Saturday, July 27, 2024

RB departure and celebrations in Pictures



Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe during a farewell press conference in Lusaka
Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe during a farewell press conference in Lusaka


Former President and Banda with his assistant during a farewell press conference in Lusaka
Former President and Banda with his assistant during a farewell press conference in Lusaka


Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe leave State House after a farewell reception
Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe leave State House after a farewell reception


Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe leave State House after a farewell reception1
Former President Banda and his wife Thandiwe leave State House after a farewell reception1


Police guard the main gate to State House to restrain Patrotic Front cadres who wanted to make their way into the premises
Police guard the main gate to State House to restrain Patrotic Front cadres who wanted to make their way into the premises


Patrotic Front cadres in front of the State House main gate
Patrotic Front cadres in front of the State House main gate


Patrotic Front cadres dance along Independence avenue, leading to State House
Patrotic Front cadres dance along Independence avenue, leading to State House


Patrotic Front cadres cause congestion along Independence avenue, leading to State House
Patrotic Front cadres cause congestion along Independence avenue, leading to State House


Patrotic Front cadres cause congestion along Independence avenue leading to State House
Patrotic Front cadres cause congestion along Independence avenue leading to State House


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres celebrating the victory of their party at Kasama
PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres celebrating the victory of their party at Kasama


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres carrying a mock coffin for Rupiah Banda in Kasama
PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres carrying a mock coffin for Rupiah Banda in Kasama


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres carrying a mock coffin for Rupiah Banda
PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres carrying a mock coffin for Rupiah Banda


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres celebrating the victory of their party at Kasama Town centre
PATRIOTIC Front (PF) cadres celebrating the victory of their party at Kasama Town centre


    • Daisy! Nice to see an old face. i have been holding fort briefly on behalf of old veteran bloggers…thot I was the only one left….:)

  1. lets see what sata will do. i cant wait to see his 90 day magic. let the games begin. its good to have this change because we will see new ideas from the mmd and a new approach. change is conducive for development. i give the pf one term in office well sata anywy one term. if they choose a more youthful leader then maybe two terms. mmd gave up in this election so as to get international credit. they left at a time when they knew the global economy is collapsing once more and by time elections appear next time.. they will be singing the song: “sata has left you in this situation” bring us back in to take things the way they were. mmd is not stupid.

  2. Kalaki foretold this in this weeks. Just seen a placard that reads “Dora R4M” ha ha ha ha Ms back bencher you got work!!!!

  3. RB was president for how long …2, 3 .. yrs??? . it felt like eternity for a care-taker president..RB spent more time in air than on the ground…that’s how much he travelled.Now we have a full time presido who gonna be home and do some work for the change.

  4. Kalaki foretold this in this weeks article. Just seen a placard at the highcourt that reads “Dora R4M” ha ha ha ha Ms back bencher you got work!!!! And you are not allowed to insult the president MC anymore.

  5. WEll done former president at least, you did the right thing. thank you. Now it is for us PF Kubeba nomba. Lets work and change Zambia

  6. i want a free ride too, who needs a taxi when u can jump on pf cadres cars……tandiwe is young this is not the last time we see of her 

  7. @3 zambia ,ghana and Mozambique are the 3 countries to ride out the global economic situation in sub Saharan africa ,….RB is clever he commissioned a lot of big projects  so pf now has to do the hard work to finish them

    • this is revisionist history-luanshya mines was closed down during that time and mining projects ceased what are talking about

  8. Where is the BEDROOM Thandiwe was talking about?

    Pc3 Is she trying to cry? Be strong that was Mama Kaunda’s place too for 28 yrs. You ‘ve been there for only three years. But you traveled with RB 10 times more than KK

    Anyway, Vera had to leave one day, and so was Maurine Mwanawasa. TIME TIME ee ni time yabo ee.

    NOW is PF time. RIP MMD and RB.

  9. Lifwekelo, what now? Siulapwa 2016 RB 2011, so forget it. Stand up for Zambia….. RB that was alot of dancing at your rallies now time to rest from all those dances.

  10. I just love Zambia.Peace loving people.Where in Africa would you see this?God bless my country.i just feel like singing our great national anthem over and over!!!!

