comments raised! I think as Zambian Nationals, we need to reflect more on what measures have to be put in place for our Country to develop! And to achieve this, we need concerted efforts from a diverse of Zambians including villagers. The villagers should be made to understand that they have a place to call home – Zambia!

  42. This has got everything to do with the ABSA’s scandal mpombo was energy minister when that deal was’ stranck hence him resigning there is nothing honarble with the resgnation he is just scared of whats caming.wotch this space

  43. Maestro, greetings. I remember you indicated sometime back that you want to stand as an Independent for one of the parliamentary constituencies in Southern Province. If you are lucky and win, you and I will certainly meet in Parliament come 2011. I am challenging Felix Mutati for the Lunte Constituency seat on The Pact ticket! So you will have plenty of time to ‘teach’ me. For now let’s not bore others with ‘teacher-learner’ issues.

  44. 56 continued.

    The above quote is from posting 18 above.

    With the above meanings of atack, what attack have I done on Mr PF self-apointed leader on my posting 21’s ““Mr Mpombo said he had no intentions of standing as party president at the convention and he was also not available for the Kafulafuta parliamentary seat in 2011 because he wanted to have more time with his family and his studies in MBA and Doctorate” is really good and must be another good thing that the PF self-appointed leader MC Sata must really consider doing — for being a Sub B and Standard 4 aint good.“?

    The behaviour of showing ignorance on this blog by some characters is bad for Zambia. Learn to us you dictionaries or buy some before you show it.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV…

  45. Teta, Shikapwasha, Mulongoti should follow suit. We are yet to see the genuineness of Mpombo’s resignation, otherwise this is a miracle pa Zed.

  46. Where is Senior Citizen? His party is unravelling. The Defence Minister should be the last one to resign. Fyalubana muchipani batata.

  47. I think this mayewu ,oops sorry!! Maestro guy is just dull! The guy’s comments are boring. From the comments he makes, Mr Sondashi thinks better than him! Ubukopo boyi ebo ulelanga pa blog shure!! Comments on LT are boring due to guys like him! Shame!! Work on your brain country man!! How old are you mayehu? You are too childish!!

  48. 59 KAPOKO MULUNDACHALO, on your “Maestro, greetings. I remember you indicated sometime back that you want to stand as an Independent for one of the parliamentary constituencies in Southern Province. If you are lucky and win, you and I will certainly meet in Parliament come 2011.“, it is not lucky but blessed. The word certainly is also misplaced for firstly I am not the one who decides on the day I will die. I might die a few minutes from now or in the next few days or many months or indeed be blessed to welcome Jesus Christ when He will descend for the second time to come and destroy sin and sinners so that His own can live in harmony with His commandments.

    Thus, teaching you continues on here when you err by being overzealous.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  49. # 59 Kapoko, I really would encourage you to go ahead. This is one great news coming on this blog. Change of that nation wont come from the talk and arguments on this blog. Zambia will always give you that chance. We need more of your type. A leader’s growth determines the people’s growth. Your growth will do so in Lunte. Great move.

  50. I’m not sure exactly what I’m supposed to be learning from some contributions this evening. Certain bloggers come loaded with Nitro and any word of criticism will spark up a flame of derogatory postings.
    Let’s bear in mind that Zambians are not the only ones visiting this site, and therefore we should always take heed what we write about our leaders and how we communicate with each other.

  51. 65 nana behave for you useless comments “Maestro guy is just dull! The guy’s comments are boring. From the comments he makes, Mr Sondashi thinks better than him! Ubukopo boyi ebo ulelanga pa blog shure!! Comments on LT are boring due to guys like him! Shame!! Work on your brain country man!! How old are you mayehu? You are too childish!! simply give me an indication of your level of education. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that you failed to get to UNZA and jumped on a Russian Scholarship due to ill-connections at home in a corrupt manner if this is true.

    Have a nice day though.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  52. I know this is off-topic but I have a very difficult physics question.

    What is the minimum volume of the nuclear powered engine needed to accelerate a ship with the mass of 5000 tonnes to near the speed of light in space and maintain that speed for 20 000 years?

    I’m planning a science fiction / fantasy novel and I need this solved. I’m terrible at maths so I hope one of the worderful brains that visit this site can apply it’s self?

  53. I think boyi mayehu ulichinkulafye! uchili ulelanda? ulimutundunshi iwewine ayi! balingile ukukuposa, kaya ngati nibandani be banaku doba!

  54. Maestro why makes you think that i’m still in school? The flag? hahahahahahahh Zo ona ba guy mwaliba dull!! hahahahahaa.. Zende la muntu!!

  55. 73 nana behave for your useless comments “Maestro why makes you think that i’m still in school? The flag? hahahahahahahh Zo ona ba guy mwaliba dull!! hahahahahaa.. Zende la muntu!!” is not helping you. Have you ever written a dissertation or thesis before? Do you even know what a dissertation or thesis is?

    Interesting enough you don’t even seem to know what the word dull means. Here is the definition of dull below:

    1. lacking in liveliness or animation
    2. numb: make numb or insensitive
    3. blunted in responsiveness or sensibility
    4. dense: slow to learn or understand
    5. not having a sharp edge or point

    And so, I am happy to be dull for it is normal.

    Have a nice day though.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  56. Kalos2020: Thank you for your encouragement. I certainly will go on and give the people of Lunte a real chance to get real development. I started my grade 1 in that area and my family ( uncles ,aunties ) retires to that area when they leave formal employment in Lusaka and/or the Copperbelt. I believe the PF/UPND pact will have a more meaningful challenge to the current MMD MP. Thank you again.

  57. Eleanor Roosevelt said “When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die”. Well it seems some bloggers are trying not to die therefore their confused and mindless contributions. The true stewardship is not what your education is doing for you, but what it’s doing to you. The value of education is not to belittle those with less or no education, but to create a way for others. There are several forms of education. Others have paper education and others have informal (traditional) education but the good ones are those who have both. Now, back to the topic at hand, how many more are on the way out? RB eventually will stand alone during the MMD convention. Sata will claim victory despite others’ views on him in 2011. I cannot wait to see that day.

  58. #72 Geologist, Canada I can see that no one here has an idea, so I will try to post it on another forum (with some Japanese or Russian students) maybe they can answer my question.

  59. This is NOT about morals gentlemen do you honestly the likes of these people change overnight?!……What you are about to witness will make the kapoko saga look like nursery school stuff. This man is running away from something BIG ENOUGH for him to commit political suicide and terminate his good milile!!! People wake up….dont be fooled so easily…Zambians! awe mwee!

  60. Brother Kapoko, I was the first MMD Copperbelt Youth Chairman until I came to the US in 1994. I foresaw the failures. When FTJ and BY asked me to serve them, I chose a scholarship. Knowing that I could not go wrong with education. At this point, I will tell you that you are making a huge contribution to our great nation. The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious. You should my brother that opportunities are seldom labeled. Go for it.

  61. 70 Nine Chale greetings. On your “What is the minimum volume of the nuclear powered engine needed?needs? to accelerate a ship with the mass of 5000 tonnes to near the speed of light in space and maintain that speed for 20 000 years?”

