Saturday, July 27, 2024

2011 Presidential candidates’ meeting in Pictures



President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (left) on his arrival at Mulungushi International Conference Center
President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (left) on his arrival at Mulungushi International Conference Center


President Rupiah Banda talks to Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima
President Rupiah Banda talks to Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima


Opposition Heritage Party leader Godfrey Miyanda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) commissioner Grace Mulapesi (left) as commissioner Esau Chulu (center) looks on
Opposition Heritage Party leader Godfrey Miyanda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) commissioner Grace Mulapesi (left) as commissioner Esau Chulu (center) looks on


President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) commissioner Esau Chulu
President Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) commissioner Esau Chulu


Opposition Alliance for Democracy and Development leader Charles Milupi (left) talks to opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda (right) and the party’s Vice President Njekwa Anamela
Opposition Alliance for Democracy and Development leader Charles Milupi (left) talks to opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda (right) and the party’s Vice President Njekwa Anamela


MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe (left) talks to opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda
MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe (left) talks to opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda


Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Director Priscilla Isaac (left) shakes hands with opposition Forum for Democracy and Development leader Edith Nawakwi
Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Director Priscilla Isaac (left) shakes hands with opposition Forum for Democracy and Development leader Edith Nawakwi


MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe (left) shakes hands with opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda and Forum for Democracy and Development leader Edith Nawakwi
MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe (left) shakes hands with opposition UNIP leader Tilyenji Kaunda and Forum for Democracy and Development leader Edith Nawakwi


Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (right) consults with ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac (center) and ECZ Commissioner Joseph Jalasi
Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (right) consults with ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac (center) and ECZ Commissioner Joseph Jalasi


President Rupiah Banda talks to MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe when the Electoral Commission of Zambia met aspiring presidents from various political parties
President Rupiah Banda talks to MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe when the Electoral Commission of Zambia met aspiring presidents from various political parties


Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata caused a steer when he openly insulted Stand Up for Zambia producer Chanda Chiimba
Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata caused a steer when he openly insulted Stand Up for Zambia producer Chanda Chiimba


Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Irene Mambilima receives periodicals from opposition Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata who was protesting against there publication
Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Irene Mambilima receives periodicals from opposition Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata who was protesting against there publication


Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata launches a verbal protest against publication of certain periodicals
Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata launches a verbal protest against publication of certain periodicals


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema addresses journalists after attending the meeting
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema addresses journalists after attending the meeting


  1. But tribalism is a curious thing mwe! How anybody can think Satanzania has presidential qualities is beyond me!

  2. Its good to see politicians shaking hands with their counterparts from other parties. This is the way it should be. We may belong to different political parties but the bottomline is that we are all Zambians and we only have one country. So lets campaign in a mature manner that is devoid of violence. Lets focus on issues affecting the people of Zambia and not on whether one is more beautiful than the other. We need to move our country forward and the time is now.

  3. Icould nt believe yesterday as i listened to a youtube clip of 2008 when Sata from the Poor Finishing party lost as he was being interviewed by BBC. His utterance show how dull and backward this guy is. Just listen to his responses made me realize that, this guy is actually mad not fit for presido of zambia. Unless zambian are crazy, this man will never be president, we will keep him as an attack dogs as usual.

  4. #3 I would suggest that you watch the youtube clip that #4 is referring to, but I guess your tribal prejudice will not allow you to see what the vast majority of Zambians see.

  5. Look at all these old people with jobs while young ones have no jobs. can you just pave way for young people please.

    • # 8, not Banda’s but wife beaters/cheaters like Sata/Mwamba instead? I’m bemba and say putting mad dogs in office because because they’re my tribe a travesty. You must then embrace and salute robbers, killers based on their background. This is not the round table of tribes, its about electing leaders of substance not grade 4’s. If you dearly want a bemba president, try finding bembas of substance and I’m sure there’s plenty. Don’t give us politicians that it won’t change the price of your grandmothers chicken. GBM or Satana for president is a joke.

