Saturday, September 21, 2024

Deadline for submission for Draft Constitution extended to 19th September


TIZ Zambia chapter president Reuben Lifuka
TIZ Zambia chapter president Reuben Lifuka

The Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambian Constitution has extended the period for the informal public consultative process on the first draft constitution by fifty days from 1st August to 19th September, 2012.

Constitution Conventions Coordinator Rueben Lifuka tells QFM News in a statement that the extension is merely for the benefit of members of the public that relying on the translated popular version of the first draft constitution to receive and study the document before submitting their comments.

Mr Lifuka said this because the Committee has encountered some delays in producing and translating a popular version of the first draft constitution into seven major local languages.

He says the translated versions are in the process of being printed and will be available for distribution to members of the public soon.

Mr Lifuka adds that the Technical Committee will work with relevant stakeholders in the constitution making process to ensure that copies of the translated popular version are distributed to all the ten provinces.

And Mr Lifuka says the formal consultation process will commence with the holding of district consultative for a from 27th to 29th August, 2012.

He says this will be followed by provincial conventions from 8th to 14th October 2012 and the national and sector groups convention from 22nd October to 1st November, 2012.


  1. The heading should read… “Constitution Technical Committee Extends Payment of its Allowances by Another Fifty Days…”

  2. That is a good move in right direction, no need to rush, Zambia is not closing tomorrow. People Hakainde think Zambia should operate like a Kantemba. Fastele fastele????

  3. Lt what happened to editing insults….during elections you used to edit some of us these insults dont sit well please LT do something

  4. @ 3 man its a simple constitution process, if people can schedule timely  complex programs like the Olympics with out overlaps, how the hell can a simple straight forward step by step task like translating, printing, distributions translated copies, provincial and the like prove rocket science hard?? lets prove we r educated in practice. 

  5. Continue postponing. Before you know it no one will remember that there was a constitution to be drafted

  6. Makes no damn sense to me. But in retrospect, it gives the people more time to engange in (meaningful) discussions. Atleast, I hope so!

  7. It appears our new government has been impressive at beginning a lot of things. Sadly, it is taking too long to see anything significant reach completion point, to assure the citizens.

  8. …and what happened to Commissions of Inquiry????They are dead silent and only them know how much they were paid…

  9. Zambia, the only country with a draft constituation that has been taking inout for over 20 years shake my head.

  10. gives me time to finish reading and make my submissions.its a pity not too many people have made submissions…but everyone is quick to blame govt for loop holes in the constitution.use the extention to read the draft constitution and to make your submissions…BA CHIMBWI.

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