Saturday, July 27, 2024

I was not booed in Mporokoso-RB


Rupiah Banda talking to journalists

President Rupiah Banda has dismissed media reports that he was booed by the people of Mporokoso district.

Mr Banda said the people of Mporokoso received him well and wondered at what point they could have booed him.

The president said that he successfully toured the market in the district and the town centre, where a huge crowd of people turned up to have a glimpse of him.

He said this frustrated the Patriotic Front cadres.

Mr BANDA said the PF cadres later lined up at the end of the road as he was leaving the market where they way laid him and started flashing the PF symbol.

Speaking on arrival at the Ndola International Airport, the president said the result of the by-election would show exactly who is popular in Mporokoso.

President Banda said the same thing happened in Mpulungu where Change life Zambia Director Frank Bwalya way laid him and flashed red cards but the MMD still emerged victorious.

And Mr Banda has called on MMD members on the Copperbelt to continue re-organising the party in readiness for the 2011 general elections.

And Copperbelt Province Minister Mwasa Mbulakulima said the number of development projects taking place in all parts of Zambia is an indication that President Banda is a leader for all Zambians.

And MMD Vice Provincial Chairman Frank Ng’ambi said the party is strategizing to ensure that it scoops all the 22 parliamentary seats in the province.



  1. Of course, PF cadres are paid to boo the President of Zambia, His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, B.Z.P.E. (best Zambian president ever). But they probably are just a pocket of drunkards. As the President has put it, the people of Mporokoso will show today what the numbers are like on each side, democracy will speak.
    By the way any idea how the counting is going on, early leads?

  2. i received a phone call from my girl friend working in mporokoso yesterday telling that RB was booed…its not that i saw this from the post only…so mr president you were booed and there were no MMD caders at all…its a well known fact that our cousins in the north do not like you, do you remember what happened in kasama?

  3. Maybe you were not booed in Mporokoso so here it is; CHIWONENI CHISILU BOO, BOO, BOO MWAFILWA ICALO BA RB, BOO BOO BOO

  4. RB is old he should leave peacefully together with his ministers.Just look at the dirty in lusaka the capital city,where is the council to clean up the city its very dirty.Look at kitwe how the roads are finished and the dity,ndola is finished,old roads,old road signs,old robots on the road,old buildings everywhere.RB and your ministers you’ve failed the zambian peolpe and its a shame just look at our neighbors south africa,kenya,tanzania,ghana,botwana etc how clean and beautiful there roads are as compired to ours.Shame on you RB.

  5. He is now behaving like Gaddafi. Even when parts of the country have been taken by protesters, he says my people love me. There are only about 45 people who are protesting. Could be old age or may be just in denial that people can boo him. He was well received, he certainly thinks booing is welcome. To him etumpundu.

  6. #6 Kalos 2121 Just shutup if you have nothing to blog about ,this hatred of yours stinks.Talk about your old unfaithful sick man Satana who will never rule Zambia!Woooooooooo Ka kalos

  7. Yes, my people I was booed. I was booed in Mporokoso. RBish, ka egypt kalakutalala. Just check what is happening in Mazabuka, it is a prototype of what will come in the event of rigging.

  8. #George, the council in Lusaka and Kitwe is controlled by PF. That falls under their jurisdiction to clean up Lusaka and Kitwe. So durect your message accordingly.

    good day!

  9. results are pumpin out, pf is already behind..mmd leading in the first round. let me put the figures, my boyfriend is textin them soon. stay tuned!

  10. MMD has won Mporokoso..PF wawa..!!what excuse will u have this time around..?the post vuvuzela covered u!

  11. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!
    MMD has retained the Mporokoso seat.Q FM reports that the ruling party is leading by a wide margin.

  12. i earn 13000 pounds a month how much does this president get? if anyone pa site earns more than me speak up and u shall be heard. respect me

  13. The definition of a PF cadre from the blogger H.H. Sata: “someone who argues over nothing; someone who knowingly argues with twisted facts; someone who contradicst himself everyday; someone who does not know what he is talking about; someone who takes pride in deception; someone who supports Sata”..

    #5 george is most definitely a PF cadre. He is ranting about the jobs the PF controlled councils are supposed to be doing but have failed to carry out. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    Concerning the story, we believe you Mr. President. The PF vuvuzela has lost its credibility.

  14. Zambian watchdog
    The opposition Patriotic Front is leading in the ballots so far counted in the Mporokoso parliamentary bye-election.
    By 22 hours local time, ballots from 8 voting centers had been counted and PF was leading with 1234. The MMD had 891 votes while NAREP had polled 126 votes and UNIP had 21 votes.
    Ballots from more than 20 polling centres had not yet been counted but PF cadres had already started celebrating around the counting centre.

  15. #15 have you already rigged votes are still being counted and you have already won? 22:00hrs breaking news post PF 1800 MMD 1340 from 15 Polling stations so far counted.

  16. #15 have you already rigged? Votes are still being counted and you have already won? 22:00hrs breaking news post PF 1800 MMD 1340 from 15 Polling stations so far counted.