  6. Well the die is cast. Let us hope our country moves forward we continue with progressive leadership but God forbid that we allow ourselves to fall into a fate far worse than Amin did to Uganda. It is clear why the others might be seen as presidential material but Sata, Nawakwi and Tilyenji and some of the funny unkowns are an insult to the intelligence and aspirations of Zambians. We can do much better!

  7. Sata will drop dead if he doesnt win this election. I may not be an MMD sympthiser, but voting for sata will be jumping from the frying pan and ounto the fire. Its very clear,in Zambia we dont have presidential materials.

  8. #9 Seems I have touched a nerve because the only people who support Satanzania are Bemba tribalists and kaponyas – which one are you or are you both?

    • I’m Bemba and not Sata’s supporter. I don’t know what tribe Inonge, Lubinda, Masebo, Mulongoti, Mangani and Scott are and they support PF.

  9. Imagine a potrait of the head of state from pic #13 its not too good for kids,anyway thus the best for him not too bad.

  10. #13 Let’s not bring in tribal politics here. Lets just debate Sata the man by analysis  of his capability on that score card and lets beat him on the 20th September fair and square and hope he retires this time around .

    By the way, it is not accurate to say that only Bembas support Sata, a bulk of his votes don’t even come from Bemba land but urban centers in Lusaka, Central and copperbelt province. he does not even command that much clout in either Luapula or Northern province.

  11. Sata teti ateke! No No No! That will be the end of Zambia as we know it! Someone must post a youtube video of Sata from 2008! Disgrace of a person!

  12. #14 Yes it would be good not to bring in tribe in the political debates but the truth of the matter is that it is Bemba tribalists who are Sata’s core support. Yes he enjoys support in the urban areas of CB and Lusaka hence my describing them as kaponyas but Bemba intellectuals who should know better support him because of his ethnicity. I have been round Bembas who have openly said that they want one of their own to be president. It is sad but it is true and it is something we can not sweep under the carpet and is the only explanation as to why somebody with Sata’s history is still a contender on the current Zambian political scene.

  13. Why is everyone talking about SATA ? #12 you are sick ,did you do social studies or history of zambia, in your small brain with an IQ slightly above an ape for the people who are in lusaka and copper belt are bembas? We know you support HH who only wins in southern province(tongaland),if you have nothing to say please dont blog, as BOOTLICKER has put it no need for tribalism here.

  14. #21 u are the one with a problem.Check the voting pattern of 1991,1996 and 2001 then u can comment.Dont comment without knowing what you are saying

  15. Whether or not one is Bemba is immaterial,the important thing is being zambian,full stop.I am Bemba through and through but that does not mean I should become blind and stupid by supporting anything with a Bemba tag,NO!!!!!!! Despite being Bemba,I have and will never support Sata, reason being the man is not only a misguided missile but a faulty missile which has got no use under what so ever.

  16. #20
    SATA is not bemba,is from mpika ,a bisa,if Lusaka and copperbelt people are kaponyas how about the people in choma ,mazabuka,katete,etc? i guess they are interlectuals in your opinion,funny to know how other people think.

  17. #23
    What are the elections of 1991,1996,2001 got to do with sata being bemba? your reason is terrible man,what are you high on?

    • Take it Easy you are not the only Bemba,do not pick heart attack over Sata he will nevers rule get it in your head.

  18. #20 I think you are committing what is known in the world of fallacies as the Fallacy of Biased Sample. 
    Am Bemba myself and I don’t support Sata and my views about Sata are clearly on record and I think HH would be a better leader of the opposition and I hope that happens this year. 
    I believe you could have just worked with a wrong or biased sample. There are many Bemba intellectuals in MMD working at very top leadership level and make choices based on objectivity. Remember Chiluba never gave the top job to any of his own because he clearly saw that there was a better candidate in LPM, though not one of his own.
    Whatever sample you worked with. I think be objective on your own and independently seek truth using your own accurate thinking than be biased by other people’s opinions.

