Monday, June 3, 2024

No one should try to break up the PACT over the Chadiza and Kaoma anomaly-HH


United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema says UPND-PF pact members who want to break-up the alliance over the Kaoma and Chadiza anomaly are only confirming that they never meant well in the beginning.

“No one should try to break up the pact over the Chadiza and Kaoma anomaly unless they are telling us that they never meant well for the pact and were just looking for a chance to split the pact.

Mr Hichilema said the working group is the right platform to resolve this problem.

He urged pact members to refrain from making conflicting statements on the matter, and let the working group resolve the issue.

“So, let the working group do the job without any weight hovering over them, as they meet.I chose to ignore Wynter Kabimba’s reaction to my comments.

My comments on the matter were meant to explain what transpired, and how best the issue should have been handled. Mr Kabimba is even a member of the working group and he knows that they never met to select candidates for the wards in question.

I heard that one of the pact member saying that candidates for Kaoma and Chadiza wards were agreed upon, this is not true,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said there is need for the pact to be procedural if they are to run this country.

“We must start projecting these principles of following procedure. We have read of differences in the MMD government but they always meet and resolve these issues,” he said.

Mr Hichilema however said he cannot call the anomalies as divisions in the pact.

[pullquote]“We must start projecting these principles of following procedure. We have read of differences in the MMD government but they always meet and resolve these issues,” he said.[/pullquote]

“I am sure that we will find solutions to this challenge,” he said.

And asked about calls for the pact to choose a candidate, Mr Hichilema responded “We need to resolve this issue first. If we rush to choosing a Presidential candidate, when we are having issues with wards, you can imagine what will happen,” he said.

Mr Hichilema was reacting to questions by journalists at the French national day.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. This country deserves rational opposition politicians to rival the ruling MMD on national interest not the circus being stage managed by the two dreamers. These opposition parties are irrelevantly centered around individuals misleading them and present nothing of common value other than fueling tribalism, hatred, lies and passion for plundering what the ballot has denied them accessing since they started panting for power to no avail. For democracy to enter opposition political houses, these tribal leaders Sata and Ichilema ought to be replaced by progressive contemporaries, and then only will their parties ossify.

  2. Ichilema should take it from here that I have said, in plural politics, voters align with leadership that is clear, historically risk-adjusted, measured across a broad spectrum of criteria and with a record of holding best practices and building upon them. When norms are missing in party politics, members become disillusioned and susceptible in the political arena. Sadly, this is exactly what has happened with this so-called pact. PF cadres such Simon Kabanda, Afraid Membe, Gifteless Rasheed Lubinda, ex-communicated priest Fractured Bwalya, Augustine Mwewa on one hand and UPND’s Actress Sejani, Garry Nkombo, Daglaus Syakalima, Lee Habasonda and Beyani on the other one are all left disillusioned with pact quagmire.

  3. You have a culture of impulsiness, opportunism, childish analysis and irrelevancy. You have no history of purpose in public decisions. As already put it, the sooner you learn that in plural politics, voters align with leadership that is clear, historically risk-adjusted, measured across a broad spectrum of criteria and with a record of holding best practices and building upon them, the better. When norms are missing in party politics, members become disillusioned and susceptible in the political arena. You lack norms through and through in this circus.

  4. Mr Ichilema, thanks for your flatterly, but note that we resolve our issues because we have civil and rational minds in our party and we flushed out or rather smoked out all Kaponyas who you though you would embrace and put to good use. Alas!! Trying to follow procedures with Kaponyas? Good luck x 7 n, Badala. You desperately need a high dose of luck to work with Kulima Tower and Matero University Graduates.

  5. In a winner takes all electoral system with a constitution which is categorically against coalition Government, you don’t waste time on useless Pacts that leave the grassroots disillusioned and disconnected except leaders at the apex of the pyramid. Smart Pacts are broad based bottom up establishments and harmonizing values, ideologues, manifestos, domestic and foreign policies. But with the so-called pact, everything is at variance. Their only convergence is on the insulting menu they sell and policy of concessioning traditional land for campaign finance. It’s a goose chase.

