Saturday, July 27, 2024

Suspended Livingstone Mayor Aggrey Njekwa and others arrested by Police


Lusaka province police commissioner Charity Katanga
Lusaka province police commissioner Charity Katanga

Police in Livingstone have arrested suspended Livingstone Mayor Aggrey Njekwa (who ia also UPND Lizuma Ward Councillor) as well as three other people and recovered an offensive weapon in connection to the recent violence which led to the killing of Patriotic Front (PF) Monze district youth secretary Harrison Chanda.

Southern Province Police Chief Charity Katanga said the Police in Livingstone arrested Mr Njekwa and three others in the early hours of Thursday in connection to the recent violence which led to the killing of Mr Chanda.

Ms Katanga said the police also recovered an offensive weapon and that the investigations were still underway.

“For now, what I can say in that we are still investigating this matter and the nation will be informed of the outcome.

And nine United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres have denied the charge of obstructing police officers in their execution of duty contrary to 250 (b) Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

The nine UPND cadres are Manyika Habweengwa, aged 25, Victor Chilomo, 55, Daniel Mizinga, 24, Vincent Mulongo, 55, Rigan Hamaleka 45, Victorious Haloba, 54, Spearman Mumbuluma, 68, Obert Mulomba aged 41 and Ezron Moono aged 49.

Appearing before Livingstone Magistrate Chola Musonda yesterday, the nine accused persons said they all understood the charge of obstructing police officers in their execution of duty but they denied the charge.

The Magistrate Court has since granted bail of KR1, 000 and two sureties to each of the nine suspects whose occupation ranges from businessmen, farmers, drivers, security guards and workers of UPND president Hakainde Hichilema.

Earlier, defense lawyers led by Jack Mwiimbu and Martha Mushipe applied to the court to grant bail to the nine accused persons and argued that all suspects were Zambians who had a fixed abode and they posed no flight risk or not security risk.

But the State through a lawyer Lawrence Mudenda objected to the bail application saying the accused were a hindrance to police operations in ensuring that there was peace and order.

Mr Mudenda submitted that if the accused were released and continue with such a type of behavior with the police, then security was at stake and hence police operations would be hampered.

However, Mr Mwiimbu insisted that the charge was misdemeanor and bailable while the accused were able to meet any bail conditions which would be granted to them.

He said the objection by the State was based on mere allegations saying any person was innocent until proven guilty by the court of law.

And Ms Mushipe said the accused had a fundamental right to be granted bail as provided in the criminal code section 1, 2 and 3 Chapter 88 of the laws of Zambia.

In his ruling to grant bail, Magistrate Musonda ruled in favour of the defence saying allegations were never a justifiable basis for denying suspects the bail.

Magistrate Musonda said as rightly submitted by the defence, accused persons were innocent until proven guilty adding that he did not see any security risk being posed by the accused persons.

The matter would come up for mention on March 27 and April 25 while trial would commence on May 29 to 31 this year.

Mr Hichilema and Moomba Member of Parliament Vitalis Mooya were some of the notable UPND officials who were present in court.


  1. We will see where this whole thing will end at? There’s a thin line between Prosecution and Persecution in political cases. And as these cases by the PF and its Militia (Police) are mostly political expect the worst. Seeds are been sown. Soon they will start germinating. It is very dangerous to criminlize political opposition because the alternative path is not pretty!

    • You mean if he doesnt stop exercising his democratic rights? Since when was it a crime to oppose the government of the day? We are supposed to be a democracy and not an absolute monarchy. Sata is not a King. You are the maggots who are ruining the nation. Primitive people!

  2. What exactly were they doing to ‘obstruct the police officer in executing their duties’? New charges in the vocabular? What does that involve mwe bantu?

    • Its called political persecution. HH has been charged with inciting violence. Nkombo has been charged with Murder. Muntanga has not yet allocated a charge. They are still looking for one. Logic: HH incited Nkombo a grown up man to kill Chanda. Njekwa found with a dangerous weapon found at his home when the police went to arrewst him at 2 AM. Hope its the same weapon Sata’s thugs were photographed with at the UPND rally. Interestingly none of those thugs was arrested by the PF Police Militia!

  3. Politics aside. No one is above the law. You mean to exercise democratic right is to break the law? Even killing innocent citizens is now democratic right in Zambia? When the police do their work, they are now called police militia? Stop giving the police funny names because the police are not politicians. Let us call a spade, spade. A wrong will remain a wrong be it done by UPND, MMD, PF, NAREP or any other party and, or its member. Why descending ourselves so low by defending a wrong?

    • It even better to kill with poison not a machete,UPND is getting out of hand,it’s time the president gets to act on this one,let’s send these guys to prison for 10 years.

    • Iwe Phiri,are you in Zambia? It is known fact that police officers in zed are the most incompetent in the world..very dull,corrupt and with no morals! Graduates were employed in the police to improve the situation but even them think like grade 7s! Look at your ka IG,even this ka katanga b.i.t.c.h with her smelly cunt…all useless and you have the audacity to defend these fakaz.Panyo pako!!

  4. You doubt about the incompetence of the police it is almost one year now but the Ruth Mbandu case has not gone to court you mean police can not piece their evidence together all this while if this is not being incompetent what is it ,mean while the accused are rotting in jail.

  5. Mr Hichilema and Moomba Member of Parliament Vitalis Mooya were some of the notable UPND officials who were present in court. Thumb up to you all for not Abandoning your people especially in times like these ones.

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