Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reconcile, Rupiah,Chieftainess Nkomeshya told


Chieftainess Nkomeshya

The opposition Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) has called for reconciliation between Republican President Rupiah Banda and Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo the second of the Soli people of Chongwe District.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Qfm in Lusaka, FDD deputy national secretary Bishop Anzanga Mbewe has described as unfortunate the ongoing differences between the two leaders.

Bishop Mbewe says the two leaders must lead by example in promoting peace and reconciliation in the country especially as people go to the polls on September 20th.

He says political and traditional leaders play a very important role in fostering peace and unity in the country adding failure by the two leaders to reconcile will have a negative impact on the people they serve.

Bishop Mbewe has also condemned the violence that ensued between suspected MMD cadres and Chongwe residents and further calls on the Zambia Police command to ensure that perpetrators are brought to book.

During a public rally in Chongwe on Saturday, President Banda openly denounced Chieftainess Nkomeshya and further warned her to stop intimidating her subjects for supporting their preferred candidates.

Chieftainess Nkomeshya is reported to have refused to meet President Banda on Saturday before he addressed a public rally in her chiefdom.



  1. Taking into account that both RB and Chieftainess Nkomeshya are well established politicians, the climate under which the two can reconcile is too stormy. RB represents MMD as Nkomeshya exhibits dual loyalty to both UNIP and now PF in support of Masebo. In his capacity as President RB has demonstrated some latitude of respect to traditional rulers by paying courtesy calls Chiefs in their areas or opted to meet several of them at one gathering before he addresses his public meetings. However, in Chongwe Chieftainess Nkomeshya refused to meet RB because of her open political stand to support PF, a party that thrives on controversy. Let the politcal process proceed. Only after the dust has settled can gestures for reconciliation be considered on mutual basis. Time is critical to all parties.

    • ba Lady gaga mwilafulwa even calling others *****s.Just put your comment accros balamipela umuchinshi.what is your point now? you might have a valid point. but you also might not benefit from the support you are giving PF..

  2. Well in all fairness who is supposed to pay a coutesy call….the President should have gone to the Chiefteness palace not her crawing for him? The President should have gone there regardless, i think W. Banda needs castration.

  3. The greatest loser is her royal highness even if masebo wins. RB is headed for victory and fighting with state house is like Gaddafi fighting NATO

  4. There are no differences it’s just that RB does not want to be told the truth,were there is no development RB want some cheap chiefs to praising him,if all chiefs were like chieftainess Nkomesha a lot of meaningful development would have been seen in rural areas which mostly are remembered during elections.Honestly speaking what has the chieftainess done?to tell some one that there is no development is not a crime that can lead to be dethroned.So far I have seen to chiefs who have stood the ground, hats off to Chief Mpezeni and Chieftainess Nkomesha for being truthful.Chiefs should not be paraded to endorse a presidential candidate, they are very important people in our african culture, let us respect our chiefs.What has happened to Mwata who stopped people from campaigning 4 Sata?nothing

  5. The refusal by the chieftainess to refuse meeting the Head of State was very disrespectful.The Homo Post is just using this poor old lady for their newspaper to sell.

  6. Why bother about a ka chieftainess with less than 20,000 subjects. Infact she is supposed to be called Headwoman. She is a blind follower who has no principles of her own and goes where Maso-bo goes. Some people are nauseatic.

  7. .
    The truth of the matter is that Chieftainship Nkhomeshya does not appreciate. Chongwe is one of the districts that has benefited a lot
    compared to other towns districts in Zambia. The lady is getting the same bad advice from Fred False Prophet Mmembe through Silva Tembo “ Mama Grizzly” Masebo.

  8. .
    We should make arguments based of facts and not illusions and lies coming from Masebo. Herewith is what Chongwe has gotten in terms of development in the last 3 years >>>>>>

  9. (1) K8.4 Billion was pumped into building Chongwe District Hospital – to be commissioned ***
    (2) K5.7 Billion for Matpula Basic School ***
    (3) K27.7 Billion for Rufunsa High School ***
    (4) Six Ambulances for the area ***
    (5) 23 Motor Bikes for Extension Officers in the Ministry of Agriculture
    (6) 31 Generators for Health Centre’s ***
    (7) 31 Maternity Delivery Beds ***
    (8) K6.8 Billion for a Water Treatment Plant ***
    (9) K5.5 Billion for a new District Administration Offices ***
    (10) K13.7 Billion has been released for road constructions in Chongwe [ RD480 to Kasisi, T4 to Kasisi Mission Junction, D153 Junction to Chongwe, others are Mpango, Matipula, Katende-Kanakantapa to Zambia National Service ] ***
    (11) ZESCO has constructed the first Sub Station****