  19. Really, what is it that inspires people in Sata. Just talking nonsence and hallucinations. If really people want change, then i would not mind recommending HH. Sata, everything is questionable about him. He does not want to answer the question how far he went in went in education. To him that is not neccesary. At least a president must have some levels of education to understand basic issues even to contribute at international forums. The number of marriages he has been involved, number of children he has, all these questions he can’t provide adequate answers.

  20. The more you hurt the Bembas, the more we progress, iam enjoying my fat salary in the UN and iam Bemba. My 7 years in the UN has made me rich very rich. Happy rich Bemba Man

    • Yes good for you mate eat,drink and merry you ve no need to worry in the world.please give some though to the poor Bembas in the rural a orphanage somewhere in your province.

  21. #13 & 15,
    Sata’s looks and appearance are no different from Rupiah Banda’s (Pics #1 & 4). I understand those ugly billboards around the country are as good as scarecrows because of the image on them. Both Sata and R. Banda are too old to contest these elections, Zambia has numerous energetic and more intelligent younger men and women to lead the country to prosperity and they must be given the chance.

  22. # 1,
    Its Sata that bembas wants to produce their own as a national leader but unfortunately, they are floating Zambian rationalists a certified sociopath practically impossible to sale and win hearts of legitimate none tribal voters hearts.Thank God Zambian electoral system is a winner takes it all and every vote counts. In all this comedy, the biggest losers are bemba tribal diehards.

  23. @19 SEGULA GIGO – Tilyenji is now married to one ‘Patience’, widow of late TV SDA evangelist Matandiko.She has really brushed the man, he is even baptised now and keeps the sabath day holy.

  24. Sata is not BEMBA, please. Sata is not even BISA, please. Nobody knows Sata’s ethnic background, that is the truth. He just happened to settle in Bemba/Bisa land. Actual Bembas are not even tribalists, it’s the Congolese and Luapulan Lundas who are tribalists. The Luapulan Lundas adopted Bemba names and culture and messed up the reputation of Bembas. I’m not Bemba but the majority of my close friends are real Bembas…and very humble and I know their families and have been to their villages in Northern province. This nonsense about tribalism is superficial but also used by politicians like Sata and HH to gunner support. Tribalism is used by weak and dull political leaders. That is why RB will still win!!!

  25. So to the other 15 prezidential canditates (save for Rupiah and Sata) a general election iz some circus you take part in even if your chancez of wining almost nil, if you can afford the feez?
    #19 Right on, indeed I ca hardly recognize Tilyenji  in that ” new make over” appearance.

  26. I wonder how Zambia can be represented at the UN meetings if we had Sata as our president with all those interjections in meetings and not differentiating between serious meetings and meetings where you can misbehave with no manners of any sort.

  27. I will not mention names, but most of the faces in the pictures above are quite urgly to say the least. Someones face reminds me of faces made by a constipated person when alone in the loo! LOL! The ‘dissolved’ former MPs of MMD have really taken over blogging as a party time job! Has anybody noticed how the supporters for MMD took to blogging immediately after the president dissolved parliament and cabinet? Someone needs to be a little crazy to do extraordinary things and that is who Sata is. Today a fellow malozi in The post insisted that Sata is hard working that is why he intends to have policy directional change in 90 days, while lazy none-complaining simple-to-satisify individuals need more than 1,825 days (5 years) to give us any social-economic benefits! VIVA CHANGE, VIVA SATA!


  29. Pictures 11.12, shows how mad sata is. It was quiet embarassing watching him on tv when he was protesting. There was no maturity in his behaviour and I wonder why pipo even support him, he will be another Idi Amin or Shaka if we make a mistake vote for him.

