Sunday, June 2, 2024

RB takes three day working break


President Rupiah Banda talks to Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha before he left for a working holiday in Mfuwe. This was at Lusaka City airport
President Rupiah Banda talks to Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha before he left for a working holiday in Mfuwe. This was at Lusaka City airport today

President Rupiah Banda this morning left for Mfuwe for a three day working visit.

President Banda left for Mfuwe at 10:00 hours and was seen off at City Airport by several senior government officials.

The President, while in Mfuwe, will also hold meetings with some investors.

President Banda is expected to return to Lusaka immediately after finishing his official business in Mfuwe


  1. Here he goes again, he just came back from France and now he is on a working holiday. What time does he have to be in the office. I think it is true that there is booz at state house everyday.What a father!!!!!!!!

  2. He has gone to reflect on what hard labour routines the police wardens should inflicted on one Fred Mmembe. He thinks due to hard labour he will undergo, Mmembe when comes out, he will be more balanced in his writting because his hands will be numb due to hard labour and will do away with sensational reporting married with over excitement but rather the next time he will sober up and pay up. It is pay back time for Mmembe RB contemplates.

  3. God have mercy upon this sleeping giant of Africa.Holiday ka.Nafuti nafuti holiday why? God saves us please.

  4. People advice me, i thought he has always been on holiday?
    Go PACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the mouse is at play while the cat is ‘snoring’.

  5. I do not see any difference. For all it is worth, this man is always of holiday. I am sure the world production of whiskey has gone ever since the rural Zambia allegedly voted for him. This now shows why our standards of leaving keeps dropping. What has RB done past few month for what I remember travelling, watching football if that counts and holiday. With the world cup starting there will be more whiskey at state house than there will be in Ireland.

  6. Do u mean u pipo don’t realise the kind of work that goes into sitting down and trying to keep your eyes open in France and stuff goes in thru one ear and out the other? RB is Gdamned exhausted and i support this man on this one for the first time in my life. Go on, go ahead and fly to France, ride in a merc or beema to some fancy hotel where there’s a buffet 16 feet long! think of the pain u wud endure walking the length of this table! He endured all this torment for US!! U and me for our betterment. Least we can do is let the old effer catch a three day breather. Sides that, there’s the Worldcup he’s been invited to. Please, spare this man! Spare this man i say!!!!

  7. If Sata becomes president, he will never visit any other country and will work 24/7 for the whole five years of his presidency. He will do the same in his second term as well as his third and fourth terms.

  8. this useless chap(bwezani) has nothing for this country, all he knows is to be on holiday. we can,t wait for 2011. VIVA PACT !!

  9. if i were Rb i could just stop ruling this country full of lazy people,

    I dont know why people usually chose the evil ones to lead them, people chose Chiluba over kaunda, People chose Banabas over Jesus now they have chosen Sata over RB

  10. #17… lol.well we can only hope they havent had food in a very long time ..coz knowing RB, even a croc can spit him, scared of becoming a dunder head aswell. He is such a loser for a leader!

  11. What ever fool! :-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\”:-\” Zambia has always been on remote control

  12. No, Sata will also go on holiday . Chiluba never frequently did go, namuchonga apo. From France to Mfuwe when Dr Musonda has just shot an innocent boy?
    Kabonde is also being called upon to resign by cops in the C/belt.
    I remember when my bro was at College, at one time there was a strike and the union leaders went directly to sata at ministry of health. He heard their complaints and tasked the college to sort out the mess. They did. I also remember Sata visiting a hospital i worked for at around 21hrs to just check how patients were being treated or taken care of.
    sata has a good part about him, his association with FTJ has tainted him, but you always expect FTJ to mess everyone near him. Look at RB, Katele, VJ, Dora, Regina the list is endless.
    Dull #21.

    Udwala mu ‘greymatter’.

  13. After Mfuwe, he is going for the official opening ceremony of the world cup in S.A for 3 days. After that he is going for the climate change conference…….

  14. RB is at it again.If he’s not drowning in his whisky,he’s fast asleep in some meeting.Am sure those so-called investors have no hard time getting him to sign the so-called MOUs.All they need to do is throw in a couple of expensive whiskies and an easy chair.As soon as the chap hits his 6th bottle….he can sign anything!
    Come 2011,the PACT shall rule!