  17. Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth

    You have made my day!!! I like the following definition of a PF cadre by blogger H.H. Sata:

    “someone who argues over nothing; someone who knowingly argues with twisted facts; someone who contradicts himself everyday; someone who does not know what he is talking about; someone who takes pride in deception; someone who supports Sata”..

    This says it all. One more addition: someone who insults!!!

  18. #34 xxx – so shallow. What makes you think only women are contributing here? Stop thinking like GBM that women are to be trampled. Ukutuka abanobe, is yours gilded?

  19. The Post Online guys are quiet for now on the result news. I only hope PF is still holdng on to the lead bcz if this one slips through their hands, it will be all over for the opposition. The sad story is that many of the UPND followers want PF to lose-how shameful! Please, PF winning this one is a victory for everyone except the MMD, so I edge all the UPND to put a smile on their faces should the PF get away with this one. My worry is VJ and Co. are like ‘Mighty Iwina Ichungulu’, so I won’t celebrate until I get the final results.

  20. #39 You addressed everyone on this blog as quote”Ba fi icolor who has won in mporokoso??those who have got genuine info tell us…..” end quote

    That’s disrespectful. I demand an apology on behalf of female bloggers.

  21. Frank Ng’ambi is MMD Vice Provincial Chairman for Northern Province, this just proves that Bembas are not tribalists, they cam vote for any tribe like they have done before. I am not a Bemba but am proud of these people even when you are working with them no TRIBAL based promotions nor employment. Unlike their tribal cousins!!!!

  22. INDEED PF HAS WON-SEE ZEDLEAKS.COM Congratulations to PF. VIVA PF. Now lets go back to the negotiating table with UPND over the PACT for a more sound victory in the general elections.

  23. am out to meet ka gelo ka musungu. am married to umusungu but the friend is hotter. chali kwata bokosi mmmhhhh. to all thos who hv nt tried umusungu contact me. i have been with 60 buga women. no one can tell me anything pa site.

  24. Now in 2011, i wili go 4 RB. “Tha devil u know is beta than tha engels u hav nt cin”
    sata is very unpredictable… Pipo b logical n think twice.
    shame 2 o hh. Mazoka was gud m.h.s.r.i.p

  25. Final Electoral Tally:
    PF: 3162
    MMD: 1986
    The rest UNIP and NAREP are not worth mentioning. They are badly trailing and you would wonder why they participated.
    I am now off to bed.


    PF: 3 162
    MMD: 1986
    NAREP and UNIP are not worthy mentioning


    PF: 3 162
    MMD: 1986
    NAREP and UNIP are not worthy mentioning

  28. #45 hahah boo boo boo boo u mean AMA fat girls.
    Most of these Zambian boys boasting of having white chicks are having the fat girls. I am very sure this #45 is having a fat one hence the radon to admire the friend. The fat ones have no white market but black market.
    I am very fortunate I found a Zambian girl here in Aussie who iam married to. She is hot and mature and has respect for herself/me/parents and she does not drink and she is a great influency to me that I stopped drinking and she is a Christian and she cooks nice food and she loves me and ………….alot more good about her.

  29. #45. Trully can be boasting about that? Thats why people die. Infact its her who has married you and you have no say in that marriage. I know how zambian men who have married white old women (who have kids before) behave. They have no say on anything and are just controlled by those old white women including you #45. Limbi ulapipa (wipe pamatako) pa musungu nga afuma mukunya iwe chi #45. #46 keep it up and keep my sister well. We shall meet one day.


    PF: 3 162
    MMD: 1986

    NAREP and UNIP are not worthy mentioning, trailing badly
    Thanx bloggers, am off to bed now.

  31. Latest news coming in from the polling stations is that the opposition PF has won the Mporokoso parliamentary seat with 4 polling stations’ results yet to be announced. PF currently has 2800 votes whilst the MMD is trailing by 1700 votes.

  32. Really men dont talk,they do it good, trust me if I tell u my name NY will confirm the white ladies man and if ur have money we could have known who u are!! Stay in the path and stop dreaming!!

  33. iwe chakufwakale *****, stop this erotic literature on this site. Are you hallucinating or you are suffering from STD? Why talk rubbish on this site yet no one is paying attention to you?

  34. # 7, Yaya, I am sorry, I just found out that you have Compulsive Disorder. You need help bwana. Soon you will start polishing your shoes the all day. Ha ha ha ha ha. So, what is your point? Your ka president was booed, spit at and called names by the people you consider villagers. Who else is booing that failure you call president? President by accident.

  35. This man is very childish, how can the whole lot a president respond to an article like that in a newspaper. We all know that he was booed and we are not surprised because nobody likes him apart from his boot licking minions in his party. PF has won the Mporokoso seat so what does that say to lupiya!

  36. Unless we set standard right Zambia will continue meandering in development.It is un Zambian and agaisnt our tradition to boe elderly people.IfH.E.RB has done something wrong there is suppose to be a respectable way of communicating.

