Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sata hails ECZ decision,slams UPND


PRESIDENT Michael Sata arrives at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport to drama up support for Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Lawrence Evans in Livingstone
PRESIDENT Michael Sata arrives at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International
Airport to drama up support for Patriotic Front (PF) candidate
Lawrence Evans in Livingstone

President Michael Sata has commended the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for valuing lives more than elections by postponing the Livingstone parliamentary by-election.

Mr Sata in a statement released to the media by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah, said this should demonstrate to all that the ECZ is operating independently and that violence will not be condoned.He said it is disgraceful and cruel that those who killed the PF member now want to pretend to be victims.

President Sata recalled that the PF lost a member in Rufunsa at the hands of UPND; and that another one has been lost in Livingstone at the hands of UPND yet again. He said these calculated acts of brutality are the enemies of democracy whose political thrust is abominable hate and intolerance.

[pullquote]Mr Sata said PF members should be proud of their record as a party that in their 10 years journey to victory; they showed love, care and compassion to every Zambian regardless of their political affiliation; and never killed or maimed any person during their struggle in opposition.[/pullquote] President Sata said the UPND leadership ought to be mindful that violence breeds violence and no one will benefit from a culture of bloodshed in politics.
He added that the UPND have decided that violence is profitable for them, which is why they shamelessly market their so-called ‘Mapatizya formular’, which is a coded language for attacking and maiming political opponents.

The Head of State said that as a responsible Government, sworn to safeguard, defend and protect lives and property in the country; they will not allow this culture to take root.He has since called upon the UPND in particular and all stakeholders in the governance of the country in general to condemn this systematic reckless loss of innocent lives because it will not benefit anyone.

Mr Sata has further warned the UPND in particular to either change their approach or face the full wrath of the law.He also urged PF members and other law abiding citizens to desist from retaliatory actions but let the law take its course.

Mr Sata said PF members should be proud of their record as a party that in their 10 years journey to victory; they showed love, care and compassion to every Zambian regardless of their political affiliation; and never killed or maimed any person during their struggle in opposition.

He said such is a record worth emulating by all those aspiring to rule the country in the future, stating that Zambia can only thrive on love and peace.



  1. I think the lady who is the ECZ chairperson should be removed, how long can one be on the same post and not be compromised

    There is nothing independent about Irene,’s work

    being a woman I normally should have a soft spot for her but I think she has outlived her use by date


  2. Mad president with not even bad morals. The man’s Ten Commandments allow him to lie continually and blame others on the way for the effects of his lies. What a catholic this is? Why is this man bent on destroying Zambia save for his Mchinga province? A government of Bembas for Bembas and o one else

  3. UPND are really very desperate and bitter, but they know by now that bitterness, jealousy and envy have never achieved anything apart from feeling dislussioned and losing focus. The UPND leadership has lost focus and has really become a bantustan tribal enclave which is fast losing its MPs. So far 3 MPs has called it quits, this in itself should be a signal that things are note right under the leadership of the chief tribalist and bitter, envious, chocking with hatred HH. This kind of politics is stoneage

  4. “we never killed or maimed any person during our struggle in opposition,” Mr Sata, you mean the Chawama violence and the killing of Paul Tembo was not orchestrated by you or people close to you?? I m sure Zambians are not this stupid, to fail to know where the violence is coming

    • #2. Well said,
      When there is lion or cobra ku mabala (farms), people discuss tactics; walk in groups, buy dogs, when things get worse they even set a wild fire to clear the bush. Anyway it maybe my village wisdom, but the wise will understand me.
      The best king of the jungle can do is to retreat and show people that he a circus lion, he was voted to play and entertain. Unfortunately the cobra is sending wild-dog Chellar to bark, people will just even be more insecure. There will be another funeral.. wait and see.

