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RB requested to meet leaders of main political parties in Kenya


Left to right, Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda, Swedish Ambassador to Kenya Joan Borgstam and Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Ahmed Hassan leave the hall after opening the two-day conference on the Kenya 2013 elections.
Left to right, Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda, Swedish Ambassador to Kenya Joan Borgstam and Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Ahmed Hassan leave the hall after opening the two-day conference on the Kenya 2013 elections.

Zambia’s Fourth President Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, has been requested by Kenya’s Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to meet the leaders of the two main political parties in the March 4 Presidential and Parliamentary elections so as to help them realise the importance of putting their nation’s interest first.

IEBC vice-chairperson Lilian Zafa made the appeal last night at a dinner hosted in President Banda’s honour at Hotel Intercontinental in Nairobi.

Ms Zafa said it would be important for Kenya’s rival parties to listen to President Banda freely talk about his own electoral defeat in the 2011 Presidential elections and how he dealt with the choice between self preservation and national interest.

“President Banda, you have set a very high standard for Africa. We appreciate you very much. You are now stress-free as a true and respected elder statesman. For you, national interest took precedence.

“We shall request that you find time to meet the leaders of our political parties here in Kenya so that they may learn something from your experience,” said Mrs Zafa at the dinner that was attended by diplomats accredited to Kenya, high court judges, lecturers from the Kenyatta University School of Law and government officials.

Speaking at the same function, chairman of the Judiciary Working Committee on Electoral Preparations, Justice David Maraga, said the Kenyan people were honoured to have President Banda in their midst.

And the former Zambian head of State commended the Kenyan people for the measures they were putting in place to prepare for the elections and avoid the violence that characterized the 2007 elections.

President Banda is in Kenya to attend a conference dubbed ‘Elections March 2013: Imminent debates in the event of a Presidential run-off’ and organised by the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa in partnership with the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission, the Kenyan Judiciary and the Kenyatta University School of Law.


  1. It is a shame that back in Zambia, Banda is not treated a hero for accepting defeat. And yet, had he not accepted the defeat, we would not have had the peace we enjoy today. Despite all the wrongs he may have done while in power, as Zambian we need to celebrate Banda for his humility to graciously accept defeat. Thanks to Kenya for showing and reminding us Zambians that Banda is afterall a hero that needs to be recognised.

    • @ CHARITY – sometimes we judge people as if ourselves are perfect Gods. Rupiah did wrongs that were within expected margins – no goverment ever leaves office with a perfect reputation. However, what PF and Sata have messed up in just 1 year is far greater than Rupiah’s wrongs in the entire 3 years he was in office. What is even ridiculous about PF is that they are not even ashamed about it. Atleast in Rupiah’s time we had some intelliegent discussions and explanations for what was going on. Now, what we have are just mumbo-jumbos from a PF that still behaves as if it is still in opposition and is failing to find peace even within itself. Rupiah Banda is on a different planet and it is even unfair to compare him with these clueless clowns we have now.

    • #Charity after the way Zambians celebrated in the streets you still feel and think he had a chance of refusing to leave office? You must be dreaming. Acceptance is all it takes. And I know for a fact that MCS was invited on a lot of fora abroad even when he was still in opposition so don’t burst your bubbles

  2. The hosts do not know that Banda was forced to vacate his presidency by people who feared the worst if he did not concede defeat. Who did not see how he wept. It is because he did not anticipate to lose or leave, so Charity what respect can the Zambians give a thief who even removed a very important clause from the constitution?

    • Ka Gelo Sir/ Madam, Do not be a shameless lier. All of us Zambians saw Rupiah’s address conceding defeat and it was a great speech. He also attended the swearing ceremony for Michael Sata. You PF are just ashamed of the terrible lies Mmembe concocted against him. There is nothing you can tell the international community about RB. They have their embassies here and they have their intelligence services. RB did not even mind Sata meeting the US secretary of State. in the current situatuation it would be called treason by Whynter. You hate RB because of your own lies. You must accept that there are people who respect him.

    • mother F***KER why are yo so negative all your comments are either tribal oriented or supporting useless PF, atleast Banda is more honourable than sata who almost raped our constitution during the third term.

      Jus face it Sata thought he will humiliate RB now RB is more of a statesman, Satat will never ever achieve this

    • Ibwelemo iwe. RB feared? He had the resources to get himself and his family out of the country. He coulda just issued a command and the whole country would have been on fire, including your slimy panties. RB is all man. HE made the right decision. Give him the credit.

    • The nonsense this Ka Gelo is trying to put across is so worrisome as people did not force RB to vacate. If he had wanted to resist he was going to do it and he was going to crush the ill prepared PF cadres who were mainly form copperbelt. Let’s show respect where it due. This cadrerism being exhibited everywhere should stop hence forth

    • hahahaha you are wrong ma dear zambian awe sure.. he cried coz he was to live something nice something he treasured why are some of the african leaders hold on the powers despite being defeated learn to apreciatte u fool!!! star in new york

    • Kagelo where’s the evidence that RB was a thief?He,unlike kafupi,has never been formaly charged,no proof adduced so where’s your proof? Even if RB was a thief(which he wasn’t) i’d rather live with a white collar thief than a dictator.Dictators kill without remorse but a white collar thief respects precious lives.

