Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sata’s demands for Kalusa’s apology are justifiable-Father Bwalya


File: Father Frank Bwalya addressing a PF rally

Get Involved Zambia (GIZ) says demands by Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata for an apology from UPND’s National Youth Chairman Joe Kalusa over his continued attacks on him are justifiable.

GIZ leader Father Frank Bwalya says Mr. Sata has every right to demand for an apology if he has been offended because just like any other person the PF leader cannot work with people who have no respect for him.

Fr. Bwalya has since advised both members of the PF and UPND to desist from issuing demeaning statements towards each other.

He was commenting on the letter written to the UPND by the PF leader demanding for an apology from the UPND youth leader for his demeaning remarks directed at Mr. Sata.

And Fr. Bwalya has condemned President Rupiah Banda’s statement that the increase in fuel pump prices is not much and that the people trying to raise dust on the issue should not cause unnecessary worry to the public.

Fr. Bwalya says it is irresponsible for the president to issue such a statement because any increase in fuel prices transfers the cost to the people of Zambia who are already facing challenges of the high cost of living.

He says unlike the President who has been using tax payer’s money for his travels and has not in any way felt the impact of the high cost of living, the people of Zambia have been affected by the increase in fuel prices.

And Fr. Bwalya has confirmed his pullout from Change Life Zambia and has since registered a new organization called Get Involved Zambia.



  1. Why not just call yourself fatherless Bwalya as POwer Failure spokesman since your party is all Bemba affair ,you have just managed to kick out a Lozi out of his job.

  2. Why not just call yourself fatherless Bwalya as POwer Failure spokesman since your party is all Bemba affair ,you have just managed to kick out a Lozi out of his job.Your demons are driving you insane together with SATANA.

  3. Thank you Frank for your advise. But am a bit worried about your behaviour. Are you a PF cadre or you are runing your own NGO? Why do you always speak for PF? Cant you be man enough and announce that you have joined the PF and taken over Given Lubinda’s Job? Remember we are watching and watching closely as the events unfold. To me you are a tribalist. You support PF because it is run by a Bemba. I often listened to your programs on Icengelo Radio even you running comments during the 2008 Elections. You are Pro PF.

  4. Father of one Bwalya!!!! he surely is a pure Poor finisher spokesperson. Lubinda , Sakwiba were all kicked out. Only Bembas will vote for your Bemba party with Sata. At least UPND has Lozis, Tongas, Luvales, Kaondes, Lenjes and some nsenga!

  5. so what if he is pro-PF? isnt he a citizen with the right to belong to any political party of his choice? I’m not Bemba but I’m PF, fact is that PF is very popular in towns were Bemba is spoken but that doesnt make it a party for Bembas

  6. So its true he was posing as Director for CLZ which was not his. He has now formed his own kaaaaa. This man is crooked. It has revealed more of his character now.

  7. I am a catholic but have completely lost respect for this priest. He is a PF cadre. I expected him to be neutral to all suffering Zambians. He is just a common cadre.

  8. Unless Sata is up to something to hind. Comments from Joe Kalusa are common among cadres in PF and UPND and insisting on an apology from UPND on behalf of Joe is not right way of doing things. What Father Frank Bwalya should know is that Joe’s comments were not sactioned by the National Executive Committe those were his own opinion. The likes of Joe Kalusa are cadres who make comments whether sactioned by high office or not. Even in MMD we have characters like Chris Chalwe, Shimpundu pa Nkoloko, Chibala, Chibanda, Willie “Tekere” Banda etc.What we would like to hear from both HH & Sata is the way forward for the PACT or forget about it. As for father Bwalya he is on tracked guy who has openly showed his support for PF and its leader Sata. When are going to ve a party with national…

  9. #1 YAYA The title FATHER cannot be taken from any priest even if he is excommunicated. It earned just like DR. So dont worry your
    MMD head over it. You wont take it away from him. Yes Iam also not happy with the ranting of this former priest, but it his choice.

  10. @ #10, Dont lose respect for the father based on the reasoning that he is not neutral. Which leader of a church or NGO can you say is neutral in Zambia? It is not possible to remain neutral because politics affects our every day life.
    Since u are a Catholic, I encourage u to remain faithful and respect you church leaders. Remember all Humans, u and me inclusive have weaknesses.Some of us have serious non political weaknesses than Father Bwalya.While we condemn this Father for being PF and Bemba, Let us take some of his advise seriously because our country should move, and just a brotherly warning,be careful with some misreading,tribal comments on this blog,they have the blessings of Lucifer.

  11. Father i would like an apology from you before i listen to you again.

    Former member of die zambia die.

