Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sata urges Ngonis to turn their warrior instinct to assault poverty


Eleven year old Omega Nkhanza, presents a knobkerrie and shield to Finance Minister, Alexander Chikwanda, at Chipata airport on yesterday. Mr. Chikwanda was guest of honour at this year’s Nc’wala traditional ceremony of the Ngoni in Chipata
Eleven year old Omega Nkhanza, presents a knobkerrie and shield to Finance Minister, Alexander Chikwanda, at Chipata airport on yesterday. Mr. Chikwanda was guest of honour at this year’s Nc’wala traditional ceremony of the Ngoni in Chipata

President Michael Sata has urged the Ngoni people of Eastern Province to turn their warrior instinct into a massive assault of poverty.Speaking in a speech read for him by Finance Minister, Alexander Chikwanda, at the Nc’wala annual traditional ceremony in Chipata today, President Sata observed that the Ngoni people are hard working and capable of fighting poverty among the local people.

He said in the history of African people, the gallant and heroic action of the Ngoni ancestor, Shaka Zulu stands out as the most galling resistance to foreign domination.Mr Sata said Zambia has a large chunk of land with rich soils and in almost all the years with good rainfall which can be a renewable resource if well looked after.Mr Sata said the ceremony has significance for the Ngoni people as it cements their ancestral connections and spurs them to perform many feats in several spheres of life.He observed that the Ngoni are a proud people with confidence in themselves which makes them make independent decisions based on their own values.“That is why we have turned up in large numbers from many corners and a broad spectrum of the Zambian society,” he said.

And Mr Sata has urged the Ngoni people to stand up and defend him against some quarters that have been attacking the head of state because he is a tireless warrior for the disadvantaged in the country.He observed that there are many people who are used as Trojan horses to defend foreign interests invariably for cheap, flatter and illusory stakes.

[pullquote]Mr Sata has urged the Ngoni people to stand up and defend him against some quarters that have been attacking the head of state[/pullquote]

And President Sata said the PF government has an ambitious agenda to change the country for a better and prosperous place for all.He said the government will continue to add and improve on the existing network of schools and health and social services.He said government intends to improve on inadequate road and railway networks which he said are critical to economic development.The President also said there is need to improve the delivery of farming inputs to farmers across the country.

“The PF government has done better by paying farmers a lot earlier, we do not want to see a past failure in crop marketing and input distribution,” he said.

President Sata said government intends to equip cooperatives, saying it had already started funding the cooperatives through the Zambia Cooperative Federation which has shown seriousness and commitment.

“The game plan is to let people at local level be involved in activities which include local processing. Reliance on Lusaka based bureaucracy will not go anywhere,’ he said.“The distribution of inputs, seeds and fertilizer also needs to be improved, “he said.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni ( in Lion Skin),junior chiefs and his warriors march to the main arena where the Nc’wala traditional ceremony takes place
Paramount Chief Mpezeni ( in Lion Skin),junior chiefs and his warriors march to the main arena where the Nc’wala traditional ceremony takes place

Meanwhile, Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people of Eastern Province has castigated politicians advocating for the suspension of Zambia from
the commonwealth.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni said it is disheartening to hear that some political leaders are so disenchanted with the government of President Michael Sata that they are advocating for the country to be expelled from the commonwealth.The Paramount Chief said politicians need to dialogue as a way of resolving conflicts, saying they should create a climate of political accommodation and finding local solutions to resolve local problems.


Paramount Chief Mpezeni said Ngoni people have rich experiences in victory and defeat, saying the experience has demonstrated that magnanimity is a unifying factor in both victory and defeat.He urged government to continue listening to the people and act accordingly to issues of concern.

He also urged government to continue its mandate through increased direct cooperation with citizens and other groups.The Ngoni people held today’s Nc’wala traditional ceremony in honour of Paramount Chief Mbelwa of the Ngoni people of Malawi who died two weeks ago for whom they also observed a minute of silence.The occasion was also characterized by solemn traditional songs and dance.

Also in attendance were several Ngoni chiefs from Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia among other local chiefs.

Chiefs Affairs Minister, Nkandu Luo, Mines Minister Yanfwa Mukanga, Energy and Water Development Deputy Minister, Charles Zulu, Defence Deputy Ministers, Joseph Lungu and Davies Mwila, Home affairs Deputy Minister Elfreda Kansembe and several other government officials were also in attendance.

The Barotse Royal Establishment was represented by Induna Nangana while Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamabo II of the Soli people also attended the occasion.


    • Where was Sata as headline states? We don’t want to say anything crazy to President Chikwanda. We miss comedy…. Nyau dancers where disappointed to meet their fellow member.

  1. Bre what are you trying to prove…you guys are a let down. Why are you dipping your nose in other are now irrelevant to Barotseland do you represent us in a foreign country.

