Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Male circumcision contest attracts large number of contestants


File: Aggie Mahule (left) carrying out a circumcision at the New Start clinic(By Olivia Coles)

Over 20 men have registered to participate in the first ever Mr. Male Circumcision contest to be held later this week in Livingstone.

The contest that is being spearheaded by Society for Family Health (SFH) is a strategy that the counselors at the institution are using
to sensitize the community on the importance of Male Circumcision.

SFH Livingstone Program coordinator, Monica Williams told ZANIS in an interview yesterday that a number of men have shown interest in the competition and she predicts that the event may be one of the biggest pageant contests.

“So far the response has been good we have recorded about 20 men and boys coming to register and I think the contest will meet the intended
target,” she said.

Ms Williams said the contestants must have a common qualification and most have a good knowledge on the subject matter. She said all the contestants must be circumcised.

The contest, which was supposed to take place earlier last week, was rescheduled due to the increasing number of contestants than expected.

Ms Williams says prices for winners have not yet been announced but those who will excel are likely to win big prices.

However one of the contestants spoken to said he is not interested in winning anything from the competition but merely to pass the information to the public about the clinical exercise.

Lameck Lumbo who is a Maramba resident said many people in the community have wrong misconception about the exercise.

He said the contest would provide a good platform for people to understand the importance of male circumcision.

Male Circumcision reduces the infection rate of HIV/AIDS infection to about 58 per cent and prevents cervical cancer, together with other STIs.


  1. I remember the circumcision story in the bible.The rapists where corned to first get circumcised before marrying the Isralites women and they were later soughted out after raping someones sister.

  2. All men should be circumcised.Its not only hygienic but helps reduce the spread of some diseases.All that muck under the forskin can’t be good.

  3. But how conversant are our medial practitioners with it lest it bring complications like low erection achievement and leads to marriage problems.
    And a Question,are catholic priests advised to get circumcised as well?

  4. #3 if your husband is unhygienic, do not generalise; If you have boys, just teach them how to wash properly. God meant it for a reason, IT IS A SENSORY ORGAN if you didn’t know. Leather-hardened sjamboko’s were never meant to be ramming down “shafts!!” wa unfwa gello??!!

  5. This iz what donor money can sometimez do. Some countriez have more alarming levelz of infection and promiscuity, but they haven’t lowered their citizenz to parading themslvez circumcized. Like #1, there iz need to educate the poeple that circumcizion IZ NOT the ultimate answer to HIV infection. Otherwize people will just go the hospitalz with other motivez about male cicumcizion.

  6. Let those who want go for it, as for me I remain the way God created me and take care of myself. Let all the Males from Donor countries also be circumcised because they are equally at risk.

  7. Many men are flocking to centers for circumcision because they think after they are done, its live everyday everywhere. U will see how many men will be infected later.

  8. Gentleman: I am sponsoring the first ever LT bloggers Mr. Male Circumcision contest to be held on 13 November,2010. Panel of judges will comprise mostly female counterparts since most men that were invited to the panel turned down the invitations due to the reasons best known to themselves. Since this is the first time the event is taking place, the judges will spend a day working on criterias on awarding point system to the contestants. Volunteers are welcome on this day. Prestigious prizes to the winners will include a single weekend ticket trip to the state house – first prize, a lifetime oppportunity to meet Great Kalu and share ideas on management issues-second prize and finally, a chance to become Sata’s spokeperson since he has pledged to cut down on talking and focus on 2011

  9. # 5 and 7,God gave jews the the law of circumcision.y give to them if he knew it could affect thier “sensitivity”?I can only agree with a person who says circumcision is less understood.Otherwise,I enjoy my sex and assume that the uncircumcised don’t get the best that i get.Consult those who were circumcised in their old age,they have experienced both worlds.As for HIV/circumcision relationship,there are proven statistics that show that there is is really a reduction in the infection rate.

  10. If men want to go for circumcizion in order to enhance their prowess in bedroom issuez, then that iz something else subjective and highly debatable. You circumcize a 50 year old who in turn gets involved with an HIV+ 25 year old lady and you preach that hiz chancez of getting infected are reduced, ignoring the fact that he iz STILL AT RISK, iz creating a time bomb.

  11. no. 4 and 5. your ignorance is disgusting. If you don’t know much about a particular subject matter its best to keep quiet and learn from those that know. This issue of talking for the sake of talking is bad and embarassing to say the least. If you read your Bible carefully you will find that God commanded that all male isrealites be circumcised. Why would God COMMAND it if it led to what you alluded to?

  12. Those advocating against the practice should go and try to screw a woman who has been with a man whose been circumcised and tell the difference. Some of the benefits apart from the low risk of aids is a bigger head, long lasting ejeculations and a satisfied woman.

