Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lady Gaga


By Miss Hannah


  1. Don’t wanna kiss, don’t wanna touch.
    Just smoke my BIG cigarrette and hush.,,,,,,,,,,,,ALEJANDRO,,,sing it loud people

    What a breath of fresh air from the putrid politics,insults,bigotry and hate

  2. Who posted this rubbish, irrelevant article and pics here.. This is a Zambian site where Zambian issues are under discussion. honestly Lusaka Times.. Please remove the article.. leave such things to You tube.. we want to read and discuss pertinent issues affecting Zambia only.

  3. whats the essence of the above article? I agree with digga.the article and pics above lacks substance.we have more important issues to focus on than this lady.the issue at hand is Zambia and it’s people.

  4. Seriously, Really? Show a US news site that is covering news on Zambia or Zambian artists. Have some pride.

  5. I will not hasten to say a good number of the so called “celebz and starz” are perverts of some kind. Izn’t this the LADY GAGA who once appeared on stage clad only in some animal flesh “outfit”?  

  6. i liked the meat dress she wore at the VMA’s looked tasty 

    i like her because she is not afraid to be different from everybody else

  7. Evil girl. Get what she is realy saying in alejandro and you will be shocked. I urge Christians not to sing to her music.

  8. This has no place at LT!

    Whoever has been giving all the comments above that say the same thing the thumbs down should please explain why this “article” is justified on a website dedicated to Zambia news.

    LT, what on earth are you doing posting this nonsense?

  9. LT,what is going on now.Are u loosing focus on reall issues or what.Sensities the people with real issues and not about this mad and confused ‘LADY GAGA’.

  10. hey leave Lady gaga alone! if your Zambian artists aren’t making headlines might as well talk about someone who is.

  11. Nonsense. Who needs to see such trash honest. We are Zambians and we dont want to see such madness in a woman. Tell her to go to hell and not on LT website. We are serious people here and we want to discuss issues and not lady matusi. I end here!

  12. My wordz about a good number of the so called “celebs or starz” being perverts of some kind still stand. In The Post Lady Gaga admits to having been  involved in a threesome in bed(ask around what that meanz) and iz even very proud about it. God help us.

  13. Zambians please get a life!! This woman is what is called an ARTIST. Many of you claim to be godly but the truth is if your lives where exposed, it would make this woman look like Mother Theresa. Stop judging other people and start living.

  14. all these things that lady gaga does is not the real her , its just to get attention and to sell her music. 

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