  6. “Mr Hichilema said there is need for the pact to be procedural if they are to run this country.

    Mr. Hichilema, you must be joking if you think the PF can be procedural. Have you seen the way your partner Mr. Sata has deliberately ignored procedure at funerals? Do you honestly expect procedure from PF? Give me a break. The PF cant follow procedure. Their president supported an unconstitutional third term bid. Do you think he will follow procedure (I say he because PF is Sata and it is nothing without him)?

    Secondly you sound desperate Mr. Hichilema. You are the only one who is trying to do some damage control whilst the PF is opposing your views. Mr. Sata has been quiet over this whole issue. You are the only one who is talking.

  7. The problem is that judge Phillip Musonda is very corrupt. That man does not deserve to be a judge. That is the judge which corrupt and thieving laywers like Nicholas Chanda and Kelvin Bwalya use to get favourable rulings. I wonder why he was even promoted to judge -in-charge

  8. MMD guys were hoping against Hope that the PACT will breakup, now this is hard for them to swallow coz the PACT is not yet broken. The members of the Pact have to lay down rules and procedures and follow them, if they want this thing to workout without strong opposition The traveller AlaaBee is back in Office

  9. flag
    Senior Citizen , You are one in a million on this blog who writers sensible stuff, please continue doing so. I totally agree with all your point you have put across. Those two dreamers will never rule our motherland, we know their agenda. Zambia needs a formidable opposition party, not these tuma ntemba!

  10. Viva HaKaSata…what we want in Zambia is working together not this useless tribal hatread of Chizuka who hates Bembas like HIV/AIDS. Tribe should come last in national development. My fellow bloggers, can you tell me if Chizuka has got nice daughters, I want to mary one so that when he visits us I chase him or give him a very good beating. He is a very dull creature in Southern province.

  11. Dear my fellow country men and women, it is up to us zambians to choose which way we want to go.

    The pact can offer some hope but the problem with we zambians we are much tribaly inclined, even when we best know that, the right material for presidency is so-so but as long as that person is not such a tribesmen we choose to vote for the worse character. We need to be civilized on the way we select our leaders.

  12. ## 10..

    Naimwe ba senior citizen mwata, now you are responding to what you have written yourself? ala tata efyo bapena ifi fine.

  13. ‘I chose to ignore Wynter Kabimba’s reaction to my comments’.This statement sounds more like FEAR on the part of HH.Fear of a rebuttal from PF rabid Dogs.

  14. Ati Pactiiii! Iye UPND are the weeping boys in this arena. The Pact will work, yes but only with Sata at the helm. Kwasila. And what makes Hakainde think Sata can handover power to him pa ka silva plate. 5 years is long time for Sata to formulate a new strategy and sideline HH without losing anything. Work up HH………….. You will cry one day.

  15. The much vaunted marriage of convenience between the UPND and the PF was still-born ab initio. But alas supporters of the so called pact were so hoodwinked that they never saw this coming. And yet this is just at WARD level to elect councilors. Far-sighted people have always said that any alliance with Michael Sata can not work because the man has no track record of democracy. He has never subjected himself to elections in his own party, he supported FTJ’s third term against the wishes of the majority, he hounded out progressive voices in MMD to pave room for himself only for FTJ to dribble past him and wake up LPM (MHSRIP). He even made LPM to resign as republican VP, the list is endless. In short Sata is made out of the mould of hard-nosed dictators and will never reform.

  16. RB’s administration has continued infusing a spirit of hardwork and patriotism in citizens. Now each and every citizen’s dream is about a sustainable economic existence of this country built by the collective and not about sustainable personal economic existence of the few by the few – a view being promulgated by the PF’s call for patronage with no shame.

  17. We saw this coming, with MMD pulling the strings behind the seen. If the pact miss this opportunity, us the people of this country will never forgive you. SATA, HH, we have the faith and confidence in you. This is the time to think of us and not yourselves. This is a test you have to pass and we are confident you will.