  15. Has he taken that ka wife of his so that we pay her a visit while the old fool is out of town i guess she can do for a real man.

  16. I’ve always dreamt that this man will one day surprise us with elaborate plans for development of this country followed closely by his ministers showing us all the Powerpoint presentations of how the transformation will evolve towards the big goals he will set. We were told he is an economist but aawe bane, it seems one needs special eyes to see it so far. But I’ll still keep the faith that one day he is going to tell us.

  17. Rumour has it that he has gone to contemplate resigning due to his failure to handle numerous problems the country is currently facing. But firstly, he will be announcing in a few days time ‘Hire and Fire’ of some government officials. Watch the space.

  18. mr holiday forever, doing what he does best……………going on holiday

    how about sorting out the mess at RDA and other problems?

  19. RB when do you do your work? When do you take time to review your junior’s work? Always moving up and down!!!!!!!! [-([-([-(

  20. And from Mfuwe he will be off to South Africa for the world cup.Kamwendo mu air as usual.God please deliver Zambia from this menace of a man called president of Zambia.

  21. I have so far avoided commenting on this one because i feel sorry for his flip flop spin doctors. He doesn’t make bum-lickers’ job any easier but then again i guess thats what they are paid for – licking the mess. No one would blame them chickens for crawling back into their fitele. Happy days, bum-lickers have quit blogging, phew!

  22. Oh dear, some civil servants are not being paid on time but the big boss can even afford a holiday! Only in Africa and for Africa.

  23. Working holiday,i thought he’s been on holiday since the very day he took office,there’s really nothing positive to show that he’s ever been President of Zambia.
    By the way,has he cut links with his PR company or whatever people in Zambia call ”image builders.” :d

  24. #40 JIGGA
    They are on go slow they haven’t been paid either, they lead a changanya life. I suppose their performance has been shambolic instead of endearing their boss to bloggers they are doing the exact opposite.

  25. #27 You are very correct. Sata will be the best president for Zambia. We know his dictatorial tendencies and the fact that he can not argue issues coherently and the fact that he wanted Chiluba to have a third-term but yes he is what Zambia needs! I am really looking forward to seeing the paradise that Zambia will be after 90 days when he is in office. There will be no floods and more money in all of our pockets. LEKENI SATA ATEKE! I only pray that nothing will happen to me so that I can see the day that Sata becomes the president of our beloved country ZAMBIA! Sata is the kind of leader that Zambia needs and I look forward to the day when Bemba will be the officical language of Zambia because that is the natural order of things, even HH agrees with me on this one.

  26. May I agree with # 41. Those chaps who bought ZamTel are still around. After the sale, it’s time for celebrating and updating each other on how much is due to who. Watch who will be there. Am informed guys from RP Capital are already in the advance party. Dora is one of those. Remember her heroics on ZamTel? Watch this space!!!

  27. The world cup is at our door step, What has been the benefits for the Zambian…NOTHING….Th dullness of the President and his Cabinet has been legendary..All our neighbours were busy preparing stadia to host some friendly matches, except Zambia which has been busy jailing journalists…..atase… If Tanzania could host Brazil….I am extremely angry that my fellow Zambians could not have a chance to see world stars even when they are next door. What a shame and a curse too. You will never have this chance again and that is the end for football in Zambia…Even a malnourished Zimbabwe could manage to bring in a friendly game……Why not in Zambia…. Can someone tell me…….

  28. He is very worried coz his political consultant ( kafupi ) failed to perform on the copperbelt last saturday. Kafupi sneked to copperbelt but ended up being boood, wapya!!!!:-t

  29. Out of sight out of mind. Stay away for G and come back only after 2011 Dday for the sole purpose of conceding defeat, and one more thing, do us a favor, take GK with u

  30. # 43 Chongololo,# Am not sure whether you`r being satirical or serious . You may be misconstrued as a sata lover yet your` not. If serious, then stop reading those comic books. You need to grow up. Ironically you seem to have a love-hate relationship with Sata. While you support him, you hurt him politically by shooting him down. I wonder whether the qualities you have listed about him which seem to have enchanted you qualify him to be a good leader. The world detests dictatorship as evidenced in Mugabe. He is ridiculed the world over and he has repelled foreign investment. I wonder then how we can be a magnet of investment according to your thinking and let alone become a nation of plenty. As for your tribal sentiments, no comments, no need to sink so low


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