  11. Hey Tandi do not divorce that man,you had nice time together can’t WAIT TO SEE THE NEW FIRST LADDY OOOH SORRY “LADDIES”, i don’t care how they look or how many as long as they are for king cobra.

  12. As much I am happy and glad with the PF’s victory I think it is time we matured and got away from using COFFINS to celebrate, it is not right at all to potray even your worst enemy dead.

  13. These are not PF cadres!! how do u call kids cadres? These are young pipo celebrating their victory. Lusaka Times u are a shame and ur leader RB must now face the law. Abuse of Office!!

  14. Everybody is talking about the President but can someone please be kind enough to tell me what happened to the Parliamentary elections or where I can find the results. I’m interested in these because in the House that’s where the real governance will happen. If PF has 2/3 majority in the House, forget it. It will be all of the same (same sheet, just different smell).
    By the way is RB the former President already? Isn’t he still the president until Mr Sata is sworn in? Just curious!

  15. People honestly how many African countries celebrate after erections ooooh sorry again elections and listen to a farewell speech. Remember the bloodshed in many countries not long ago. God loves our country and we should continue loving him back.73 languages and we have no tribal wars or regional conflicts. It’s only God and I mean God. Thanks to you all for your patience,tolerance and humility. Violent revolutions has no chance in Zambia we should all be happy and shout this on top of our roofs.

    • You are very right! We must also celebrate the fact that we can change a govt peacefully! Banda, as much as I hated you during your reign you have peacefully left like Kaunda did. Mwai Kibaki, Robert Mugabe. Gbagbo are you watching us????

  16. Pipo come and go..BOMA still remain…RB good lucky with your farming…Tandiwe u can apply again for the another teaching post in a private school…oooh i forget, u stil employed by min of education…your headmaster is at Chadiza primary school…lol..

  17. ## 21.. now its not called ????.. tel you fellower blogers… the so called kaponyas you have been calling us just won!! watch us rule!!

    • Is that comment meant for me? I am #21. Am baffled!! My fellow kopanyas? I guess you assume that I am ——-…Why because I condemn the use of a coffin?  Please grow up.

  18. Thanks to our Lozi brethren in Mongu and Nalolo, these were swing votes and you stood for the country, who says Lozi’s and Bemba’s don’t interact, Shame on them.One Zambia One Nation, Go Inonge Wina, Go given Lubinda waiting for you guys in cabinet, no one can go wrong with these great Zambians

  19. Finally Ba Sata! Congratulations! We wish you are the best in showing the country what you promised. RB, I salute you for the democratic maturity you displayed. You are a good example to all African leaders and the world at large. God bless our country!

  20. #1 Miss Daisy, why you leave me in bed alone… Sure this coffin thing must be stopped by His Excellency Mr. Chilufya Sata.

  21. Its not right to wish anyone dead but I think the coffin represents the DEATH of MMD!! Lets face it even if PatricK Mwanawasa leads MMD during these next five years, MMD will slowly be dying especially without the support of the WINA’s (founders of MMD) from the WESTERN province.

  22. The organization of the inauguration ceremony is shambolic to say the least. Further TV transmission by ZNBC is at its at worst…Imagine the *****s can’t even show a clear shot of Sata Please, just fire the whole lot at ZNBC!!

  23. I am sorry I have no better words to use, but how come the majority of pictures I am seeing are those of kaponyas? Congrats Sata, and I am also proud of RB for accepting defeat. This is covilisation and may God be praised all the time for peaceful elections.

  24. Banda has one thing to his credit after these elections, he can lecture other African leaders on how to graciously exit the presidency after losing an election. 
    Sata can now come back to England and tell political science students how to unsit an incumbent president in Africa.

  25. Pic #1, Thandiwe looks lost and in total disbelief that her efforts in dishing out chitenges, brown envelopes and her bedroom campaign trash was all in vain. In addition she can’t believe that she has to return to the real world where the majority of Zambians are. Welcome back Thandi, see you soon in Chipata market.

  26. #19 check parliamentally results on zambian economist. It will be bery interedting to hear debates. Pf has slightly half the seats.

  27. Whats happening to ZNBC????? Has the DG gone to sleep or is it because he knows his fate? Poor inoguration coverage indeed. I cant imagine, as if camera men are just learning how to use them.