  13. # 3,please just be bold enough & tell these unclean guys that women prefer the circumcised pole.I know the guys are scared of the hard truth that a circumcised pole enhances performance in the love nest.This has nothing to do with donor money.

  14. Go on the internet ‘Circumcision Researches’ you will learn on the results done in USA and why men in USA and UK have abandoned the so called circumcision. Interesting to learn that some Jews are now actually not for the idea. Research and learn before you rush for these things people.

    Not all that comes from the loud speaker is sense lol’

  15. Ladies can you help us in this fight by not allowing uncircumcised men not to mess around with you. Let alone us to satisfy you, the circumcised. I did mine two years ago. Hey the benefits outweighs everything. Guys dont make your ladies commit adultery and worst still run away from you once the meet a circumcised guy like me.

  16. #11 am trying to understand your point, unfortunately all is lost in translation!! A bit of info for you, The Penis was designed to be sheathed when not being used for procreation, then unsheathed when for that purpose.

    #14 problems of trying to interpret parts of the bible in isolation, leads to ideas such as yours. Are you now saying God who created Adam in his own image, had suddenly realised he had made a mistake in doing so, hence ordering the Israelites to shed their foreskins? So you are actually refuting your faith that God can do no wrong – I rest my case!

    If it is hardening that one may seek, a bit of sanding, with sand paper will probably give you superior results, just a thought – might also give you superior HIV protection!!

  17. Very funny competition. How will they check that the contestants meet the criteria of being circumcised? Will they have to strip and submit themselves to physical inspection? LOL

  18. Th whole ‘circumcision prevents HIV infection’ is nonsense. It is not based on solid evidence. However, this is part of the multi-billion dollar a year AID$ industry.

    They are getting paid $275 million for this nonsense, and they want to circumcise 1/3 of Zambian men.

  19. Weiss, Quigley and Hayes carried a meta-analysis on circumcision and HIV in 2000[155] and found as follows: “Male circumcision is associated with a significantly reduced risk of HIV infection among men in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly those at high risk of HIV. These results suggest that consideration should be given to the acceptability and feasibility of providing safe services for male circumcision as an additional HIV prevention strategy in areas of Africa where men are not traditionally circumcised.”
    Siegried et al. (2003) surveyed 35 observational studies relating to HIV and circumcision: 16 conducted in the general population and 19 in high-risk populations.
    We found insufficient evidence to support an interventional effect of male circumcision on HIV acquisition in…

  20. check circumcision on wikipedia, advice supporting cutting is only for Africa, & nowhere else on earth!!
    Odd that this seems to be the only advice wholly embraced in Africa without question or any lingering doubts as to why this should be good only for Africans & no others!!

    Good on you guys!! Carry on & wipe yourselves out with your circumcised macho!!!

  21. This circumcision issue is total bull cr@p. Its all donor driven and Zambians being what they are-accomodating to a level of f@@lishness, and being intellectually dual have yet again blindily adopted what was ever planned. Men take my advice. 1) if you are able to sexually satisfy your woman 2) was your d!ck everyday 3) your girl friend in not on your neck about circumcision, then dont do it. Its another form of neo-colonialism-white folks playing fetch with us. For MC to work as an HIV prevention initiative, you need to be sexually abstinent for over six month, then have your test and then cut the skin. Remember, there is also a danger of losing your sexual sensitivity. Do it for good reasons

  22. ba shiti imwe! eh! what is this makaka!? circumcised penises are not the way bane! uncircumcised penises give women the pleasure and the hot friction they look for! ine ndalya live and my women have been very pleased with my uncircmused one! infact one musungu who i ate asked me why my penis was like that.. i told her just wait and see. i had to teach her how to operate it. that turned me on in the process.. ya ya nalichilya chimusungu bane! after wards i heard from her friends gossiping that they only look for black uncircumsised bane go and cut and shorten your tool and look like an ***** to women! deuces:)>-

  23. Is it not an insult to your God if you are going to make alterations to his creation by cutting of bits and pieces? Just like those poor women in Ethiopia, Egypt, and parts of West African countries who has to go under FGM Female Genital Mutilation, its so sick. There is a boy without a penis just because the doctors who performed circumcision burnt off his entire manhood using laser, poor thing was left with a string of hanging flesh, Men beware of Ms, MAHULE’s knife!!

  24. What i find shocking in this article and indeed many others is the statement that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV. This is deception of the highest order. As long as the penis is exposed to vaginal fluids,the chances of catching the virus are the same whether the penis is circumcised or not.

    On the other hand,circumcision has been proved to reduce the number of common STI’s such as gonorrhea etc,it doesn’t prevent but simply minimises the chances of catching the same.I will attribute the deception in this article to the usual typographical errors by LT.

  25. #3 mable, what about all the muck between the enlongated Labia Minora aka Malepelepe, should the women with stretched tweno’s “in the name of culture” also chop them off?

