Friday, February 14, 2025

Trinidad and Tobago calls for closer ties with Zambia


Left to right are High Commissioner Dr. Nevers Mumba, His Excellency President George Maxwell Richards and Mrs. Florence Mumba, the High Commissioner's spouse.

President of Trinidad and Tobago Professor George Maxwell Richards has called for closer ties between his country and Zambia.

He appealed to Zambia to open an Honorary Consul office as a minimum point of contact in the absence of a resident Embassy in order to deepen and consolidate the already existing ties.

He said this when he received Credentials from the newly accredited Zambian High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago, H.E. Dr. Nevers S. Mumba in Port of Spain. Dr. Mumba will serve as High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago on non residential basis.

This was contained in a press release to Lusakatimes issued by Ben Kangwa First secretary press to the Zambian High Commission in Canada.

Professor Richards added that it was the wish of his country to revive cooperation agreements in Technical, Scientific and Cultural Sectors signed in 1995 during the State visit of Zambia’s Second Republic President Dr. Frederick J.T Chiluba.

President George Maxwell Richards also reminded Dr. Nevers Mumba of the visit of Zambian First Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda in the early 80s to that country.

In turn Dr. Nevers Mumba expressed to President Professor George Maxwell Richards, President Rupiah B. Banda’s satisfaction at the excellent friendship and cordial relations that exist between the two countries, stressing that Zambia is impressed with the smooth election in Trinidad and Tobago that ushered in a new government led by the first female Prime Minister, the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

The new High Commissioner further stated that he would do his best to boost friendship between Zambia and Trinidad and Tobago for the benefit of the two peoples.
Dr. Mumba also conveyed a message of condolences on behalf of His Excellency, President Rupiah B. Banda on the death of Trinidad’s first President, Sir. Ellis Clarke who died on 30th December, 2010 and was buried first week of January 2011.

Earlier, High Commissioner, Dr. Nevers Mumba held bilateral talks with Trinidad’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Surujrattan Rhambachan and discussed a wide range of issues pertaining to the promotion of closer ties in trade and technical support.

At this meeting, Trinidada and Tobago offered Zambia an opportunity for Zambian students to be trained in petroleum studies following Zambia’s prospecting for oil and gas.

Other bilateral meetings were held with the Minister of Trade and Industry, Stephen Cadiz and the Minister of Energy, Mrs. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan.


  1. I thought Trinidad and Toboago already split into two different countries?…So what are we going to benefit from this country or island?.

  2. What sort of arrangement meaning Nevers repsents Zambia to Canada & the Carebian Island staes like Cuba, Guyana while not the man in Brazil.

  3. Hah i see madam Florence Mumba, she really stands by her Hubby-in sickness or in health-perfect role model for women.
    I hear these islands have very beautiful ladies. Thats one of the potential benefits..

  4. @ #2, crime and corruption is what Zambia will benifit from that country. It’s really brutal out there when it comes to crime. I have lost good friends in T&T, all mudered in cold blood.

    @ #3, T&T is not part of the Caribbean but West Indies, and former British colony like us or Canada though pretty much close to the Caribbean Islands.

  5. Oh Mr and Mrs Mumba looking good. You’ve done pretty good for yourselves.I remember how much I enjoyed Victory Bible church as a teenager in Kitwe.It kept me from falling off the wagon! God bless you guys.

  6. There is very little we can derive from these two islands. The money spent for travel air fares should have been used for buying stationery for Ben Kangwa in Washington D.C. This is a waste of tax payers money’s and it is not accepted at this crucial time when we have to make sure that feeder roads are passable so that we have easy carriage of the produce from farmers.

    May be we can learn something for how they split so that we take some lessons from there, who knows:)!

  7. Nice to see mr & mrs zambia shall be saved. The most famous character from these islands is mr Dwight york and not these professors & Doctors. anyway its a good begining.

  8. That’s all Nevers has ever wanted in life, to a enjoy a life of luxury without sweating for it, sponsored by tax

  9. Nevers Sekwila Mumba, he is High Commissioner for Canada, Cuba, T&T, Jamaica, Bahamas, quite a large foot print. But, really, what do we get from these countries? It’s good for him to gain that needed experience in foreign service, who knows, MMD might want to field him in 2016. He’s still young, energetic, intelligent and above all, a worthy representative – he is presentable. LOL

  10. Guys, why was Ben Kangwa moved from Washingtone and taken to Canada? I am sure he was not up to the task in Washingtone.

  11. Indeed Trinidad and Tobago have had long standing relationship with Zambia both in the Commonwealth and the South-South cooperation. It is a democratic country and very peaceful as well with the integration of its varied peoples of Indian, African and European descent. But Trinidad has backward anti HIV immigration laws like the US under Bush, which Obama has reversed. Perhaps the new government will not be as segregatory as the ones before. The President may have a word with his PM. I would agree with Zambia setting up a consulate at least in Cuba or Bahamas for the Carribean countries.

  12. #5 Moderator
    You may want to check your facts. Trinidad and Tobago are part of the Carribean organistion of countries politically, although geographically, like Barbados, they are not part of the Carribean archipelago. There are two islands, the larger being Trinidad (Spanish) whose capital Port of Spain has become the capital of the united islands. Scarborough was Tobago (British) capital. The islands were united by Britain as T & T. The ‘Trinies’ enjoy a very high standard of living and the country is endowed with oil, natural petrleum gas, aluminium, and beautiful beaches for tourism. Crime is very low. A single murder is big news in T & T. the government is led by the PM. So, there is much we can learn from them.

  13. This is nothing but a waste of tax payers’ money spent on useless trips to visit abapongoshi. Mrs Mumba hails from Trinidad and Tobago and if you look at our trade with those brothers and sisters, its at zero.

  14. ****** but there are completely abarrated individuals like this number 17 comment. Mrs Mumba, Florence is not from T&T, she is from Zambia. Her parents are in Kitwe. Mr Mwila, Florence’s father died last year. get your facts right chi ******** Says, sha!

  15. Some remarks are totally out of order. What is wrong with these Zambians, like Div mojo, Kalimwitobo, #19 etc/ Is it jealousy or what?

  16. What a waste of tax payers resources, there is absolutely nothing to gain from T&T. The first class air-ticket & hotel expenses incured by the Mumbas could have been better used to source for a classroom full of desks or books. It never ceases to amaze me why Africans have such mixed and distorted priorities. Mrs Mwamba needs to watch her weight, its definately out of hand and poses a health threat, I know its hard to avoid the temptations of seven course meals catered by Zambian Tax payers. As far as pator Mumba, I personally think he is a fraud & fake man of religion simply using the church to advance his personal selfish endevors, another Jimmy Swaggart impersonator, just my opinion!!!!!

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