  28. From the pictures you can see that PF cadres did not want to waste time in evicting the defaulting tenant Rupiah from plot 1. I always thought evictions were only done in Chilenje and Matero. This week will be remembered for a long time to come. Quite eventful and dramatic.

  29. These are the same people who are going to turn on him. Since PF as a party condone violence, Sata and co. will face the wrath of these young men and women. These chaps are just “little” William Banda’s and Judge Ngoma’s in the making – All of them of Sata’s making.

    But in the spirit of democracy, I wish him well and pray he will serve the people well. One thing for sure, if anyone thinks that Chiluba and RB plundered Zambia’s economy, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Very sad day for Zambia, very sad.

  30. Praise God for the peaceful election and transition. Zambia is a beacon of peace for sure. Thanks RB for maturely handing over power. Thanks KK, RB and Sata for walking together to the inauguration.

    Those with the coffin should be educated about proper conduct. Elections are not war and hatred, but winning over voters based on good ideas.

  31. The pictures of RB and Thandi clearly show how least they expected their departure. One can see how hard they have been hit by element of surprise.

    Otherwise, it is a relief that there are no pictures of bloodshed or violence here. We are on the lookout for innauguration pics and perhaps a video clip to go with it. PF have won the fight for democracy, now the fight for dignity and prosperity has begun.

  32. Former 1. lady Thandiwe, just to wish you good luck.  You got to experience what a lot of us will never experience (being lady) Treasure your happy memories. Those are yours and no one will take them away from you. There’s a time for everything under the sun.

  33. Kwena eyeee……who would have thought …..SATA? Democracy at work! Welcome done peace loving Zambians. Noooooooooooooooo Violence…..Donchi ukubeba!

  34. picture #7, just lost my appetite. Please remove! As much as I’m happy  with the outcome we Zambians must move away from treating politicians like demi-gods i.e. the answer to all our problems. I will remain  cautiously optimistic. 

  35. At least I can now start watching ZNBC and reading the DAILY and TIMES. Hoping it won’t be President SATA this and President SATA that. We hope now the K3,000 we have been paying all these years will be put to good use. CONGRATS SATA for winning and CONGRATS RB for conceeding defeat. IF SATA can do it after losing for so many years, it gives us a lot of hope to us ARSENAL fans.

  36. Bye bye ba RB you were a good man but unfortunately power went to your head.Wish you a good farm life in the hilly terrains of eastern province.

  37. Stand and sing of Zambia pround and free,
    Land of work and joy in unity,
    Victors in the straggle for their rights,
    We’ve won freedom’s fight,
    All one strong and free!!!

  38. Hard earned victory! The victors received alot of humiliations from the losers…..I hope there will be no vengence so we look forward to the first 90 days of landmark decisions from our current Govt and our loving country of peaceful people! Viva change

  39. Hard earned victory! The victors received alot of humiliation, demonization and mistreatment! Congrats SATA! Do not focus on vengence; leave vengence to those who know it better. Viva Change VIVA peaceful Zambians

  40. Its a long time since I was on the winning side! You see Chipolopolo always loses but now How wonderful it feels! Yaba!

  41. Congrats PF!you ve come a long way & you surely deserve it.Mr RB is now the XX president,who knew that one day He was going to be shown the EXIT door?Lets now get down to work & Dora should be answerable over RP capital & Zamtel issues,wapya mundzi mudala.

  42. Thank you Mr former President for an orderly mature exit.That is what democracy is
    all about
    and to Mr Sata our new president please concentrate on governing the country and leave the
    punishment of the former corrupt leaders and plunderers to the legislative and judicial wings of
    the Government otherwise if you waste time trying to dip your hands into everything time will
    soon run out on your promises for developing the country and you will soon face an election.
    Remember HH ,CHIPIMO,MILUPI and MYSELF are waiting for a bite at the cherry.CONGRATS!!

  43. I would like those guys in UK and RSA who used to insult us that “Sata will never be a President in Zambia!” We told you prophets of doom!

  44. This trend of calling people Kaponyas is part of the reason the MMD lost. Who created the conditions for a population full of unemployed youth?

  45. Congratulations PF! Now think of us poor pipo. We need water and tarred roads in our compound. Do not forget the promise of Balozi land.