  12. Sense Man of God.You are a man with big ideas. I feel like going back to Zambia to join Father Bwalya. Wind of change,come 2011. Pabwatoooo kekekekeke.Ask Dominic Musonda of Mporokoso.kekekeke!!

  13. Why is this kamuntu failing to announce that he is pf?. its like you are married to an ugly woman and always hiding her in the bedroom

  14. Joe Kalusa is just an arrogant and small fish who is being used to destroy the pact.The chap knows that if a pact works,he will have nothing to contribute as regards to his political future.No one will tolerate a small boy like him to be near corridors of power.He is a spoiled child who has no respect for the elders.He needs to be caged and put where he belongs.He should not be another Julius Malema.After all,Julius speaks sense in his utterances.Joe Kalusa is just a boy who likes tantrums.It is high time UPND pumped sense in this spoled brat.

  15. What a petty mind just like his master’s.
    Ati Get Involved Zambia what nonsense is this these nothing going on NGO’s.

  16. #what do you mean by change pabwato (Change under Sata’s pf) I do not understand the kind of change you are talking about, because Mr Sata has been there from UNIP to MMD, and actually we can fairely say pf is a reprica of MMD’s Chiluba regime which mismanaged our economy. If you mean change from better to worste then I can agree with you.

  17. Daddy Frank Bwalya at it again. Ranting about nothing. Perhaps I should give him the definition of a PF cadre by the blooger H.H. Sata which is, “someone who argues over nothing; someone who knowingly argues with twisted facts; someone who contradicst himself everyday; someone who does not know what he is talking about; someone who takes pride in deception; someone who supports Sata”.. . From the sound of his rantings, he is most definitely a PF cadre.

  18. Bloggers stick to the title…otherwise, i see all of you condemning this man to be cadres of mmd. what can you do if yo country has no law to protect u? Form an NGO and use it to represent pipos views.#21 give us a point u heard from this which u think is nothing? He has raised issues abt zamtel sale, doras silia issue, rb flying aimlessly, killing of innocent pipo in mongu and mazabuka, corrupt aquital of chiluba. which point do u think is wrong? Go father Bwalya it shows that yo message is being head. we shall support u if things go to the waste we shall use other means. this corrupt gvt of rb shud go this yr.

  19. #23 misapa has scooped his seat not PF. This man would have taken back his seat even if he had joined NAREP. It is more to do with Misapa and not PD. Mind you he scoped the same seat even under MMD. This is similar to the Luena seat where what mattered was the popularity of the incumbent.

  20. #18 chitumbuwa – So far you are the only one who has given a constructive analysis on this issue.All are quick to insult FB. People like Kalusa could be in MMDs pocket. As for me I would like the PACT to succeed regardless who they put up as its leader.The MMDis spending billions buying Chibuka for the Kalusas from both PF and UPND to make destructive statements in order to destroy the PACT. That is why they removed the Degree and the Running Mate Clauses so as to make it difficult for the PACT to pick a leader

  21. # 23 Donchi kubeba, that is morning news. Even where I am it is past midday now! Back to the subject, Fr. Bwalya spoke about 2 issues, first one about Joe Kalusa is irrelevant as it has no consequence on the lives of the majority Zambians. His second issue with RBish calling 11% increment in fuel prices as minimal is a very relevant issue and the bloggers must be discussing the current fuel prices and the impact it is having on their lives. It is irreponsibility of the worst kind for RBish to be teasing Zambians about their suffering. As soon as he increased fuel prices, prices of most essential commodities were adjusted to ensure sustainable margins to procure the next consignment of the essential commodities. Zambians are poor and their lives are hard enough!

  22. Atleast father Bwalya is brave enough to stand in public nd speak for the poor and voiceless
    zambians. Whoever fights for change is my friend. We wil vote nd if change is not effected me
    wil not suffer coz i av my own way of success. Pa last ni donchi kubeba!!!!!

  23. mmd is losing popularity my friends #24 and 25…how many seats has rb lost so far? Remember the solwezi, how many ha s he grabbed? nothing #27 morning news yes but i wanted these bloggers to have this reminder if they think Father Bwalya is fighting a losing battle…watch the space.

  24. Father Bwalya is just as dull as Sata, why ask the UPND for an apology from Kalusa? he is supposed to ask Kalusa. Any way how m any of those stup.i.d PF cadres including Kabimba have apologised to HH for the bad statements they utter about him. HH has ignored those coz he is an intellectual and he knows they are of no consequence to him. Small brains always making mountains out of anthills. Sata has just run out of ideas after discovering that HH has outsmarted him. Shame for this old man without wisdom.


