Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Shamenda tells NSCZ to setup meeting with FAZ


Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender Minister Fackson Shamenda
Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender Minister Fackson Shamenda

Sports minister Fackson Shamenda has directed the National Sports Council to call a tripartite meeting with the Football Association of Zambia.

With the Africa Cup just over the horizon, Shamenda is seeking to defuse a potential standoff with Faz after a difference of opinion between his ministry and Faz over the firing of Dario Bonetti and rehiring of Herve Renard.

Faz president Kalusha Bwalya said firing and hiring process was carried out with due process and that Shamenda is being misled by people around him at the ministry with other agendas.

“I have asked National Sports Council Zambia to sit down with Faz and my ministry,” Shamenda said.

“We are not going to be answering each other no one can mislead me, no one can misinform me.

“These problems have been going on for a long time. Does it mean other administrators were misled?

“That is why I have called NSCZ to call for a meeting to resolve this.

“We are avoiding a situation where ministers start interfering that is why some people think the NSCZ is weak that is why people were busy running to state House.

“We want the laid down procedure to be followed. It is nothing personal.”


  1. Mr Shamenda, can you show your authority over this disfunctional FAZ, chuck out kalu, he has passed his sell by date.

  2. Kalu has not shown any shred of respect by talking to bbc, this shows that he can never be a leader but a bully. Go Shams, show your authority mate.

  3. Shamenda you were pathetic as President of ZCTU because of your incopetence FFTUZ was formed.Now you want to bring confusion in soccer.Great Kalu is our man,eyes on the the way is that your suit or someone’s.Go and shave and take a bath

  4. Ba number 2, I think the bully in this matter is Shamenda. He presented a one sided report to parliament. Kalu was only responding to questions by the journalist, and I think the guy was right. Shamenda in this regard is behaving like a village headman who threatens any one younger than him if he answers back, no matter how wrong he may be. The only way to sort out Kalu is at the AGM which is due in a couple of months.

    • THE BATTLE IS NOT FAZ AS AN INSTITUTION BUT THE BATTLE IS….BETWEEN KALU AND MULONGA, It’s a fact and It’s a Point!! The one feeding misinformation to the minister is mulonga….It’s sad that shamenda is jjust following foolishly. But govt must be careful not to interfere in FAZ affairs least the country be disciplined or face ban by FIFA…..FIFA rules states no govt interference in FAZ….so sought out MULONGA!!

  5. Mean while, congratulations to jr Chipolopolo. That is a well deserved victory. To Keagan Mumba, urge him to create more players from Chawama ground. You are a good coach.

  6. Ama politcs yenu, bola yesu. Keep your hands away from our game lest u get scorched. Yes, bwana minister, you were misinformed, and we know who misinformed you. Once again, leave our bola alone. Afterall, you’ve already said your boma will not fund our team at afcon and neither will you pay the coach his salary, so what more do you want?? Mwabeya ko ne fi myefu!

  7. From my own opinion, Great Kalu has bitten the record. The man is doing his best. And i think he has contributed something to our football. This minister is just pathetic. I wander what kind of ministers we have in the house. They are not diplomatic at all. They need to do some short courses on diplomacy.

  8. These guys should stop fighting in public, sit down as mature adults and resolve any issues outstanding. It is in everybody’s interest to see sanity brought back to Zambian football. What legacy are you going to leave to the future administrators of the game? 

  9. Someone please update me. The FAZ president has a house he lives in now in Zambia or he is still a visiting president who uses hotel linens? If he lives in RSA and not Zambia then its a novel way of administering national football affairs.

  10. #10, Don’t think that since you failed to run your family back in Zambia from wherever getto you are, does not others can fail to run a mere football association from abroad. Enroll in some management classes.

  11. Calm will only retain once Teddy mulonga is moved from the ministry of sports. Its suprising that a minister cannot read between the lines. Separate Kalu and Mulonga and all will be good.

  12. I agree with # 13 Bapungwa

    Kalu and Mulonga cannot work together…the distrust between them is just too great. Between them, I would go with Kalu. Mulonga is a failed politician who stood and lost the Solwezi seat three times under, MMD, FDD and UPND!. The fourth attempt in 2011 under MMD failed to even get off the ground cos he was not adopted. I wonder why PF is hanging on to such crap in the Civil Service…maybe he is now PF!

  13. THE BATTLE IS NOT FAZ AS AN INSTITUTION BUT THE IT IS….BETWEEN KALU AND MULONGA, It’s a fact and It’s a Point!! The one feeding misinformation to the minister is mulonga….It’s sad that shamenda is just following foolishly. But govt must be careful not to interfere in FAZ affairs least the country be disciplined or face ban by FIFA…..FIFA rules states no govt interference in FAZ….so sought out MULONGA!!:d

  14. I truly think Zambians have a serious problem interpreting facts from situations playing out before their eyes.
    For years now Kalu has been an absent president stirring up trouble with everybody. I mean, Zambian, they voted a mad man into office and that says a lot about them.

  15. Can someone give Shamenda a job description or tell him to shave his white beards please? i cant believe that as old as he is, he still has a petulant behavoir. 

  16. Ka terminal, if u dont knw anything, just shut the ****! Its only an imbecilic and totally *****ic moron like u who refuses to see what is plain for the whole world to see. Why, even my 5 year old kid knows that mulonga is responsible for this ****

  17. Interesting that the Minister is saying no-one can mislead or misinform him. Considering that he will chair the meeting, he stands to be accused of having taken a position before  hearing FAZ. I hope I am wrong

  18. I think people in power should remember that they are there to guide and make things move in the country. They should understand their responsibilities.It is shameful that they always forget their duties when they are appointed ministers. Shamenda needs to sit people in his ministry down and tell them what he would love to see in his area rather than complaining in parliament-only empty drums make a lot of noise.Lazy people or managers blame subordinates instead of leading them. Please Shamenda,behave like a leader of your age not the size of your shoes

  19. This is the real Sepp Blatter. Now Shamenda is doing what he should have done long ago. instructing NSCZ  to hold a meeting with FAZ. For those senseless bloggers complaining that Kalu hasn’t shown respect by talking to BBC he doesn’t answer to Shamenda. NSCZ. who answer to Shamenda can be instructed noo t FAZ.

  20. Whatever “charm” Kalusha haz on some people iz so amzing that they cannot distingiush between insolence, pomposity and indiscipline of the highest order. Yes Kalu scored great free-kicks but now he iz doing exactly the oppozite of “growing wizer with age”.

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