  18. Mr Hichilema said there is need for the pact to be procedural if they are to run this country.

    “We must start projecting these principles of following procedure. We have read of differences in the MMD government but they always meet and resolve these issues,” he said.

    Thanks for admitting that there are more positive things you HH and others can learn from MMD

  19. HH has lost it, keep on putting your head in the sand….its ok. Since you behave childishly let it be. You will definetly face reality and that it is either Mr SATA leads the pact or there is no PACT. Please just tell us you be his VIce is it so hard for you to just say.

  20. HH you are expecting too much if you want PF to follow procedures. PF follows Sata not procedures. The entire PF leadership, no one was elected, they were ALL appointed by the man himself. It would be nice to change governments but this Pact is now appearing like its just change for the sake of change :-?

    PF supporters, please I have nothing against PF and am not even an MMD cadre its just that I have not heard anything tangible about how PF intend to achieve the 90 days economic miracles. They promise to put more money in the people’s pockets (low taxes) but at the same time provide a lot social services…the two are mutually exclusssive.

    The UPND of Mazoka produced a counter budget and economic plan to that of MMD. I have not seen that from from PF or Pact Am I missing…

  21. The incorrigibility of one Michael Chilufya Sata is indeed a stuff of legend. The man is inherently predisposed to despotism and at his advanced age will indeed never reform. He thrives on a populist agenda for as long as it makes him centre stage. This tribally incorrect pact was doom to fail from the outset because anyone who has ever dealt with MC Sata knows that the man a danger to our nascent democracy. Any alliance with Sata will only work if it favours him. Abash tin-pot dictators! All progressive Zambians should rally behind democratic national parties. Forward with RB!

  22. #13…you have made me laugh! How can you be sure anyway?!!!
    Pact should really get their lawyers to draw up a paper and backed up their words…get this thing organised! Do chi document…
    People this is a revolution, MMD has been around for 18yrs and see what legacy they behold…murder of Paul Tembo, Second head of state on trial, top generals jailed, a govt. rotten to the core, no hope for the people as long as they (MMD)remain in power
    This is important for Zambia…i guess bringing the old man in for presidency is again stopping the clock…Sata has done enough…support young blood and let the boy HH actually take over..he has shown that he really wants the job and will get the people’s favor. (Feels like 1992, anything will do). Any sensible fellow to take those MMD chaps…

  23. I think what is missing is that HH has strong structures where every leader was elected while pf only one person makes decisions. Even if HH can take vise-presidence, in 2011, amny people who had doubts about his performance will know how hardworking he is. You can worry so mush about him that he will be a deputy but for him it does not matter after all he does not even need that little money the VP gets as he promised that he will just be contributing it to charity. The man is not in a hurry. Watch this move HH will be VP and sata president, worry untill you worry no more. Some people within the pact are scared of HH’s ability, hence they would want to chase him but their hate and jealousy will kill them. Just accept the man with his diverse views.

  24. The current happenings in the pact is merely a harbinger of a lot worse to come. The pact foundation was laid on quicksand and it is now sucking them in at an alarming pace. Even their spin doctors at the Post newspaper can’t fathom what has struck the pact at ward level. The honeymoon is over and reality has now dawned. But progressive Zambians could foresee this from the word go; two tribally inclined political parties with little in common other than dislodging the ruling party and share the spoils in a tribal manner. They have now been exposed for what they trully are. Fellow citizens, the pact is finished before they even elect a presidential candidate, cosmetics will not work! Forward with RB!


  26. This is a test for the PACT which MMD has Anxiously been waiting for. If the PACT survives this test then MMD will know for sure that they are in problem. The PACT has to stand and be solid we need them at all cost to remove the current corrupt regime. If the PACT fails another way has to be found.