  3. It is biblical that charity. i your own town people will not look up to you but the surrounding lands will see you as a fountain for wisdom. No further comment…..

  4. The truth is that PF are choking with envy at the international reputation that RB has gained for himself. Like someone has said above, PF thought they were humiliating him, but actually now he is an international hero. Nobody cares what Sata and PF think because nobody respects them, they are not the ones who determine who is a hero and who is not. Since PF came into power, how many invitations has Sata received to visit other countries even within the region???? How many visits has Sata received from other presidents? ZERO, ZERO!!! Even President Banda of Malawi refused to visit Zambia at the last minute, in case she is mistaken for associating with the PF clown in Zambia’s State House. PF can’t even put its own party in order, they are busy fighting in public every day and night!

  5. I was previledged to be part of the audience the former president was speaking to. Indeed a prophet is not honoured in their own homeland but his speech touched many kenyans who are familiar with violence. As Zambians we may throw stones at Banda, but believe me you, he has earned his respect for conceeding defeat

  6. Mr. Banda will always be missed, RB was heading in the right direction and people with vision saw that! If RB was guilty by now he would have been arrested and sent to jail. I thank God I voted for RB…

    • There are people in Congo who romanticize about Mobutu! It does not mean that Mobutu was good for Congo. People like you have short memories. Banda was going to destroy all the institutions of this country. That is not to say Ukwa is much better. We can do better than Banda and Sata! For the first time yesterday I saw Stand up For Zambia on Youtube. What a pile of amateurish rubbish! Throwing unfounded and wild allegations at people without giving them a chance to reply! Calling Mmembe a Satanist. Accusing the Catholic Church of conducting homosexual rituals. I hope the people involved get taught a lesson. Unfortunately Banda is hiding behind his immunity.

  7. @ 6 Rajan, very few people could see that.Am equally happy that I voted for RB in the sept 2011 General Elections.To me he and his Administration had direction.Am yet to see it in current administration.If the saying that the first cut is the deepest, then am a wooried man if what is happening in the current now continues in the next 4 to 5 years.

    • correction

      If the saying that the first cut is the deepest is true, then am worried man if what is happening in the country now continues for the next 4 to 5 years.

  8. Well done to RB,he was a good leader .He ignored alot of things we took for granted.Like we never heard of Sata being arrested every weekend for meeting this or that person,or issuing alarming statements which he did all the time

  9. PF government and dictator Sata have waned down with bitterness over RB. They demonised RB and made a mountain of unproven allegations to date. RB has crafted himself as the most eminent personality in Africa and world over except in his own homeland. Much as he was/is accountable to Zambians his effots to develop the entire country is evident. To day PF govt ashamedly credit themselves with those successful projects left behind which initially were despised as corruptly muted. PF govt legacy is already damaged beyond rehabilitation and time will prove what’s happening today to Zambia and Zambians.

  10. To all my fellow bloggers.

    We all know what RB did. We all know what MMD stood for when they were in power. However you judge them, is a matter of opinion.

    If in your opinion, stealing public funds and looting is OK, then thats fine by you, on the other hand if stealing public funds and abusing office is an evil to be gotten rid off, again that is one’s opinion. At the end of the day, posterity will determine who is right or wrong, no need to insult one another just because of difference in opnion.

    One Zambia, One Nation!!

    • This is the kind of false propaganda that Mmembe and the Post specialised in during the 3 years of Rupiah’s government. Rupiah did great things for Zambians so that when he left government, more Zambians were driving their own cars than at any time since independence. Rupiah is out of government. His wife has already appeared before the task force over the flats which the family is constructing through a loan. If Membe has any tangible evidence against Rupiah let him tell Sata to lift his immunity. Otherwise shut up.

  11. @ Ke Gelo (2), RB’s Tears after losing that election were not, in his words, for himself, he was rather weeping because of what he foresaw, as a result of the choice some gullible voters had made. Need I say more?

  12. Of course Mr Banda had weaknesses during his presidency but cannot be compared to the current one if what we have seen in the past 15 months is anything to go by.
    Mr Banda never embarrassed his foreign guests, never talked ill of the leaders or nations he visited, in other words he was and still is a humble and dignified statesman. His invitations to speak at various international fora is a living testimony to this.

  13. Hello! ladies and gents, Mr. Banda simply had no choice but to step down. He deserves no thanks for doing that for that is what is expected of anyone who looses elections. He can go to Kenya or any other nation and give lectures but Zambians know him better. We in future, expect every loosing president to hand over power. Bu President tebufumu iyoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • What you have said is very right. But two points to note: 1. It was only 43% 0f Zambians who thought Mr Sata was any better than Banda. It was not a landslide as PF seeks to project it. 2. We do not only expect every loosing President to hand over power, we expect every governing President to allow other Zambians to hold rallies and campaign against him. Bu President te bufumu iyo… Every Zambian has a right to be President of Zambia and no one has a right to stop him from selling himself to the public.

