Saturday, July 27, 2024




Zone Fam is one of the top Hip Hop Groups in Zambia. Deriving their name from a studio they frequented in their earlier days ‘The Zone’. The group consists of four individuals; Dope G, Jay Rox, Yung Verbal and Thugga.

KAPA187: Welcome to the interview .What made you decide to form the group ,Zone fam , and how did it come together.

ZONEFAM: We were all solo artists recording at Zone studios in Chainama, we considered everyone that came to this studio as family and it grew from there.

KAPA187: Ok ,that is interesting , so what does each individual bring to the group?

ZONEFAM: We all have unique skills that we bring to the table; ranging from Production, Marketing & Branding that we incorporate into our music careers.

KAPA187: “Shaka zulu on em” has been your biggest song so far, what is it about.

ZONEFAM: Shaka Zulu On Em is about African Pride and paying homage to our roots. We identify with Shaka Zulu as a great and recognizable African Historic Figure. Like him regardless of obstacles we are proud of who we are and we shall let nothing get in our way.

KAPA187: How does it feel to have your video played on Mtv base? Seeing as your song is on MTV, do you see yourself performing at the MTV awards or at any other international stage.

ZONEFAM: It is a great feeling! We are constantly pushing the bar of standards in the pursuit of reaching a higher level of recognition and international appeal! We are mainly driven by the fact that this is not only for us but for Zambian Hip Hop and the industry as a whole.

KAPA187: Any plans of breaking up the group and having solo careers?

ZONEFAM: Not necessarily breaking up but after we release our debut album we do plan to all release solo albums and reunite at a later stage.

KAPA187: You do a lot of shows, what has been your most memorable performance?

ZONEFAM: We performed at the Brick and Lace after Party in 2010 – the crowd was electric and we had alot of fun!

KAPA187: It must have been exciting performing alongside Brink and lace. What is the craziest thing one of your fans have ever done?

ZONEFAM: One of us almost got pulled off stage by the leg during a performance .

KAPA187: Interesting am sure your fans know which one of you it was . Tell me ,what is the process like ,when you are making a song?

ZONEFAM: We all get into the studio…it usually starts with the instrumental, we bounce ideas off each other; once we come up with a concept and structure the hook is done, we each write our own lyrics for the verses.

KAPA187: Describe your sound in 5 words?

ZONEFAM: Unique, Innovative, Entertaining, Limitless & Conscious.

KAPA187: who are some of the artists you look up to , locally and internationally

ZONEFAM: JK, Danny, Teargas, Jay Z and Nas

KAPA187: Where will you be in 10 years

ZONEFAM: We Hope to be leaders in the Hip Hop industry running an empire that will include various brands and subsidiaries.

KAPA187: Thank you for doing the interview, where can you fans listen to your music.

ZONEFAM: reverbnation, youtube, also available on iTunes.



is undoubtedly their biggest hit. The Music Video was Number one for over a month on Muvi TV Pipos Choice and is still on the charts it has also been a fixture on MTV Base ‘Big Base Beats’ since its release in March.


Is an all-star mash featuring Slap D , General Ozzy , Peterson. This song is as a result of the Fans calling for Zone Fam to work with these artists. In my opinion slap D had the best verse. What do you think?




  1. LT please dont turn this site into another Kachepa360.You have earned yourself a reputation of not giving space to this kind of rubbish.It is difficult to build a good name,but very easy to destroy it.

  2. Me liked the Slapdee verse too. So far “Chikali remix” is there song have liked so much. “Shaka Zulu on Em” I didnt like it considering the fact they trying to copy SA, why didn’t they just sing about one our legends sure? Msanzi swagg awe, why not Zambezi swagg or anything related to our country? Are you guys not pround of been Zambia’s?

  3. The name of the group is what doesn’t do it for me,…

    I feel they should have come up with something more creative,… and more unique,… But thats just me,…!!

  4. nice!!! you guys are repping zambia on MTV base. the first time i heard Shaka zulu on em i thot it was an S.A. song

  5. you guys have sick punch lines
    “Shaka zulu on em, never leave an enemy behind”

    ” the flow is bananas, monkey, makaka”

  6. Great sounding song, but let it be known that Shaka Zulu was a double agent. Paid to displace south Africa for the europeans to lay claim to it. So shake Zulu on them that knowledge.

  7. Let’s not forget some Zambians  have roots  to Shaka. They are called Ngoni. Its  time africans united. we should be having Chewa families giving  their kids Kaonde names instead of European names ala! Or  a Zambian with  a Tanzanian  name like Kambarage Kaunda

  8. Mmc the article clearly states that 1 of them is 4rm south, so how r they tryin 2 copy sa? I love the song its unique and dfrent and a gud blend btween the 2 cultures nvollvd. And the video makes other local video,s look cheap.

    • Can u plse quote the line were it’s writen what u just wrote? I don’t know maybe am misunderstanding or no seeing some of the words, but I can’t see were it’s written 1 of them is from SA. . ..

  9. I’m too gone for this crap stuff…am in another league perhaps…
    this is lame like that guy Shane Battier :((

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