  27. I know some people mean well for the pact. What we have to understand is that both pf and upnd need each other. Pf cannot win elections on their own as evidenced from the previous two elections where they have been constant. Upnd also cannot win elections on it’s own though it’s popularity has increase of late from North-western, western and even Central provinces. People in these provinces were beginning to gain confidence in Sata because of HH as such Sata should not spoil this trust with his bad language. The best Sata can do is to hold his breath. Kawimbe is another character who has a bad mouth and he has to bare in mind that places like western, southern, North-western and even central province will hate you if you talk bad about the person they like. Kambwili made bad coments

  28. #cont. Kambwili made bad coments about the people of North-western province hence pf cannot get anything in that area.

  29. Fellow bloggers, the pact is here to stay. It’s good these small problems have come out now. They will for sure be addressed adequately. Viva pact!!!!!

  30. #27, HH will always be considered a tribalist, no matter how good people like you try to cleanse him of the tribal tag, by trying to pin it on other people. The Post has already told you that UPND wants to drive regional politics through ethnicity, even where the PF is stronger. PF are not saints, but to blame us for this incidence, and failing to condemn UPND, makes us question whether you are trully a pact supporter or you are just here to make HH righteous. What makes UPND different from PF, and who tells you that PF is run by one man, if that is the case so is UPND. What is interesting about some you pact supporters you want to rubbish your pact partner whilst you still need him to help you win. HH entered the pact with a hidden agenda, his a bussinessman afterall, never forget that.

  31. This PACT is a failure, This i can assure you like it or not the pact is going no where. I know how typical Bemba’s and Tonga’s are, not only that I know the two leaders,HH and SATA

  32. These are the words of a wise man. Steady, focused, and controlled.He did not trash MMD. He’s realized a wise person takes lessons from all situations and everything.

    HH, most people want the PACT to work.
    Most MMD members pee in their bombasas at the sound of the word PACT.
    They want the PACT gone.
    They pray for that day.
    MMD wanted to hear you say we are going it alone.
    But take it from me, you punched a hole in their balloon type hopes
    Come 2011 Bakalalila
    Remain focused
    Unite Zambia!
    Develop Zambia!

  33. I don’t like nor support MMD but this pact thing is beginning to scare me. is not such things that bring conflict and eventually war if both parties don’t agree on something when in government….. KATWISHI MWANDINI

  34. i have confirmed with Mr Kabimba, the PACT is unstopable ! mr Sata will be president and HH vise! so thoz of u hu depend on mmd payroll just start luking for decent jobs, chaps like Senior Citizen,Prophet of doom,MMD Chief Bootlicker and many other fuz. VIVA PACT !

  35. Am concerned about the type of leadership some people want to replace MMD with. If the pact is lead by HH, there will be some new person, if its lead by Sata, what will be new?Sata was FTJ’s right hand man till the day LPM was adopted. Everything Chiluba did, Sata can’t run away from it, they were together. Sata supported the 3rd term, Sata promised to quash FTJ’s court cases.

    Sata left MMD not because he differed on policy but because he was not rewarded for his support of the 3rd term. If FTJ did not dribble Sata, the man would have been the president of MMD today….so whats the deference btn Sata and MMD? Some Zambians are easily fooled eeish!. If MMD has failed to perfom, Sata is not the solution. You can not solve problems using the same people that created them!

  36. The PACT!mmmh, yet so see, how could two parties with different views altogether get to merge?It doesnt make sense.PF have kaponya mentality then UPND they are too conservative, how to you work together like that even if its to topple the mmd, pliz.I hate MMD but I cannot entrust my life on people like Sata who just wakes up today and conjures something up.He is childish, impulsive and power hungry and I fear for Zambia really.As for HH, I truly wish he would have opened his eyes first before sleeping with the enemy.If Mazoka woke up today, he would be shocked how his vision for the party has been eroded.I mourn for Zambia.

  37. Iwe HH uka uka! sha muchizungu akuti wake wake up! Uko akuti ‘they don’t call me Cobra for nasing’ Akulu Sata anapitapo kale. HH saona kantu, muchinzungu akuti he is Blind. Evrybody can see what hapning kwena him HH nix. Sata bad heart, see now blinded gud young man. Asata asobelesa HH monga bola. Koma Asata kuyipa mutima! eheee uko.