    • @2.1 – 2.4 – you PF cadres stop making excuses for Sata. Whether he killed while in MMD or PF he has killed. Infact this is now bordering on silliness to start saying I’m not a thief because when I stole I was living in a different house. What sort of thinking is that? Anyway Zambians do not expect anything intelligent from PF and its cadres. Secondly, it is well and widely reported by eye-witnesses that it is PF cadres who travelled all the way from Lusaka to go and attack UPND in Livingstone. The Chanda who died in Livingstone, what was he doing there-all the way from Lusaka? But still the chap died over 15km from where UPND were. The PF cadre in Rufunsa was killed by his fellow PF chaps while they were fighting for money. So which clean PF record is Sata talking about?

    • So PF has decided to resort to violence after assuming power. Remember the Kabwata incident recently when PF useful !diots attacked and injured UPND supporters. What a crazy way of arguing.

    • Sata is right. They never did this while they were in opposition, but they (including himself) did it when they were in MMD.

    • KenNgondo, you tried this language and approach during the 2011 general elections and it yielded you a huge loss and now you expect the same approach to result in a different result? That is madness! Paul Tembo was 1 of the first people with Penza who tried to go after the late Kafupi Chiluba. The grand kleptocracy by Chiluba didn’t just cost the poor Zambians, but it also cost lives! RB, your HHs’ best friend was in bed with the same Chiluba and got the most contracts during the privatisation. Yes, we are smart and that is why we will never vote HH!

    • @Kalu
      How can you say that and keep a straight face? The common denominator in the recent (10 years) of political violence is the PF. The fact that two of their cadres have lost lives does not mean the party is not violent driven. If anything, it is a FACT that they are the instigators of political violence. Look at the Livingstone case – it is them that went to the UPND camp and the diseased being from outside. Similar situation in Rufunsa. Look at Mpongwe by elections property. Belonging to opposition has been burnt but no acknowledgement or condemnation from the PF leadership. Look at Kabwata and the many scuffles between PF and MMD. Clearly the “bad apples” in Zambian politics are the PF and they should be condemned outright.

    • sorry, before you crucify me gents and ladies. The statement is addressed to mr. SATA, not PF. These acts of violence were committed during MMD reign, at the instigation of SATA when he was SG. When he left MMD violence left MMD. Most of this violence we are seeing in the country is coming from PF – FACT. For instance, what did Mr. Chanda go to do at the UPND function? Why did the police fail stop PF thugs from going to attack the UPND camp?? These chaps are not doing it for nothing, some1 is paying them.
      As for me, I m very far from the violence – but my heart bleeds for the jobless, suffering youths of our country that are made to commit this crime. The ruling party need to show leadership and stop this nonsense.

    • It’s a worry (UPND paid blogger)
      PF being violent is just one of UPND’s agenda of misinforming the masses.Sata is on record restraining PF members not to take to the streets or any form of violence when MMD rigged elections.Your HH is also on record encouraging his members to use the mapatizya formula.Your HH is also on record having said he will make the country ungovernable by whatever means.So far,UPND has killed three PF cadres in cold blood.You first killed in Rufusa and the two in L’stone.You killed Mwaliteta’s cook using a vehicle as a murder weapon.Just go on your ZWD,it portrays the thinking of your HH.Why shouldn’t I walk straight by stating the truth that PF is not a violent party?

  5. Sata is loosing connection with people, the more he doesn’t speak and always lets Chela talk on his behalf, the more people stop believing in him.

    • Dull Zambians it’s not wise for the King to answer all questionsAs a Christian I know our Lord asked more questions than he answered back to those who opposed him.Has it helped those who are holding press conferences day in day out.Sata is concerned of connecting Zambia, mindful of the poor ,the unemployed And not those who brought hardship to people of Luanshya by diverting the assets money and today they claim to be successful business men shame on them.One day someone will give an account on money laundering and corruption.

