Monday, June 17, 2024

HH ought to be ashamed of himself for inciting tribal divisions-Mulongoti


Mike Mulongoti

MOVEMENT for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) spokesman Mike Mulongoti has condemned United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema for allegedly attempting to promote tribal politics and divide the nation.

Reacting to media reports that quoted Mr Hichilema as saying that President Banda has caused the Lamba people a deep injury by firing Mr Gabriel Namulambe as Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Mulongoti said the UPND leader ought to be ashamed of himself for inciting tribal divisions.

Mr Mulongoti said he was not surprised by Mr Hichilema’s utterances because he was not an elected leader. He charged that Mr Hichilema allegedly hounded certain people out of the UPND on tribal grounds for him to ascend to the presidency.

He said there was no injury on the Lamba people as Mr Hichilema was suggesting and wondered why the UPND leader allegedly wanted to incite them against Government.

Mr Mulongoti urged the UPND leader not to isolate Lambas because there were a lot of non-Lambas in that remote community on the Copperbelt Province.

“That hunger he is talking about is just a figment of his imagination. There’s really nothing.

He is not even ashamed to make such remarks. For him it’s normal,” Mr Mulongoti said.

He urged political leaders to offer constructive criticism instead of making tribal sentiments that cannot benefit the people.

Mr Hichilema was quoted as saying that the firing of Mr Namulambe injured the Lambas and that the appointment of Gladys Lundwe, another Lamba, as a cabinet minister would not calm them down.

[ Zambia Daily Mail ]


  1. Big Mouthed Mulongoti, please shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Icimona kwati nacisenda
    cula. Iwe ci Mulongoti what is it that you can boast about that you have done to Zambiana apart from your rhetoric language ? Please, may you shut up – we are tired of hearing from you. Mind you whatever tricks you may use, next year — kuya bebele. Viva Pact.

  2. When does this man do his ministrial duties. To me he is trying to cover up for his ineffiencies.The is no way he has to say everything on every subject. Iittle does he talk about the ongoing in his ministry. The energy his spend could do well if he can use it to repair the the road on st anthony internation road in kitwe which is in bad state.

  3. Mr Mulongoti, kindly give chance for other peopple to comment on political issues. we are tired of listening to you!

  4. Mulongoti go and ask your RB to stop tribal appointments instead of yaping like a rabid dog all key gvt positions have been given to Easterners which is more tribal than what HH said. Please leave HH alone.

  5. He is acting like an easterner to keep his job, he will remember that he is from Lamberland when he is fired it is a matter of time

  6. people take this statement literally.why shud hh talk like that.nothing specio abt lambas.lets talk about 1 zambia 1 nation bafikala

  7. are you replacing teta, as a booty sucker,mulogoti, keep in mind 2011 is coming. and by the way you are loosing more seats, which is a good development.

  8. Mulongoti, when have you ever been elected? You are also not an elected leader!Even over Mpombo, you passed similar comments even though he is an elected MP! Very dull chap. In case you have forgotten, you are a nominated MP.

  9. Again, we have been failed by the current crop of politicians both from ruling and opposition parties. The statement by HH does not help matters whichever way one slices it. It essentially ferments an already tense situation and pitting Zambians against one another. The RB presidency will definitely go down in history as the period that the country erased all the tribal tensions and distrust that took so many years to reduce. Even if RB is a dumba$$ that does not get it, HH exploited a weakness that can actually see the country go up in flames. This is a slippery slope we are getting on.

  10. After leading 4-0 up to the 79th minute, Angola draws with Mali after losing 4 goals in the last 11 minutes. The opening match ends: Angola – Mali 4:4 !!!

  11. It seems like in Zed whenever someone mentions a tribe then that person is a tribalist. This is total nonsense. It’s equivalent to what the Labour party was doing each time the conservatives mentioned immigrates in the UK they were called racists. The british voters have seen through this and Labour can’t use that smear campaign any more. We should all accept that we belong to different tribes and that MPs represent the interests of their consistuents who belong to different tribal groupings. As long as politicians do not speak ill of other tribes their is nothing wrong in them expressing the feelings of the tribe they represent.