  26. This Ka Father Bwalya is stubborn. Even when he was my girl friend he used to be very stubborn. But anyway, I managed to blast his back.Pipo who think this ka father can have a child are mistaken.I laugh when I hear pipo accusing him of fathering a child. That is why he is happy to be associated with this rumour. Ask me how he got into priesthood.Bottom power. This father is a girl.!!!

  27. Get Involved Zambia or Change Life Zambia?? whre does ths man belong? its no secret tht Frank Bwalya is PF and the best he can do is stop hiding under the NGO…i dont even knw wat its name is now.Kalusa made comments which were his personal views jst like some PF cadres, eg kabimba, have done against HH.Therefore to put tht as a condition for any continued dialogue is sheer cowdice to announce tht u no longer want to be in the PACT.Come on PF,are we goin to say whoever frm pf said somthin against HH shud apologise?? hw many apologies are we goin to have instead of addressing real issues? stop being childish…

  28. Joe Kalusa is not a youth, he is over 40yrs and poor with a diploma from ZIT in his pocket which cannot make him get a good job anywhere and thats the reason he joined politics with the aim like many grade seven Zambian politicians to earn big bucks out of it, and thats the reason he has adopted the lumpenism altitude to attack his fellow opposition politicians with the aim of being noticed by the MMD. Wanya Cheekala Joe, kujoba fye mwana and the money flows until you retire, not the short lived pleasures of politics stanyoko. Come to SA maybe I can employ you for an operator position my plant since you are jobless.

  29. Sata I think is the rightful candidate this time around,why bonse balemutina,abena Chifine with his fake MMD sponsored ngo Mumbi.

  30. # 1, YAYA, now you are booing yourself. Leave it to others to do it on you. You are now sounding like ishilu, nangu chipumputu. When you look in the mirror check on your left cheek very close to your ear. That mark right there, there, yes, that one. It is a sign of your failing brain tissues. In short you have a mental deficiency. Oooops. It is going to be costly. Check with your health insurance provider if mental problems is covered.

  31. You guys never cease to amaze us. You call Father Bwalya a PF cadre (which is not wrong at all as he has every right to join any party he wants), but you fail to accept that you also are MMD Cadres. Ba Capitalist, VJ Rigger, HH whatever, are you MMD cadres? If not what disqualifies you from being cadres but qualifies Fr Bwalya as a PF cadre? Sometimes you guys sound more cadre like than any one on this blog.

    By the way, while you are still here, Will you please tell RB (Rubbish) that he is not popular in Mporokoso. Just in case he still thinks he is. Tell him that he has been walloped clean.

  32. # 45. Hey savimbi, didn’t you know that, that is what fathers do? Fathers father children. What do you want him to father? ilibwe? Is that difficulty to comprehend?

  33. PF isn’t for Bembas. It’s just that PF is popular in major cities where Bemba is spoken. Hence it doesn’t make it a Bemba party. It’s common knowledge that Bemba is a second official language in Zambia after English. If all urban centres have chosen to speak Bemba, why should PF be held responsible? Revolution starts in major cities before it spreads to the rural areas. MMD got its strength from the c/belt in 1990 yet the idea was mooted in Lska at Garden Motel. Among those who attended the first meeting dubbed “The Garden House Meeting” which gave birth to MMD are Mbita Chitala (by then called Derrick), Aka Lewanika, Bob Sichinga, Nawakwi, Remmy Mushota (late), VJ, Mwanawasa (late) and Arthur Wina (late). Chiluba only agreed to attend second meeting becoz he feared he would be…

  34. The second Garden House meeting appointed an eight committee member which was chaired by Arthur Wina (late). Chiluba was at this meeting appointed vice chairman in charge of party operations for which he made remarkable contribution which saw him becoming the favourite to be MMD president. Nawakwi played a significant role of fundraising money from the members to help support the operations of the party. She would go round the members with a hat asking for contributions. Take note that though the second meeting was attended by so many people it was highly infiltrated by KK’s intelligence members. Donald Chanda coined the slogan “The Hour” which became an emblem of MMD. Sichinga and Aka formed a group that wrote the MMD manifesto. Thus PF’s growth is reminiscent of MMD in 1990.

  35. Follow the entire history of Zambia’s democratic dispensation on zambianwatchdog under the headline commentaries “Kunda belittles PF’s Victory”

  36. Written by Chibaula Silwamba and Lambwe Kachali

    SOME members of the UPND National Management Committee (NMC) last Thursday challenged their president Hakainde Hichilema to call for a convention before the 2011 elections in the wake of his two consecutive losses and expiration of his tenure in 2011.

    “The NMC members challenged president Hichilema to call for a convention before 2011 so that those who want to contest for positions including the presidency could do so and if he wants to defend his position, he is free to re-contest.

    But his response was that there is no money to hold the convention.

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