  6. Postponing the by-elections is embarrasing to Sata & PF government. Now there is a pure why will even skip the Commonwealth and go direct to UN to report abuse of human rights in Zambia.
    If people start killing each other over Chibuku during campaign is a sign that the leader is not preaching peace at all. We never experienced this under Chiluba and Mwanawansa. Violence started when PF was formed, that FIST Sata is raising is usually misunderstood by thugs, so they misuse it.

    • Violence started in 2005 with MAPATIZYA FORMULAR! Prior to UPND coining this violent formular, no Zambian was ever maimed or killed in an election. It moved to Mufumbwe, then Chilanga, by the time it got to Rufunsa 1 person died and finally in Livingstone 2 perasons have been killed. It is most alarming as this MAPATIZYA FORMULAR will oneday lead to mass murder! Even before PF came to power UPND were maiming MMD members. It is not perculiar to PF cadres, it is just the nature of the monster called UPND under the brutal leadership of HAKAINDE HICHILEMA!

    • You are a liar it was during Late Chiluba when KK was shot at. SATA is on record to stop his party members when MMD rigged elections

  7. I m getting pissed with people saying “Zambians” to seem to represent us. The only people that can say that are those we have voted into office and not these Mapatizya tribalist who are killing us. When we retaliate baffikkala mukashimona. Kapola swag for now tuleloleshafye.

    • kci, I beg you in the name of JEHOVAH our GOD, never retaliate my bro! They are not worth it. Any retaliation with these senseless brutes will lead to mass murder. We have a weapon, “THE VOTE” and we will keep denying their demigod HAKAINDE HICHILEMA. Just like in the real-time tactical strategy game, they will fall again & again until their ergo, violence, pomposity & tribalism is broken down into minute pieces and strewn about so that on his humbled shell, Zambians can again grow peaceful democracy. kci, I am also on the Kopala!

    • Dear showtime, regardless of who wrote those words, they are wise words in this chaotic scenario, and it is wise of the so-called dictator to agree to use them. There is little doubt that we would have seen more bloodshed had this election not been cancelled. Anyone claiming to represent Zambians but does not agree that Zambians have divergent views is a hypocrite. I am a Zambian and I agree that Justice Mambilima’s position on this one particular instance is honourable.

  8. Violence is want Zambian want or going outside country to lobby support from UN or Common wealth is want Zambian are looking forward to but present your manifesto best than what P F did to remove the MMD from power. Zambians are very much aware of certain political who want to go to State house by use of force. shame! shame! on you. Should learn the histroy of politics of Zambia how revolution starts and where it start from? It is not tribal line at all because Zambia is too large for one selfish and disgraceful tribe to think that they can win election by killing innocent people. Watch out you wil fail to compaign come 2016 and you wil not form government at all.

    • Why do you send PF thugs to opposition gatherings?. Sata was given the freedom to sell his manifesto to the electorate, why cant he let the opposition sell theirs? Why are the leaders of the country’s two biggest opposition been arrested every now and then. It is idi.ots like you who are feeding this monster and encouraging it. It is your stu.pidity that will lead to the break of the country!

    • @Kapompelo, what does masterbate mean? Is it one of the complicated words in the PF vocabulary? And is it something you do as a PF cadre ? None PF members get laid! That stuff is for !diots like you since it is the fourth word that sprung to your little mind in your shallow 4 word sentence! I take it you have an IQ of 4 equivalent to the size of your pigmy feet!

  9. KINDLY,

    • Good question. When those of us who say it is a call to violence speak they will label us. Let those who want us to think otherwise please explain this to us so that we may understand.

    • It started in MAPATIZYA Southern province mainly against MMD vote rigging, violence and also Partisan Police that serve the ruling party and not the nation. its a fight against a corrupt and brutal system. to tell you the truth, if UPND decide to seat back and not protect themselves, they will be slaughtered.