    • kwena u are a fool i wonder which which school u went to hahaha awe logic in zambia should be taight honestly!! can they introduce this course in zambian school so that people can think and reason well with substance not ukubosafye lol

  14. @Distant Drums,

    Isnt it Banda who told the donors to pack up and go!! That we didnt need their money, blah, blah, blah…???

  15. There is a group of MMD supporters going around LT chasing Banda’s stories and voting up those who support him and voting down anyone they see as negating their thieving President

  16. im serving myself up a huge plate of humble pie…good job nyama soya!!i remember as a boma worker i hated ur guts..but in retrospect u were a prince compared to these kabovas!ndiye buu diplomat..manje aba benangu will only be remembered for ntusi,arrests,and districts and more districts,pluzi killing the opposition….anyway

  17. chawama chasokona, you have also noticed that these mmd @^^5@**!! are the ones voting. whatever they say or no matter how much they try to hero worship rb., the truth is there that banda and family are thieves and very shortly he will start appearing in court.

  18. RB RB RB RB chi RB was forced to leave the seat! He actually wanted to leave Zambia! For of us who knows him,chilya chimudala nichi Mafia. Hard core Mafia! He used to drink everyday mu state nachikaputula chabu farmer then he goes pa gate mukushimika nabamalonda at the expense of National development! These (MMD & RB) raped the Zambia economy. So if you do not know anything,shut up!!!!

  19. You emotional men/women who are insulting me are just bitter. Whatever you say will not move me. Remember most of you who write insults are just sad and very bitter that Sata is at state house. It does not matter what percentage he got. Most of you want your bellies to expand because of too much eating with RB. Yes, whether RB cried for mother zambia or not is not debatable. All I know is that he wept because of the sweet he was leaving behind especially that for him it was a dream to be a president since he was awakened from his sleep by Levy. Sata is a seasoned politician who is incomparable to your RB, HH etc. Please just be patient and wait for 2016 and see what will happen. Meanwhile Livingstone and Mpongwe, here we come.

    • RB was a disgrace and a failure. The least respected of all Zambian presidents. From his very first time he ascended to power, people where already fed up with crooked MMD. I voted for MC not because I thought he was a messiah, but because he was and still is better alternative to dull RB. I didnt expect all Zambia’s problems to vanish in a year. RB and his family was good riddance.


    • Ndipo olo mubazonde a Banda, unga wezeko chipi. Lomba bano masiku ni masiku a Noah. Kuti unga uchipeko koma kucita bulldoze maMillers, ndiye chinji ico mwebantu sure. Ni donchi kubeba zoona.

    • @ slow poison, that’s ironic that you didnt expect all Zambia’s problems to vanish in a year. (considering that PF preached the 90 days, all will be well slogan;!.)

  20. To all my fellow bloggers

    Check this out; Shikapwasha, former information persec, Chimbwi chanda, Moses Muteteka, some Phiri guy from the information services, all being arrested and goin to court. Is this a coincedence?? No, I dont think so, this is all systmatic.

    Soon, it will be the biggest fish in the lake, watch this space!!!

  21. Haha,i’m loving all the accolades,the recognition and respectability RB has rightfully earned.I can’t wait for yet another international invitation,an award and attention lavished on RB.The PF f00ls who voted a visionless,illeducated tyrant can choke with envy.Wise men do indeed come from the east.

    • Either some of the bloggers don’t really care about Zambia or they have selective amnesia. Forgive Kenyans, they are used to violence during or after election, why do think they are able to run so fast? Think people!

      R.B, MMD and family ‘wrote a three books’ and ‘four documentaries’, Corruption Made Easy, Everyday is Christmas and Your Money is Ours if we Can Touch it. The documentaries are as follows: I will only Leave Power When KK and Diplomats Persuade Me, Western Province Killings, Copperbelt Killings (delayed election results), (thanks to jerebos), Movement of Shesheke Commandos To Lusaka, What Banks, Underground Safer.

      The Bible is very clear on stolen wealth, RB, Family, MMD crooks,Kapoko and Dora your day is coming, just remember FTJ

  22. KA GELO is right, RB wept to leave office, so did you his sycophants who were eating with him. Anyway at least you stole enough to keep your fat bellies happy.

  23. Bwezani is a great man’ list how many countries, universities and political groups he’s been invited to officiate. He handed over power without blood shed, do people see what goes around in the countries on power transition? Togo, drc, libya without any political affiliation people let’s honour where credit is due. We had presidential elections with all businesses around going on as usual till the 5th president was sworn in to date we still in business, don’t blame your failures on flexible govts. Yesterday u were like sata is a man of his word’ more money in your pockets today the same punks are like they are all the same. Nigga please! Just knock your hustle

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