  12. once a tribalist in a position through tribalism, always a tribalist.But the manner in which HH bull-dozed his way to assume the leadership of the UPND raised some worries among some senior party officials. The officials warned their fellow party members about the political immaturity of Mr Hichilema and his intolerance to other views.HH’s claim to the top position of UPND was tribal.Mr Syacheye Madyenkuku, the recent defector to the PF-UPND Pact, together with Mapatizya Member of Parliament (MP) Ackson Sejani, are the ones who championed HH’s tribal campaign against Sakwiba Sikota, who was forced to resign to form his own party, the United Liberal Party(ULP).

  13. The reality of the warning by senior UPND officials has since come to pass. HH assumed the leadership of Zambia’s then second largest party without any obvious political credentials. While his predecessor, the late Mazoka, once held a position as a branch chairman in Bauleni Township, HH has never held any political position in his life.Not surprisingly; the performance of UPND under Mr Hichilema has been a political disaster. From the political heights that the party reached under the mature leadership of Mr Mazoka, UPND has since crash-landed into a tribal cabal of mostly Tonga-speaking people in the Southern Province.

  14. The performance of the UPND presidential candidate (HH) and, by proxy, UNPD, has declined considerably since the 2001 elections.As shown in graph one, UPND was a formidable electoral machine under the leadership of the late Mazoka. In the 2001 elections, the performance of UPND, especially among presidential candidates, was almost at par with that of the MMD.The late president, Levy Mwanawasa, beat the UPND candidate with a very narrow margin.The political fortunes of UPND have considerably declined since HH took over the leadership of the party.

  15. From strong representative party of 45 MPs,under the leadership of HH, UPND’s share of the national vote under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) declined to 26 per cent in the 2006 elections.As in the case of UPND, HH’s leadership of UDA was a political disaster.His political immaturity, greed and dictatorial tendencies forced seasoned politicians like Edith Nawakwi of the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) to quit the alliance.

  16. Against all advice, HH, now with an inflated ego, went ahead to contest the 2008 presidential by-election, following the death of president Mwanawasa.

    His participation in the election further reduced UPND’s share of the national vote to 20 per cent, as shown in graph four.In contrast, the PF under Michael Sata has continued to grow and has overshadowed UPND as Zambia’s second largest political party.Overall, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) has remained the strongest party in the country.Unlike both the PF and UPND, the MMD is the only truly national party with support across Zambia.PF is largely Northern-based, while UPND is now mostly still surviving in Southern Province.

  17. HH has no vision and viable strategy for the revival of his once great party.
    What is even more worrying is the ideological bankrupcy of HH. From a promising start when he assumed the leadership of UPND, HH has metamorphosised from a sleek, suave and intelligent young politician with a good grasp of business management into a dangerous, insulting political tribal thug.This has earned him the unenviable name of ‘Prince Cobra’ – so gained because his superior in the PF-UPND Pact, ‘King Cobra’, is infamous for his language, and behaviour.

  18. As ‘Prince Cobra’, HH has also become a snake full of insults! The result is that the PF-UPND Pact has become an evil double-headed serpent that is devoid of an alternative programme to what the ruling MMD is offering the Zambian people.This double-headed serpent focuses more on insults than on developing a programme for growth and poverty reduction in Zambia.Under HH, UPND has become an empty shell of itself.

  19. …HH’s political immaturity, greed and ideological bankruptcy ruin UPND

    It is now all too obvious to the Zambian people that, while HH may not go financially bankrupt any time soon, he has become bankrupt in terms of ideas and ideals.
    This is alienating him from decent senior members of his party.During the hey days of UPND under the late Mazoka, the party used to publish rational alternative programmes to those of the ruling MMD.For instance, each time the Minister of Finance announced his budget in Parliament, UPND would come up with a ‘shadow’ national budget to challenge that of the ruling party.

  20. Is it any surprise that, following the death of Anderson Mazoka, such UPND luminaries as Bob Sichinga, Patrick Chisanga and Sakwiba Sikota quit?This has deprived the party of credible national leaders. To survive politically, HH, against the advice of some senior party officials, jumped into bed with the same man that he used to demonise. But clearly HH is the junior partner in the PF-UPND Pact.
    Despite all the pretense to the contrary, Mr Sata is the official Pact presidential candidate in 2011.

