Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Iam not a puppet to the Post newspaper, Magande


FLASJBACK: President Banda meets Chilanga MP Ngandu Magande who is also vying for the MMD party presidency during the card renewal exercise in Lusaka

Former Finance and National Planning Minister Ng’andu Magande has challenged President Rupiah Banda to explain to him what he means by the word ‘Puppet’.

Responding to President Banda’s recent remarks that he has become a puppet to the Post newspaper, Mr. Magande said he does not understand what the President meant by the term ‘puppet’.

He questioned the president to tell the nation if giving news items to the media makes someone a puppet. Mr Magande said the Post newspapers is just like any other media organization which is promoting ethical reporting and that he just gives the newspaper information relevant for public consumption.

[pullquote]He told Qfm in an interview that if giving out news items to the Post newspapers and other media organizations makes someone a puppet, then President Banda himself must consider himself a puppet to ZNBC.[/pullquote]

He told Qfm in an interview that if giving out news items to the Post newspapers and other media organizations makes someone a puppet, then President Banda himself must consider himself a puppet to ZNBC.

Mr Magande said that though does not understand the meaning of the term puppet in President Banda’s context, he has never been a puppet to anybody.

During his recent public address in Kitwe, President Rupiah Banda said PF leader Michael Sata, UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema, and Mr Magande had become puppets to the Post newspapers.



  1. The Bembas have a wise saying ” chimbwi pakulila ninshi pali eko ashintilile amatako”…Magande must be a very BRAVE man to tell off the president in this manner,as much as i hate RB,for Magande to shoot down and embarras his own party acting president in this manner is quiet unfortunate.Im not a PACT member,but when i hear George Kunda or RB say that the PACT is in crisis,im left to wonder as who is really having a crisis,the writting is all over the wall here,mmd is in crisis

  2. You are, why are you lying. Anything against Mwadya Mweka Daddy is perceived to be ANTI-POST newspaper. And for sure it is like that.

  3. Mr Magande, giving news items to the Post or any media organisation does not make you a puppet. What makes you a puppet is how that newspaper uses (or abuses) you. Ask Archbishop Telesphore how the Post abused him and severely damaged his integrity while they were posting huge sales without him even realising it. He was only saved by the intervention of the Pronuncio. The Post does not like and will trash any independent minded person or anybody who stands for the truth. Ask Dr Simutanyi, Ms Laura Miti-Banda and others.

  4. should ZNBC be puppets to RB or vice versa or we are rather dealing with a chicken and egg situation here ?:-?

  5. He told Qfm in an interview that if giving out news items to the Post newspapers and other media organizations makes someone a puppet, then President Banda himself must consider himself a puppet to ZNBC.:d/:d:-?:)>-

  6. At #5 I meant anybody who stands for any truth that the Post considers inimical to its interests, which interests include making money at all costs and choosing leaders for us regardless of what they thought of those leaders not so long ago. Just wait for your turn with the Post, Mr Magande, you will remember my words.

  7. Mr Magande said the Post newspapers is just like any other media organization which is promoting ethical reporting

    My foot ethical reporting and Post Newspaper in the same sentence. Comrade Magande, what are you on? Tujilijili?

  8. Katie Good leave my sister,Laura alone she and the Post never differed.As much as i dont always agree with the Post,lets give Fred credit,he s has survived despite the ill will from MMD over the yrs.Or maybe Miss Katie you are just jealous.

  9. I challenge anyone here who thinks the POST reports lies to bring them out right now,if the post has written any lies about anyone,they have the right to sue and seek litigation,they called chiluba a thief,and rightly so,he took them to court and he is regretting doing that
    If anyone feels agrieved by the reporting,they can simply go to court and seek a restraining order,,,if you dont have any and i repeat any evidence of the lies peddled by the POST,i suggest you shut your gobs….
    Bola bane MANUTD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Yebo yeah, tell this RB off, talema mweee, a head of state with such a serious case of verbal diarrhoea, ata!