  2. He has Shu shu Shus and the PF police why should Ngonis start deffending him again.The job of Ngonis is to deffend people like RB who are being hit left right and centre by the president from Bwinjunfumu

  3. Sata should step down. He has continued to be a PF than national president. Look at him, he assigns that chap Kabimba to international duty, the big nosed Chikwanda to N’cwala so that he can do PF duties in Livingstone. He should go to hell with his PF

    • And what is wrong with that iwe ka nkuni. You delegate some assignments ala! He is building capacity by letting others be in the President’s shoes.

  4. I think we really need medical test to determin sanity. PF is acronom for PAYA FARMER in the eastern province. Without farming surpot program how will ngonz like me fight poverty. Only USEFUL I***TS. take this as ama light moment

  5. Zambia should do away with these useless ceremonies, what significance are they in the 21st centuary? we only need national cremonies like independence, africa freedom day etc, not ma rubish ceremonies just wasting people time and money, infact uchende too much kuma ceremonies ya SO.

  6. Very unpresidential and inappropriate speech at a traditional ceremony. When is this guy going to master the office that he holds? I am beginning to see why a mental checkup is needed! The Presidency does not suit Sata. He has failed.

  7. I knew he wldn’t attend! We just have figurehead president in zambia,actually the medical test is long overdue plus na ka impeachment!

    • @ sakis dont worry sata will only attend most respected traditional ceremony called Mutomboko ceremony of chief Mwatakazembe and ukusefya pa gwena of Bemba people he will never attend this stupid N’chwala and Tonga Ceremonies.

  8. President Sata said…. blur …blur …. blur in a speech read for him by Alexander Chikwanda and obviously written by Chellah.

    How remote from the people is that?

    • What tribe is CHELLAH? He is not bemba for sure. no bembas spell their names with double letters and an h at the end. So where is the bloke from?

  9. So you chaps want him to attend each and every ceremony ? And at the same time you blame him for not attending to some of the countrys pressing issues.Ndye ma sobelo aya.

    • President Mwanawasa used to attend almost all the ceremonies throughout the country and his good performance was there for everyone to see including those who used to call him names. A president should not discriminate. I guess Mwanawasa was the first (hopefully not the last) non-discriminatory Zambian president as far as the attending of traditional ceremonies are concerned.

  10. “Hard working people indeed”.Ati “Warrior instincts to attack poverty”. Its like u re talking to kindergarten kids! This kind of patronage does not cease to amaze me. Please!

  11. Foolishness at its level best. Why do u like writing insults!! Please you have to grow up guys. Write something that makes sense and that can help to uplift the shrinking economy in Zambia. A president is just human, and fallible. Let’s shift from the camp of insults my fellow Zambians. I have observed that most of you who are writing derogatory comments are all overseas. God loves you friends!! Let’s pray for mother Zambia. It’s time for us to be the solution to the slowly declining Zambia. No insults please!!

  12. Sata as head of state has no intention and can not attend Nc’wala because of his character. Sata knows that there is nothing his in Eastern province and is not popular there to be respected. As said earlier typical of his character is to show easterners of his unhappiness is to ignore Nc’wala ceremony- one of the two most important ceremonies in Zambia. Mwamvwa ayasu, Ni munthu lini.

  13. Mpezeni must accept that he has messed himself by going to bed with the dagga smoker. I hope this poor chief has learnt the hard way not to play with Ukwa politics.

  14. Ngoni WAR-riors, what’s up guys. You ran about as you fled Shaka’s wrath, intimidating all and sundry until you came up against a formidable Bemba army. Your King Zwangendaba died ku mwenso, manta when he heard the sound of a gun. He was finished off by Namwangas among whom he lies and today you fathom exhuming his rotten bones. Ndhlovus, Zimbas et cetra led by Phiris ran to mpili, mountains in their impi-sh dress of scanty animal skin covering the loin, leaving your wives and daughters behind! Twalitola. Your WAR witchcraft performed by your Nyaus could not do. We chased you all the way up to Mtenguleni and its peripheries. You need to start paying royalties to Bembas mwaumfwa?

  15. Ooh, kanshi tawaishiba what it means to be THE BOSS? You get the job done by your word. “Chellah write me the Ncwala ceremony speech. Mention that the Ngoni war aggression they carry in their bones should now be used to fight poverty….and also include… When you finish convey it to Alexander, he will be ‘President’ at the ceremony. In fact remind ABC to remind Mpezeni to remind abaice bena HH and Mumba to behave. Let him carry tuma rebased bricks for Mpezeni Okey?”. “To be done immediately your excellency”, said Chellah. “Also remind Wynter to prepare for Addis Abbaba, as soon as you are done with that, we shall be going to L/stone, waumfwa?”. “I am with you your excellency”, said Chellah. “Good”, retorted The President.

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