Friday, March 7, 2025

We Say No Tribalism; We Condemn those promoting the Vice!


Sometime in April 1994, the entire world was gripped in utter shock, utmost grief and severe horror as bloodletting ensued in Rwanda, one of the bloodiest in the late 20th century!

One particular evening, an aircraft had taken off from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania with Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira, both from the Hutu tribe, aboard. As their jet prepared to land in Kigali, Rwanda, it was brought down by a torrent of surface-to-air missiles by some rebels, killing both leaders instantly.

This would obviously ignite the dynamite of genocide in Rwanda where they had been experiencing simmering tensions of tribalism over the years. In several weeks that followed, intense and systematic massacres would be set in motion targetting mainly those from the minority Tutsi tribe. As more than one million people were smoked-out of wherever they were hiding to be butchered like animals using uncivilized weapons – axes and machetes…..decomposing corpses littered the streets as rivers swiftly turned red with blood! No one was was spared in this murderous mayhem……the aged, the pregnant ones, those with infirmities, toddlers, the youth, women and even the men.

A good number of people of that generation – Politicians, Priests, Security forces and Journalists today remain with their hands stained with blood for having played a role or conveniently looked the other way as these barbaric and henous crimes were being perpetrated.

According to Wikipedia, genocide constitutes deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

It’s always important to pick up one or two lessons from our history as mankind if we are to make great strides, moving forward. In this our beloved country unfortunately, we’ve witnessed politicians and members of the clergy going on rampage spewing hate speech, making alarming statements or indeed uttering senseless tribal remarks!

For instance, one particular MP warned that she belongs to a majority tribe which the police would fail to contain if they took to the streets, while another one suggested that certain ethnic groups must confine themselves to their specific regions. Sooner than that, one senior citizen vehemently accused the state of sponsoring terrorism while a senior pastor made baseless remarks about the manner people are getting employed in government and proposed tribal war!

Sadly, the media has equally become blind to lessons we can draw from the genocide in Rwanda by according these desperate individuals that are eager to get back into power prominent space to utter whatever they want to regardless of the consequences. Aikona man. We Say No Tribalism; We Condemn those promoting the Vice!

Please share this article within your circles as much as you can.

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


  1. Arrest this idyot please…
    The thing which wrote that graffiti above should be the one at Maina Soko detention center.

    • @ Nostradamus, I agree with you. This guy is a loose Cannon, if not tamed he can cause injury to many. He’s trying to hoodwink authorities from his illegal mining activities. Paul Kabuswe must immediately get him arrested. He’s a danger

    • @Ayatollah, it’s wise to keep your trap shut if you’ve no data. To the contrary, the author is actually fighting for the rights of the youth who’ve been shortchanged at the Black Mountain by the likes of the same Kabuswe you mention.

    • …….

      The truth hurts……..

      Those remarks by those MPs were cordinated to bring about tribal conflict………

  2. We the people of Zambia appoint a government to run affairs on our behalf. Part of governments job is to legislate against things which could lead to public disorder. Tribalism just like racism can be weaponised if it falls in the wrong hands.We need our leaders to create laws which will make it illegal to hide behind this despicable vice. Why are we failing as an independent nation to make laws which will punish perpetrators promoting this atrocious behaviour.

  3. First you should know who started the war in Rwanda.
    Second if you are sincere you should know how this dangerous path is being generated. Tribalism is both ways… people cannot just keep quiet when they see government acting in a partial way..
    whether Edgar Lungu messed up you cannot send your children to go and insult him publicly like what we saw…. I am partly Lunda and I know how respectful the Lunda are towards other people regardless of their age.. but you Mr Kaping’a you are a lost sheep.

    • Those youths with hoods insulting lungu were PF……

      How you know that was a set up…….

      The clique and their supporters are saying thst video was a trigger……..

      When we all know you did not accept a tonga preisdent from day one………

      What a pathetic shallow excuse

  4. Both ruling and opposition seem to be missed calls in this country, both no direction bwino bwino. Hand back the country to the colonisers if you have both failed. Ruling not inspiring any hope, draw draw with opposition.

    • My friend’s grand father a Jehovah’s witness had misgivings about Africans ruling themselves. People judged him by his religion but I am sure wherever he is, he’s saying I TOLD YOU SO.
      Apparently his sons had joined the freedom struggle.

    • I have seen it stated here numerous times before. No leadership. I now miss Kaunda because at times like this he would step out and sing “Tiyende Pamodzi..” and you all felt oneness. Our present president likes letting fires burn. He ignores the tribal attack on certain politicians by his government or police. He is too busy thinking of his next trip to Europe

  5. The fight for independence would not have been necessary if the colonisers had governed Africa in a responsible and humane manner but instead they trampled upon and soiled an African humanity.

    • Botswana kept European civil servants for a long time. They worked with the locals who by the time they completely took over the positions had mastered the art craft of civil service.

    • Dont forget Botswana imported a lot of Zambian teachers to educate the citizens. Now they are at the end of the tunnel.

  6. Tanzanian here!!!

    The aircraft with Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira didn’t take off from Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania……actually, it took off from ARUSHA, Tanzania

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