Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rehabilitation of damaged road infrastructure to kick off


Vice President George Kunda said government has sourced funds for Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) to rehabilitate all the roads and bridges that were damaged during the last rain season.

Mr Kunda said yesterday that the DMMU, the Zambai National Service, the Zambia Army, Prison Service and the Road Development Unit will carryout the rehabilitation works.

The Vice President says government will work hard to improve infrastructure in the country and thanked President Rupiah Banda for his assistance in mobilising the funds to carryout the rehabilitation works.

He said government is motivated with the zeal to improve the living standards of the people living in the rural areas and the need for Zambians to start benefiting from their country’s fast growing economy.

He said the Ministry of Finance and National Planning has released K29, 357,400,539 to DMMU to repair the entire damaged infrastructure before the onset of this year’s rain season.
The Vice President said when he flagged off the project of the emergency repairs of all damaged infrastructure during the last rain season.

In another development 141 kilometres of road has been earmarked to be rehabilitated in the urban areas at the cost of 24 billon kwacha.

The project will be carried out in Lusaka, Copperbelt, and Central Province under the Programme for Urban Self help (PUSH).

Local government Permanent Secretary Kristar Kalulu says in Lusaka that the works will include working on community roads in low income settlements using labour based methods.


  1. Hahahha to kick start, 1 month before elections ,where were you .Do you think zambians are forever stupid .Did it ever click in your mind that Malawians can throw stones like they did yetserday .Leave those potholes ,we will fix when we arrive.

  2. Red lips, gvmnt has sourced funds.
    Now that you all mad dogs leaving your offices, cant you please reduce on borrowing money so that the next gvmnt doesnt find it dfficult to full fill their plans.

  3. why all these projects coming in an election year?We need planned developmental projects not mere political projects to gain political mileage for yourselves.Por planning by MMD and we won’t be cheated we’re not fools.VOTE FOR CHANGE!

  4. Cosmetic election projects, kuyabebele. Just like Partizanski Put throwing a thin layer of tarmac on the Great North Road in 1991 and UNIP shouting “development, development!”

  5. What type of a country is Zambia where every time it is launching this project…commissioning that project…kicking off this work…and starting that bla bla bla bla…!!! It seems we are only a country of luanchers and commissioners of only God knows what. What do our politicians take us for? Or may be we are truly what they take us for…docile…and we are not just willing to admit our docility but have instead resigned to perpetual self-denial. How else can we explain the way our leaders behave? God help us…

  6. Dont borrow anything because you will pay from your salary next if not from the maize harvest on your farm .Start packing.When are you declaring all ministers jibless ,or are you scared to remain lonely ,ala are you not married,or did they marry you ?

  7. Red Lips reduce on your borrowing coz you will regret in the near future. Where were you all this time? Oh sorry forgive me I had fogotten that you were on honeymoon m****** mwe mukachi mona na RBish wenu ifi milomo.

  8. I wish every year could be an election year. GK and RB, please, stop abusing ba Zed. How long are you going to take us for a ride? Understand this: “You can fool some people ALL THE TIME, and you can fool ALL THE PEOPLE some time BUT you can’t fool ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME”.
    On the other hand, ba Zed, your docility has been turned into stupidity and cowardice, that’s for sure. Lift up your heads, look around the world and then REASON!!!!!

  9. I think bwana RB should continue commisioning important projects for the country including the much awaited dual carriage way between chingola and kitwe. He can even do it a day before or a day after elections even if he will be alone in Govmnt then…or sorry with PPS’s. Repairing run down roads and bridges after rain season is welcome indeed…maize must be transported for sure, it shouldnt be politicised, let us be realistic. Just say thankyou bwana VP. We all know wat we are going to do in the booths. MMD, PF or UPND…watever is aplicable. Do not insult, muletusebanya ku Calo ba ZEDians.

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