Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ukrainian Doctor found dead in Solwezi


A forty seven year old Ukrainian Medical Doctor was found dead at his residence in low density area of Solwezi yesterday morning.

The late medical doctor,Valerie Pryima of Solwezi General Hospital, was found dead at his residence. He lived alone as his entire family stays in Ukraine.

Both Northwestern Province police chief Fabian Katiba and Acting Provincial Medical Officer, Dr Simon Kunda confirmed the incident to ZANIS in a telephone interview in Solwezi today, January 28, 2010.

Mr Katiba said Dr Pryima’s body, was found lying in a pool of blood in his dining room at his residence in Solwezi’s low density area at around 08:30 hours yesterday.

He said the body was discovered by Dr Pryima’s named worker when he reported for work at 08 hours. He later reported the matter to police.

Mr Katiba said the late Dr Pryima sustained a cut on top of his right ear adding that police suspect foul play and has since launched a serious investigation to establish the casuse of Dr Pyima’s death.

He said the body of Dr Pyima is lying in Solwezi General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.



  1. These Kaondes, when they see white skin, the first thing that comes to their heads is “money”! Mwapaya munthu wa kaele. Mwembushi mwe!

  2. Ba Moze,you’re mistaken kaondes are peaceful people,since when did you here Kaondes doing such things even in town you ‘ll never find Kaondes in such activities but understand such acts goes with Economincal activities,if I’m not mistaken the number of Local peolpe of Solwezi has been out numbered by green pasture searchers from CB,my request to Gvt is to put up Security measures to avoid such acts which can even scare away would be Investers. And such workers are supposed to be protected at all cost ,Pliz RB take care of these Doctors who have come to help us,provide them with at least a Guard.

  3. #6 Dkmuntu, point taken. what is annoying is that, you find a person in a pool of blood with a cut in the head, and the police “suspect” foul play! Of course its foul play!:o

  4. Kwena fwe banthu ta tu tasha! The man made a sacrifice, leaving his whole family in Ukraine, beacause he wanted to make a difference. Mwa mwi paya! Nomba, amano ni shani? Ifya bu senshi fyeka fyeka! MHSRIP, and I hope that his body will be returned to his family in his homeland. 🙁

  5. Dont rush for postmortem, Have the man’s Embassy if any informed or atleast conduct other forensic inquiries. Muzaitaya and it will cost GRZ more than necessary. Uyu muntu wa bene ka.

  6. Condolences for the family of this Dr. This man sacrificed his life to come and serve in rural Zambia. People who kill others should think about their actions cause. In this case Zambia as lost a medical doctor who treated others. And to the killer what did you get. A few kwachas that wont last you a week. Shame on you. MHSRIP.

  7. Has any of you considered the fact that this Doctor was murdered by a fellow white? Do not rush to conclusions, even criminals have sense, they dont just kill anyhow. He might not have been killed by any Zambian but some fellow white man he had carnal knowledge of. Why and how was he living without his wife or girlfriend? Police should start by investigating his sexuality and everything will be clear believe me.

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