    Firstly, the near speed of light calculations become relativistic. This entails that you move away from using Classical Mechanics (e.g. F=mg as the simplest equation though Hamilton and Lagrange Mechanics can be used to solve equations like F=kÜ – C) and start using Special Relativity. More complex problems require that you implement General Relevativity.

    In short, you question is not complete for you haven’t specified the NEAR c and the medium of travel for those yrs. Give hints.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV…

  62. Scandal alibagetta…….maybebe more to come out this.Watching this space……otherwise it a good development if it was done on morale grounds.

  63. Mayehu is that the kind of thinking you will take to our “Cheap Parliament” come 2011? My fellow country man, I’m just advising you to change for the better. Your comments are boring and that you are Dull! improve on that, and contribute positively on this blog!!

  64. 83 nana , following your “My fellow country man, I’m just advising you to change for the better. Your comments are boring and that you are Dull! improve on that, and contribute positively on this blog!!” I wrote to you that I am indeed dull and I like being dull for there is absolutely nothing wrong about being dull. God the Creator so it fit to create dull and qucik to grasp things so why worry.

    I will remain in this dull state, but continue writing — even more — clandestine space programme theses that the advanced Countries will continue using. Just for your information I am working on two space Mission — one will be operating in LEO [Low Earth Orbit] hopefully in 2 years time while the other will operate in Low Lunar (Moon) Orbit 3 yrs.
    Matteus 6:33 +…

  65. I would like to think that Mpombo resigned on principle. However, a part of me cannot help thinking that things are not what they seem. People like Mpombo do not resign on principle. Remember when, as minister of energy, he was away in Paris while Zambia’s diesel pumps were running dry? Mwanawasa refused to sack him then. May be the chickens have finally come home to roost with this ABSA scandal! He has probably been offered a more dignified way out. The truth will out!

  66. I have not commented on this site in a long time..but this resignation I find it very interesting. Is this the beginning of Rupiah Banda’s fall? Everybody including kids and Kaponyas clearly comment that RB has no clue and does not know anything

  67. On “He said he had written to the president to accept his resignation on personal grounds“, I hope the dubious ways that things are being done under the President RB Banda Administration has caused MP Mpondo to clear his name from possible future court cases as he probably have seen that the level of expansion programmes the might UPND has put up may cause the UPND or UNPD-PF PACT to win the 2011 tripartite elections.
    He may have become tired defending GRZ.

    As for “Mr Mpombo described himself as “a hard coiled spring” of MMD and would remain a loyal member of the ruling party“, this is a fair self-done analysis as I will miss the English Language of MP Mpombo. As a matter of fact, I may try to meet him in person soon to gather some tact from him.

  68. The big question is, who cares? Dr. Chirwa consults with NASA, never in a day will he discuss his accomplishments. Others are at Pasadena Jet Propulsion, never heard about them brag. God bless them. Some others have done serious brain surgeries here in the US and with thier humble beginnings have dedicated their lives to help places like TDRC and UTH. Some of you are so engrossed in nothing but clearly self praise and eventually have even put aside your God. As a mature and cultured person, I will never ask anyone their level of education as that just diminishes who I am and what my parents taught me. Never wallow in the shallow waters of pride as sin may take over and you will forget that not every one is the same. Not everyone can be Michael Jackson, Pele, or Einsteins.

  69. #82 Maestro, Greetings and many thanks for the answer.
    So far, you seem to be the only tremendous brain in physics on this site. I appreciate those facts, and will use them even though my story is based on pure imagination.

  70. Zambians are very easy to dupe and occupy with off the cuff stuff. Here is the embattled Mpombo at the center of ABSA US$100m scam and offshore bankings as confidant of Mwanawasa now traced and pinned on every twist and turn.Dropping to battle his fate off the high chair, he is being seen as a model leader. Model leader after he has raped you and dumped a liability of US $74 million to settle from your taxes?

  71. Following the appointment of MMD National Chairman MP Mabenga as Deputy Lands Minister, it will be interest to read that MMD National Secretary Katele Kalumba is new Defense Minister – if such an appointment is made by President RB Banda. This is a time to show the Zambians people that the Executive does not need permission from the opposition and/or students to appoint anyone to a Ministerial position or any other GRZ one by a sitting President.

    On “He stated that resigning was a painful decision which he took after consultations with his family and other stakeholders adding that he wanted to do it in a smart way and allow the dust to settle“, I hope the dust has not nothing to do with late cousin and President LP Mwanawasa and his child.
    Matteus 6:33

  72. Zambians are easy people to dupe and occupy with off the cuff stuff. Here is the embattled Mpombo at the center of ABSA US$100m fraud and on offshore banking errands as confidant of Mwanawasa now traced and pinned on every twist and turn.His Dropping to battle fate off the high chair, he is being seen as a model leader. Model leader after he has defrauded you and dumped a liability of US $74 million to settle from your taxes?

  73. 88: Kalos2020
    Hats off & I salute you! “He who treads softly goes far”! Your parents did a good job in raising you to perceive things the way you do! Those are values which should be taught to children when they are young so that they respect who ever they meet. Each & everyone of us was created with a touch of uniqueness & originality, but we need to humble ourselves!

    God Bless You!

  74. 90 Nine Chale genau (exactement) (exactly) and let us see if some sharp character will beat my dull self at the above your question following your “So far, you seem to be the only tremendous brain in physics on this site. I appreciate those facts, and will use them even though my story is based on pure imagination.

    Otherwise, all the very best and you are always welcome. Gute Nacht, Nine Chale and be blessed.
    Matteus 6:33 + Afrikaans Bible and not the KJV Bible
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

  75. Katele is still in court it is unconstitutional to serve in the executive while Mabenga has no court hearing or conviction but mere recommendation that he ploughed the CDC funds into the same constituency campaign structures.Secondly, Katele is not a defense man but health alternatively.Mabenga has served as local government and defense minister.I will not be shocked to see him landing that portfolio soon.He did a good job under difficulty times at defense.He is a unifier, very reserved and sober leader you can count on in defense.

  76. 91: Kuku,
    We are waiting on how things will unfold, & if this Mpombo has resigned because of fearing to be fired, it will surely come out in the open. The law will visit him nicely for not being in Office!

  77. If the PCM (press conference monkey) were here on this blog, he would definintely piss loads on most bloggers here bcoz of the quality of ‘blogship’.

    On Hon. Mpombo, i tend to agree wit #85. Pipo like Mpombo dont resign on principle – there’s something BIG behind this Comrades.

  78. Things fall apart pa Zed! There is no defence minister, so wat happens now???? Does VJ take over or is it Dora?

  79. Mayehu please, lets not show our intellectual muscles on this blog. Unfortunately the area of study you have raised happens to be my area of speciallisation as well. So what will be the apogees and a perigees of the two missions you are working on? All in all my point is clear! Improve on your commenting and Grow up!!