  10. My Appeal to Pf & Sata supporters is NOT to ignore the following;
    Sata was stealing with Kafupi when he was the third most powerful member of Kafupi’s government. During that same period Sata was also hostile and abusive towards the private media. He was for ZNBC & Times of Zambia but strongly anti Post. Sata was also a beneficiary of the Government corruption of sending politicians to Morning side Hospital for treatment when common citizens are not afforded the same privileges. Sata also wanted Kafupi to continue like a Wamuyaya so that Sata could continue stealing and enjoying with Kafupi. Sata is bad for politics and Bad for Zambia. He is good for comedy, but the presidency is not a laughing matter. Vote Wisely , Vote HH or RB.

  11. Suporting the government of the day means, among other things; looking ahead and be ready to work with any govt that is formed after elections. Here, am seing RB as president after 20th. Who will her royal highness discuss developmental issues with if she openly snubs RB? It is every traditional leaders wish to be visited by a HEAD OF STATE to discuss problems affecting the people. She’s lucky RB is not vindictive. For now she has lost it!!


  13. #14 you either vote for one and discard the other…… ready between your of anlysis…its clear that you have that natural hatred for Sata…. Being in the same government does not mean we should agree with everything…. Now Masebo disgreed alot with Banda, she she not move one…. Please see the line between…. yes vote wisely Vote PF Vote Sata

  14. To hell with this ka headwoman herding 10,000 subjects.Chongwe is a cosmopolitan with a varied earthnic complexion.She has little influence over her subjects and what has she done for them as compared to GRZ/MMD?RB alimwi alimwi.nafuti nafuti.again again.

  15. .
    To all those PF supporters that depend on rumors to make an opinion, I ask you to seek knowledge before making blind arguments. If you live in Diaspora like some of us, you can still get access this info by obtaining a document called a Government Gazette and see what is going on the ground in terms of development.
    Then again some have chosen to go for the blind eye, even when things are there in BLACK & WHITE to see.

  16. RB is currently adressing a mammoth rally in choma, and has told the residents not to vote for HH whom they fully know will not win the election.Suresh Desai has challenged HH to publish his consolidated payroll so that the nation can know if all his employees get salaries above K5m which he is promising civil servants.

  17. .
    Sata & Masebo cannot tell or promise voters things that are already being built & constructed in the backyard of voters. They listen to Sata’s speeches, but deep down they can analyse who is telling lies – because actions speaks louder than words.
    This is one of the reasons why PF is loosing the debate and have now gone for broke by bringing up RB’s Parentage, UPG Printing and now going for Violence to stop the elections by all means

  18. Its a pity that Chieftainess Nkomesha is being used by Homo Journalist to champion thier selfish motives. RB will be the president after Sept 20 and who is she going to work with. Its time she swallow her pride and work with the government of the day. She needs the government suport whether she like it or not. Mama refrain from people cheating you that they will form government. RB has gained support in areas which were previously strongholds for PF and right PF is panicking hence the tactics they are trying to employ with Homo Namakando Mmembe and Malupenga of the Post newspaper. We have not seen of late pictures of big crouds like they used to do. Most of Sata’s campaigns are a flop meaning that people have lost confidence in him. Wake up Chief Nkomensha dont follow Masebo please.

  19. So this Soli Chieftainess has no traditional attire of her own to wear and has to wear a Zulu married woman’s head dress? No wonder she is unable to think for herself and would be influenced by the likes of Masebo who usually dresses like a street walker and actually believes that Satan will bring any tangible development to Chongwe besides allocating plots to himself, his family and his cronies.

  20. #5 The president requested for the courtesy call with the chieftainess but she refused to meet with him. She even turned down the present which the president had sent to her as per tradition when you go to meet your Royal highnesses. This was an opportunity for the two leaders to sort out their differences amicably not through the press. But i’m sure her Royal highness was afraid that if Masebo heard that she had met President Banda she would be very annoyed with her hence she turned down the opportunity for reconcilliation. Useless Chieftainess!!!!! I know this lady very well she does not like anyone who speaks Bemba. She is supporting Satan because of Masebo. I had an opportunity to meet her at the council sometime ago. She made it clear that you can speak any language except Bemba.

  21. All these started because RBish balimukana kuli ka Masebo ati awe sugar dady, i dont go out with sugar dudes, hence RBish got hatred for Masebo,fired her from MMD and consquently hates people of chongwe and their chiefteness Nkomeshya.