  30. Bishop Mpundu’s sisters are more sweet than Dr Kaseba – You have a problem. And NO doubt you are TONGA from MONZE! Just look around and see who’s more surrounded by TRIBESMEN between HH and SATA. Another pont is that all TONGAS support HH, but most BEMBAS opt to support other candidates.

  31. 65% of ther voters in Zambia have no access to LT? With 95% confidence, prove my hypothesis? Well even if they did, i guess its about a person articulating what they feel are the main issues affecting their lives; not how handsome someone looks or their age. Typical Zambian comments. Anyway; they say true love never runs smoothly; so the tribal love gets worse before Erections; after ejaculation, it will get better. Ako usulile ekopile noko!!

  32. How can any person with sense vote for Sata. This guy insults people and is always unruly. What development do you expect from such. By voting for Sata basically we are showing the world that we all think like him and have no respect for ourselves. Vote for Magande vote for sense and development. 

  33. Good hospitals have been built, we are middle income country, we have roads everywhere, companies have been registered; some are even commencing their construction prior to the environmental protection agency approval. All good for MMD. But they are paid very well for them to have underperformed. Unemployment: 8 out of 10 people; Lack of housing: 9 out of 10 people; Accessibility to water and sanitary facilities: 1 out of 20 people. Graduate employment prospects; 5000 out of possible 300 000; i.e. a probability of 0.0002 for a college graduate to get a job in Zambia. Vice president didnt want to annouce any data on employment because it would bring confusion in a country. OK, some of the stats is wrong; but hey, thats the reality i face in Zambia

  34. In my own view, the candidate who will be perceived by the masses as one that can deal with their physiological needs will take the day – assuming there will be no rigging. If, however, the status quo continues, I wouldnt wory so much about the MMD; I would be worried about those whose hopes will be dashed. Those who will believe that theres is a future more bleak than today. For as long as they are the majority, Zambia is a place to watch. You the educated have failed to deal with these issues despite being in power for 20 years.

  35. Fello bloggers, what in the world can we do about SATA’s popularity? only God knows why this man has gained this much following. Say any crap about him, call him names or anything, SATA keeps moving on with fame! Sorry, we just cant stop this.

  36. As you blog, tell your loved ones to buy an extra 50kg mealie-meal; and a few food stuffs. Especially ba some of us because you are out numbered.

  37. Another point to note is that the majority of Zambians are less educated, call them KAPONYAS. But everyone wants the kaponyas to vote for them, so he who gathers more kaponyas wins!! TAKE THIS AS OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION!!!! VIVA SATA VIVA PF

  38. The if you need PHDs in parliament, wait for the next 50 years when you have a UNIVERSITY in each TOWN and all Kaponya’s children are graduates. As for now there is nothing much you can do to change the status quo. SATA is a KAPONYA’S CHOICE!!! and you won’t change this. Kaponya’s outnumber intellectuals so SHUT UP you social *****s!

  39. @52 That kaponya mentality that makes people think MC Sata is a good leader. Can you trust such an id1iot to represent us at the UN. He might end up being arrested for public id1ocy.

    Save us the embarassment appoint him as chief chitimukulu’s prime minister. Zambia does not need this fool near our state buildings even as kapaso.

  40. #53 I thought Kaunda had free education policy and most people were sponsered by Govt for further education abroad.

  41. #54 Pliz take note that there are very few moments when politicianz speak their free mindz at gatheringz such az the UN conferencez. Technocrats will often do all the work for them. Just like  the ministriez are now talking real and not the uzual political rhetoric from ministerz since Permanent Secretaries are in charge.

  42. Brain Wave,

    Ba Brain Wave nabo, ati Kaponya’s outnumber intellectuals. lol FYI there are also Kaponya intellectuals, these vote. But typical Kaponyas have no TIME TO VOTE as we have to push our Zamcabs or cash-in a balance for the night and food, tamanga across borders ferry our goods by the river, helped by our colleagues. Where are we going to find the luxury to stand in a queue the hold day to tick an X?