  80. 88 Kalos2020 greetings. After I taught you some good lessons over your misgivings about my distant uncle VJ Mwaanga, now you have resorted to kubosa from afar by fearing to write my great blog name. Continue this way for it shows that you are a coward. As for your supporter, 92 Geologist, Canada , let him/er continue supporting like a headless chicken after I taught him/er English above [check out #s 57 and74 above too].

    On “Dr. Chirwa consults with NASA, never in a day will he discuss his accomplishments“, are you the only one doesn’t know that Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) is using such constulations as a campaign?
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee

  81. 100: Maestro Hakucincha,
    Don’t provoke people who know you better! At UNZA you failed to enter any quota in other science fields & ended up studying Physics in Natural Sciences.

  82. 100: Maestro Hakucincha,
    Can you tell people on the blog how you ended up studying Physics at UNZA?

  83. It is unfortunate that a country surrounding by warring neighbors can go a day or two without a Minister of Defense. It took RB a second to put Dora in office to appease her and continue his hawkish behavior on this woman. The resignation of Mpombo will not go just like RB would like. Soon we will hear the true reasons behind this. Mpombo will tell you all sorts of things about his intentions, but are they true? Why now? Did he just realize that he has family and there is education? Well, the truth will come and it will set us free. That will be the day all secrets about corruptions will come out. Bishop Mambo must know something about this.

  84. 98 nana greetings. On your “Unfortunately the area of study you have raised happens to be my area of speciallisation as well So what will be the apogees and a perigees of the two missions you are working on? All in all my point is clear! Improve on your commenting and Grow up!!“, what a terribly specialised character you are in my field! Firstly LEO satellites operate in circular obits and so there is no difference between perigee and apogee. Do you note how handicapped you are? Secondly, Lunar Missions involve periluna and apoluna. Just to educate you, Molniya orbits are not implemented in LEO.

    You are a time waster!
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee

  85. Maestro, let sleeping dogs lie. Don’t ever call me by that. I do not care who you are or who you intimidate. People here can judge who is barking. Your sad and lonely life affects the way you talk to people. It is utter nonsense for you to say what you say. You have behaved very uncoofed on this blog that few even care about your myopia and really would love not to hear your ranting. STOP. I don’t want to tell something that might affect your health.

  86. 101/2 Geologist, Canada following your “100: Maestro Hakucincha,
    Don’t provoke people who know you better! At UNZA you failed to enter any quota in other science fields & ended up studying Physics in Natural Sciences
    and 100: Maestro Hakucincha, Can you tell people on the blog how you ended up studying Physics at UNZA?“, go to UNZA and check my results. For sure you will find that I failed many time and UNZA and elsewhere, but what matters is that God lifted me up and I am now here.

    By the way, I once almost got a ZERO% in a Physics Tutorial Test for I didn’t hand in even my name at the end of 10 minutes, but convinced the Tutor that the question was too had for the whole class. The man checked a few scripts and then cancelled it all.

  87. This guy called maestro is actually menstrual periods, He is psychiatric on medication. So please dont mind him. Lets contribute to the topic. Mpombos resignation is just the start to the fall of the so called Rand B and his clique. I have infor that Kabinga mpande will be resigning sometime this month. Already shikapwasha has indicated that he doesnt support the idea of Rand B to be the only presido candidate….

  88. Kalos2020. You were at Mitanto and later went to Kitwe Boys–5B-tefyo? Ulimwina Bulazi? Atishani pa USA?
    On this one, whatever reason Mpombo has given or indeed gives, this is is the beginning of the unravelling of the MMD.

  89. 106: Maestro Hakucincha
    Congratulations for admitting for once! I remember you very well, so don’t hang dirty linen in public!

  90. 101/2 Geologist, Canada following The man checked a few scripts and then cancelled it all. That is how the whole Tutorial group got saved. Probably someone would have obtained 10/10 and others any numbers from 0 to 9, but I saved the class by maintaining that the question was too hard for us and that it was better that I did not hand in a sheet of paper with may name only.

    Guess, what I secured another a normal homework exercise for the class instead of the 10 minutes tutorial test and today I am here while my other friends are Medical Doctors and so on and so forth.

    Ins’t that wonderful?

    Have a nice evening.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee

  91. 105Kalos2020 following “STOP. I don’t want to tell something that might affect your health.” Just write what you can and be rest assured that it will never have an impact on me.

    Only God my Creator has the capability to do what He wants/needs to do with my life. So, take your threats elsewhere or invoke them so that we see what will happen.

    Have a nice evening.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee

  92. #108. Man, you are brother. I send me e-mail. You have me exactly. YES. 5B was my class. I am doing my PhD in Southern Illinois after leaving in LA for some time. I am also teaching at the same University part-time to. Now who is this. I love the Bulazi and KBSS thing.

  93. There you go mayehu!! Exhibiting dullness!! Zo ona ulichikopo boyi iwe, i might be wasting my time. What is your area of speciallisation? It seems you only have ideas on what you are talking about. If the apogee and perigee are not important in low earth orbits why do you think we calculate ( with extrem exactness) the distance of the satellite to the centre of the earth? Are you telling me that we just randomly launch them without these ipmortant figures?

  94. 109/11 Geologist, Canada following “106: Maestro Hakucincha
    Congratulations for admitting for once! I remember you very well, so don’t hang dirty linen in public!
    ” and “We shared the same course at second year for DJ MBEWE & I know you very well!“Just write what you can and be rest assured that I will respond nicely to you.

    In case, you do not know me properly, I am a Seventh Day Adventist Christian and I have an obligation to tell and write the TRUTH and ONLY the TRUTH.

    So, know that your threats are nothing. Completely nothing. If you do not believe me, write what you know and I will respond nicely.

    Have a nice evening.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie…

  95. For your information check out the infor on satelites launched in Low orbit. you will find two figures indicating the highest distance of the satellite to the centre of the earth and the lowest – defining the apogee and perigee. Are your space missions you are working on just in your dreams or what?

  96. 116: Maestro Hakucincha,

    I do not have to write anything more! We did Optics & properties of matter and thermal physics together! So, I have your true picture & I know what type of character am dealing with! After the course, then you would stay with DJ Mbewe to tell you stories ranging from politics to social!

  97. 115 nana following “What is your area of speciallisation?” I am an Astrophysicist and Space Scientist. I have other specialisations and so I don’t want to scare people on here.

    On “It seems you only have ideas on what you are talking about. If the apogee and perigee are not important in low earth orbits why do you think we calculate ( with extrem exactness) the distance of the satellite to the centre of the earth? Are you telling me that we just randomly launch them without these ipmortant figures?” You need know 6 orbital parameters only: True Anomaly, Argument of Periapsis, inclination, Ascending node and Reference plane.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge…

  98. People, is this guy normal? as you may well know, sometimes the devil hides in the church and some church members. Ladies and gentlemen, check on Sunday and Saturdays, churches, Mosques, Temples and whatever they worship in is full. So, if these people are really holy, who is committing the sins we see everyday on our streets? Look at the evils that we see even by our so called leaders. Even VJ when he dies they take him to Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Basically to mock God. I will repeat, saying it so, doesn’t make it so. It will be a nice day in hell seeing all these self proclaiming God’s people mingling in hell.