    • No, the correct position is that Masebo was a very close friend of Magande when Magande lost to RB in 2008. But even after elections, she never changed her attitude. Now you can conclude for yourself.

  22. Oh chief Nkomesha!firsly her husband has no say to her,then her headmen and subjects! Development?she was mcc in Kaunda’s misrule,what did she do for her people?Nkomesha and other chiefs used to dance before Kaunda!Fact! Mmd has given them decency,good salaries and even cars! A President is a president he needs respect.If Sata wins he will equally get that respect because he will a president of all Zambians.who needs a chief in new york,,sydney,Rome,Moscow.Soon who will need a chief in a greater Lusaka!Chiefs are not indispensable.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  23. Bloggers let us be objective. RB has tried to bring development. We shouldnt expect him to do everything at once. Development is a gradual process. It does not happen like the bang theory.

  24. There is no way a munyasaland can dethrone a Soli chief. He should start by dethoning his own Chief Mpezeni. The people of Zambia will mobilise to ensure that the chieftainess keeps her position. I do not think Solis and their allies will take it lying down. Bye bye MMD polio in Chongwe.

  25. 27 # Mwiponta Mukabwela
    If RB hates the people of Chongwe, why did he allow all these billions pumped for development in the area? Read my stats on #13
    Its these types of one-dimensional or shallow arguments that have taken PF to no where. PF has never had substance on any subject matter of national development.
    As much as I have lived abroad for many years, I know that Chongwe has become a very broad-based district with people from all corners of Zambia

  26. Like i always say RB is a BUFFOON just a caretaker President with no leadership qualities whatsoever…did you ever hear about KK or Ka Chiluba falling out with any a chief..NO WAY!!!

  27. # 27 u r very stupid u dont accuse our president of such nonsense u need to be cultured.The President knows that Sylvia bitch opens her legs to namakando the useless homo and she is not her type a bitch.I think this ka chieftainess is also a bitch like masebo birds of a feather,just like u r an ***** and a standard 4 like satana.

  28. # 27 meant his type.Lady gaga u r also a bitch like Sylvia. Listen to wise pipo like Independent Observer u useless *****s.

  29. # 35 Jay Jay chi-color watch ur dirty mouth dont call my President stupid names have respect he is also your wether u like it or not and he continue for the 5yrs feel that *****.Even the international knows who is a good President and as a Zambian u dnt know *****.

  30. # 33 Blue blood waba etal-lay ukubeka waumfwa.What u must understand is that satana with his dog fred homo and the rabid dog amos will never rule this country never wake up chikala.

  31. #2, you are wrong, and you need to be corrected. RB is a merely elected politician and public servant.
    On the other hand, the highnesses are born so within their tribes and clans. Their’s is a leadership which they had before the advent of politics as we know them today.

    It is therefore entirely up to the highnesses and majesties to meet or not to meet a President or Prime Minister.

  32. Sataa promised this ka little brat of a chief that she will be a paramount chief  of the soli come 20/09/2011. Thats why her little royal ass has become big headed. This ka swine of a chief has sold all her prime land and together withe her drunken husband they are now squatting in a famous tarven in chongwe town

  33. @independent Observer, kanshi ni group 4. This is not an insult but a statement. Pity we didnt have group 5 you would fit in seamleassly.

  34. If people in Zambia behaved like the Chieftainess, we could have more development. People treat politicians like gods when in fact these people are in office to serve. She is right to stand up for her people if her area has seen little development. Zambia has a lot of wealth which the current government has failed to collect and distribute equitably.

  35. Chiefs themselves are a major stumbling block to development.In places where chiefs are wholelly incharge theres massive underdevelopment.Good development comes from the people themselves.since 91 she has fought the mmd.she has never ever voted for what can change now? Rb doesnt need mukamambo to win the presidency.Does Sata need her? I dont think so either.cobra could get a couple of votes in chongwe but not enough to sway the election tide!If i were running my emphasis would be southern,western,n.western and c/belt.Chongwe? Even the soli language is becoming extinct!Lets be level headed!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA. can change now? Rb doesnt need mukamambo to win the presidency.Does Sata need her? I dont think so either.cobra could get a couple of votes in chongwe but not enough to sway the e

  36. The Republican President is:
    1. Head of State and superior to all chiefs.
    2. Elected by the people – box populi, xox Dei.
    Traditional rulers:
    1. Irrelevant to one Zambia one nation and should be reformed or done away with.
    2. Not elected by the people.
    3. Most are dull and uneducated and have no idea how to look after their people but waste tax payees money.
    4. All should be non-partisan and channel their grievances through the government channels.
    Mukamambo 2 was wrong in the way she behaved and she must aplologise. She is playing to the gallery and left to go on like this, it will bring chaos in Zambia. Chiefs ARE part of government and this is important to know.