  26. ^ Mills, J.; N. Siegfried (October 2006).

    “Cautious optimism for new HIV/AIDS prevention strategies.”. Lancet 368 (9543): 1236. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69513-5. PMID 17027724.

    “”The inferences drawn from the only completed randomised controlled trial (RCT) of circumcision could be weak because the trial stopped early.

    In a systematic review of RCTs stopped early for benefit, such RCTs were found to overestimate
    treatment effects. When trials with events fewer than the median number (n=66) were compared with those with event numbers above the median, the odds ratio for a magnitude of effect greater than the median was 28 (95% CI 11–73).

  27. The circumcision trial recorded 69 events, and is therefore at risk of serious effect overestimation. We therefore advocate an impartial meta-analysis of individual patients’ data from this and other trials underway before further feasibility studies are done.”.

  28. The Zambian government should not allow this sort of quackery. How can a foreigner, come to Zambia, and issue her own medical edicts, as the case is with this Monica Williams, and get away with it? What evidence has this woman produced to support this bullshit. Where is the medical authority? Who is paying for this? These foreigners will not rest until they impose their culture on us. It is up to us to stand up to them and say enough of this bullshit.

  29. I fail to understand why you guys cheat yourselves. I aint circumsized and a woman married to a circumsized man was always chasing. Nalechilya bad!!!

    Follow your incomplete bible and let me follow ma complete PIBLE.

  31. The only way am getting circumsizd is if the nurse agrees to take off her clothes as well during the process y shud i be the one 2 bear the embarassment after all I know the minute she touches #john# he will misbehave by standing upright.

  32. The only way am getting circumsizd is if the nurse agrees to take off her clothes as well during the process y shud i be the one 2 bear the embarassment after all I know the minute she touches #john# he will misbehave by standing upright.I hear circumsition bears erection problems,head ones john will alway be hard because the bear skin will always rub against underwear.

  33. Let this whole circumcizion thing be a private matter of choice and not where it becomez a national campaign all for some hazy and highly pot-holed reazonz. But again let’s respect thoze who decide to go for it, while not demonizing thoze who don’t.

  34. I got circumcised at the age of 29year for wrong reasons of wanting to be prowess in bed. I regret having gone through the process because i do not enjoy having sex any more. Iam now 33 years and have lost sensitivity on the tip of the penis.
    Those of you wanting to go for it should think twice beacuse its an irrevesible process.

  35. No. 38 HIM. I really and trully feel sorry for you. Your ignorance knows no bounds. You pride yourself in you ignorance. i wonder if you even read what you wrote in your posts. Ignorance is trully bliss.My incomplete Bible as you call it has a verse that says ”My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Does it ring a bell?

  36. And the proof that shows circumcision actually stops HIV is? I mean besides these “studies” that show a “correlation” that exists NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD (see Malawi, Swaziland, Ghana, Cameroon, Malaysia, THE United States etc…) There is absolutely none. Africans, this is the bottom line: Circumcision does not, cannot prevent HIV. There is absolutely no doctor, “researcher” or “study” that can refute this fact. Even if the latest “studies” had any crediblity (and actually it is full of holes), circumcision would only “reduce the risk of AIDS 60%,” in MALES ONLY. (Women, too bad for you.) This means circumcision FAILS. Circumcision FAILS so bad that even the promoters themselves cannot stress condoms enough. So what’s the whole point of circumcision if you have to wear a…

  37. And the proof that shows circumcision actually stops HIV is? I mean besides these “studies” that show a “correlation” that exists NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD (see Malawi, Swaziland, Ghana, Cameroon, Malaysia, THE United States etc…) There is absolutely none. Africans, this is the bottom line: Circumcision does not, cannot prevent HIV. There is absolutely no doctor, “researcher” or “study” that can refute this fact. Even if the latest “studies” had any crediblity (and actually it is full of holes), circumcision would only “reduce the risk of AIDS 60%,” in MALES ONLY. (Women, too bad for you.) This means circumcision FAILS. Circumcision FAILS so bad that even the promoters themselves cannot stress condoms enough. So what’s the whole point of circumcision if you have to wear a…

  38. And the proof that shows circumcision actually stops HIV is? I mean besides these “studies” that show a “correlation” that exists NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD (see Malawi, Swaziland, Ghana, Cameroon, Malaysia, THE United States etc…) There is absolutely none. Africans, this is the bottom line: Circumcision does not, cannot prevent HIV. There is absolutely no doctor, “researcher” or “study” that can refute this fact. Even if the latest “studies” had any crediblity (and actually it is full of holes), circumcision would only “reduce the risk of AIDS 60%,” in MALES ONLY. (Women, too bad for you.) This means circumcision FAILS. Circumcision FAILS so bad that even the promoters themselves cannot stress condoms enough. So what’s the whole point of circumcision if you have to wear a…

