Saturday, July 27, 2024

“GAZA” group from Lusaka’s Chibolya Township with intention of causing violence is in Livingstone-Police.


Southern Province Commissioner of Police Charity Katanga (right) addressing Livingstone journalists in her office
Southern Province Commissioner of Police Charity Katanga (right) addressing Livingstone journalists in her office

Southern Province Commissioner of Police Charity Katanga has said that the police were closely monitoring a group of people commonly known as ‘Gaza’ which recently came to Livingstone from Lusaka’s Chibolya Township with an intention of engaging in violence.

Addressing a media briefing at her office in Livingstone on Monday afternoon,, Ms Katanga said the police were alert to ensure that the group did not intimidate voters or engage in any other form of criminality.

“We wish to warn anyone trying to cause violence or anarchy that the law will catch up with them.

Unfortunately we already recorded a death of Harrison Chanda and we will not allow any more death. We are well ahead of this Gaza group and we have enough space to detain such people,” Ms Katanga said.

She also urged the electorates in Livingstone to vote peacefully on Thursday saying the police would guarantee peace and security to all voters.

“Let everyone vote without intimidation and we wish to warn political parties to preach peace even as they do media campaigns which are allowed.

We will not allow any form of campaign such as flyers apart from print and electronic media,” she said.

And Ms Katanga said the freeing of Mazabuka Member of Parliament Gary Nkombo and eight United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres on Monday followed the fact that the police currently had direct evidence in which Mr Lungu allegedly hit the fatal injury on the late Mr Chanda.

Ms Katanga assured the nation that the prosecution was going to secure a conviction in view of the current evidence.

“We have everything on hand as well as the identity of that particular person (Mr Lungu) and whatsoever was used on that material day of February 25, 2013.

The nation will be informed at an appropriate time. The injury was grave and an object was used but I will not tell you what kind of an object was used for fear of jeopardising with investigations,” Ms Katanga said.

She said apart from suspended Livingstone Mayor Aggrey Njekwa, who had already been turned to a state witness, there were other witnesses who were ready to testify in court.

“The most important question that we have established so far is on who struck the fatal blow?

Of course we can’t rule out the possibility of more people going to be arrested but a pressing question is on who caused the death and we have established that already,” she said.

Ms Katanga said vehicles were damaged while windows were shattered when Mr Chanda was allegedly killed.

“A lot of information is coming in on identity of all other people involved and the police will not rest until all of them are cornered.

They can enjoy their limited freedom now but the law will catch up with them. The beauty with criminal law is that it ‘doesn’t rot’. Even if it takes two or 10 years, we will catch up with them,” she said.

Ms Katanga said more members of the public were helping the police with information regarding the matter.

On Monday, Livingstone Magistrate Chola Musonda released Mr Nkombo and eight UPND cadres following the instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to discontinue proceedings in the matter.

During the same day, Mr Lungu, 26, of B230 Livingstone’s Libuyu Township appeared in the same court and he was charged with the murder of Chanda contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Mr Lungu would appear in court on March 25 this year for another mention while the court awaits instruction from the DPP.


    • Gaza! NO doubt these are PF stone throwers… chibolya is PF stronghold! there are NO UPND cadres in chibolya, thats a fact

    • Firmly deal with all trouble makers regardless of political affiliations.

      Protect and defend all law abiding citizens at all times

      Zambia belongs to all citizens

    • Bana Katanga, too much stuff in IN-tray, and empty OUT-tray. You better work woman, than being a celebrate. This woman likes cameras my goodness, abawamako fye!?

    • Mis katanga everything u said is substanceless you didn’t need to even waste pipo time in your office . Wo are these GAZA and who do they represent . Don’t give us peace meal information . We know Gerry Chanda and known PF thug is behind this thuggery group. Sata has brought dirty politics during MMD we never hard such threats during bye elections. TB Joshua where are u

    • @1.5 So Belenge fimo fimo, in which country are you where there is hardcore dobo, there is that Mo Taim there, with same ka flag, so crazy you GAZA.

    • when i say upnd is an extention of boko haram, you all condenm me. You dont need to search far; when you see a political party with a bitter frowning faced president just know its a terrorist trained party.

    • @Nostradamus am pa Denmark bigman.You ask for Kristiana when you come to Copenhagen.Here it is legal.Chibolya used to be our play ground but those days are now passed.Will never puff one in Zed in my lifetime.Better do it where dobo is respected and legal.And trust me all the folks here are well to do in society.Only in Zambia where they look down on you.

    • A word of advice to Charity Katanga is that she should stay clear of politics.It was therefore not wise for her to mention that the murder suspect Lungu is a UPND cadre.Police are only interested in a criminal without classifying them as Catholics,Seventh Day Adventists,UPND etc.As it has turned out,Suspect Lungu is in fact a PF cadre.Does Charity Katanga not look foolish with this revelation?