  21. HH,to hell with your cheap politics,Which Lambas are you talking about ,just tell us how much money you made from those companies you much did they pay you,you serial tribalist.I do not see you president of my beloved country you do not even have the looks of a president.Cheap chap.Your face fits behind the scenes calculating figures not appearing on camera even your wife knows.

  22. DEFEAT 101

    These chronic losers never stops amusing me with their fantasy.They have been losing, have lost and will lose even worse off in 2011 elections and political rhetoric.Then fanatically on their way to Calvary, they will resort to stoning free-minded Zambians for being rejected at the ballot and shredding their borrowed campaign funds in vanity.But to their misfortune, selfless Zambians who have kept this country secured from such enemies of our country.

  23. DEFEAT 101

    Zambian Supreme Court throws out petition against Chiluba’s acquittal

    The Supreme Court of Zambia has thrown out a petition by an opposition Member of Parliament (MP) to have the Frederick Chiluba criminal case restored before the courts.

    Former President Chiluba was acquitted of all charges of theft by a lower court, the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court last year, in controversial circumstances.

    After the acquittal, several interest groups demanded that the state appeal to a higher court against the acquittal, but President Rupiah Banda said he would not allow any appeals against the judgement.

  24. DEFEAT 101

    This prompted several aggrieved groups and individuals to seek a court action that they hoped would compel the state to restore the Chiluba case to a higher court for another trial.

    One of these petitioners included opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament Mumbi Phiri.

    She said in her petition to the Supreme Court that it was illegal for the state to refuse to appeal the case before a higher court and she wanted the court to order for a retrial in a higher court.

    But Supreme Court Judge Philip Musonda said in his ruling on Sunday that the petition had no merit and threw it out.

    This means, the state will not be compelled to take the trial of Chiluba to a higher court as has been demanded by many.

  25. What is the latest on the new passports, the last information was that they were going to expire on 31st Dec 2009 and some passport officers would be sent to some countries to conduct the passport renewal exercise. There is no update on the zambian immigration website. Does anyone have updates?

  26. Is Molongoti the MMD spokes person? Because the man can never pass up a chance to yap!! He always has something to say about everything—-wow!

    Mr. Molongoti, if u are really sensitive about tribalism, the place to start is with your own boss, the President. If u haven’t noticed, your BOSS is one of the waste ‘tribalist’ President Zambia has ever known so far. You may want to pretend and deflect attention on this issue by pointing your accusing fingers at others but people aren’t s.t.u.p.i.d, they can see what is going on!!!

    Tribalism is tribalism, is tribalism, is tribalism!! No matter who perpetrates it, including the President himself. The syndrome of noticing a “chip” in other people’s eyes when u have a “log” in your own, should stop.

  27. Looks like MMD has sponsored a lot of cadres to go to the USA huh! interesting or are they just using USA servers???

    For starters, can the MMD cadres on here tell us when Mulongoti become an elected leader or is it the usual hallucination?

  28. Everybody talks tribalism, Mwanawasa brought tribalism too, Chiluba same. what are you talking about? Leave RB alone. Even some of you come on that seat, you will conduct the same thing. Africans leaders appoint on support basis, someone who cannot insult him takes up a position.

  29. #36Mulongoti has never faced the electrotes in his life he was appointed by levy mwanawasa out of pity he is a lawyer who has never practiced law the highest paying job he got was when he was manager and driver for Lupunga he has never faught a national election or had a good job apart from pety MMD in house elections and pety jobs

  30. The Observer Has just been wipped. He gets articles printed articles them posts them. I bet most are from Times and Daily mails

  31. #22, Mazoka never held a position at branch level. The truth of the matter is when he wanted a top position in the MMD, bena FTJ became uncomfortable and said he should start from the branch, which was Bauleni. It is at this point that they made things difficult for him and he and other people came up with the idea of UPND. Do not believe poorly researched write ups by ghost writers. Tell me, what branch position has George Kunda held apart from his office at his Pelican House in Ndola? Twilabepana bane. HH, we are behind you, whatever position you take mwana ukwesu.

  32. # 36 and 39, thanks for your observation on “observor”. He is a blind MMD cader and we must leave him alone. He is blind to reality.

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