  99. 119 Geologist, Canada following “116: Maestro Hakucincha, I do not have to write anything more! We did Optics & properties of matter and thermal physics together! So, I have your true picture & I know what type of character am dealing with! After the course, then you would stay with DJ Mbewe to tell you stories ranging from politics to social!” Whatever you decide, please do. Whether you know me or not, I do not care. I simply have nothing to hide for God is there for me and I am waiting for His judgement.

    So, your possible knowing me really doesn’t matter for I will respond carefully.

    For now, I am back to the thread.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie din

  100. Uyu muntu lishilu naleka ine! chishinka uliwa physics chachine tatwa umfwane ( Not like the other intelligent physists).

  101. Bravo George Mpombo! Next to have this uncultured courage in Zambia should be Teta for bringing the MMD and its presidency to its lowest terms. I very optimistics that politics without Teta will change for the better. Teta you are next; please resign for the sake of mother Zambia and political social development in our communiyies. We are tied of un researched uttrances from you.

  102. 118 nana, you ignorance is a real shame, following “For your information check out the infor on satelites launched in Low orbit. you will find two figures indicating the highest distance of the satellite to the centre of the earth and the lowest – defining the apogee and perigee. Are your space missions you are working on just in your dreams or what?

    You might perhaps want to contact 119 Geologist, Canada who claims he knows me for more details. This is because I have nothing to hide. Absolutely nothing to hide.

    If there is anything I hate, it is telling lies — for lying is a specialisation of the devil (see Jihn 8:44).
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie din

  103. # 78 Nine Chale, the info given is not enough, you need to know whether the vehicle is being accelerated from earth or from space, then to keep it at the speed of light (which is 2.98×10^8 m/s) you don’t need any force because in space, physicists assume that space has not aerodynamic resistance, so the vehicle will keep moving at the same speed forever. The only power(force) you need to calculate is the power(force) needed to accelerate the vehicle from stationary position to the speed of light, but that depends on where the vehicle is starting from Earth or space, give that info and you will have your answer, at a charge ofcourse …just kidding.

  104. 122: Maestro Hakucincha,

    Thanks for your words & learn to be sensible when people are advising you! When I said let’s us stick to the topic & not attack Michael Chilufya Sata, you went off target just like the satellite you are designing!

    People want to have a nice time contributing on this blog, & if am off target I should accept that I’ve made a mistake by heeding to peoples advice.

    Enjoy your day & continue designing those Satellites so that you can throw them into space! I hope one will be launched in Zed when you combine efforts with H. Mweene & DJ Mbewe!

  105. 123 nana, now that you have started behaving with “Uyu muntu lishilu naleka ine! chishinka uliwa physics chachine tatwa umfwane ( Not like the other intelligent physists)“, you can joinme in normalcy by stopping to insult and thinking that you are more clever than others.

    At this stage, we do not need to insult others when we fail to beat them in intelligence. What we need is to have an attitude of respecting each person his/er abilities. This is what I do on here.

    Clive Chirwa (PhD,UK) is busy using the title of Prof at Boston University in UK to gain political mileage in Zambia. I find this as a non-starter. Solutions are to Zambian people’s problems and hard work on the ground are KEY to success in Zambian politics instead.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  106. Taking a dead body to church has no significance with the dead but those who are alive. It is an oprotunity for self reflection especially mwe ba shipepa

  107. 128Geologist, Canada, on your “122: Maestro Hakucincha, Thanks for your words & learn to be sensible when people are advising you! When I said let’s us stick to the topic & not attack Michael Chilufya Sata, you went off target just like the satellite you are designing! “, whenever I write something be rest assured that I would have thought it through.
    The problem with most of you ill-prepared characters for a debate is that you rush to try and paint someone as a bad person.

    As for me, having people like Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK), Loveday Mweene (PhD, USA), etc. is a blessing to Zambia. There is no need to try and insult them for their hard work. This applies to all of us and even those whom I encourge to take up more school to improve like Sata.
    Matteus 6:33 +

  108. Long overdue.. tell your friends 2 give the post colonial thinkers a chance 2 govern our beloved Zambia. Him as well he should be gone b4 2011.

  109. 130 Wrong No. greetings and you are correct on your “Taking a dead body to church has no significance with the dead but those who are alive. It is an oprotunity for self reflection especially mwe ba shipepa“. Unfortunately, many people do not know the Holy Scriptures as they are written to warn us also — Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

    This is why most bloggers’ arguments are terrible.

    Have a blessed day and keep well.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  110. I am even worried some of these satellites will even take off. Hope they do? Amano ubunono. Bushe taumfwa insoni? It is sad to know that in churces they don’t teach you to be humble.

  111. 128 Geologist, Canada, on your “122: Maestro Hakucincha, … People want to have a nice time contributing on this blog, & if am off target I should accept that I’ve made a mistake by heeding to peoples advice“, who is depriving you of a nice time? FYI, I am not on LT to appease you, even if you may be my friend, or any other person. Have you ever heard the saying, “there is no friendship on business“? I am not like Minister Teta. who wants to tell President RB Banda what President RB Banda wants to hear no.

    On one hand you blame the bad politics in Zambia and on the other you want to do the same on this blog. Check out the word hypocrisy from a dictionary and then cut the crap.

    May God bless you and change.
    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  112. Kalos2020 Which satellite my brother? All those are mare illussions! Only in his dreams. with such scanty knowledge on the subject you think he can participate in such a project? Who can allow him to use their resources on some one who might come up with something leathal instead of something useful?

  113. 131: Maestro Hakucincha,
    I guess no one wants to paint you as a bad person, but the way you look at some of the aspects of life & postings you make invites people to respond! We are all born good, but somewhere in our lives there’s a deciding moment. So, try to see other peoples points of view from yours, then you’ll fit in nicely! Don’t be so rigid & think that you know more than other people!

  114. 128 Geologist, Canada, on your “122: Maestro Hakucincha, … Enjoy your day & continue designing those Satellites so that you can throw them into space! I hope one will be launched in Zed when you combine efforts with H. Mweene & DJ Mbewe!, thanks. However, Zambia can only afford to pay for space applications as of now and probably in the next 100 years or more if Jesus Christ does not descend by then. As for Habatwa Mweene (PhD,UK) and Mr DJ Mbewe (MSc?, Russia), those are great minds without whom I wouldn’t be here in Stuttgart (Benz-Town as Nine Chale puts it for Mercedece Benz is built here in this City).

    Definitely, as a group, we can do something good collectively for Zambia.

    Until the next time.

    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  115. Class lets clap for maestro ….. kwa kwa kwa … kwa! ulabandika mudala – hope this Tonga is correct. For Mpombo’s sake lets go to bed as friends.

  116. ##136. My sister this a man finds pleasure hurting himself. He is a masoquist. If someone is a masoquist, wouldn’t hell be enjoyable for them? Hence the use of the Lord’s name in vain. Trying to make it impossible for himself to enter heaven.

