Saturday, July 27, 2024

18 year old girl appears in court for throwing her dead baby into Lake Kariba


An 18 year old girl of Hanabuchi village in Siavonga district has appeared in a magistrates court for throwing the body of her dead baby in Lake Kariba.

Before Siavonga magistrate Bartholomew Kaongo was Fair Jungula a grade 7 pupil of Munyama primary school who is charged with one count of concealment of the child contrary to section 38 chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Facts before court were that on unknown date , but between 13th and 15th February 2013 while in Siavonga’s kanyelele compound, Jungula gave birth to a child and did endeavor by secret disposition of the dead body of the child to conceal the birth.

Jungula admitted the charge saying she got the baby and threw it in the Lake near Kanyelele harbour.

Jungula told the court that she was pregnant for 7 months and had a miscarriage at night while at home alone.

“The pregnancy was lost when i was at home and I got the dead body of the child and throw it in the lake. Of course I didn’t tell anyone about my miscarriage because there is no one I know in Kanyelele compound apart from my mom who had gone to the Island where I came from”, she told the court.

Magistrate Kaongo therefore recorded a plea of charge admission and set 13th March, 2013 for facts.

Meanwhile the accused person applied for bail saying she has not fully recovered from sickness and needed medication.

The bail was later granted to her and ordered to pay KR 200 in her recognition and produce two working sureties in the like amount.



    • Lord There is no pollution what so ever. Just a snack for crocky and shavings for buka buka to enjoy.

    • I was 18 the time I was doing Grade 7. So I see no problem here. We have different problems in life. You do not know why she is still at level. Stop talking anyhow

  1. Who is Minister for Gender and all that? I can’t remember among the 2 pages of ministers and substitute-ministers.
    This issue is not a joke;
    – Children are so scared of society around them, the girl couldn’t have courage to ask anybody.
    – PF government wants to push her, instead of helping the poor girl from the Islands.
    – 18 yrs old, still in grade 7.
    This is what just make my heart bleed, why do you people vote?

    • nonsense nostradamus,what has the age of this girl got to do with voting?Go and start sweeping the streets and stop posting unreasonable comments!!The law was there before PF came into power and no matter how much you hate them they are in power,period!!

  2. Our system is broken, period. We all have to take measures in mending it or Zambia will be hell for eternity.

    Waiting on the government to do anything, is the same as waiting for the return of Jesus.

  3. She needs counselling, proper counselling! Whatever the court decides, the Child welfare department must be brought in to monitor and help the young girl ……… She still has a future and the state should not curtail it in anyway. May the soul of the child rest in the Peace of Christ…….

    Young girls and women learn to share your problems with your cousins, aunties and Gogos( ambuyas) if you are afraid of mum and dad when you make a big mistake in life, please! Don’t do things your own way. Little wonder God blessed us with relatives, whom have to share our life struggles with. Life is not always a straight forward trajectory ………… PLEASE DO NOT ABORT A PREGNANCY! PLEASE DON’T!

  4. Reality of Zambia but people still don’t agree the country has gone wrong. Too bad really I can imagine her desperation to go that far as a mother trust me that wasn’t an easy thing she did she just didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately not a lot will understand that she needs professional help to get over the trauma. God may guide you through this. R.I.P LITTLE ANGEL

    • #9 Sana. Start preparing for your funeral, better you travel next week to die in your village, because there were you are they will just throw you away. This is your last super, you are gone, Lesa ni malyotola, ulinkulungwe, enough is enough, if you never faced death tomorrow you will, worse of all 2 more in your family. You can’t say that on a poor-innocent girl.

  5. My dearest bloggers,
    Please desist from condeming her for being in grade 7 at age 18. An unaceptable things are rife in Zambia that are just too ghastly to contemplate. For instance it is very painful to hear of boys and girls committing suicide owing to life desperation.There is power in educating children dear pilgrims. Our future as a nation lies in ensuring that every child in Zambia is in school.

  6. Waste of resources and time!
    A dead foetus is not something we should be wasting our scarce resources on, we should be trying murderers and rapists. Just recommend some psychatric help for the young lady and some community time. It is problems like this which highlights why those clinics RB bought from China are not effective. We need clinics which can be accessed everyday not once a year!

  7. Please mwebantu imwe,education does’t have age limit!we all have different paths in life,you have no idea why she is still in year 7,she wants to work hard for her future so that she wont depend on the GOVERNMENT like some of you.Some of you guys you are what you are now because your parents were rich or you were just lucky,that’s why some of you Zambian mukotela no bututu!

    • Did Sata ask her to have unprotected sex on top of that throw the body of that child in the lake? i doubt her innoncence, she is a murderer period! Has any one done any examination to determine that she didnt just abort the pregnancy? stop politicking everything you hear and see, she killed that baby she must be punished.

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