  39. And the proof that shows circumcision actually stops HIV is? Besides these “studies” that show a “correlation” that exists NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD (see Malawi, Swaziland, Ghana, Cameroon, Malaysia, THE United States etc…) There is absolutely none. Africans, this is the bottom line: Circumcision does not, cannot prevent HIV. There is absolutely no doctor, “researcher” or “study” that can refute this fact. Even if the latest “studies” had any crediblity (and actually it is full of holes), circumcision would only “reduce the risk of AIDS 60%,” in MALES ONLY. (Women, too bad for you.) This means circumcision FAILS. Circumcision FAILS so bad that even the promoters themselves cannot stress condoms enough. So what’s the whole point of circumcision if you have to wear a condom…

  40. And one last question; how would a “female circumcision” contest be received? There are a few “studies” that show that circumcision can half HIV transmission in females. (See Stallings 2009) Why aren’t there any “awareness contests” happening for that? With all the “studies” that happen, why aren’t “researchers” looking for a knife-less cure? Shouldn’t “research” be trying to be moving AWAY from surgery, not towards its necessity? Why is it “researchers” are so interested in circumcising African men anyway, when HIV positive circumcised men in their own countries (see the United States, Israel, Malaysia, Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda, Swaziland, etc.) far overpower intact men with HIV? Enough “studying” genital mutilation already. It’s time to look for…

  41. For those of you who quote the bible, read FOR WHOM god instructs circumcision. For Jews, it is commandment. A law. It will be up to them to decide what laws are old and archaic. (Quite a few ways are no longer followed, such as selling girls into slavery, stoning prostitutes to death, etc.) But for Gentiles, it is FORBIDDEN. You can either be saved by the law, all 613 of them, or through the grace of Christ (hence CHRISTian), not both. Galatians 5:2-3 “Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.” Besides, if you are faithful to your wife, like a good Christian, why would you need circumcision?

  42. #14 here we go with the God said so argument. How come some things in the old testament are okay and some are nullified by the coming of Christ? Circumcision which was written in the old testament for the jews is now Gods law, yet eye for en eye no longer is, and so too is the eating of pork, also in Exodus 21:7 it is ok to sell children into slavery. I am Christian too, but I hate hearing people who’s only answer is cause God said so.. really???

  43. For Bible-thumping circumcision advocates: Galatians 5:2-3 “Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.” You are either Jewish and keep all 613 laws, or are saved by the grace of Christ (hence the word “CHRISTian”). You cannot be both. Read your Bible; this is what it says.

  44. What constitutes the ‘competition’ part of this; who looks better with or without a circumcision – something like a beauty contest? I was circumcised for no apparent reason but my wife and I left our two sons intact the way they were naturally born. If they later on decide they want to get circumcised they can decide it for themselves.

  45. I’aint circumcised but all women…and I stress….all women I have f**ked have enjoyed me and keep coming back for more….so all the this bullshit of saying get circumcised is damn. Just take a look closely at our friends in South Africa….almost the entire population of men in that country have had their foreskins chopped off…..BUT NOW tell me where the most frightening AIDS statistics are coming from…..South Africa in fact b4 the soccer WC it was feared that visitors are going to get infected with HIV. So please if you can’t be on top of the game to please your woman, then F*** it, u will lose your woman period…..bakukulilako abaishiba ukulya ba gelo….like me. I know how to **** just send in your requests… will never walk alone.

  46. Curcumcised or not you can still contract and transmitte the virus guys. Thats a good move but let it not be a passport to indulge ourselves in sexual activity. I’am curcumcised, are YOU?

  47. USA have high rate of circumcised males but also have high rate of HIV infections
    EUROPE have low rate of circumcised males and low rate of all those unproved indications.

    In the USA routine circumcision were began because of their Corn Flakes politician who declares the war on male masturbation. Sick person in his head. Also, Jew ethnic group mixed up well this stupidity just because their of their own culture and money greediness (urologists and lawyers are more often Jews).
    After all these centuries of “indicative benefits” only about 30% of males population are circumcised.
    Pro-circ dulls with money blinded eyes also have psyhological sadistic problems in their head to cut someone rather than check someone testicles for prevention
    Amputation is not a joke – it cant be undone!

  48. This is to No 14… and no. 4 and 5 who are correct – I had a circumcision at the age of 24 (I am now 40). It is a horrible think to have done – I bled for 5 years following it and almost all sensitivity is lost. Try walking around with the forskin pulled back for a week – it is painful and sensitive but after 2 years the sensitivity goes and is replaced with NOTHING. Intercourse is only a little pleasureable compared to before. Whatever you do, DON’T get it done – learn to CLEAN underneath and USE A CONDOM – even using a condom will give you more pleasure than if you had been circumcised…

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