  37. Leave this courageous woman alone you fools! Most of you bloggers are just jealous that a woman has such courage as to tell Banda to go to HELL. All Chiefs are playing hide and seek when it comes to the MMD government! have you wondered why Chiefs melt away when Banda pays them a visit? It is because of “undisclosed gifts;” meaning brown envelopes. All chiefs have  kiss Banda’s boots due to such gifts. But Chieftainess told Banda to go hell with his brown envelope. Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II, you are the pride of all mothers and how I wish I am one of your subjects! May God bless you for the statement you have made. Your name will be remembered for generations to come. 


  38. #46 if you dont know the protocal just keep quiet. How told you that Republican president is superior to all chiefs? It is only these days when your voting for some one to be a chief. chief can not be removed from ……… voting unlike the republican president. Chiefs has not term of office. President should parade to the chief

  39. Independent observer,you are biased.The truth of the matter is that there is no development going on Zambia.Most you guys in the diaspora dont even have $10,000 in the bank!You live a hand to mouth life and thats not what we are looking in Zambia!For us development means being able to participate in the economic boom thats going on.MMD is even allowing Chinese poeple to cut our trees and export hardwood to China.20 yrs of nonsense is enough!!!!!!

  40. The issue here is not about whether or not the chieftainess greets RB or not. The issue is that she is allegedly victimising her OWN SUBJECTS who do not share her political views. She is free to support which party she wants but that freedom should also be extended to other residents of Chongwe. It really is that simple. As for whether or not the govt has brought enough development to Chongwe, I think the list provided by Independent Observer above says it all. No, it is not enough but Chongwe is not the only district in Lusaka province nor the country that requires development.

  41. # 34 and #36 bushe rbish niwishinwe? If he is a president for all zambians let him respect our traditional rulers , unlike threatening them.infact he should apologise to chiefteness nkomeshya for such unpalatable words he used towards chiefteness nkomeshya and to all chongwe people.

  42. Ka Nkomeshya should have behaved mature and meet the head of state, is she the one who trained Masebo in bottom power?


  44. # 52 and 53
    I hope you can say that about your own mothers! Please respect women. Kanshi, cinshi mwatumpila so. If you have nothing to say, keep yo stupidity to yourself.

  45. Ignore her and sqeeze her after the election so that she learns that Boma ni Boma. I hear she even had to summon the headmen who were allegedly supporting MMD to threaten them. For fear of being stripped of the headmanship, these men had to confess that they had never heard about the MMD nor RB. ” Truely your highness i do not know this animal called MMD or RB, people are just accusing me” said one of the heamen. Hahahahahahakekekekeke!!!!!!!!!

  46. 46 @ Umuntu mubi
    INDEPENDENT OBSERVER is one of the richest zambians at the age of 41 years. he owns and lives in a £3 Million pound house in an elite residence of london and drives an Austin Martin worth £250,000. he is an investment banker an equity stockmarket trader. To those of us in the UK we look at this guy and we feel very proud to see a zambian breaking barriers. he has invested in companies in zambia and pays taxes to the government. he keeps giving hundreds of millions to orphanage centers in zambia. what have you done for zambia yourself – you loud and useless pf mouth. observer keeps a low profile by just blogging the truth. if he came and asked to marry one of sisters or cousins you would be sheeting yourself in your pants with joy.

  47. Imwe ba Independent observer. That developement are you talking about. Its is just on paper quoting that tash gazzette will not do. I was in Kasisi ( which is an extension of Chongwe) a few weeks back I saw nothing tangible. I fail to understand people supporting RuBish. What is the basis of your support apart from the fact that he has allowed those who are corrupt like him to go unchecked and allowed foreigners to rape our land of it precious minerals. This id.oit of a president lacks principals and discipline. If this fuc-ker is allowed to rule fo another fives years, Zambia will definitely be ripe for a revolution, mark my words.

  48. ITS OVER for your RB, the president of the slaughtered. “Uwauma nafyala omina limo” ” He, who hit his mother in law”, which is tabboo to do in Zambia. If you do this, you will be shunned by the whole community.
    RB should resign from Zambian presidency just for undressing our Chieftainess Nkhomesha.

  49. @ copperbelt-joint have you come here to kiss your friend’s backside, why don’t just go and wash his car if you want brownie points from him or is this just Independent Observer being a sad prat!!!