  117. 137 Geologist, Canada, on “131: Maestro Hakucincha, … Don’t be so rigid & think that you know more than other people!, I am not rigid for I invite you all who feel you can challenge to me to do. When you point is proved right, then I apologise. Ask the deluded 134 Kalos2020 over the VJ Mwaanga Standford University mistake issue where I found the correct details indicating that VJ studied at Hunter College in USA instead.

    So, I teach those who think they know better than me on what I write. When I advised honopurable Sata (Grade 2/6, unknown) to emulate (follow the example) of MP Mpombo of improving his (Sata) education, what wrong did I do? Was my advice in bad faith?

    Wasn’t I trying to uplift his current status?

    Matteus 6:33 + KJV Bible

  118. Kalos2020 ifwe ngatwakupela e-mail address ninshi bakapanga bashushushu ninshi batusokolola from the woodwork. I will find a way of contacting you. As at now I want to know where my friend Goodson Chabala is. The last time I heard of him he was in Luanshya.

  119. 139 GazziE – the legend greetings and thanks for your “Class lets clap for maestro ….. kwa kwa kwa … kwa! ulabandika mudala – hope this Tonga is correct” and yes indeed you Tonga is correct.

    You know what I do not take kindly characters who vehemently come to me with insults and ill-motives to paint my name bad. Whoever, mis-taught them that that Christian was about having a low self esteem mislead them.

    Jesus Christ is my example and this is why I am called a Christian because I follow in his footstep. Note:

    John 18 + KJV Bible
    21 Why askest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said.
    22 And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying,…

  120. 144 continued:

    John 18 + KJV Bible

    21 Why askest thou me? ask them which heard me, what I have said unto them: behold, they know what I said.
    22 And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
    23 Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?

    So, if Jesus Christ my Lord and personal Saviour asked why He was ill-treated, who am I not to complain or defend myself if some overzealous characters tries to make me look bad or insult me?

    So, go back and read or re-read your Holy Scriptures and when you are done, come a challenge me on the way I practice Christianity.

    All the best in that.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  121. 142 Geologist, Canada, thanks for your “138: Maestro Hakucincha, Point of correction, DJ Mbewe (BSc Russia & MSc, Manitoba, Canada)” and as you read above in my positing #138 As for Habatwa Mweene (PhD,UK) and Mr DJ Mbewe (MSc?, Russia)…, there is little departure from what I know about Mr DJ Mbewe.

    The question mark in my Mr DJ Mbewe (MSc?, Russia) clearly signified my doubt. And I am grateful for your filling in the gap. This is better than your initial vehement approach to challenge my posting #18 or #21 and keep it up.

    Later then.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  122. Why do some retards here find it difficult to stck to the topic at hand? Everytime some retards appears with the EU flag you know it`s all going to be I was at UNZA this, I have studied that! By the way what has this rubbish got to do with Mpombo resigning?

  123. 146: Maestro Hakucincha,

    There are minor differences we have, but the best way is to try & understand each other! If you go back to my initial statement, you’ll discover that I marely said “Maestro Hakucincha! Concentrate on the topic at hand & not start attacking Michael Chilufya Sata”!

    This was the beginning of all this exchange of words!

    Sorry to have gone through all this exchange of words Physicist!

  124. 149 Geologist, Canada good on the ““Maestro Hakucincha! Concentrate on the topic at hand & not start attacking Michael Chilufya Sata”! ” and learn to respect other people’s comments.

    My advice to honourable Sata (Grade 2/6, unknown) are noble and should he take heed of them like he did over joining the UPND as a UPND-PF PACT, I belief is that his live can be fulfilling.

    He can help change the many lives that are smoking to change. He can motivate most of those that dropped out of school to go back to school. Such a move of his going back to school can earn him respect like former Namibian President Sama Nujoma — and who knows someone can just award him with an honouraly Doctorate for helping to shape the lives of young ones.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  125. It seems the family tree is being uprooted, Mpombo is just one branch, expect more family tree victims. Politics is a dirty game for sure.

  126. 150: Maestro Hakucincha,

    It would have been nice for Michael Chilufya Sata to follow what you are saying, but I think it’s too late to start thinking in those lines! All he can do is contribute to the people he wants to save! He needs to humble himself & this is why the new Constitution is cardinal in forging the Country ahead! The powers of the President needs to be streamlined so that we do not brood DICTATORS!

  127. As things are, the President made to be a dictator by the same constitution we have as it’s obsolete & leaves a lot of things hanging! Even Ministers who could have contributed to the development of the Nation are on the chopping board & this sends shivers to oppose the President!

  128. Fwaka yampanga ala ibi. Uyu muntu ala lyalimupesha amano. Ba Geologist, this started as a discussion on Mpombo, and do you know how it turned into this? One person and that person is …….. This is always the case on this blog. When he shows up. We all now have started refraining from being together on this blog. It is like some people, you can be having a good conversation, but immediately they show up, people start talking about leaving for their homes. Even in clubs, people decide to move to other clubs. Not because it is better there, but because he has arrived, people cannot stand him. That is what I see here. Ba Geologist since he was your classmate, can you please help him. Let him see that the world does not spin on him.

  129. 152 Geologist, Canada , you may be right but it is never too late until God says it is over. And so, let us just give the old man good advice to do what is best for his body. The retirement of MP George Mpombo may have come with serious covert reasons but I salute him for making it known that he wants to see the young generation take over running of Zambia. Just check out the queues of people that went for Police interviews and yet we probably have very old Policemen clinging to police jobs.

    Some blogger who seemed to have been a soldier complain on here that very old men are in Army senior position even after they have passed retirement age. With this behaviour, how do you expect young people to contribute to Zambia with their energy?
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  130. A minister of defence resigning? I bet you that RBs response will expose the reason… I hope he won’t reappoint him.

  131. 152 Geologist, Canada , on your “The powers of the President needs to be streamlined so that we do not brood DICTATORS!”, this is why president HH and the mighty UPND Team are at the NCC.

    Unfortunately, most of what they wanted to be changed or included for the betterment of Zambia in that NCC Draft Constitution will not be as we have noted ove the Parliament Ratifying LOANS and the like before GRZ enters into binding agreements. As for “Even Ministers who could have contributed to the development of the Nation are on the chopping board & this sends shivers to oppose the President!” in your 153, this is why educated men and women who worked under former President Chiluba failed Zambians.

    You simply can’t help a President now.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  132. 156: Maestro Hakucincha

    That’s the challenge that we have to ensure that the ours & next generations enjoys the benefits of being called Zambians. We never chose to be born in Zambia, & we have to protect our Country at all costs!

  133. # 157, actually he might. Just as he did after Dora resigned. Dora did not resign to pave way for the investigations. She resigned in shame. RB if he thought she was an intricate part of development in Zambia should not have accepted her resignation, but rather ask her to take sabbatical leave and reappoint her. Exactly, RB to win the Lamba land will reappoint Mpombo or one of his kind. Let us wait and see.

  134. If RB wants to show Zambia that he is a true leader then he should get rid of Fred Mmembe, lock him up and throw away the keys. There is no bigger criminal in Zambia than him. Even Chiluba can not stand tat man’s crminal activities. It is high time he is put in his place. RB do it for Zambia, that will be your legacy.

