Sunday, January 19, 2025

‘Govt wants to silence M’membe’- Sata


PF Leader Micheal Sata

Patriotic Front (PF) president, Michael Sata says the conviction of Post editor-in-chief Fred M’membe on contempt of court was predictable because government has always wanted to silence him.

Mr.M’membe was this morning found guilty by Lusaka Magistrate David Simusamba for contempt of court together with the Post newspapers in connection to an article authored by US-based Zambian professor Muna Ndulo titled “The Chansa Kabwela case:A Comedy of Errors”.

But Mr Sata said that the MMD have always wanted to silence Mr. M’membe.

He said the court’s guilty verdict for the Post editor-in-chief was expected,adding that there is nothing strange about it.

The PF leader noted that the MMD government has made it clear that they wanted to silence the Post newspapers and Mr Mmembe.

Meanwhile a PF cadre who was shot in the head by Health Heputy Minister Dr Solomon Musonda in Chitambo yesterday has been rushed to the University Teaching Hospital for specialist treatment.

Jackson Musaka was transferred to the UTH today were he was immediately rushed to the theatre to be operated upon.

And Sata has questioned why government is protecting Dr Musonda who he said is dangerous person.

Mr Sata said Dr Musonda is a danger to the society and described the shooting incident as unfortunate.

The Health Deputy Minister shot the victim who was in the company other suspected PF cadres after they allegedly tried to attack him.
[ QFM ]


  1. :((:-?:-w this is a rape of the country’s justice system. for once i agree with sata! zambians will not sit by and watch rupih and his minions punish the just!!

  2. Ba Sata naimwe. You will be Cited for contempt of court. Its the Magistrate who cited and convicted him for the Offence of contempt. Learn to accept sometimes. Dont behave like Senior Citizen/Veterun/Mwata,BK who just say to everything from the Rulling party

  3. Oh please. Mr. Sata you are the last person to lecture us on the judicial system and ethics.

    In one of the many numerous elections you lost, you said you would drop all charges against Dr. Chiluba if elected president. Isn’t that tempering with the judicial system?

    So please get off the high horse you’re on. It is very clear that you are a hypocrite.

  4. This is the danger of illiteracy and anti-democratic tyrannies that are being condoned in the democratic space masquerading as leaders. Always their myopic nature looks at everything from a narrow prism of their own allergic nature to democracy, constitutionalism and institutions.

  5. Who would question that Zambia is a model state of burgeoning mature constitutional democracy with an independent justice system? Certainly not a sane person can accuse our seasoned judges in the third arm of democratic Governance of impropriety except an enemy of the people and their democratic institutions.

  6. The country knows that useless Sata has already made up his mind to go in a self imposed exile next year following a 5th time rejection on the ballot. He is subversively promulgating an imaginary crisis against our judiciary and such institutions of democracy in hope of building an era of carnage in the land behind him. All this vain talk is against the fact that ours is an oasis of enduring peace and a pioneer of constitutional democracy in sub-sahara Africa cherished by many.

  7. Zambia is a success democratic story that has tenaciously transformed herself into an institutional democracy with a justice system insulated from any manor of judicial activism as the case is in none democratic states. This is why citizens who vote with a sense of preserving their gains are spirited against risking with undemocratic charlatans to ever preside over democratic Zambia they dearly cherish. Sata must show intra-party democracy and a character to win the confidence of the Zambian voters. No way no how will Zambians ever risk with an anti-democratic cracker as Zambia have come to know Sata with proof over the years.

  8. Sata and your surrigates learn to respect the independent judiciary and all institutions of democracy in the country. Sata need to stop embarrassing himself with ignorance because to start with, Zambia as a constitutional democracy doesn’t choose like-minded jurists as judges. He should probably belabor to show intellect by making effort in knowing how candid judges are about their philosophies in order to determine how predictable their rulings will be if he thinks otherwise in judicial recourse.