    Somebody pour cold water inthe face of HH to wake him up. Mufulukuteni , Akulu a Chizyuka ayesa kale koma chiHH chili ndu.

  38. Tiyeseko Chizungu-Sata is now climb on young mans head young man heavy on shoulders but smile smile all the way. Why why HH why me ask, not only me but evelyone why HH why allow be tricked by Cobra. One question I have for HH, SURELY SURELY can you eat in house of Sata not afriad of poisoni.

  39. Senior Citzen
    You are a classic. I think you get paid to blog. Your comments can only come from a paid employee. You blog to increase site traffic and i fall for it.

  40. Pakiti Malabishi yekayeka, if me HH bye bye sata long time ago kwabasi. Sata too clever for zis boy hh.

  41. me now angry HH wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up. HH niolimba ka!

  42. HH HH HH wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up. HH HH HH HH wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up

  43. HH,your party UPND follows procedures to the letter and by your own admission,MMD equally follows procedures.To sum this up,the English say,”BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHERS FLOCK TOGETHER”.Do not be shy.Heed the advice from the grassroots in Southern Province that MMD-UPND Pact makes more sense than your pact with PF.

  44. This is being so dull in heads, it does not mean that HH or Sata have to be president at all Its either one of them be a president and the other vice. If really the UPND aim was to make HH president of the pact then they are in big problem coz that might not work depending on circumstances. And allöw me to say that it was a very bad miscalculation for the UPND in the first place. Is the PACT their for competition or to work together in chasing these thugs in MMD? What is wrong for HH to be a vice to Sata? Whats important for him and the UPND, being in cabinet or continuing wining southern province for ever? What has HH lost or will lose?
    Mhhh we know that MMD is in great fear, they are not sleeping coz of the PACT. they are now preparing them selves for obuse of ofice.

  45. I’m PF but I have great admiration for HH. Who ever the PACT choose, I shall suport fully. HH thanks for issuing a statement and clearly clearing the air. You are a reall committed mana tot he PACT. Together we shall win. UPND and PF on their own cannot win against the massive govt machinary and rigging. They need each other and forward pamaka should be the new slogan to tie up the two parties.

    God Bless the PACT, we tired of MMD thieving. Now they want to decriminalise office theft which MMD is busy scheming, thatw where we need to target our energy. Please the PACT lets stick together.

  46. HH aligone akuti: Me mr strategy me sweep sata pansi me intelligent clever plus education sata cant see me too clever passop HH sata akuti dont call me cobra for nothing.

    ok now elections in pakiti between hh then sata who wins big votes? now hh win south ok buti north luapula cb lusaka central even western cant win bet if can anyone hh lose i tell u. now why hh think can win sata in pakiti president elections? ehh wake wake up hh

  47. “Forward – Pamaka” should be catch-word for the PF-UPND PACT. We are tired of the MMD regalised abuse of office thieving, thats why George Kunda very busy confusing RB that they remove the abuse of office clause in our criminal justice system. They want to avoid jail for the numerous scandles they have scored i.e. Zamtel, Minstry of Health system upgrade, single sourcing, shoddy road construction involving Govt., leaders Musosha and company etc. They shall test jail together with Chiluba.

  48. People, dont be obsesed with just removing MMD from power. Lets focus on WHO should be given the instruments of power. If MMD comes up with good and well meaning people to run govt, it should be fine with us Zambians. Similary, weather its PF or UPND or Pact, if they come up with good people to form govt, then thats well with Zed.

    They say charity begins at home. Sata has not been consistent on policy and has shown to lack diplomancy. Doesent PF have other people to run it? or is it PF = Sata? If Sata got out of the way, it could be nice for zambia to have the brainy guys in PF and UPND come up with a joint manifesto thats good for Zambia and intelectually engage MMD on policy.