    Who would have thought the likes of Masebo, Magande, Mpombo would be out of government so soon. The seemed unmoveable only a few months ago. The tide is turning but RB has too many Malawians in our government. I bet he will replace Mpombo with someone from Western Malawi ohh sorry Eastern Province. Come 2011 some other group will be on the run. Politics is a tricky game.

  135. 153 Geologist, Canada , on your “As things are, the President made to be a dictator by the same constitution we have as it’s obsolete & leaves a lot of things hanging!”, definitely the current Constitution of Zambia is as nothing until a sitting President moves out of office.

    This is why Zambia only needs someone trustworthy to be President after the 2011 elections. I now strongly belive that the appointment of President RB Banda to be Vice President under late President LP Mwanawasa was a blessing in disguise so as to remove MMD from power in 2011 or any time soon when elections will be held.

    My thinking is that MMD will disintegrate soon as president HH has kept informing the Nation about some MMD members willing to join the PACT.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  136. #148 Katapa ya kulubemba, its okay to be jealous, who on this blog does not diversify from the topic? why are u singling out maestro? just get yourself an education and be proud to talk about it in public. Some of you people who did not go beyong special paper 1 and 2 in school are perpetually bitter.

  137. 154: Kalos2020,

    Thanks for the advice! I know my brother “Maestro Hakucincha” very well as we were together & am sure he understands the outcry from other people! All we have to do is respect each others views & I can bet that we are going to have wonderful contributions on the blog! I a m pretty much sure that some people don’t want to contribute anything for fear of what others would say!

    One thing for sure is that each & everyone of us was created with a touch of uniqueness & originality! So let us utilize our potential to change lives in one way or another.

  138. 153 Geologist, Canada , Zambia at this point does not need characters who have outlived their politics usefulness, but young blood on the scene.

    Let the young thus rally behind our fellow young man in the name of president HH to be presidential candidate. In 2016, the UPND is expected to have another president and so 1 Presidential Term of HH as Zambian President from 2011 to 2016 woule be enough.

    After that, other young men hopefully those who were born after 1964 can carry on at the helm of Zambia.

    We need to be like South Africa which is in a harry to produce PhD people that are useful in her society. Zambians needs to becoming a hub of Manufacturing and transit of goods and services in Southern Africa.

    Yes we can do this collectively.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  139. Kalos 2020

    If you grew up in Kitwe and once worked in Ndola as a teacher, I must speak to you. Tell me how we can link up.

  140. 164: Maestro Hakucincha,
    You are very much right! It should be a blessing for the Nation as people are now reading between the lines! Just Imagine if the President start saying he can appoint anyone as he can not be told whom to consider for a position? He might as well appoint a 15 year old as a Minister of Defense at this rate he’s going!

  141. 166 Analyst greetings. I really liked your “#148 Katapa ya kulubemba, its okay to be jealous, who on this blog does not diversify from the topic? why are u singling out maestro? just get yourself an education and be proud to talk about it in public. Some of you people who did not go beyong special paper 1 and 2 in school are perpetually bitter“.

    It is very surprising that characters try so hard to ridicule my person when all they are supposed to concentrate on are the points I put up.

    Some have gone to an extent of threatening my life (see 105 Kalos2020 some Muslim character!) and they think I can be intimidated. What a lost character indeed. Follow through his comments and note his/er desperation for recognition.

    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  142. 168: Maestro Hakucincha

    Points taken. At this moment, let’s hope that the PF-UPND pack is consolidated & as for me, it doesn’t matter who stands as a President between the two as long as we have a good constitution in place to make sure that people in govt can freely express themselves & put across ideas that can challenge the President without fearing to be fired! MCS can also form a corner stone on which HH can launch his popularity & have a successiful run for Presidency in future if they agree otherwise!

  143. 170 Geologist, Canada /b> cool stuff in the endand I hope others will also learn to respect people and concentrate on the statements. People like me were brought up under an SDA Christian mother who taught us that being honest and presenting the truth is the only best way forward, but ill-motivated characters think that I came to lie on this blog. Whatever the case, the truth may one day set on there faces. So, I now revert back to conclude on my research before going to bed. So take careful care.

    169 Kwathukummawa long time and greetings. I truely missed you well researched contributions, but no worries. Just take care and keep well.

    To all, have a blessed day.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these…

  144. Troubles starts when everyone once to go to state house! Pure greedy on the part of our leaders. “171:Maestro Hakucincha”! By the way, was it not MPOMBO who threatened HH for trying to cause confusion in the Country a fortnight ago when nurses were on strike?

  145. Yes, Mpombo could have threatened but may be he also used the same message to try and advise his president but his message may have fallen on deaf ears. What more if your boss even has the guts to tell you that and I quote “Uyu Dora is the best person in my govt”, how would you take it? And yet this person does not even understand the word nullity?!! This to me is a leadership crisis which MMD needs to recover from and recover very quickly otherwise they will be swept aise like UNIP. Mpombo according Katele Kalumba was a loyal member if that tells us anything. Did the president not know?

  146. 174 Geologist, Canada /b> I almost left, but for this one “Troubles starts when everyone once to go to state house! Pure greedy on the part of our leaders.” There is nothing about greed on the UPND’s part. The UPND has consistently held Conventions to elect its leaders and it has party structures across all 9 provinces of Zambia. It case is well articulated socio-economic independence. President HH has been mentioning about money being available in reference to the Auditor General’s report which has huge financial irregularities, but people believed honourable Sata who was just shouting money in your pockets without explaining how that would be achieved.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things …

  147. 174 Geologist, Canada , as for ““171:Maestro Hakucincha”! By the way, was it not MPOMBO who threatened HH for trying to cause confusion in the Country a fortnight ago when nurses were on strike?” Yes MP Mpombo as Minister said many interesting things about president HH, but I believe that MP Mpombo could not carry on with such a heavy burden just to satisfy President RB Banda and Minister Teta. (see #s 87 and 90 above).

    MP Mpombo was a cousing to late President Mwanawasa and I believe that the recent happenings in the MMD over the Mwanawasa name usage for political mileage gaining, as Patrick Mwanawasa (son) put it, have not been a good thing.

    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things…

  148. 176: Maestro Hakucincha

    Let us hope for the best that this pack will liberate us & it has to be taken from there! Have a good evening as I am signing off now!

  149. 177: Maestro Hakucincha

    Interesting indeed! I hope Bwezani ndalama will be back in the village come 2011!

  150. LT,

    Kindly confirm fillers spamming my phone that Mikaele Sata has just surrendered to the sting of death.He is my Mbuya you know I’m ready to fly home tomorrow for gule wamkulu ndimugido on his casket.I have ashes to smear and stuff in the mukule of Dr.kakusa Sata.You know these Bembas are clazy and unkind on us at funerals.

    Anxious chief loshya.

  151. Anyone with fillers, i have packed my suitcase and only awaiting confirmation for a trip to go put up a good mugido on Sata’s casket way into his grave.

