Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rupiah Banda breaks ground for the construction of a $400m Cement Factory


President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda says his administration is determined to create jobs for the people of Masaiti on the Copperbelt by attracting investors to the area.

Mr. Banda was speaking on arrival at the site of the ground-breaking ceremony for the $400m Dangote Cement Factory which will be located in Masaiti District near Ndola.

The President made the remarks as he talked to excited local people who gathered to witness the ground-breaking ceremony for the new factory that will produce one-point-five metric tons of cement per year.

Mr. Banda spent some time with the people including women, men and children who greeted him in the local language and ululated to show their appreciation for the cement factory.

In his speech, President Banda says the Dangote has come to invest in Zambia following President Banda’s efforts to lure foreign investors.

He says Dangote is the first big African company to invest in Zambia and that he is proud of the development.

Dangonte President and Chief Executive Officer Alhaji Aliko Dangote says the investment will further cement the relations between Zambia and Nigeria.

Dangote is a Nigerian based company.

Mr. Dangote says Africa should not wait for investors from outside the continent but promote the growth of local industries.

He has thanked President Banda and former Commerce Minister Felix Mutati for working hard to ensure that the company invests in Zambia

Mr. Dangote has described President Banda as a hard-working man who looks after the people well.

The Dangote President has promised that apart from establishing the cement factory, his company will also invest in its social responsibility obligations by building a hospital and a school in Masaiti.

And Senior Chief Chiwala says he is a proud traditional leader to witness the birth of huge company in his area.

The Senior Chief thanked President Banda and Mr Mutati for attracting Dangote to invest in Masaiti.



  1. Nigerian investment..?? I hope this is not a front for drugs and other illegal activities. I hope there will be no such nonesense as tax breaks for years. We want genuine investor with well written labor labor, eco friendly application and equipment. We want a smart investment with our locals and make sure we are not cheated.

  2. Fantastic news. Zambia is on a growth path and no one should disturb this momentum. This is why the people of Zambia should give HERB as second mandate so this country can move to greater heights. I am happy for the people of Masaiti for receiving this development.

  3. What a President RB. Commissioning everything, Anyway these are last kicks of a dying horse. 20th september…………………..Kuya Bebele

  4. #1 There was no minister as cabinet is now disolvef, hence stating “former minister Mutati.” Tje development is great newd for the nation. Who cant appreciate? It will put Masaiti on the business map with massive benefits to the local people.

  5. #2, sorry, unfortunately all your good points have been overlooked. Remember, this is a Nigerian company. ama Nai 

  6. This is a milestone investment from a fellow African country. We must support such ventures whether we are in the opposition or not. Besides, all of us want to develop our country unless your manifesto says otherwise. We know of those who have promised more money in people’s pockets within 90 daysm and we are wondering how they are going to do this if not through investments such as these ones. If you ask a PF Kaponya, definately they will have something negative to say about this investment. One wonders what it is they envisage to do for this country. Is it DONCHI KUBEBA?

  7. well done Mr President,we are witnessing the fruition of your hard work.Only zealots wont appreciate the strides for devlpemnt the country is doing.

  8. I like a president like RB who tells me the truth and delivers development than Satan who is promising a 90 day economic miracle.
    I booked my ticked today, i will be in Zambia on 10th Sept to the 14 of Oct and i will give RB my vote and end Sata’s unsuccessful political career

  9. Aways ground breaking! Is this when you’ve realised you are a total failure! I have always known u to be failure, everywhere! People will not be deceived by piece meal and last minute “developments”. Why dont you hold a ground breaking for your leaving plot 1?, mamabala iwe! You’re lazy and always looks stu.pidif.ied! Stop those steins of alcohol and Stay a bit sober and you will see the reality. 20th Sept. 2011, is the election date, you had to wait till last minute to announce! Now you will be amazed at the massive defections 2moro. What a waste of an old man. You are doing the inverse, the old you grow the more f00lish you’ve become. Go and rest at Chipata Motel and you good for nothing small farm!

  10. As for me and my fellow patriots stewardly defending the Gains of our country, when it comes to voting its RB and MMD all the way to the victory party. Let PF kaponyas rant with their tongues out but certainly in vanity. We will never waver from a statesman and his party proven as Zambia’s pragmatist ever spirited on building a better and prosperous Zambia for all.

    We trash right here the 90 day utopia and have settled for RB and MMD’s pragmatism. RB Nafuti Nafuti.

  11. real men with real brains, real plans, en real action. satana kaponya should quit the race, got nothing to offre against a reputable economist. wina azalila, nafuti nafuti

  12. well done to the dangote group Aliko Dangote is the richest black man in the world it’s good to be on his good side and his investment are related to adding value to raw materials let rejoice for once africa by africans 
    ps: whose running the country while rb has become head of commissioning 

  13. The President made the remarks as he talked to excited local people who gathered to witness the ground-breaking ceremony for the new factory that will produce one-point-five metric tons of cement per year

    You ZMD surely even if u r dull, can u assure us that this facility will produce 30 bags of cement per year as per quote above? Please read thru these articles before u tell us lies. 

  14. Nigeria is drugs ,419,etc ,we wiil refund you .Why does such countries not ienvest e,g in south africa,

  15. Editors should be serious and edit their work, surely 1.5 metric tones translates to only 30 50kg bags of cement ie 1.5 X 1000kg/50kg = 30 bags of cement. a joke by all standards. Can someone correct this figure given by LT.

  16. RB is really doing well, if this pace continue, i could get back to Zed (permanently not the once in a while mundane visits) to enjoy life.

  17. Dangote has an estimated wealth of about $ 13 billion lets hope he will pay Zambian employees well and that he is not stingy as most billionaires are known to be.

  18. 1.5 tonnes is a small figure. Is this a kantemba factory from stone crushers? Editors should be serious. Maybe 1.5 million would do for a start. Remember 1.5million shoud translate to 2500 bags of cement per month.

  19. With assets worth $13.8 billion Aliko Dangote is the richest black person in the world, richest African and the 51st richest person in the world.(Forbes magazine).It is also refreshing that FDI is coming from fellow Africans as opposed to western countries.
    Let us encourage fellow Africans as they prosper and avoid PHD syndrome. Well done RB for attracting FDI.

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