  50. Some of you *****s in diaspora are for real *****s. If you ar happy about how our people are suffering under your stupid unipist, pack your bags and go back to Zambia and then we shall appreciate your stupid comments. Not this time you are enjoying in the Western World and now insulting our traditional chiefs. What were your stupid comments when Chief Kazembe was chasing PF supporters? Mwalisambilila but you have no wisdom from above. People are dying everyday coz there ar no drugs, and all you can allude to, is this cosmetic and and way of getting back to State House? Come grow up and ask GOD ALMIGHTY to give you Wisdom before you open your foul smelling mouths. Fooooolllllllzzzzz!!!! Viva PF and Sata, Viva Chieftainess and viva Masebo!!!

  51. Chieftainess Nkomeshya is an inspiration to honest Zambians with integrity…dirty thieving thugs like chi RB will always be puzzled by honest leaders who put the needs their subjects.
    We Salute You Chieftainess!!!  

  52. Chieftainess Nkomeshya is an inspiration to honest Zambians with integrity…dirty thieving thugs like chi RB will always be puzzled by honest leaders who put the needs of their subjects first.We Salute You Chieftainess!!!

  53. We know this F00L so called INDEPENDENT whatever OBSERVER. Ok we can sse that he ahs made his money and doing well but his biased comments have gone too far. The day King Cobra Sata moves into State House, we shall send some cadres on him. Frankly him with Capitalist 3E’s, Senior Citizen & MMD Bootlicker are the ones to hunt down when we deport RB back to Malawi. Ba FeeColour

  54. If what #13 has listed are truelly what Chongwe has benefitted in terms od development, then I castigate this chieftiness. She is not appreciative and has made up her minds as to who allign with politically. Then she is dull.

  55. Things will fall apart soon.Either for the chieftainess or for RB.We do not know yet but there will be chaos somewhere in Zambia.We need humanitarian aid soon.Let the UN security council prepare for anything that might not be expected.This selfishness is going somewhere bad.

  56. MP gratuities are at about K500 Million. What about MPs and Presidents salaries? Somebody please answer including imwe bana ba minister scattered around the planet

  57. Finally, I have found a woman I can respect in Zambia. A woman with  such courage and integrity who has the guts to tell Banda to back off!!  Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II, you are such an iron lady who makes me admire her courage. Zambians, listen to this courageous woman. She is the mother of many with her heart of a caring mother. She deserves a name among the great leaders of this century. How many of you foolish bloggers can refuse the undisclosed gift from mukoma Banda,   Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II, you have my respect

  58. Last time I checked ToZ and ZWD, I saw some stories like “Luapula Chiefs form campaign team for RB” and Chief Kazembe and Mushota threatening those supporting PF. Where was RB or visionless Saki and others to condemn them (Luapula chiefs)?

  59. The Royal Highness seems to be over rating herself to the extent where she thinks she is another head of state. At a certain level, differences could be there, but business could go ahead. We hope it is not a situation of Masebo where every party you join you got to have a boy friend. Gone are days when the MCC were full of relationships, creating untouchables.

  60. Respect our Mother you fools. Case be upon you who insult the Institution of GOD. May you not see the son on the morrow. May your President go down and eat the dust of the ground 

  61. If I disown Mwata Kazembe as my chief, bushe kuti andowa this far? Pantu mambala ena alalowa mwee. Ena alowa nabafwa abakonkela kumanda..

  62. RB means Rubbish Boy,How can you dethrone the chieftainess has if she was electeted by the people The crown of Nkomeshya has been there before Rb was born.Respect tradional leaders if you want to be respected Mr presido.People of chongwe vote wisely.

  63. people we need to respect these two elders in the way we talk about only God knows the final conclusion of this mater.lets not be too bitter.

  64. YOU bloggers, do you really understand the meaning of development?
    Zambia has been independent for 47+ yrs. Now if what i am seeing is development, then i need my brains to be examined.
    INDEPENDENT OBSERVER, some of us work for GRZ. Those figures and constructions that you are throwing around are meaningless in an environment that is as disorganized as ZAMBIA. Those things are actually basics and they don’t constitute development!!
    Most of those billions end up in Lusaka, in private pockets. Come to PLUNDER-VILLA (LUSAKA) and see for yourself.
    I however admire your continued faith in a system (MMD) that has failed lamentably.

  65. the chieftainess should realise that she doens own the people of chongwe & they have the right to support whoever they want..thats why masebo has to lose uno mwaka..!

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