Saturday, June 1, 2024

Kunda, Sikatana responding well to treatment, UTH


File: Former Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana brandishes the ruling MMD party symbol during Independence Day celebrations - Copy - Copy

UNIVERSITY Teaching Hospital (UTH) managing director Luckson Kasonka says both former Vice-President George Kunda and former Minister of Foreign Affairs Mundia Sikatana, who are admitted to UTH, have shown significant recovery over the past two days.

Dr Kasonka said in an interview on Monday that the medical condition of the two former leaders and, especially Mr Kunda’s, had deteriorated a couple of days ago.

He, however, said the former Vice-President and Mr Sikatana are, “responding exceptionally well to treatment and have made a lot of improvement”.

Dr Kasonka said the two are responding well to treatment and are now able to talk and eat.

And Dr Kasonka has dismissed media reports that Mr Kunda is admitted in the Presidential ward at UTH.

He urged the media to verify information and report factually to avoid creating misunderstandings.

Dr Kasonka, however, could not disclose the exact wards where Mr Kunda and Mr Sikatana are admitted, saying such details are not for public consumption.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Healing is God’s children bread. In praise we plead the blood of Jesus Christ on both statesmen and declare a divine touch.

  2. A pastor predicted that this year many leaders will die, it’s unfortunate prediction especially coming from a clergyman but all in it all only God’s will be done, get well gents

    • Why does this pastor only predict bad things? That’s when you should know his predictions are coming from the devil.

  3. Wishing both Our leaders Quick recovery and God guidance even after being involved with Government / MMD that stole from Zambians. WELL NOTHING WRONG WITH KUNDA BEING PUT IN PRESIDENTIAL WARD, HE IS FORMER VP. Please Zambians let us learn to respect our leaders and not dwell on trivial matters like wards?? It’s a SHAME??

  4. what ever you say on this matter the only better thing for the tow guys is to get back to god so that wether they die or they get well they will be on god s side. the safest place ever known and let fools talk bad forgetting thier time of such.

  5. This un opportunity for PF-UTH doctors to prove that they save a life. those 2 patients are pillars in Zambian, please give them best you have.

  6. Sad that they are improving, i thot the prophet JB joshua’s prediction could be shifted to any of these instead of The beloved King Cobra

  7. Dear God – we trust that you will restore good health to both our great leaders, Sikatana and Kunda. The devil is a liar. Amen.

  8. They both have the same illness. Sikatana was loosing weight so as Kunda. These guys played around a lot. There is nothing to hide here. They are paying for their dues so to speak, and let us learn from their mistakes.

  9. Make me understand, JK was said to be under observation the moment he entered the mystirous ward and his under observation since then despite ukufwa icitu any way, those ate the fruits of womanising and may we all learn. Well it does not take a professor to tell the illness of these two. They have the’laxury to even order manzi from Mars. But its to way difficult to explain their maulnorished health.

  10. This time no more morningside? Tell that kunda guy to take his ARVs judiciously and not to spead his HIV like a swine.

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