  10. Liar, you are suffering from amnesia,a deficit in your memory caused by this post 2011 PF election victory desire of outright haterage against HH and the UPND.
    Sata, you lie too much and you do not even know when, how and what you are lying throught your numerous rusty teeth.
    Sata, we know that you always orchestrate violence against others and you turn around so as to roll over as a victim like a wet puppy before its master.
    You are a coward becuase you wait for your stooges to feed the media with pre-arranged pro-Sata statements i.e. the stooge from ECZ. Then it follows that you move in for the kill with your usual blanket statements. Same statements everyday and these very statements are consumed by your foot soldiers who are at the receiving end of lethal force.You are sacrificing

    • Chellar statements are always reactive to happenings. Always defensive. I wish we could have a few forward looking statements of leadership. Give us vision, objectives & plans/strategies to achieve our developmental goals. Surely politicking shouldn’t be the fulltime job description of the nation’s leadership!

    • I think this is the most useless Govermnment we ever had in Zambia ,MMD was smart in their dealing, there was coordination among them though we knew they were liars but with this one it is Reactionery government always issueing uncoordinated statements!!

    • Life is lost and UPND is football supporters travel to go and watch in away games at times seat next to the local supporters ,wearing his team attire, shouting ,but no one dares to kill.
      HH or UNPD does not own Livingstone.The late did not break any law but HH and his followers are remember death penalty still in force

  11. those with eyes have heard your exellence continue with your good work GOD loves so you so much that he intrusted power to govern this nation.wen some one see’s no brains in you GOD the creater see’s abudance brain you sir .we ar proud of you

  12. Have the courts ruled that Chanda was killed by UPND? Sata please shut up and stop interfering in a court case. We dont want trials by Bwinjumfumu megaphones. You killed Mr Chanda to frame the UPND and its leadership. You are the only ones who knew that a Mr Chanda had been killed. To make things more suspicious his body was found 15 kilometres away from the UPND camp that was attacked by Sata’s PF thugs. We await the trial. Katanga, Lungu,Jere, Mwaliteta, Sakeni , Chella, Hapunda and Kabimba should all be called before the court. They seem to know a lot about what happened than the 56 UPND people who were arrested by the PF militia masquerading as Zambia Police.

    • Sue the Police if your deny the charge, who have made such arrests. remember they may have people who can not hide the truth they know who killed the late.Today we have smart phones to can communicate in a flash of a second Thst is why Tambe mbwa tribal online is getting evil info and post for the public to read.

  13. KCI mind your language. There are more of us bembas in Southern province than the other way round. If these Tonga’s get pissed off bwana ninshi twaponoka. Bakali bafikala aba and balikosa sana becuses of local yorgart. Let us just live in peace with them after all they are docile and peaceful when left alone.

    • Joe Kaputi, kapuli kobe! Is killing Chanda in Livingstone peaceful? And, what do you mean they are docile & peaceful when left alone? Are you implying no other tribe should be near where they are as they will lynch that other person due to strength from eating natural yoghurt? This is alter nonsense and if you are any normal human being you should be ashamed of your lack of sensible thinking!

  14. KCI mind your language. There are more of us bembas in Southern province than the other way round. If these Tonga’s get pissed off bwana ninshi twaponoka. Bakali abantu aba and balikosa sana becuase of local yorgart. Let us just live in peace with them after all they are docile and peaceful when left alone.

  15. “He also urged PF members and other law abiding citizens to desist from retaliatory actions”………..Retaliatory what? Who was the instigator in this Livingstone incident? For Sata not to come out and condemn the alleged group of PF Cadres who drove to the UPND camp and hauled insults and bricks at the opposition is actually a pat on the back to these hooligans. He puts the blame squarely on the UPND. Had those foolish, tujilijili drinking hooligans not attacked the UPND camp, this would not have happened. Shame on you Sata and your PF thugs. You are all hooligans from top to bottom and you will face the wrath of the same law you are abusing. God should give you more years on this earth so you can answer to all the abuses you have inflicted on the citizenry who gave you your job.