  46. The democratic transfer of power in Zambia should be emulated all across Africa. The process has made us proud to be Zambians. Now, the work begins Mr. President.

  47. so what happens to Dr. Shailen Desai. he too amassed  too much wealth in 3 years building two hospitals. it is quiet a fit to achieve. Prof Munkonge too many years of private practice to build Hilltop  Hospt to what it is. will the law visit him too?

  48. Thank you 
    rupee, you played your role. We shall remember you for the good work you did. I was an adult in 1991, the same wind of change prevailed but it never took us long before we regretted. I am convinced Zambians will soon regret. The only problem is that a big fraction of our population is un educated and that is how you lost. But for now let the truth come and that is when perhaps they will learn. Enjoy your pension and enjoy what ever benefits comes along with it. Bravo!

  49. The people of Zambia have spoken. Satan should fulfill his promises he made during the campaign. He should look agriculture, rural development, modernization of our cities, improving research, education, health, social protection for the poor and ensuring democratic principles and freedom of expression is upheld in the country. These are my suggestions for the next five years before HH comes in to do his bit. Otherwise let us give a thumbs up for MMD! Their time is up. In future we should give each party two terms and not only the individual. Twenty years was too much for one party. This was the same as Kaunda . God bless the christian nation that we are.

  50. Destroyer you ask how this guy could have read it so wrong? Simple. When you listen to people like Shika[washa, Kunda, William Banda, Mumbi, Lifwekelo,…need I go on?

  51. let sata rule, we want the following to begin with, CHANDA CHIMBWI, TABO KAWANA, ELVIS NKANDU, SIULAPWA, LIFWEKELO, SIMUTAI, DORA, SHIKAPWASHA, KUNDA, CHRIS MUNDIYA, W BANDA, PLUS THE REST. It is believed they are serious accomplices to this 90 days change. without the we cant guarantee change!

  52. CONGRATULATIONS MR. PRESIDENT. The time is coming for the five (5) crook diplomats in the Embassy of Zambia in Washington, DC USA (past and present) to fret for the consequences of their wrong-doings.

  53. :)>-Long Live Zambia, congraculations to the PF party for a job well done. its about time Zambia showed the world that there is democracy in Africa after all and we shall always be remembered by that. Shame to all those that did not believe in him and called him all kinds of names even someone that said “he was not from human beings” – what an insult! Let us all as a nation stand behind our new president and support him, after all we are a peaceful christian nation. Congraculations ba mudala Sata. May God guide you to make a difference in our blessed nation. Amen.

  54. HBwezani will go down the annals of history as having been Zambia’s most uselss president. The corruption, lazziness and interference with the judiciary have left our court system encumbered with the most destructive precedents and I hope one of the first things Sata will do is fire Chief Justice Sakala, appoint Roger Chongwe as new CJ, bring in Kabazo Chanda to investigate Justice Phillip Musonda’s satatic rulings and also Geoffrey Chinyama’s hand written acquital of Chiluba. Lastly but not the least, arrest Dora and Banda’s sons for selling ZAMTEL for a song. I would also like to know how Finance Bank was sold without a functioning cabinet.

  55. I commend the Zambian youth for being united and vigilant. We have alot of the likes of Julius Malema of South Africa in our midist. Democracy has entretched itself in Zambia. And its a wake up for all our political and civic leaders that time is gone to take God’s people for granted. Let those doubting Thomases open thir eyes and see and their ears and hear. RB should not have contested but those around him cheated him that all was well on the ground. All they wanted was to maximise their benefits from RB (Father Xmas). I hope the PF leadership will learn something from RB’s experience coz they have a huge challenge as the youth’s expectation is very high indeed.

  56. PEOPLE celebrating departing of Mr Banda simply means Mr Banda had had OPPRESSED THE PEOPLE. They feel relieved to send him off. Leaders should save the people and not own selfish Interest or preserving themselves in Power for the so purpose of personal gain like Banda was doing.

  57. Too many problems MMD brought to mother Zambia (including the natural environment) since 1991 – the bad things outweigh the good. God has heard the cries of the oppressed majority. Somehow its like a heavy load has been lifted off tired & spent shoulders. God bless MC Sata, God bless Zambia!!! At least there is hope Patriotism will return

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