  152. Bembas will have to repay every money they get from our People’s funerals.I will make sure Sata’s wives don’t see the body until we are paid.

  153. Family Tree #161.How can you refer Eastern Province as Western Malawi? Are we to suppose that Northern Province will be Southern Tanzania, Western as Eastern Namibia, Southern as Northern Zim? Where will be Zed as a whole?

  154. Mr Mulongoti also said it was wrong for the PF/UPND to demand that the MMD’s candidate, Solomon Musonda should resign his position as a medical doctor.

    He said resigning from a position could not be done overnight as it was a process that ought to be followed thoroughly.

    Relevant Links
    Southern Africa
    Mr Mulongoti said there were many things that Dr Musonda should put in place before he could be stopped from holding his position in the civil service.

    “You cannot just walk out of a job. There are many things that should be put in place before somebody leaves,” Mr Mulongoti said.

    On Sunday when the PF/UPND was announcing Chanda Mutale as its candidate for the by-election scheduled for August 13, PF spokesperson, Given Lubinda alleged that the MMD was giving out…

  155. # 166. Analyst. You are not far from the truth. The trouble with some Zambians is the inability to appreciate others; hence jealous and tribalism. Maestro has the right to write freely, and I believe he does well on many topics. If you cross roads, find out where and how. If you find a person who thinks differently, learn how to get along with them, changing them will be impossible!

  156. #70, to help you in solving this non starter project, leave nuclear energy out and especially when you talk of the speed of light. no sane physicist would waste an iota of their grey matter on such even with a plethora of information about mechanics, thermodynamics and all the fundamentals about speed,acceleration and velocity. On a lighter note, for your fiction novel, lets first convert the 20,000 years into minutes or seconds and then from there we will work out an accleration based on the mass of the ship with the speed of light 3×10 power 8m/s.

  157. Any ba Mpombo, you have always campaigned for PF. However, congratulations for your wise move, knowing that the ship is sinking. But, tell us why you are resigning.

  158. George Duiker cannot just wake up and resign. the fuel crisis he created and the ABSA saga are the issues at heart and he wants to isolate himself so he can say thats why i resigned, i was not privy to such deals let alone levy, magande, kavindele, katele and some minions. some one said the mokeys are bringing a bad omen on these guys and rb watch out!

  159. Maestro, is not bad at all but one thing i would like to advice my young brother is keep the track son! never lose focus and in blogging as the issue is, try as much to keep on the topic. Otherwise we can never be a people with the same thought so to demonize Maestro is just killing the passion he has to blog. If any thing, all of us need to sharpen one another just like the Bible in Prov 27 says Iron sharpens another so does a man sharpen his friends countenance.

  160. One other thing, there is a difference in being schooled and educated/learned. some people have rightly passed thru form 5 gone to youth service like us and passed thru unza and finally working but i can see that some accrued very good certificates and the knowledge has translated into tangible work output while others have hung the degrees and they cant even apply the simplest theory they learnt at school yet they are called graduates. so lets have in mind that in leadership, its not always the people with academic papers rather people must show/prove beyond doubt that they are worthy the sort to lead. David in the Bible is one such character who according to some of us was just a kachema/sherperd yet his brothers had an upper hand in military skills. But God picked on David, why, becoz h

  161. contd from 194 becoz he was humble and willing to be taught. he never fought for the position of king. it just came and followed him right in the bush. so is the political leadership. mind you we have Moses who is a very good example of what political leadership is an must be, delegation of authority and overseeing the peoples affairs. this is simple politics-managing peoples affairs socially, morally and spiritually. on the zedian scenario, we have a lot of opportunists who will not stop at anything as long as they are not caught or served with letters of warning pending resignations as is the case with George. Normally a minister will resign after he has discussed with the pres.

  162. good move and gooooooooood job mr MPOMBO SIR. i wish you good luck. and lets hope you nsi miladu yemwataba ka?

  163. #196 I think you are very write. These rats sense that the ship is sinking and when they jump out from it, they become heroes. You will find the same rats in the new govt. No wonder we don’t develop. Even Tetamalilo or Sikapwasha when they jump out, they will be heroes and will be in the next govt. Lets not allow such a thing to happen gentlemen. Let these rats jump out and go and rest at their farms.

  164. #196 dont choke me with laughter, “rats busy jumping” i like it. any way to resign gracefully is another issue and i dont think this man has resigned becoz he is clean than the others. its likely the sit has become hot and he cant handle. remember, power once misused corrupts. this man was more of a thorn in the zedian politics and i wonder why levy kept him despite the fuel crisis issue only to be promoted defence minister. levy u see now the pot you worked hard to cover has its lid tampered with and soon molini will be on the list

  165. One should ask himself the question. What has hounded the bearded one from government ? Because it is not possible for our selfish politicians to resign on personal grounds just like that. Is it ABSA, the Maureen Billions or some scam that is on ACC dossiers. Speak the truth uncle duiker.

  166. Oh how i pray that more of such greed people shud resign before they are urinated or scared off by our cousins in the name of monkeys. Monkey power go go go go, some more urinations and fear instilling stunts. lets all unleash those monkeys in zoos on the streets

  167. Probaly these two monkeys have come across a “PLANTE OF APES EPIC” and want to put it in action since the humans are too docile. wapya mpombo. may be the monkey saw a duiker in you. namashina yene

    My friend you are a crushing bore.i just don’t know how your wife- finds you if at all you’ve got one.because you a type of guys who when the find a chick.instead engaging her in a romantic just start bombarding her with what we used to call at school as big words or asking her questions about your physics nonsence.ka gelo kalefwaya love ulekepusha pama neutrons.i wouldn’t eve be suprised if i learn that you have never tested the fruit from the garden of you are an asshole.
    Next time dont tell us about the accomplishments which you just dream of,give us the references of the sites on the net where the records are and we will search for them.

  169. Watch this space. RB’s challenger has come out. If RB is to survive beyond 2011, this is my advice to him, and I mean well: 1. Take Teta’s actions with a pinch of salt. He is the most unpopular politician in Zambia today and a man is judged by the company he keeps. 2. Allow clear cut press freedom and unreservedly condemn violence against journalists, even provocative ones. 3. Open a free channel of communication with rival media. 4. Reject the NEC endorsement of presidential candidature and allow the grass root MMD foot soldiers to give you the mandate at the convention in a free and fair election. 5. Hard sell your achievements and policies. Zambia has not suffered as much as it could have in this global economic crisis. Let the people judge. Best wishes.

  170. Lets wait and see before we can draw a conclusion.From a political perspective , Mpombo is a power hungry character and would do anything possible to keep his position and profit clientellestically .It is unfortunate that he will not be remembered for good works but rather his desperate and naked acts like kissing the late Mwanawasa’s shoes.

    It is better to be uneducated than being uncivilized

  171. Menstruation Hikuchicha,too much time on the blog and too much space you take with your copy and pastes.Go to work now.I believe even the thesis that you are doing is full of copy and pastes points including the reults of your study must be full of copy and paste.
    Comming to the main issue,Mpombos resignation si the begining of free-fall for MMD.

