Saturday, June 15, 2024

Solwezi General Hospital in dire need of Doctors


Structures along Solwezi Main Street

Solwezi general hospital Medical Superintendent Mathews Ng’ambi has appealed to government through the Ministry of Health-MOH to send more doctors to the health institution.

Dr Ng’ambi said the health institution has been operating on less than 20 percent of the staff establishment with only six out of 27 required doctors.

He said this yesterday when Solwezi Round Table Number 19 donated a fridge and blankets to Lunga children’s ward malnourished section at the hospital valued at K4.3 million.

Dr Ng’ambi said inadequate doctors at the health institution will compromise the provision of health services to the people hence need for urgent attention from government.

Meanwhile Dr Ng’ambi thanked Solwezi Round Table Number 19 for the donation saying it will go a long way in addressing many challenges the children’s ward is facing such as lack of bed linen and proper sanitation.

“Lunga children’s ward has been facing a lot of challenges because it accommodates children with both medical and surgical conditions. The ward has no geysers to provide warm water to the children and the ablution block also leaves much to be desired. We have a situation where only one toilet is operational catering for a population of about 80 to 100 children,” he noted.

Making the donation, Solwezi Round Table Number 19 Chairman Milliot Kazembe said after his organisation identified a lot of needs in the malnourished children’s ward section it saw it fit to donate a few of them.

Mr Kazembe said his organisation intends to adopt the children’s ward in the near future and pledged to support the health institution in addressing many challenges it is facing in its quest to deliver quality health services.

And St Paul’s Mission Hospital Administrator Sister Regina Mulenga has bemoaned the lack of an Intensive Care Unit at the institution. Sister Mulenga says the lack of an intensive care unit at the institution has made it difficult for the medical staff at the hospital to deal with emergency cases.

Sister Mulenga says the medical staffs at the institution just improvise to come up with what they would call an intensive care unit when there is an emergency. ZANIS reports that Sister Mulenga explained this to Luapula Province Minister Rogers Mwewa who was accompanied by the former Provincial Permanent Secretary Gabriel Kaunda when they visited the hospital.

The Hospital Administrator added that the institution which has to be powered 24 hours has a big challenge of erratic supply of power. She says with such a situation the hospital relies on a generator which is expensive to run due to the high price of fuel and has no capacity to run fully.

Responding to the concerns, the Provincial Minister emphasized the need for government to support the hospital.Mr Mwewa said there is need for all members of parliament, the Permanent Secretary and all the people to support the institution adding that resources should be distributed equally in all institutions that serve the lives of Zambians.



  1. Its sad….they all graduate every year and they is a rule that in SADC region they are not allowed to be employed….so where do they go………the worst mistake government did which will be felt now is selling of government houses…those days when the graduate they will find accommodation partially furnished now its history teaching us a big lesson…who will go there…that is some of the causes…most people that benefited from the sale of houses are retired now not contributing to the development of this country

  2. there a lot of job opportunities in the ministry of health ,can ukwa & team come up wth a deliberate policy to make sure we train & employ the medical personel.somebody in ths govt needs to tell us wen their plans wl start working

  3. you must be very stuupidd en ignorant u  editor,,i expect to c a photo of SGH not dat misleading image of da streets,,stuupidd,u r full of shiiiiiit,, 

  4. LT I can post you pictures for Solwezi General Hospital. It seems you guys need help. You are eporting about hospital issue and you end up showwing a picture for KENNY COOL TRADING shop is missleading. May PF government start fulfilling their promises, it’s time, honey moon must end, lots of work to be done. Governing a nation like Zambia requires a wise, energetic and a listening leader.

  5. Hold your guys guys. Dont roast LT for not providing a picture of Solwezi General Hospital. LT has no such photo and there’s no such a photo on google maps. so LT can only provide what resembles Solwezi. mushala, just go ahead and supply a photo of SGH to LT. SGH is another failed institution like UTH because we have not had responsible govts with a heart for the people but for stealing.

  6. I remember UKWA singing promises last year but he now goes on insulting trips and private missions to other countries when the game heats up in Zambia. Lol….

  7. A lot has been said about Solwezi as being a booming town. Are those the kind of buildings found in Solwezi? Are there well-trained architects and builders in Zambia? I now believe someone who told me that Zambia has the ugliest buildings in Southern Africa.

  8. Zambian doctors are working happily and well paid in many countries around the world. The Zambian government must remember that doctors and other professionals want to work in well maintained structures equipped with all the necessary equipment for them to perform efficiently and satisfactorily. Telling off doctors in Botswana will achieve nothing, they are happy out there and well looked after.

  9. Whose legacy is reflected in this pic?

    A. Colonial – out since the mid sixties
    B. UNIPISTS – out since early nineties
    C. MMD – out since late 2011
    D. PF – current holders of the reigns
    E. Who cares. Let’s get to work now.

    Take your pick what the pic makes you feel.

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