  43. #54 Like it or not, all politicians in Zambia are embracing KAPONYAS this time around. They are the majority, no doublt!!! If you are realistic you’d be asking your prefered candidate to appead to them because ultimately they give you a president as they brave the rain, the filth and all the dirt you interlectuals avoid as they come in numbers to vote. After all they are the reason we want to change leadership so that we can better their lives. And without KAPONYAS you wouldn’t see rallies, instead you hear all sorts of rhetoric from so called armchair critics with dorcias.

  44. #25 RAT RACE – Dont insinuate that everybody from Mpika is Bisa. Chief Mpepo and Chief Chikwanda are Bemba through and through. It is your prerogative to have an aopnion about Sata but do not mislead people or expose your ignorance.

  45. #45 I dont think you have ever had a brain wave in your life otherwise you would not be supporting that mad Bemba, Bisa or is it Mwachusa impostor of yours! 

  46. Presidential wholeness :

    1) MIYANDA
    2) lady Edith nawakwi
    3) RB and HH
    4)SATA due to his work record as former Lusaka governor.

    5) the rest are there to fill in the blank spaces like teams at the bottom of any football premiership.

  47. What’s Sata’s problem with CC3? If he’s got a problem, he should sue the guy otherwise he should go back in time, talk to Fred Mmembe nicely to write good articles about him and then hop back to the present. Maybe then CC3 will have nothing to write about.

  48. Sata created a monster of a party using the uneducated combon guys. He has no choice but choose them as candidates. He is trying to bring respectability to the set up by bringing educated people the likes of the prof. But this is back firing badly. I heard Erick Chanda today on radio Chengelo saying all parties MMD, PF and UPND have used corruption to choose candidates, I think this is sour grapes since he was left out at Munali where he was eyeing to stand as a candidate. When you build an organisation using a certain category, stick with that otherwise it will bite you. Sata messed up big time. You guys in the diaspora would not be accepted if you had to stand in the PF because you are not one of them (the combonistas) no matter how much you want to identify with them.

  49. It is really good to have a site like this where we can see pictures of our presidential candidates. The only sad thing about it is that there are a few individuals that always tend to use this forum to bring up tribal tensions as opposed to the other voices of reason.

    Maybe they need a private encounter with pastor T.B. Joshua to exorcise them of their tribal demons. Why would anyone rule out a presidential candidate simply on grounds of physical appearance? Such behaviour is very unfortunate to say the least.

  50. Bemba and Tongas can u stop this nonsense and just support RB.You two tribes are serious trbalists and u think u r so special in this country. Grow up!!!

  51. Atleast I saw other pictures on facebook of Patriotic Front Zambia @ the same venue. Sata was interacting with other candidates, but to say the least Sata is always potrayed as an animal of all MMD propaganda sites just like sites in support of HH. But Zambians are not looking for his uglyness but what he can do to better their lives. So wether you like it or not, there are people out there who will give him a vote. 

  52. # 8, not Banda’s but wife beaters Mwamba instead? I’m bemba and don’t agree with putting mad dogs in office just because they’re bemba. You must then embrace and salute robbers, killers based on their background. This is not the round table of tribes, its about electing leaders of substance not grade 4’s. If you dearly want a bemba president, try finding bembas of substance and I’m sure there’s plenty. Don’t give us politicians that it won’t change the price of your grandmothers chicken. GBM or Satana for president is a joke.

  53. Anitambila #17 Zambia as we  know it should  end! We want a new  Zambia and Sata can deliver it

  54. After all is said and done,let all meaningful zambians change their attitude towards work.Let us all work hard for this country to go to greater heights.
    Godbless our beautiful country.


  55. # 1, what is your tribe? For God sake tribalism shouldn’t even be an issue here, It looks like u believe so much in tribalism.We may be from different tribes but we make up a one Zambia! Wake up mambala iwe!

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