  11. The POST has been sued several times and they close to 10% win their cases. I only remember Sata winning his case and the post was made to pay by the court. Chansa Kabwela was taken to court indirectly it was the POST on trial. what happened, the POST &Chansa won. kafupi has been threatening to sue the POST for calling him a thief or LAZO. Up to now the short man seem to have short memory he has failed to take them to court.

    VIVA the POST>

  12. A house divided, this MMD. It’s getting serious when people slam their own party leaders. Why does Magande still continue with MMD? This is serious, he must defect otherwise he will confuse the masses who are vying for MMD come 2011 – my two cents. [-(

  13. Dummy ,Doll or Pawn ,after all manchester has beaten totham.You bloggers in the UK am now coming for school that side, though i hate britain but lets hope i will adapt.
    Magande is so courageous , sometime his courage actually modes me in understanding that after all we have real veterans and democratic persons who uphold the rule of law by the bulls horns.

  14. #9 I was a follower of Laura’s articles and so I personally asked her why she stopped featuring in the Post. As for Dr Simutanyi it’s recorded history available for all to read.

  15. Interesting comments from the originator,RB. It`s a case of “THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK” or vice versa.

  16. How I like “He told Qfm in an interview that if giving out news items to the Post newspapers and other media organizations makes someone a puppet, then President Banda himself must consider himself a puppet to ZNBC” and hope the Mr President RB Banda will give a credible answer to this challenge by MMD MP Magande.

    I really need to know who the real puppet is between MP Magande and President RB Banda in the context of Mr President’s own words. I hope the President will also justify his use of puppet when he referred it to UPND and UPND-PF leader HH as well as his PF conterpart unelected leader MC Sata.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye firt the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Those close to MMD know that their fear is that Councils will perfome better, especially the City and Municipal Councils which are under the opposition, and that would be a threat to the survival of MMD. This is the perception of those in MMD, its sad to have such shallow minded leaders that can hold back the development of the nation for their own benefit at the expense of the masses.

    Finally, are the MMD controlled Councils doing better than those under the opposition?

    Can MMD tell us why Councils they control e.g. Kaoma in Western Province, Milenge in Luapula and Isoka have had misappropriation cases (not misapplication)??

  18. RB has a point, the opposition have been fooled to think that the only way they can succeed is through an alliance with the POST. Unfortunately, they now all appear to work for/under the POST, it chatters their agenda and they merely follow. The sustantive opposition in Z at the moment is the POST newspaper because Mr Sata, HH etc all report there……So Mr Magande is only but one victim of the status quo; oppose through the POST.

  19. # 20 Gapa`agapa, Am convinced you have a huge GAPING hole in your comment or precisely your brain. In the same vein, according to your lame reasoning, are yo telling us that Times of Zambia, Daily Mail and ZNBC “THE BIG 3” set the agenda for RB? and does he realy work for /under them or vice versa. Your reasoning is flawed.

  20. Eureka, for the ‘big three’, the reverse is true, they are controlled by RB. You couldn’t add up this one and you are capable of seeing a gap in my logic?

  21. We need National Televised issue based debate pa Zed this time around.Too much rhetoric when real issues remain undressed.Magande one of the few Zambians who are substance based and must not be sacked into “Cheap Puppet nonsense!”

  22. I am really a UNIPIST, what people call UNIPIST. So It’s very difficult for me perhaps at my age to join another political party. But let me say this that as of now, I am quite attracted to the leadership of President Mwanawasa for several reasons but most importantly his fight against corruption and his openness. his inclusiveness to other polilical parties and listening to other political parties. They may not feel that way but he does listen, we see it. Even people who are looking from a distance feel that he does listen much more than anybody else did hefore since the heginning of multipartism. And also, the rule of law in the country is taking route in the country. I am very attracted to that.
    RB, Oct 2006

    Source: (http: // satellite.tmcnet dot com/news/2006/10/10/1964172.htm)

  23. Hey bro, gapa`agapa. It pays to think through what you write. Its not my word against yours but your word against your own reasoning. It`s easy to connect the dots, this is not rocket science

  24. They can be what exactly my boy needed and needed in view of his employment outdoors. He enjoys the sleek and stylish case he is able to just told it up in her bank account.

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