Saturday, July 27, 2024

I will resign if UNWTO flops-Masebo


Tourism Minister Sylvia Masebo (middle) speak to Senior Chief Mukuni (next to her) as Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga (left) look on
Tourism Minister Sylvia Masebo (middle) speak to Senior Chief Mukuni (next to her) as Information and Broadcasting Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga (left) look on

Tourism and Arts minister Sylvia Masebo says she will resign if the UNWTO general assembly slated for August this year turns into a flop.

Mrs. Masebo was speaking this morning at Zambezi Sun Hotel during meeting held for the Local Organising Committee and National Steering Committee tasked to prepare for the UNWTO.

Ms. Masebo has called upon all those tasked to oversee the preparations to work hard or risk being fired or disciplined.

She said the PF government expects Zambia to successfully host the UNWTO adding that that the resources which have been disbursed by government towards the organising of the UNTWO conference need to be used prudently.

“If you steal money meant for this conference you should consider yourself fired,” she said.

The Tourism and Arts Minister has further more warned institutions which have been funded not to change the projects which they have received funding.

“I have suddenly noticed that some institutions are going against what was agreed as projects to be under taken under the UNWTO and I will not allow that.”

Ms. Masebo commended the local media for highlighting important issues in the preparations for the UNWTO conference.

She however appealed to the media in Livingstone to be factual and not cover issues and statements that are retrogressive to the promotion of the tourism sector.


    • Those boots she wearing are designed for hookers, in Zambia commonly known as prostitutes. And those sunglasses are for 15 yr olds, and not forgetting that Sylvia Masebo still uses UTUMBOKONIA.

    • Zambiano…

      if you had information that some of us are privileged to, you will not be hallucinating about Sylvia.
      You are probably safe with what you have and be content with that.

  1. Commendable but also tempting your detractors to assist your speedy resignation. Dipping in to cookie jars, vested interest, fun and games from smarting opposition. Actually I would love UNWTO to go well for its benefit to Zed but you politicians need to agree that all of you are potential caretakers of the future industry and its to everyone’s benefit not to politicise tourism.

    • It is…correction. Aww LT. I’m behaving again. Wishing Zed well for successful industry development is good for all.

  2. Ba Sylvia, don’t make such statements, just work!! We have heard such statements before, by Zambian government officials. It’s also not good to keep issuing threats to workers. It’s demeaning and demotivating to workers ! Don’t you have a written disciplinary code of conduct, which spells out offences and types punishment to be meted out to erring officers? Threats do not make people work hard. Give them just respect, and they will move mountains. Typical Zambian bosses!

  3. Ms. Masebo you have been given a blank cheque by your gov’t how can you fail…. as for the media please do not dictate to them what you want printed just focus on your own work.

    • Don’t forget that most things are organised by Zimbabwean govt. I sometimes wonder whom these PF think they are, who is Masebo not to resign even today? A woman without a bra?? Ndalakei used to boast in similar way, where is it now?

  4. I would definately start supporting pf if Masebo, mmembe, nchito & Mahtani were to leave the pf run the affairs of the country on their own.
    These are the pipo that have been holding our president hostage after brutalising him with alot of insults all along until RB grabbed the presidency.
    Let her resign, after all we still remember her at city market denouncing Sata in 2006 & having a tough time with bakaponya.

  5. hmmm,that time she said she would resign pali ZAWA,she didnt. natunaka naimwe please. we know you can not resign. people like you madam masebo work without principles. you insulted sata ati he cant be president and so many things,now you are praising him. please give us a break and just shut up and do what you can. PF manifesto has not changed since the time you were a minister attacking sata when he was opposition. how would you explain joining him now? simple i can answer it for you again,no principles!!!!!!

    • You are right Putin, but then some of our African fashion followers do not care about when to wear what. Siberian winter coats will be seen worn in summer in Africa.

  6. Uh-uh, just just like Andeleki promised to resign immediately if his de-registration of MMD didn’t stick?

    I wonder who will decide if UNWTO is a “flop”?

  7. Believe Ms. Masebo at your own peril….I remember her promising people on her FB page that she would soon give people her reasons for appointing one Wynter Kabimba on ZAWA board, up to date she has not muttered a single word about that issue.

  8. The picture is beautifull and interesting…….the man in blue shirt… is he looking at the lady talking to him or wat..? the guy in orange ‘T ‘ shirt scratching his head seem to b saying… ‘all my god’…’jesus’… after seeing something. The chief’s stance reminds me of some stance i used to pose wen i was proposing some girl in my teens…the guy behind the chief seem to b very attentive to wat da minister and da chief are talking about Y?……Sylvia shuld have fastened up one more button on ha shirt…not gud for da chief….lastly, did u say permanent secretary for info….? thot shuld hv bn for tourism

  9. Miss Masebo you seem to be a very busy and active woman, i for one find it very impressive as it entells hard work keep it up, i just love women who can do what a man can do, go girl.


  11. And this son of Masebo in USA is writing on Facebook, “.. whats your say on Momms looks, check out LT”. Seriously? Own son commenting on mother’s looks, what kind of family is this Masebos? Who is father to this boy? Are they all retarded?

  12. Donchi kubeba; if it turns out to be a flop she will pretend it was a success, in other words she can never resign, not for any cause whatsoever.

  13. Sun glasses: very rude to talk to people while keeping them on. it can never happen to a politician in any developed country.

  14. Ati resigning. This statement and threats to workers smack of an impending failure already. Wouldn’t it be helpful to resign now than to wait until it flops? But then we are in Africa, aren’t we? She should have gone further by defining what failure would be in such a case, because like one blogger stated above, even if the whole thing fails, she will adamantly and arrogantly say it succeeded so that she keeps her Job. Or is this a preemptive dress rehearsal for a speculated dismissal allegedly instigated by the first lady?

  15. Some things never change… from the Archive

    Fri 16 Dec. 2011 SYLVIA Masebo says the PF administration should never repeat the MMD government’s folly of shooting down any sensible motion by the opposition in Parliament because that is bad governance. “We don’t want to do what the previous government was doing,” said Masebo as Kalabo Central UPND parliamentarian Chinga Miyutu, through a point of order, questioned Masebo’s blaming of a government she was part of it.
    “Let us be different from the previous administration, to be more specific, the Banda administration.”
    Sun 20 May 2012: SYLVIA Masebo yesterday said Chief Justice Ernest Sakala must resign and pave…


    Ba Sylvia, don’t make such statements, just work!! We have heard such statements before, by Zambian government officials. It’s also not good to keep issuing threats to workers. It’s demeaning and demotivating to workers ! Don’t you have a written disciplinary code of conduct, which spells out offences and types punishment to be meted out to erring officers? Threats do not make people work hard. Give them just respect, and they will move mountains. Typical Zambian bosses!

  17. It would be good to see that that Zambian Companies get an opportunity to work on this conference and we trust that South African companies do NOT unsurp us completely!

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