Tuesday, June 4, 2024

PF Mandevu MP Jean Kapata implicated in the Chifundo Kondani Market land confusion


Community Development, Mother and Child Health Deputy Minister Jean Kapata

Mandevu Member of Parliament, Jean Kapata has been implicated in the Chifundo Kondani Market land confusion in Lusaka’s Chaisa Compound.

Market Board Secretary,James Banda has alleged that the current confusion at the Market has been partly influenced by area Member of Parliament , Jean Kapata.

Mr Banda said that the sentiments held by the Marketeers that the Market board has sold the market to pave way for construction of shops are not true.

The Chifundo Kondani Marketeers have accused the Market Board of corruptly selling the market to some investors to pave way for constructions of shops on the said land.

Meanwhile, many would have thought the problems of illegal allocation of land by political party cadres are long gone but this is not so because the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) government seems to have continued with the trend.

The PF party cadres on Saturday beat up residents of plot 70/70 commonly known, as Baghdad compound after the police demolished houses that were illegally build on titled land.

[pullquote]The PF cadres allegedly beat up residents and broke some houses on the pretext that residents are conniving with law enforcement agencies to grab land that had been illegally allocated to unsuspecting residents.[/pullquote]

The PF cadres allegedly beat up residents and broke some houses on the pretext that residents are conniving with law enforcement agencies to grab land that had been illegally allocated to unsuspecting residents.

One of the residents Doris Mulenga, who was severely beaten and subsequently, injured on her right hand, is appealing to government to intervene.



  1. The PF cadres should be exemplary when it comes to land issues. Leave land issues to the Min. of Land and the council. The area MP should just come out clean and make a statement whether the market has been sold for shop construction….CLEAR YOUR NAME JEAN!!!!!

  2. Propaganda!!! Those where residents and not PF cadres please. Everyone want to find something to pin on PF. PF can also make mistakes, becoz it is run by Human beings.

    Let us now give chance to supporters of the corrupt defunct MMD and Childish UPND to pass their usual senseless comments……Start not.

  3. # 4 Pepecho fimo fimo, # 5 Constitutional lawyers. Your sweeping opinions are uneducative. Self dellusion of general PF membership to be innocent and clean is the highest deception clock of onament to adorn. Your memories are short and clearly have taken leave of your senses. We dont need to remind you of the numerous errors hanging with some prominent PF members. Expose your NEDNESS elsewhere, we positively support PF govt to maintain successes where others left and continue to re- engineering our country.

  4. This MP needs to pull up, she is totally doing nothing and causing confusion in the constituency. If you check around within her constituency, you will find that all the projects which were left by MMD are still unattended to. She is  doing nothing. PF should find another candidate in 2016 bcoz if they pick the same person, they are going to say bye to that constituency.

  5. Why can’t we just put an end to this cadre issue? Why have people to support you when all they care about are personal benefits. Once a president (of our generation) acts boldly and jails such and declares an end to cadres, all this will end.

  6. The Area MP Hon Jean Kapata has done a lot in Mandevu Constituency.The area is too vast and it needs delimitation so that the Constituency can get double allOcation of CDF. ANONYMOUS

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