    • ARREST THEM! And take them back to chibolya, they will scare tourist in livingstones, ,,,and, those boys donot bath their smelly bodies, its normal to be kaponya and dirty in PF

  1. Let us support Charity Katanga for her diligence in fighting crime. She is professional in her duties.

    • What deligence? Why did she get Gary locked up for nothing, as boss, she knew who the true culprits were. Foolish chaps.


    • Yo reasoning is below par. Why supot her, isn’t she th 1 who arested inocent upnd pipo? She’s jst a useles pf cadre.

  2. There is a lot of jealousness in Zambia
    After earning together with my fiancé Nick almost £70 000
    Paying a mortgage, insurance on 2 dogs and a cat, insurance on 2 cars
    Member of local gym (where I have started swimming lessons slowly)
    And going on holidays when it suits us
    I can understand why seeing people look at us and belittle me for no reason at all

    The point is, an average Zambian man is angry bitter delusional man if they can’t have
    What they see. A lot of jealousness and believe me HH doesn’t your sympathy you shouldn’t
    Be talking about his money when most of you don’t even have a mortgage or car

    I am being put off coming to Zambia if the crocodile tears and silly comments on him don’t end


    • Madam Mushota, you are any Accountant and in accounting at least the old accounting I did myself being a fellow the equivalent of a state counsel in law for many years now there is what we should to call consistent concept which you are not applying consistently but selectively in debating matters on this site. You have been consistent on Nick and your qualification but not on matters that are the subject of your comments.
      It was just yesterday when you were supporting Sata on his directives to the DPP to prosecute HH over his wealth because you strong feel that he did not earn it clean as it is just too much. But what are you talking about by seemingly support HH’s riches and at the same time you want him investigated and condemning men for being jealous of him. HH worked for what he…

    • Mushota if that is you real name in life I admire you for one thing. You have not used abusive words at least during the times I have read your comments even under very provocative comments and abusive word used against you. How are you able to absolve the insults rather calmly?

    • He earned what he has. I earned what I have I am sick and tired and I feel people you should stop pointing fingers at things which suits them

      Even here people purportedly backing and supporting HH don’t even have a divine right to be talking about him
      I am seeing comments above which say nothing about anything( if that makes ) My point is parties have the ‘youth’ Kaponya etc ie who add nothing but make noise the loudest If those barometers are anything to go by people like Masala, Ndobo, Robin, Senior citizen, Ba Teddy, etc are our ‘youths’ here

      They don’t deserve to be commenting and should be banned by LT because they are the ‘youths’ of LT and add nothing and should be condemned to talk about HH because from what they way it contributes nothing and above all…

    • Mushota, there is no such word as jealousness in the English vocabulary. It is either jealous or jealousy! Just like there is no such word as biasness. It is either bias, or biased. I thought with your usual boasting about living in the UK and acquiring so many lofty academic qualifications (which, going by your English, is a big doubt for me), you avoid such elementary mistakes. Wawonekela!!!

    • There is also a large contingent who will come here and watch what I say and I know that if I have made a point that is valid thy don’t talk about the pertinent issues but rather talk of correcting my English, which believe you me my English at most times is better their parents, their forefathers and better than writers at Lusaka times (sorry LT just saying the truth)
      Such nonentities who should be learning from me divert and presume that just because I am doing my PhD I would care to proof read what I write at the spar moment
      No grow up, I am not here to educate anyone I am here to contribute and only nincompoop would sink that low as you will notice time and time again

    • Mushota your grammar today is worse than aN average Zambia man. Here we build our own houses without mortgage and we own them nothing like the insurance will grab if and when you forfeit a payment. How much was your input any way you can’t compare to HH wachepa!

    • Here is free advice Mushota. Remove those G-strings, skin tights, bandanas and minis from your warddrobe and burn them. Also, stop patronising taverns and shebeens. I bet you, you will be a good woman.

    • @mushota,,, i thought you should have directed your comments to lubinda who responded to you. I don`t understand why you are throwing cheap punches at me because i don´t have bananas any more for your monkey mentality. For your own information i donot support HH, i support fairness for all not what these PF MONKEYS are doing with the justice system in zambia.

    • Iwe ka Mushota: “There is a lot of jealousness in Zambia” what sort of Chizungu is this. Mwati walipwisha na Grade 3 iwe pushiii!

    • Awe, mwaice Mushota, wawa apa peena. For a PhD student to create the new word ‘jealousness’ ,which does not belong to any of the known word classes, is simply out of this world.