    One day some of you will be presidents how would you like to be treated when youre wrong? Let us set good standards .Hooliganism only bleed hooliganism.How can we fee if our opposition presidents are boed -Baaaaad is not so?

    Do to others as you would like them to do unto you.

  37. If RB wants to be respected he must learn to tell the truth. He insulted Sata and iunb the same breath says let us not insult each other when campaigning. Is it madness or senility?

  38. If RB wants respect, as you his cadres are baying, he must start being consistent! You say Sata is ugly today and tomorrow you go to the media and preach about campaigning without insults. When did Sata call you ugly when everyone knows you are the ugliest man around? Sorry I am not PF, just a concerned son of the soil….

  39. #59 Eagle,

    You are very very dull in democratic matters!! For goodness sake, how do you say it is un Zambian to boe elderly people? The Zambian Presidency office does not recognise the age of the office bearer.
    It was un Zambian then in the 1950, 60.70’s in the villages but not our age generation!!!!

    President Banda himself has not complained but refuted the report that he was booed, he knows that in a democratic country people protests in all forms. People protest even in USA, UK e.t.c.

    It was a good thing to boe President Banda because even President Banda can prove his critics wrong that he does not run a democratic government. If the people in Mporokoso booed him then he is a TRUE democrat.

    Welcome to the true Zambian democracy………………………………

  40. #59 Eagle – Go to bed before I boo you. When you wake up in the morning take some English lessons. Not only are your comments alarming but your language skills are scary

  41. JoJo,
    am sorry u should be dery foolidh, am not here to show-off, trust me,am too educated than any of ur clan and I can find u in a minute and fix u. Dont be funny u lucky to be abroad, ur relatives are in sad condition in Zed.

  42. The people of Mporokoso have started the change we long for.Whether MMD rigs or not CHANGE HAS STARTED COMING slowly.

  43. Its not a question of RB of Rb denying that he was not booed by Mporokoso residents. The truth is RB is surrounded by wrong pipo who are there to save their jobs and they dont tell him the truth. RB and his Veep GK campaigned alot in Mporokoso and the MMD officials assured that they will deliver the seat to him yet they knew well that PF had dug its feet deeper.Its no gud to under estimate the popularity of local candidates. RB should realise that those who claim to be close to him will abandom him the moment he dissolves parliament. He should be wondering how Cabinet and MMD NEC minutes get to the Post almost immediately. Our politicians are not principled all they know better are defections nothing else.The reason why this countryis not moving forward. Even countries that were at war…

  44. that liar always tells the truth

    Humpty Dumpty was not booed
    Elections will be free and fair
    Chiluba is an honest man
    Zambian assets were not sold for a song
    The justice is not his puppet : Mpombo, M’membe, the high Court decision rejecting the registration of the London judgment
    The Zambian people is benefiting from its copper
    His ministers and cronies do not steal money (health, roads) from donors
    His govt fights against corruption : removal the abuse of office clause from the ACC
    the Church did not call for change regime
    After the decad of plunder (1991-2001), scheming is not back
    those thieves are not bought and paid for by the mines : windfall taxes scrapped, low mineral tax, crumbs given to zccm whereas mines owe zccm several hundred million dollars

  45. #59 you have no scope, who are you lecturing on respect. If you want your lupiya to be respected then tell him to show us that he is worthy of our respect. As it is, he does not deserve it! The loss in Mporokoso speaks volumes coz these chaps were dishing out money.

  46. RB was boooooooooooooooooooooooooed. The loss speaks volumes. The RB camp pumps in over a Billion Kwacha and slaughter hippos to buy votes and then the voters just whispered DON’T KUBEBA.Mind MMD has also the other two{2} Ward Bye Elections in Lunga and Kawambwa Wards were rebel MPs Machungwa and Chitika come from

  47. RB was boooooooooooooooooooooooooed. The loss speaks volumes. The RB camp pumps in over a Billion Kwacha and slaughter hippos to buy votes and then the voters just whispered DON’T KUBEBA.Mind you MMD has also lost the other two{2} Ward Bye Elections in Lunga and Kawambwa Wards were rebel MPs Machungwa and Chitika come from.

  48. #77 Deja Vu, can you just confirm again mwaice. I remember there was a bye election in Kawambwa also. Please update us.

    VIVA PF. Aluta Continua.

  49. So we now know is popular in Mporokoso!! Conglats P.F ( Peoples Favorites ) Scared to join U guys, U look so scruffy, especially Guy Scata

  50. #5 George I agree with you #9 Chintomfwa you must remember that in a Democracy the government is both the opposition and the ruling party. If the councils arent performing the government should make them perform. Its not like the PF rules one part of Zambia and MMD rules other parts. In any case are the MMD controlled councils better looking and cleaner and with better infra-structure?

  51. From Times of Zambia, RB has accepted being boooed! by people in Mporokoso, funny enough, is this MMD or RB or his advisers!! I think RB has old age related problems.

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