  9. Sata and his surrogates will be stunned to learn that Zambia is indeed an admired successful democracy founded on an independent and professional justice system. The strong and the weak alike are judged on basis of legal evidence and not personality or place in society.

  10. To help Sata and his subverts understand Zambia’s independent justice system is for him to examine the nature and scope of jurisprudence. Let him see whether originalism is being employed in adjudicating cases, as originalism is the dominant school of jurisprudence. The fine men and women in those judicial robes called judges are always being true to originalism of justice.

  11. Sata and his surrogates completely fails to examine how the jurisprudence of the democratic Zambian Court has progressively transformed from operating under a one party system to the originalist justice of a democratic dispensation in any way, which means that to call this conviction of Dr.Katele Kalumba or indeed this subvert with a queer spirit called Mmembe as a tactic of silencing is dangerous incompetency of unqualified mind to the office of the Presidency.

  12. We patriotic Zambians who abhor judiciary activism and subversion treat Sata’s failed thesis too contemptuous and sublevel.

  13. ZAMBIA: The New NAZI state.

    It is unbelievable that the Health Deputy Minister Dr Solomon Musonda could use live ammunition on unarmed people. Trully, Zambia is becoming a NAZI state were the ruling class can shot and kill with impunity as long as they support Rupiah Banda. It is insane.

    This deputy minister should not only be fired from his post but needs to be imprisoned, as he is a danger to society.

    Awe ba Banda, you surely have to do something about this otherwise you have no votes in Chitambo come 2011.

  14. So some minister shot a person. Isnt this supposed to be a big news item?
    But pa zed.
    Where are the journalists?

  15. Diarhoeria of the month. This chap posting thousands how many times are you visiting ing’anda nkalamba. We are not rending to respond to you. Not all of us in MMD hate Post newspaper. Chief editor. Someone stole Billions from poor Zambia after conviction this some chap posted billions of comments defending criminals. Today his cerebrating Post chief editor verdict. Dirty money isetwakana

  16. Does anyone read Senior Citizen’s posts??? coz I just scroll past them to the next one by another blogger. He is so predictable. I dont blame him though coz thats how he feeds his family….some jobs are so useless damn!:-?

  17. I tell the father of my neighbors’ kindergartner Senior citizen not to use his son. I am scared because the principal is still saying the boy is only good in typing but failing in other classes ,at twelve still struggling. The father is also fifty six years old and still doing his associate degree, it has taken him eight years retaking classes. Please forgive the young boy because he is just being used by his dad.

  18. #19 Legacy I hope you not Kalos2020 ,yes i do read senior citizen’s blogs he makes a lot of sense,he’s a very highly educated and researched person ,this writing is of very high standards unlike of you negative bloggers.

  19. The Legacy,

    I advently read all of Senior Citizen’s articulate blog entries to learn MMD propaganda machinery. If anything that is what brings some us here.Imagine had these guys just dumped us with their LT and leave us insulting on. I think the whole idea of LT is a very smart initiative it gat us exposing our worthlessness daily reacting with insults to Times of Zambia, Daily mail, QFM, ZNBC and Muvi TV. Did you see how these media houses co-ordinatively overwhelmed Bishop Telephore Mpundu over his donation of sister to ba sata to sire in those 2 kids? FTJ’s presss conference was prime time news and TV and radio talkshow for 3 days in the country.Mpundu’s effort to get space returned void.why don’t we come up with our own blogs?

  20. let Chiluba’s case be appealed then will I have no problem with jailing Membe. let also all the Nawakwi rapers be jailed.

  21. #19 and # 23…Senior Citizen must be happy that he has some audience. I find his ‘ngashilipo abashala nibangwele’ attitude and name calling a bit uncivilised. I also find his stance that whatever is MMD is good a bit naive. So its a bit boring for me to read posts of someone who is ONE dimensional. I read the other MMD blogers’ posts like Bootlicker coz even in his support for MMD, he comes out very mature.