  3. Guys behave yourselves. Human life is sacred. It is NOT survival of the fittest or law of the jungle. In Kafue NP there is nothing like Mr Lion Nkalamo on such a day Constable Giraffe Ndyabuluba of Jungle Police (JP), arrested and charged you for killing Mr Impala’s son. So you appear today before Magistrate Wise Owl Chipululu Fwifwi for mention. There are witnesses, Mr Hungry Hyna Chimbwi NP and Mrs Dove Kapele who saw how you chased, caught and grounded young Impala and sank your 6 inch incisor teeth in his neck, before mauling and Shreding him to pieces with your co accused, your clan of cabs and hubby. CHIBOLYA IS A JUNGLE…

  4. Let PF thugs finish killing each other if they want. This is the second or thirsd time they are killing each other and yet UPND is always accused. And Katanga shouldn’t say they released Nkombo and others voluntarily. It was because all their tricks to implicate Garry could not work because some police ZWD journalists/ wissleblowers informed the ZWD about Lungu. Had it not been for that, today Garry Nkombo would have been inside for murder. also that Mwaliteta’s outbursts made it clear that it couldn’t have been garry against their plan.

    • The cabinet can even be 700 if we want , do you know how man seats the Cuban parliament /cabinet has ? 612 , how about the Italian one ? come on guys the population is growing so the government must grow too .

  5. So please Katanga catch those unreasonable people who want to turn our country into a lawless jungle. How can they leave their homes and work in CHIBOLYA to go and cause confusion in Livingstone? Someone must have paid for their transport, accommodation and food to carry out that assignment. KATANGA PLEASE CAGE THOSE BEASTS! We must be acting like a civilised society! Not ifyabupuba pa Zed.

  6. @1.1 Ndobo I wouldnt with certainity agree with u. Have heard of Mapatizya formula? Which party devised that deadly formular?

  7. Katanga has lost it. She has lost respect of the people of livingstone. She no longer commands respect from ranks and file officers who look at her as little unprofessional over zealous puppet of PF. Am sure she is more than ashamed now that she abused people who may in future be her bosses.

  8. Gaza, in Chibolya, is the location where marijuana, cocaine and all sorts of drugs are sold and smoked/sniffed/injected. This is the infamous Chibolya area that DEC or Cops dare not go to or else they get defeated by the Gaza Boys. Another infamous location for such boys – in some cases ex-convicts and ex-soldiers, is Inter City Bus Station. One political party is very well known for mobilising and using these groups for violence during political activities. I am sure Katanga and the police service know all this, little wonder they are not mentioning the political party behind these Gaza Boys. The police should also come clear and mention that Lungu is a PF cadre and he killed a fellow PF cadre. What goes round comes round. William Banda and all MMD cops aren’t in power today.

  9. But evans you people? It will take at least 10 years for him to grasp what is happening at parliament. He has to first of all unlearn the f#ck, exsay language, get rid of chibuku mentality in his head, and just be in a right frame of mind to articulate serious issues. It will be a horizontal learning curve for him. Vote Musokotwane!

  10. It is interesting to see that Zambians are opening their eyes and are realising that they are fighting each other because they are fighting Fred Mmembe’s battles. Fred Mmembe, a naturally bitter and sarcastic person has been behind the politically bitter environment since 1989/99. In 1989/99 it was Fred Mmembe who lied to us (the father of donchi kubeba/ lies) that he had dug dip and had information to the effect that KK had stolen $7 billion from the national treasury which he had stashed somewhere in Switz banks. The whole nation hated KK with a passion rightly so for his dictatorship but for the wrong reason as well for stealing the $7 billion. KK was reduced to nothing literally, nothing, thanks to Mmembe to a large extent.
    In 1999 it was Mmembe again who had developed such hatred…

  11. For today, I will chose to disagree with ZWD. That bat called Dandy Crazy should be punished. It is even good that he is feeling the bad side of what he campaigned for. It was him who composed the Donchi Kubeba song that led to this police state we are in now. So let him feel the pinch. I don’t feel sorry for him, infact I am happy to learn that same police state he campaigned for has finally caught up with him. I felt bad for people like Garry Nkombo being detained in police custody because they never chose or indeed campaigned for this brutal police state of Sata, but not for Dandy Crazy. We don’t feel sorry if those that keep snakes get beaten by a snake. It is his time as well, probably he will learn to be careful next time so that he will know how to use his talent of singing by…

    • Why should you feel sorry for him when he new that what he was doing was wrong?It doesnt matter which party you belong or the song you sang as long as you have broken the law,then you will be charged.
      This is exactly with Hungry Hyena who is being accused of stealing,intead of him standing up and explaining,he is busy being bitter and telling he did not steal.let us know where he got his wealthy.

  12. GAZA what?? madam katanga,can you please deal with such people farily.I dont care which party they belong to but i hate violence.
    Killing one another during election time is something that shoild not happen at all costs.cage the chaps,let them disclose who sponsred them.Am pretty sure its UPND. PF is not a violent party and the president cannot condon this.
    Let whoever is involved be caged.