    #51…I kind of agree with you. RB and MMD can be corrected and controlled not Sata! Good luck mother…

  49. You think SATA can be corrected…..last time he said if he won the 2008 there would be no elections in 2011 have u already forgotten? Now SATA with Presidential power news would change it would be in Bemba trust me.

  50. I have a proposal for the Pact. Let HH and Sata give way, then bring in this young man called Chipimo Jr. Sata is an extremist and if he were the Pact President, I will abstain from voting. But the PF block is also stubborn and will not support HH. But if both stand aside, may be the Pact may still be saved

  51. A man of HH’s calibre, who privatised public assets for a song, should know the power obsession of Mr Sata. The southerners will regard him as a cunning back-stabber if he flogs the Tonga vote for a song. In today’s editorial, the Post seems to have serious misgivings that PF and UPND are still operating as independent parties. They were hinting that UPND should dissolve and join the ranks of PF. HH must show serious judgement.

  52. Well spoken Mr President HH. Time will tell when people will know that you deserve the Presidency of the Pact to deliver Southern, Western, Northwestern, Central and Lamba land.

  53. UPND 2011 presidential candidate HH — the initiator of the PF-UPND PACT — has once again shown that he is the most consistent PACT leader while his co-leader PF/MC Sata is quiet after probably being put in a quagmire by his unelected PF vice-president Guy Scott and appointed-by-Sata PF Secretary General Winter Kabimba with the POST tried to mess up HH.

    I hope real PF-UPND PACT supporters will support president HH and his approach to the well-being of Zambians and possible removal of MMD from GRZ rule.

    On “… about calls for the pact to choose a candidate, Mr Hichilema responded “We need to resolve this [Wards] issue first. If we rush to choosing a Presidential candidate, when we are having issues with wards, you can imagine what will happen,” HH is right.

    B blest…

  54. When everyone is asking president HH to ditch the PF-UPND, after PF Sata-appointed-Secretary General Winter undermined HH’s good comments in the POST, UPND 2011 presidential candidate HH has seen it fit to continue assuring the Zambian people that the PACT will brave the storm like an eagle and HH has also continued to engage PF to come to senses by seeing his vision.

    To me, HH knows something that most Zambians do not know about PF/MC Sata and may be Mr PF/Sata MC told HH that HH will be the PACT’s 2011 presidential candidate in that closed door meeting that Chizyuka revealed to day in the Daily Mail by ““So Mr Hichilema should not cry foul because he asked for it. When I humbly advised him not to lock himself with Mr Sata in a room he did not listen“.

    Bravo HH…

  55. Are there still some people who take the post editorials seriously? If you go into the achieves, you will find post editorials that were very critical about Sata and that he cant make a good president given his past and current goal post shifting. Today the Post editorials want to insnuate that Sata is the better of the two pact candidates. You must be a tool to believe that. The Post is a bussiness entity and they say what they say for their bussiness and personal interests.

    Let Post come out in the open and support Sata so that we judge their wisdom after Sata’s disastoroes rein if it ever happens. The Sun in the UK came out in the open and supported Cameron and so did other media houses in the USA on Obama. Wise and brave people dont fear to EXACTLY state what they stand for.

  56. …Are there still some people who take the post editorials seriously? If you go into the achieves, you will find post editorials that were very critical about Sata and that he cant make a good president given his past and current goal post shifting. Today the Post editorials want to insnuate that Sata is the better of the two pact candidates. You must be a tool to believe that. The Post is a bussiness entity and they say what they say for their bussiness and personal interests.

    Let Post come out in the open and support Sata so that we judge their wisdom after Sata’s disastoroes rein if it ever happens. The Sun in the UK came out in the open and supported Cameron and so did other media houses in the USA on Obama. Wise and brave people dont fear to EXACTLY state what they stand for.

  57. Too much politics of survival; can we please have policy statements? Where’s the shadow cabinet; where’s the team that’s going to take on the likes of ministers of Finance, Commerce, health, agriculture, etc? Guy Scott was agriculture minister once, so what’s his take on the current policy and how is he going to improve on the current policies? It’s not just about the president but the team to deliver.