  16. Well said ba HE MCS,these political failures the likes of HH and william banda do not know that they are on the weaker side. And his antagonistic style of politics is costing the UPND supports in the regions where the party enjoys very little support. Honestly, human life has been lost and party is busy worshiping HH.

    HH is a political failure the soon the UPND realizes that the better for them.


  18. Zambia has weird and boring people who follow and find politics interesting, any PF,MMD ,UPND article get loads of views and comments that sports or music, how sad is this.

  19. You just have to go to the UPND’s watch dog site to tell which party is violent. This online publication is the bitterest on the globe. Its an insult platform for UPND supporters on President Sata and PF just like their master HH does. This site shamefully has hired bloggers who freely post their insults while others who have opposite views are blocked, mockingly saying: “you are typing too fast”. They insult and defame women and families they perceive are PF sympathisers people who have no opportunity to defend themselves. You wouldn’t think they were Zambians, no sense of patriotism even on national issues. Sadly even people who seemingly would be intelligent have been turned into morons by their hate and bitterness. HH will NEVER rule this counry with this un Zambian behaviour

    • @ stela! watchdog?,,, what of the post?… if the watchdog is violent and its UPND… then the post is also PF and violent. Zambia media has taken sides,, because of one reason, becauses someone is trying to weaken the opposition….. lets have one healthly balanced democracy, not where the president feels he is king and zambians owes him

    • I see you mean tambe mbwa website that is a useless open source online …these chaps will one day account for their insults

    • Mourn? Why should we mourn?
      Go to hell and bury your Chanda the trouble maker who finally met his demise.
      Viva HHHHHHHH and viva UPND
      Power to the son of the soil, HHHHHH.
      Power to the brave and mighty UPND.
      Pansi uSata, pansi iPF party.
      Away with Sata and away with PF.
      aribati masipa mo Southern Province wautwa muuna, kibuwa naliwena mukhosi.
      Lomushimani Sata ubuwa maaka, akabuwi niiti. Waatina Sata,arikubati mo South Africa, ribata undante HH, wautwa chifebe sandante. Wanyela Sata

  20. The problem in this country is Zaireans thinking that they own this country and only them have a divine right to rule. I mean, have you ever heard of a cantacrous Hamweemba, Siasuntwe, Situmbeko or Mulemba causing “masalamusi” in Mansa, Chinsali or Chipata during elections, never! Ko cwale ki kulemalela batu, keep your stupid animal behaviour to where you come from, Ituri! You bring primitive conduct to Southern province you will be met with the full force of “enhanced Mapatizya Formula”. Basuntwe myebo, mwa kasondokide pe.

  21. What type of a national leader is this, who CAN NOT condemn violence as whole irrespective of who started it. Political violence is a danger to national security. He is a head of state that far more important not everyone belongs to a political party.
    Even at this critical point in time he issues a press statement instead of a press briefing or conference****shaking my dumb head****

  22. If you can fight on this page rather than dialogue and find solutions what more if you meet in person and show your chests.Can it not be Mufumbwe style or Mapatizya formula.

    Zambians, you have sunken so low as if you still live in the stone age.You re showing signs of primitivity.Honestly,looking at what you are writting all of you on this page it clearly shows you are muderers,and uncivilised lost generation.

  23. Don’t feel sorry for these thugs when the are doing it to you no one will feel sorry for you, these pf cadres or upnd or mmd these *****s are scum let them kill each other the ll be doing us a favor if the all died the add no value to the economy just drunks so yeah who cares in this day and age cadres for what purpose do they serve rubbish those are the same *****s you are now calling ministers enough of these retards

  24. Sata and pf are murderers who don’t even care to kill its own cardre just to implicate an inocent hh and UPND campaign team just for the sake of wanting to rig elections. You won’t go on for long because soon Zambians will rise up against you and dethrone you. What a wicked president. You are so evil and indeed satan incarnate with nothing good in him.

