Saturday, June 8, 2024

Don’t attack each other in public, VJ tells MMD


Vernon Mwaanga
Vernon Mwaanga

VETERAN politician Vernon Mwaanga says only a strong, responsible, articulate and visionary person can bring the embattled former ruling MMD back to its glory.

Mr Mwaanga said those aspiring for the party’s top position should ensure they convince MMD members that they will re-organise and reposition the embattled party and restore it as a serious political player.

Mr Mwaanga said this in an interview in Lusaka yesterday as the race for the opposition party presidency peaked with politicians such as preacherman Nevers Mumba showing interest and others such as Situmbeko Musokotwane and Felix Mutati.

“They need to show party members what they are capable of energising, rejuvenating and repositioning the party to its past glory,” Mr Mwaanga said without mentioning any specific aspirant.

He said there is no need for the candidates to attack each other because it does not portray a good picture of the party.

Mr Mwaanga said the country needs a strong opposition that will ensure checks and balances on Government, the development he said is only possible when the MMD has a good leader.

He said a strong opposition is required to enhance democracy in the country and that the MMD can do this by remaining visionary regarding the country’s development.

“The country needs a strong and responsible opposition to enhance democracy. Therefore, the MMD needs a visionary leader,” he said.

Mr Mwaanga said the fact that people can aspire to lead the MMD shows that the party is still popular but that all it needs is to reposition itself.

He said attacking each other in the media will not benefit anyone because people will lose confidence in the ability of the aspiring leaders to re-organise the party.

“This is not a campaign for the whole country but for the MMD and, therefore, those aspiring to lead the party should hold civil campaigns,” Mr Mwaanga said.

The politician, who in the past has on record ruled himself out of contention of national leadership because he would ‘rather be a king-maker than the king himself’ again did not state whether he would want to run the party.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. VJ it will get worse after someone is appointed. Now that you guys are in opposition, there is no Bootlicking so expect a few resignations and all.

    If Nevers doesn`t win, do not be surprised if he joins the PF.

  2. #1 yaba wantekunya lol….. true….I am PF muyayaya but Felix Mutati for MMD top post will bring strong opposition….let him just mind his womanising issues which are surrounding him…. Nevers MUMBA is a clergyman it will be difficulty for some of us to criticise him.


  4. pliz mmd membaz do nt fyt 1 anatha.we are behind u guys coz we owez say mmd 4 lyf.and plz tell president banda that we love him very much

  5. VJ you better play a mediatory role if you realy love your party coz u are the only surviving founder member apart from that you are very focused. Call a meeting of all this chaps
    abena Pande, Musokotwane, Mutati, ka Nevers, BY, and Kachingwe give them the direction.
    Pliz Ka Nyangu and Mabenga rule them out coz ba fake

  6. VJ has talked sense for once despite of his career record of being fimo fimo! Those chaps aspiring for the top MMD job must take this advice and focus and on the needs of the MMD, after they will need each other when rebuilding the party. But again looking at the caliber of the aspiring candidates, a lot is left to be desired. We have seen how some people like the preacher man abandoned his flock in the past and one wonders if he has repented and apologized for his mess in the past. 

  7. This is very good for democracy. The times when leaders were anointed is long gone. I do not know of any political party in Southern Africa which has held such an open contest for leadership. We need to build a true opposition in order for the pillars of democracy to start functioning. Only them will true development happen.
    I hope the people will unite under whoever will be elected and look to the future… the presidency in 2016 is up for the taking…. if we go by whats been coming from statehouse in the almost 90 days.

  8. The presidency in 2016 is up for grabs at the rate King Cobra is going. PF continues to de – campaign itself through tribal appointments by the president. There will not be many non bembas that will vote for a bemba candidate at the next elections, of that you can rest assured! The populace will feel they can not be trusted and will not afford to take chances with such a candidate. There are long term ramifications of today’s decisions.

    • there will  not be many non bembas that will vote for a bemba candidate at next elections,looking at the people wanting to be president for MMD two of those are bemba what if Nevers Mumba is voted as MMD President.2016 will still have a Bemba President,Look at Chipimo Jr, Iam sure is Bemba,so dont waste time talking about tribes .

  9. PF was elected to rule for 5 years and in this time it will consolidate its position to be an even stronger party and gain that majority in the house, making it easy for them to pass their bills. l maybe wrong but l see them in govt for another 3 terms. It is for this reason we need a strong opposition to have real checks on the govt. Mr Mwanga,s input on this should be taken very serious. MMD should stop the slagging matches & get down to business Pastor Mumba abandoned his own party to be VP, what would stop him from getting in bed with PF for the love of power????……………………………………………………………………… Felix Mutati is our Zambian version of Morgan Tsvangirai, PF trap him with women his ever open zip job done.

  10. Watch how our memory spans will be like fruit-flies as we forget track records and bring in another scandal-ridden leader into the MMD. It will either be tribalism (which means, above all deficiencies, tribe must ride high), or it will be “selective track records” (he was a great preacher man! OR he guided commerce well OR Gosh! He was a great banker). I hope the MMD electorate are mature enough to analyse a track record and come up with a reasonable summary upon which they can be informed of their choice in a defensible manner. Nizanu izo if you repeat the RB debacle.

  11. VJ, I want you to become MMD president. You are the only qualified person to take up that position. If you refuse to become MMD president, you will be held responsible for the final demise of the party. Mutati, Nevers and Situmbeko are total strangers to the MMD and their membership to the party is based on opportunism. So if you leave it to them, they will spoil the soup. Inama ya mwaiche tainona. Please, VJ, save the party from total anihilation. You are the only remnant of the original group that formed MMD. If you don’t want to become president of MMD, then stop commenting on the affairs of this party and since politics and you are inseparable, please, quickly align yourself with the ruling party (PF). It seems you have special qualifications to perpetually support the ruling party.

  12. The views being expressed on the MMD party leadership is a sign of mature and trusted leadership in the offing. We would like all the candidates to take other positions within the party to make more headache for Kaponyas going out in 2016. We need everyone who is/has been credible to be in the party. Zambians are seeking a serious group of people to lead Zambia in 2016. Not an individual to dream dreams every time he makes press statements. I will relocate to Zambia once a credible team is made up to come and contribute effectively to our young democracy now in danger after receiving advice from Mugabe president for life.

  13. Wise words. Why would anyone attack what VJ has said. VJ is a political heavey weight, he should be listened to.

    Sata is destroying the popularity of PF. We must remember that Sata is PF and PF is Sata. The decline of Sata’s popularity is the decline of PF’s popularity. Sata is becoming more and more unpopular every day. Unless he changes course, he will be so unpopular come 2016 that anyone who stands against him will win. That’s how Sata won, RB became so unpopular that anything else was worth voting for. This is the dilema PF is in. The Patriotic Front must work towards ensuring Sata remains popular. Votes are about numbers.

  14. # 9 you are right, let these provinces take up the leftovers from Eastern and Northern, we aim for BiG things! We started UNIP and  MMD and now We are in RULE with PF!  We are the CHA CHA CHA people, we fear no SKIN! Mu BWATOOO! Fighting in public for BONES? SHAME!

  15. Well spoken VJ. On a different note, MMD again is demonstrating that it is the pioneer of real democracy in Zambia unlike other one man personal parties, I am the party and the party is me.

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