    By the way #19, am not Kalos2020!

  22. The Legacy,

    We all know by now that Senior Citizen though he doesn’t openly declare it, is the ring leader or should i say king maker brain of MMD spin doctors online. frustrating enough he is relentlessly too hard on our leaders to the level of everyone’s frustration. He looks at HH, Sata and all of anti MMD politicians as useless gongs chasing the wind. I presume its out of our relentless insults on RB and his MMD.Strange and interesting i have noticed is that this senior citizen never responds back to insults we fire on him or complain like other MMD bloggers. This really not only shocks me but largely confirms that he is psychologically prepared propandist in my suspicion an experienced Kamucheka .Ever wondered why is has data on almost every opponent and audaciously MMD?

  23. Two things i want someone to tell us with proof is who owns LT, the WDZ and what are the real names of Senior Citizen, MMD Bootlicker, Mr.Capitalist and Veteran? Where exactly are they based and what do they do for life? The myth that they work at the embassy is failed intelligence work at worst because no foreign mission can use its facilities to drive a political spin expecially in the USA where the National security control diplomatic space except the Diplomatic bag.And they their blogging schedule is scattered and at odd with mission hours.We need credible intelligence other wise we are only proving ourselves very weak to MMD who know who is who in this theatre.This is the case of Kapelwa musonda of over 25 years no national crew until recently VJ broke the cover.who are these guys?

  24. All those castigating Dr. Musonda do not know Zambia. When the hooligans/cadres come after you, you have to use what ever mean to protect yourself. I personally hope he will not have to serve any time for defending himself.

  25. I dont read any postings by veteran, bootlicker and senior citizen. Most of their postings dont make sense.
    To me i suspect these guys earn their living by spending hrs on blogging for the MMD and paid tax payers money.

  26. All these MMD Kaponyas worry about is Sata’s View.

    What about the killing by GUN by a government officer.?

    Arrest and lock up the r.u.b.b.i.s.h..

  27. Legacy,

    I also just scroll through Senior Citizen, Capitalist, and Veteran’s postings. I used to read them at first, but found their writings too monotonously predictable, hateful, and intellectually uninspiring. Their blogs are essentially propaganda written by individuals who seem to have a lot of time on their hands. My conjecture is that these guys are journalists working for the public media like the Times of Zambia and the Daily Mail.

  28. Last year we saw Guston Sichilima in the “ring” with a UNIP cadre Kaziko in Serenje, now its Dr Musonda shooting a PF cadre in the head in Serenje again. Next Shikaz and co will tell us its the opposition and Mapatizya formula causing this violence. Am sure Kabonde will instead arrest the PF cadre for not escaping the bullet and subsequently landing the minister in trouble.

  29. imwe tata ba Mikayeli Sata,read the statement carefully “The Health Deputy Minister shot the victim who was in the company other suspected PF cadres after they allegedly tried to attack him”.
    Hey,hey hey,the man just did what was right : “DEFENDING HIMSELF” from your “children”.

  30. I love Senoir Citizen . . . the best thing that ever happened to LT
    keep it up old man and let the world know that everything will be done to keep this dagga smokong iliterate out . . .come 2011 the chief kaponya can ****ing go into exile ! No one gives it a shittt

  31. Young Youth please decist from being used. When you persue violence you will reap violence. God wants you to develop your talents so that you can use them to save others. violence has no place in the eyes of God. our leaders also you need to respect young children. humble yourselves to the people who puts you in power. your servants and not masters. tame your togues to avoid confusing the nation. promote peace and unity at all times beacuse all are children of God. you may be greater persons in the eyes of men but we are the same in the image of God. empty your were born and empty you shall return when you die.

    it is very sad our leaders can go to that extent of using live amunition on its citizen. God FORBID

  32. I dont know what to make of Sata’s statement. Is he saying that Fred is innocent of contempt? or that Fred is guilty and the MMD govt has now found a chance to hit back at him? What about the mitigation from Fred’s defence team? or there was no mitigation. I hope the magistrate doesnt sentence him after 17hours on Friday because Fred wont have a chance to appeal forcing him to spend a night or two in the coolers.