  13. How can the whole police force and livingstone pipo shake over ka useless, poverty stricken group calling themselves GAZA and of all places in lusaka they stay in chibolya? Do we a police that defend the civilians let alone army in zambia??? O doubt cos . if u look at the army boss GBM the unftness of the security wings is manifested in their boss… what if M23 decides to attack yaba we can be butchered

  14. If indeed the police are aware off this group, what are they waiting for before pouncing on them and probably send them back to Chibolya? What have they gone to do in Livingstone? Clearly, this group is not opposition party related otherwise Katanga could have been screeming with wide eyes for the ‘UPND’ cadres to be trailed and apprehended with swift.

  15. kATANG A REASONS THROUGH HER CRITORIS. You know they have come from Chibolya not vote but cause viloelnce and you are announcing instead of arresting them, i mean the PF criminals, do you share the bloody wealth with them? Ypou must resign for negligence of duty.

  16. Mushota, you must be ashamed of yourself, how can chi mukulu choonse only be learning how to swim now! And living on an island, that is very dangerous, this is how people drown in swimming pools like Mpombo almost did in Livingstone.

  17. police do your job arrest mwaliteta , the man called musonda, the lady called mate, beer man lungu,the wife to chanda, all these people gave false information to the police, the evidence is there at the times of zambia and znbc,

  18. Zambia needs serious prayers. Christians it is time to pray for Zambia without ceasing, everything happening in any nation is a reflection of the state of the Church in that nation.

  19. Katanga continue working but do not be used by politiicans. PLEASE emulate Dr. Malama who never wanted to be pushed by politicians. Because he is principled and well educated.

  20. It’s a big lie katanga she’s being ordered by pf to cover up the truth, pity katanga u are a criminal too like yo pf boss u shud be ashamed yoself stupid silly ***** woman.

  21. Gaza group is actualy pf group paid of course by pf to kill upnd kabimba knows everything. Now another lie katanga has been commanded by pf satans to cover up the truth about Gary Nkombo’s attacker that criminal minister katanga protects such. Criminal cases do not rot katanga herself has declared.

  22. I am suspicious that the PF will rig the election this week. Too many good things are happening for the opposition and this may be a gimmick to hoodwink and bamboozle the opposition. Please ensure that the Mapatizya formula is in place and no rigging goes own. Shame on you Mr. Sata.

    • Mapatizya formula needs to be clearly explained to Zambians to avoid speculations advanced by certain quarters implying that it is tied to violence.

  23. It’s very sad to have young women like Charity to be abused by an old dying man in plot 1.Charity i wonder how you managed to graduate from UNZA,did you use you over grown pubic area with amaso to get your degree?No wonder UNZA graduates are not recognized in most countries,they are a shame especially women.They graduate using their in between like Masebo,Charity and the like.Anyway your day is going that is Zambia my little girl.Am sure human rights was not one of the subjects you studied at UNZA otherwise you would behave better and more civilized than want are doing now.

  24. It was Mapatizya formular, now it’s Garza group, followed by Abena ngumbo plot, followed by Rooney style then Mesi’s goal, then mwachiusa invasion then the Lozi attack then the soldiers awake followed by the state house run.

  25. Those Gaza terrorists are not in livingstone for violence. They should be there as Ghost voters that were registered in Lusaka under the so-called continuous voter registration when Pa-Fwaka was sure livingstone would hold a bye-election just about the time Sikwela was resigning from Pa-Fyamba. I can tell you that more chibolya continuous ‘ghost’ voter registration should be on now for Lukulu, Itezhitezhi and Kapiri constituencies . . . just thinking.

  26. Saw Charity on TV last evening, she looked troubled. She talked like a mentaly retard. I guess thats what happens to people who try to fight the truth. She will never be herself if she continues being used by evil politicians to fight and kill innocent people. May she see no peace!

  27. The Gaza fimofimo from Chibolya are servants of HH. He must have equiped them with gunias of ulubangula to go and cause meyhem in Livingstone as a consolation for his party’s impending loss in tomorrows’s by- election.

  28. For sure Charity looks somewhat confused and delusional sometimes. She seems to stare into far distant places out of her immediate surroundings as she speaks and appears to be addressing her self than her audience. At times her rapid speech comes to a grinding halt and is replaced by one that is slurred & un rhythmic. 2 people have died under election watch and she’s tried to launder those deaths. My advice, stop drawing attention to yourself, rather focus attention to the people u police and love them! Then u will have peace

  29. I have said it before that L/stone is a very cosmopolitan and peaceful city. We do not need leaders and cadres from outside duirng campaigns and election times. We have our own peaceful local Political Leaders and Cadres. In the next bye-election soon Police should ensure non- locals not to come to L/stone if they are not locally registered voters whatever rank they hold in any party.

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