  25. You see senility has set in, this is not the same man who was a vibrant Lusaka Governor, although his time there needs to be investigated (Merzaf flats and the bus load of women he screwed using his position).

    Don’t know why this man and all the fools around him cannot see that PF always starts the fights, not long ago they sent the thugs to the UPND Kabwata rally. the chap who lost his life in Lstone was in a group of people who went to start a fight at the UPND camp.

    We have too many young men and women who are busy doing nothing, hence very easy to mobilize. We need a leader who will create meaningful jobs to keep these people off the streets and off the so called Donchi Kubeba markets. If I were a member of late Chanda’s family, I would sue PF and its stupid leader.

  26. There is no dignity to die in performance of cadre duty. I mean, what will your children say about you? “Dad died as a low level henchman for the PF”?

  27. Dear Mr. Hakainde Hichilema aka under5,
    What do you want from us poor Zambian people iwe, you feeble minded chap you are very very rich but you still want to be in State House and destroy our country; why can’t you build your own statehouse in Southern Province where you have too much land. I’m not rich but I’m more happy than you and I also smile every now and then; what of you under5 you will die of ulcers by always being a sad ****.
    You will never be president of Zambia ka under5.

    With warm regards

    • This typical i.diot, Maxwell like his usual likes, is just a gadfly on a palm of s.h.i.t.
      He always yaps like a typical Bemba old grandmother complaining about hunger on a sunday afternoon at Soweto Market in downtown Lusaka.
      Go to hell.
      We are used to your never ending recycled rhetorics.
      You are not the first one and you will not be the last one either.


  29. The killing party UPND is celebrating having shed blood. They rejoice when the have killed a person. They think by killing people they will win elections and yet they are pushing Zambians away from them. Who can vote for a killing party? Come 2016, UPND will again be last. This is because they dont fight for Zambians but always are against Zambians policy wise. When are they going to grow these UPND guys. I just wonder why they behave in this insipid manner. May God deliver them.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  30. Which youths went on a rampage beating pipo and daring Police in Kabwata?
    Lets not pretend, Blind loyalty is killing Zambia. PF is also Violent period.

  31. Mr Sata, please give your self to God. You were chosen by Zambians to be their leader. You never shed any innocent blood when ascending to that throne. You waited for 10 years while restraining your cadres from violence whenever MMD stole your votes. Sir continue with the same spirit of caring for Zambians. Don’t retaliate against UPND killings but pray for them so they see their wrong act. surrender them to God for He alone is the avenger.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  32. And it surprising that many of these UPND guys are SDA,s where they say they obey the law of God. The law says THOU SHALL NOT KILL , but we have these guys UPND in the order of Meastro Hehehehe ( Mwanga Mugungulu — SDA elder) who insulted Sata like his own child and yet Sata is just like his father. Mwanga Mugungulu has since disappeared from LT after Sata won the 2011 elections….I think may be the church elders either at SDA lusaka central or UNZA talked to him. What hypocrites are these SDA insulting believers. God is seeing you and one day you shall give account.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  33. Zedians please open your eyes and see, surely what does one expect from a party led by a third degree manson? HH is a Manson, a 3rd degree for that matter. Just watch this space you shall see more blood where ever HH shall put his foot.

  34. Zambia needs serious prayers. Christians it is time to pray for the nation without ceasing, everything happening in the nation is a reflection of the state of the Church .

  35. UPND be very careful of the traps being set before you, retaliation in the name of self defense is not the solution they will implicate you with a tag of violence. No one will know the difference between who is violent between PF and UPND. An example is Uhuru and Ruto of Kenya facing trial at the Hague .Uhuru is accused of retaliation. It seems you are being provoked by strategy and they may use this as one of the defenses for the commonwealth. There must be rolling on the floor with laughter because you played into their strategy. Exercise restraint no matter how you are provoked by them , Zambians will then make a judgement concerning who is a violent party. Continue documenting all violence and intimidations and continue sending them to international bodies for their urgent intervention

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