  172. Good riddance. Mpombo like all the others is not a 21st century leader. That is why guys at MoH are stealing under their noses. Rupiah, Sata, VJ Crook and the other old fools should follow suit. We need a crop of young leaders who understand the contemporary world and its challenges. Kuya bebele mwe fifyashi fyonse!!!!!

  173. Un like RB Mpombo got the masege from the monkey chase. Lets mourn mpombo peacefully or you give him to reapear

  174. viva mr mbombo, its nice that you have got the smell before it choks you. yes its true wait for the dust to settle, then tell us the truth.

  175. The monkey did the job. Umwana uwamukulu was at work. But Honestly, something is wrong here, a zambian minister resigning??? We need to put that monkey in a museum!!!

  176. The truth behind the resignation is that Mpombo did not provide enough security to prevent the Monkey from pissing on the President. So RB asked him to do the moral thing………….

  177. A good move. Maybe we can take that monkey to parliament building so that it can fish out unproductive MPS!

  178. am only concernsed because its the minister of defence, we are talking about here. Such key opositions should be critically looked and not ignored/.

  179. I also add my voice to those who believe that Mr Mpombo has resigned on principle. I also believe that there are many principled Zambians. Some Zambian ministers have done it before. Remember that the late Mwanawasa resigned from the Chiluba government citing corruption. So did the late Baldwin Nkumbula and Aka Lewanika.

  180. Well its very strange for Mpombo once the biggest bootlicker to resign! He has probably seen that he has nothing to offer and contribute and hence the move to resign so people can think the other way. This man has been around and he is part and parcel of a lot of loot and corruption in the MMD Govt and hence his move should not be looked at as a bold and smart move. Its just a matter of time before the truth is revealed concerning his resignation. The man is not smart, remember what he stood for during the last presidential elections, what has suddenly changed? Lets watch out before we are fooled by this chap!

  181. Mpombo, former acting Vice President has resigned. Difficult to say what happens next but history shows that those who resign tend to go into political wilderness except of course if one day some one wakes them up in the middle of the night to hand over the mantle to them. He may have resigned due to the MMD NEC shenanigans or Army salaries going to nurses or bailing out of a sinking ship or ‘spend more time with the family.’

  182. #223. He has not resigned on principle. The fact is that he has seen the ship sinking and now he wants to joing the pact so that he will be minister again. We know the tactics of these finished politicians. Remember Danny Pule, he resigned from MMD on the last day and joined PF thinking that PF will win and he will be minister again to start looting. Let these finished politicians resign from politics and go and rest. we are tired of them. So if Tetamashimba resigns today, he will be a hero. Sad.

  183. 210 AKAPONDO insulting character, your behaviour is not surprising for you are the epitome of the devil’s work through your insults. It is not too late for you to change for the best and God can help you if you are willing.

    On your “i just don’t know how your wife- finds you if at all you’ve got one.because you a type of guys who when the find a chick.instead engaging her in a romantic just start bombarding her with what we used to call at school as big words or asking her questions about your physics nonsenc[?s?]e.” I am not married neither do I have a girlfriend over fiancee. Save your self further serious sickness by stopping your rattling untold envious behaviour onr my formidable composure through cogent unequivocal statements on LT and elsewhere.l

  184. 210 AKAPONDO, at the rate you are going with your failure to convince a clout about Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK)’s National support for the Zambian Presidency in the 2011 elections, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that you are in a mentally changed state.

    Therefore, I recommend that you quickly make an appointment with a medical practitioner and seek prayers from people of God. This is because, you case is a crises now. I have advised kalos2020 to do the same many times, but his extremist nature may cause us to lose him.

    With these few words, I wish you are very blessed day and promise that I will continue praying for you peradventure you will come round.
    Matteus 6:33
    Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle…

  185. Here we again! Well its very strange for Mpombo once the biggest bootlicker to resign! He has probably seen that he has nothing to offer and contribute and hence the move to resign so people can think the other way. This man has been around and he is part and parcel of a lot of loot and corruption in the MMD Govt and hence his move should not be looked at as a bold and smart move. Its just a matter of time before the truth is revealed concerning his resignation. The man is not smart, remember what he stood for during the last presidential elections, what has suddenly changed? Lets watch out before we are fooled by this chap!

  186. You can’t have a defence minster afraid of monkeys, that’s why. Honourable chap, well done

  187. 231 Ubuntungwa mu Zambia greetings. It appears that you have now given up you vehement campaign that failed to win you anything and your “#229. As long as Chirwa is in a wrong party (MMD), no one will vote for him.” approach is really welcome as opposed to your previous thinking that you can police me around.

    As for Chirwa Clive (PhD, UK), I pity him for his strategy does not convince me that he has good analytical capabilities.

    You can not think that hard working people will simply give you things on a silver plate. Even the Holy Scriptures indicate that people must work in order to eat (see verse below).
    2 Thessalonians 3 + KJV Bible
    3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

  188. Life is a ridal ! Only the wise can understand it. Mpombo has shown how credible a leader should behave. Wise decision big man and you are a true encyclopedia….keep it up and keep away from the stern. “Umuntu mutwe” A prize of politics is a death roll.

  189. I think that money at Sun International Hotel did send a good message to ba George that all is not well in MMD and RB Government. By the way are you people aware that the Ministry of Defence is also one of the most corrupt ministry besides MOH.Ba George has been Minister of Defence for a long period of time.I hope his hands are clean and was not involved in any corrupt activities with any defence Chiefs.All the former defence chiefs ( ZAF,ZNS and Amry) are currently facing corrupt cases in court.What a shame.

  190. Is he hoping to be President now that he has resigned? Mind you there is a pattern to become a president in Zambia. First, it was Levy who resigned and he became the president. later it was RB who retired from politics and now he is president. Who is next?? Is it Mpombo. Watch out for more resignations in the quest to become president.

  191. Sata ,was a good Mayor, but when it comes to been President, it important to have someone Sober, I ‘ve him drinking with Bar Flies at Eastern Sun Printers.

  192. Sata ,was a good Mayor, but when it comes to been President, it important to have someone Sober, I ‘ve seen him drinking with Bar Flies at Eastern Sun Printers.

  193. This is the second minister very smart. mmmmmm. Nway since the trend has been set by Dora, We still expect Mpombo to reappointed after all is said and done

  194. # 197 Mwana ka Mwanta-Kapupuleti

    Thanks for the info. Otherwise, I was mourning the short disappearance of ZWD from the web those past few days that it could not be accessed.

    Now the morale is back

  195. Batata ba #171 mulicipuba. We know you are the same man. Hiding behind flags and names will not change you. Retard! Prank gone wrong? I d i o t!

  196. maybe its because of bakolwe… i heard that chimbi balichisundila ku kolwe… a few days later, chimbi na cho balichuma ichibaka ku ka kolwe elo chaponena mu swimming pool … Musebanya ichine chine

  197. Ba George, Since I was a child in Zambia, no politician has done such a big wonder. Your resignation is a gift to Zambians. Ministers, why not emulate Mpompo. God bless you Mpompo.

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