  33. What ever you think of…success or transformation, in this world one needs to CHANGE
    we need change in the managers—(we need modern managers.. so called 21st century)
    we need change in ourselves – the people


    Those who can not change their minds can not change anything.
    The truth is that life is always at the turning point.
    What we all need is progress. Can we have it without change? Impossible!

    The fact is , the road to success is always under construction>>>>>>>
    (in this case scenario you can not have the same team, the same thoughts, the same plans, the same know how to managing things for more than 2 decades and expect miracles, you begin to develop a myopic status)

    It is believed that yesterdays formula for success is often tomorrow’s recipe for failure…( reminds me of TQM idea)
    The man who uses yesterday’s methods in today’s world won’t be in business today….
    Some of the leaders we have today belong to a traditionalist’s ideology;
    They are simply persons whose mind is always open to new ideas, provided they are the same OLD ONES…

  36. Well, well, ladies and Gentlemen, my appologies to digress from the issue when i brought up the issue of weather people read Senior Citizen’s posts. What I have seen from the above responces is that those read his posts fall in the following categories;
    1. Those just wanting to know the mind of the MMD through their propanganda tool
    2. MMD cadres and beneficiaries seeking re-assuarance that their nests are still safe
    3. New bloggers who do know yet what the fella is all about

    And then there is the class that simply rubishes all he posts and scroll to the next blogger.

    One thing seems eminent, Senior Citizen is not making any new disciples……Good luck man.

  37. Mr. Sata, When you were in the Chiluba government, Mmembe’s offices were locked up by the Paramilitary police and issues of the Post banned and taken off the streets. Mr. Sata, you never resigned or protested. Please stop being the s.c.o.u.n.d.r.e.l that you are. Rupiah Banda is a more sane and tolerant person than you by far. We Bemba people just support you for ethinic reasons. We all know that you are actually a danger to any democracy. Bashi Chilufya please shut up. You are NOT a champion of press freedom.

  38. Red card says:
    June 2, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    This is SENIOR CITIZEN talking about his own ego and how he believes he is making a difference.
    Whoever SENIOR CITIZEN is he is now showing another I.D
    It is so funny that he has chosen the REDCARD I.D.
    What a fool to think any Redcard supporter would support him who is the chief C.R.A.Pologist.

  39. #46, your understanding confirms that you are a man that respects truth and reality. You have unearthed with humulity the demons that reside in senior citizen. Zambia and the world at large needs men and women with sound reasoning and conclusions such as yours. its sad that your good and timely advise has fallen on deef MMD caders like senior citizen who have refused to use the free gift of thinking in their life in exchange for buttlicking. Shame

  40. Legacy
    You are right.Lets just forget about pipo like Senior citizen.Just bypass them.They will be ashamed on there own!

  41. 1. Actus reus: A PF cadre was shot.
    By whom? Allegedly by Dr Musonda. How? By a gun. Was the gun discharged by Dr Musonda? Is there ballistic evidence to prove that the bullet in the PF cadre’s head came from the gun allegedly fired by Dr Musonda?
    2. Mens rea. If it is Dr Musonda who fired the shot, what was his state of mind? Was he acting in self defence?
    3. If Dr Musonda discharged a firearm in public, is he licenced to carry a fire arm in public?
    4. Is the fire arm held legally?
    5. Has the spot where the crime is alleged to have been committed been secured?
    6. On prima fascie evidence, why hasn’t Dr Musonda been arrested to help the Police with their investigations?
    Or are some people above the law?
    These are the questions.

  42. Satana, you will never RULE Zambia inspite of your hallucinations. But dream on chee colour even fools are allowed to dream and live in dreamland. Politicise anything and everything but that is all you will ever get, media coverage but no State House job.

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