  58. Time to break the pact before it gets too ripe. Let people begin to campaign freely without worrying about what the other party will say. Sata, go it alone please. HH dont waste time anymore campaign as you. Good job MMD for breaking this pact nonsense.

  59. This Pact was dead from inception, you have been told many times and the facts are clear. It beats me how many Zambians have been carried away with this so called Pact, Sata and HH. And we just praise whatever rubbish (or lies) Mmembe writes. Now even the *****s at the propaganda machine called Post have shown their true colours. Surely we must be a nation of imbeciles and *****s, or we don’t care what happens to our beautiful country Zambia?

  60. The Pact is doomed! I just dont seem to see what some people, especially Tongas, have seen in this shallow chap called HH. I voted for Mazoka because whoever met that Tonga bull will tell you he had a presence and it was characterisitic of him to reason with intellect and in a manner that was always not only inspiring to others but also reassuring. I just hope Tongas will puke their tribal bigotry to see that like Luapulans with Chiluba, they are backing a wrong tree. With scum of the political world like Kabimba and HH, the Pact is surely doomed.

  61. come on guys,no one chose to be born from a certain tribe,so this tribal business must be done away with and let’s just put our heads together as one zambian people and move in the right direction which is to embrace the poor majority zambians cause.when a revolution comes normally it’s unstopable ,for augment’s sake ask UNIP.let’s stop rubbishing each other ma politics fye aya,give the pact a chance……

  62. #70 General Mosquito ….hhhhmmm interesting, so HH is backed by Tongas, Chiluba was backed by Luapulans, so who is backing Sata and RB? … in your shallow head, you will tell me that its Northerners and easteners respectively. Shame that you can see people beyond the region they come from. You are a typical example of Zambia’s tragedy!!!!

    #71 abeena…thats maturity at its best!

    #66 The Unsung Sentinel…you want the team? the team will be made after they win elections and within 90 days, Zambia will have developed :d:d:d do you think Zambians care?

  63. Oh please they have seen no intreset in your party and don’t you think you must just become the Vice President of zambia because i think you suit.After that then you can stand as the President of Zambia.

    Good luck! to your party but one thing for sure is that in kaoma count no votes we are for Rupiah Banda for life no matter what.;):)>-


  65. All you all bloggers, have you asked yourselves how these 2 parties “fielded” candidates in each “others” domain? If I was PFor UPND, I would make this my starting point. As a true Zambian, I would want another party to take power in 2011 not MMD. Oh by the tell Mwamba Emanuel , Chiluba’s body guard that his master was in Chimwemwe campaining for MMD, in case he decides to defend him again.

  66. Work all costs we need the MMD gone….I only speak as a Zambian in love with Zambia and not a politician

  67. The PACT will only make sense with HH at the helm. Anything other than that would even be below the MMD r.u.bbish. VIVA HH, Sata is fit for the zoo.

  68. number 78 HH is a bantustan and arogant cold hearless b.a.g.e.r. and i.d.i.o.t who reigins on tribalism..

  69. As for me I sometimes do not see sense in this pact anyway because if we remove MMD then what next, to continue in poverty or worse still to become poorer than the way we were before, because this so called pact has no agenda. I wish they can just split so that they can work individually as stated by the post. The members in the pact just wants positions for themselves and not to offer something for zambians. They do not have any agenda for the nation apart from who takes this position and insults.We cannot waste our time to vote for this pact, RB would be better atleast for the mean time untill 2016.

  70. Just like in 1991, no one knew who will be President until it was decided and they picked on the MIGLET. Continue depending and putting in all the pros and cons of SATA or HH, a decision has not been made though. Let’s continue working and harmonising ourselves.

  71. No. 79: You are a theif, goat shagging, AIDs spreading i.d.i.o.t like your relatives on trial in Kapiri Mposhi & the USA


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